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Sophisticated Sophomore (Love 101 #2)

Page 4

by J. Nichole

  I sit uncomfortably in the car as Josh walks back to the driver’s side. This just doesn’t feel right.

  When Josh gets in the car, he avoids looking at me. “What’s going on, Josh?”

  “After meeting your boyfriend yesterday I feel bad about this, but I just need to get it off my chest.”

  Anticipating what he is going to say next, I put my hand in the air. “Josh. Don’t say anything.”

  He grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers. “Listen, our timing has been off. But I want you to know I have been attracted to you for a while now.” I slide my fingers out of his hand. “I’m not the one to break up a happy home. But if you and Chris don’t work out, I’m here.”

  “Josh.” I shrug as all my words escape me.

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just tuck it away.” He reaches for my hand again and I let him take it. He gently kisses it. He opens his door and walks around to open my door.

  He opens his arms for a hug, but I tap his chest before I turn to walk back into the restaurant.

  Chapter Five

  Lying in my bed, I roll over and stare at my phone. I need to speak to Chris. I expected to hear from him as soon as I got back to Tallahassee, but nothing yet and it's been a few days. Maybe he is waiting for me to call first.

  I sit up in the bed and clear my throat. I press Chris’ name on my phone and wait for him to answer. The phone rings… and rings… and rings… then I hear his voice recorded on his voicemail. I wait for the beep, then say, “Chris, I was hoping to catch you. I’d much rather see you in person and talk about this past weekend. Call me, let me know when I can stop by.” Falling back into my pillow, I cover my face with my blanket. My eyes begin to burn as the tears well up. I hope I haven’t lost him.

  With class in an hour, I drag myself out of bed and pick out a sundress. In case Chris calls, I want to be cute when I see him. In the bathroom, I take a quick shower and apply a little make-up, and then unwrap my hair. After taking a glimpse of myself in the mirror I smile and nod. Cute!

  Driving around campus I'm not surprised that there aren't any parking spots. Usually, if I'm running late Chris tells me I can park at the frat house. But today that's not a good option. I'll keep looking for a spot. Although the stadium is not near my building, I'm sure I can find a place there.

  Of course, the parking lot is near empty but as I pull into a spot the clouds begin to roll in and I hear thunder off in the distance. I should just go home and crawl back into bed.

  With my umbrella swinging in my hand, I trot across campus. My phone rings but stopping now to answer it could leave me caught in the rain that is sure to break the sky soon. I jog a little faster and duck into the economics building with only a minute before class starts.

  Jason pats the desk beside him and I take the seat. He leans over and says, “Please tell me you studied for this quiz.” Fuck!

  “Of course not. I completely forgot about it.” The excitement drains from his face and he frowns. “I assume you didn’t either?”

  “Naw, I haven’t had time.”

  The professor walks in with a stack of papers. Jason and I look at each other and he shrugs his shoulders. “Good luck.”

  "I will give you fifteen minutes to finish this quiz." The professor begins handing out the quizzes. "No talking and no questions. When you're done bring your quiz to the front of the classroom."

  When the professor drops my quiz on my desk my heart begins to beat out of my chest. Dear God, please let me do well on this quiz. I flip the quiz over and I’m relieved to see there are only five questions. After answering the first two questions, question three throws me for a loop and I have to bullshit my way through the answer. Question four and five aren’t too bad, and just as I stand, the professor tells everyone time is up. Thank God I finished. Unfortunately, Jason didn't. He was still writing.

  “Did everyone pass?” The professor smirks. “Who can tell me the answer to question one? What is the definition of a recession?”

  The quiet girl in the front row raises her hand and the professor points to her. She says, “GDP growth is negative for two consecutive quarters.” After she answers, she gazes down.

  The professor claps his hands. "Correct." Approaching the white board he grabs a marker. "Let's move on to the next chapter. When you get your quiz back if you have questions, schedule time with me during office hours."

  Jason passes me a note that says, “We need to start a study group with that girl in the front.” Instead of writing him back, I just nod my head and smile. We both listen intently while we jot down notes. I can hardly keep up with the professor, but I try.

  "I'll return quizzes during our next class. If you didn't do well you could redeem yourself on the next quiz."

  Jason and I hop out of our seats and try to catch the quiet girl before she exits the classroom. “Excuse me. Can we talk to you for a second?” I slide in front of her to grab her attention.

  She looks up at the both of us and says, “Sure.”

  “You seem to really understand this stuff. Do you have a study group?”

  She smiles slightly. "No, I don't. But do you two want to start one?"

  “We do. Let’s exchange information and plan to meet before the next quiz.” We get each other’s information, then I step aside to let her leave the classroom and we follow a few steps behind her.

  “Thanks, Laila. I’m glad she doesn’t mind meeting with us. Clearly, my plan of sitting behind you isn’t going to work if you don’t study.”

  I roll my eyes at Jason as we exit the building. “You need to bring your butt to the library and act like you have time to study.” Jason follows as I walk to the library, and then when I start walking across the grass, he stops. “You aren’t coming?” I ask.

  He looks down at his feet and says, “Yeah I’m coming but why do you need to cut across the grass?”

  With my head cocked to the side, I glance at the grass beneath my feet then back to Jason. Throwing my hands up in defeat I say, “Didn’t mean to offend you or the landscapers.” I step back onto the sidewalk. “Good now?”

  He nods his head. "Yeah, I'm good."

  Jason doesn’t say much as we walk to the library. I grab my phone from my purse. It’s off. I hope Chris hasn’t tried to call.

  Turning it back on, I see I have a text from Chris, a missed call, and voicemail. Shit. He probably really thinks I’m crazy now.

  Jason finally turns to me and asks, “How are you and the boyfriend?”

  Sighing, I look at Jason and smile. “We are good.” Hoping to change the subject I continue. “Have you found a girl yet?”

  “Naw I don’t really have time for one right now.”

  “Too busy to study, too busy for a girl, what are you doing with all your time?”

  He shrugs his shoulders and looks away. Okay. I check my text message before my voicemail.

  Chris: I’ll be at the house during your break. Come by.

  Too bad I’m almost at the library.

  Laila: My phone was off. But I'm almost at the library. I'll stop by after my last class if you are home.

  Chris responds before I can put my phone away.

  Chris: I’ll be here.

  Driving from the stadium to the frat house, my hands shake as I try to grip the steering wheel. I hope we can move past this situation and get back to normal. I could use a pep talk from Tanya, but the topic of her brother may come up, and Josh is the last person I need to be thinking about right now.

  Finding a parking spot in front of the frat house is easy, as always. Oddly, Chris' car seems to be the only car there. Although only a few guys live there, there are always random Ques roaming around the small house.

  The door is wide open so I just walk in. Unlike other times, the house is silent. Almost too quiet. I walk past the tacky living room furniture and through the hall to Chris’ room. The door is closed. My hand reaches for the doorknob but I stop and knock instead. I couldn’t handle walking in
and being surprised.

  Chris opens the door and a grin as wide as the ocean spreads across his face. He wraps me in a warm embrace and pulls me into his room, closing and locking the door behind us.

  We sit on his bed, and neither of us says a word. He reaches over beside the bed and hands me a bouquet of red tulips.

  “Thank you. They are beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome.” His smile widens. “I’m glad I can still make you smile. After this weekend, I was beating myself up, thinking I could have lost you. The last thing I ever want to do is make you unhappy.”

  “I should apologize because I went from zero to ten over a dance.” I reach over and grab his hand. “I’ve never been extremely jealous but seeing you with another girl just tore me apart.”

  “I know that now, and you won’t have to worry about it again.” He laughs. “I will have to say I had a flashback of Courtney when you flipped out on me, though.”

  "We definitely don't want to go there. Speaking of Courtney, I haven't seen or heard from her since she was walked out of your apartment last year."

  “When word got back to the president about how she was stalking you, and the situation at the apartment, he strongly suggested she transfer schools. She was making suicidal threats and her parents agreed she should move closer to home. Now she’s back in Tennessee.”

  “Tennessee? I had no idea she was from Tennessee.” My heart feels like it leaped out of my chest. “Is she from your hometown?”

  “Naw. Thank God. She’s from some small town on the other side of the state.”

  “And how did word get back to the president? Seems random.”

  “My mom made sure she made a few phone calls after Courtney pulled her stunt at graduation.”

  “Guess I better mind my manners.” Chris lowers me on the bed and lies beside me.

  “My mother loves you. You don’t have to worry about crossing her.”

  “Are we good now?” Rolling on my side to face him I say, “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Babe, I’ve been good. I just needed to give you some space to make sure you were okay.” Caressing my cheek he says, “I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know.” His stomach growls and we both laugh. “Right on time. I’m hungry and I threw together a little something for us.”

  Chris knows my heart. “So you just knew I would be coming over, huh?”

  “If you didn’t I would have had a great dinner tonight and a nice lunch tomorrow.” Chris winks at me.

  “Uninterrupted dinner?”

  As Chris gets up and walks towards the door I follow him. “As much as I can control.”

  Sitting down at the card table with a couple of chairs, our makeshift dinner table for the night, I laugh to myself. His mother would be ashamed of this decor. I’m sure she is willing and waiting to come in and make this place homier.

  Chris returns from the kitchen carrying our plates and the aroma trailing him is heavenly. A mix of garlic and cheeses reaches my nose before he can set the plates down.

  “I hope you don’t mind lasagna. I had a craving and called my mom for the recipe.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I know you can cook, and this meal won’t disappoint.” Examining the plate that’s decked out with a nice serving of lasagna, salad, and a slice of garlic bread I nod my approval. “Thank you for doing all of this for me.”

  “Anytime. Besides, if the flowers weren’t enough, I knew food would get me back in your good graces.” Chris smiles and takes a bite of his food. “How was the rest of your weekend?”

  “I’m not going to lie. I was miserable. The girls tried hard to keep my spirits up but I was ready to get back to school.” My second encounter with Josh will be left unmentioned. No need to rock the boat.

  “They say the strength of a relationship lies within the way a couple handles a fight. Promise me, no matter how upset you are with me, you won’t ignore me.” Reaching for my hand, he continues, “That shooting at the club was a huge eye opener.”

  “I promise. I’m sorry I caused you to worry. But I am glad we all made it out safely.”

  Chris peers over at my plate that is now almost empty. “Were you hungry?”

  Looking down, I laugh. “I guess I was.”

  Chris grabs our plates and walks towards the kitchen. “I’ll meet you in my room.”

  Digging through Chris’ dresser, I pull out a t-shirt. Pulling off everything except my panties I throw on his shirt and crawl under his comforter. As I lay waiting, I hear commotion in the living room. I’m sure his roommates have returned. There goes our privacy.

  The door swings open abruptly, and my eyes bulge out of my head. "Hey…"

  “If you’re looking for Chris he’s in the kitchen.”

  “My bad, Laila. Didn’t realize you were here.” Chris walks in behind his frat brother and pushes him out the door.

  I hear them talking outside the cracked door. “Yo, I didn’t know your girl was here.” Then his frat brother’s voice softens to a whisper and I can’t hear what he is saying. Even as I strain my ears, I hear nothing.

  Chris walks back into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. “Sorry about that. These dudes aren’t like my old roommates.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Thankfully, I was under the covers.” Pulling the covers back to reveal how scantily dressed I am, I signal him to join me. “Come here.”

  His grin widens. "Gladly." Lying beside me, he nuzzles his nose into my neck and inhales. "Damn I missed you babe." His hand roams under the shirt and he pulls me closer to his body. "I just want to hold you tonight. Not even sex you."

  Snapping my head around, I look at him and pout. “I was looking forward to the make-up sex. I hear it’s the best.”

  Chris laughs and shakes his head. “Considering I hope we never have a reason to have make-up sex again that’s hard to pass up.” Rubbing my stomach he says, “But tonight, I just want to hold you.”

  Sighing, I kiss his lips. “We may need a pillow between us then.”

  Ignoring my request, Chris closes the little remaining space between us. I squirm as he caresses my stomach and titties. His hands move south between my thighs and I whisper, “You can hold me but don’t tease me.”

  He pulls his hand back and wraps his arm around my waist. “Sorry. You’re hard to resist.”

  I push my ass into his crotch as his erection rises. “Hard indeed.” Pulling a pillow from the other side of the bed I wedge it between us. Although my juices are flowing, I close my eyes and relax in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  Campus seems eerily quiet, and I’ve only passed a few people on my way from the English building to the Journalism building. The overcast sky and the threat of storms have everyone indoors or skipping class today. I had an exam and had to be on campus. Lucky me.

  Hopefully, Professor Douglas is in his office. He’s been M.I.A. lately. When I open the door to the building I hear thunder just before the sky falls out and the showers begin.

  When I get to Professor Douglas’ door, it’s open and I can see him at his desk, looking over papers. I knock on the door and he looks up smiling. “Come on in, Ms. Jackson.”

  “Dr. Douglas, I feel like I haven’t seen much of you this semester. Where have you been?" Freshman year I had Dr. Douglas as a professor and stayed in his office for help with my assignments. Over time he became a father figure. He was always concerned about my life outside of the classroom, making sure my relationship with Chris didn't get in the way of my coursework.

  With sad eyes, Dr. Douglas sits back in his chair. “Ah dear, I’ve been around. Taking a few days off here and there to enjoy myself.”

  “I wish I could do the same.” I smile at him slightly but something tells me he isn’t telling the whole truth. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

  “I have to love yuh journalism students. Always probing.” His Jamaican accent prevalent more when he is scolding me, he points a shaky finger at me. “I’ve
fallen a little ill lately. But nothing a few home remedies can’t cure, I’m sure.”

  “And Mrs. Douglas, how is she doing? Busy taking care of you?”

  Professor Douglas looks away. “She’s fine. How is that young man yuh started dating last year?”

  “We are still dating and he is doing good. He stuck around for the M.B.A. program.”

  “Good. Make sure yuh tend to yuh studies and don’t let the gentleman take up too much of yuh time.”

  “Yes sir. I’m not going to keep you too long, but I’ll be back to check in on you. Take care of yourself, Dr. Douglas.”

  “Thank yuh for yuh concern, Ms. Jackson.” He turns his attention back to his papers.

  The rain is still coming down aggressively. Walking across campus to my car is out of the question. My next class isn’t for a couple of hours. I turn towards the atrium, which is the hot spot to hang between classes.

  The atrium is packed, but I find a seat next to a few girls from my Intro to Mass Media class. I interrupt their whispering, “Hey ladies.”

  Breaking their discussion they both look up and say, “Hello.” Then turn back to each other and continue whispering.

  Not one to miss out on gossip, I lay my bags down and try to lean in to listen. I hear them mention Dr. Douglas and a young female. Now I'm curious. “Sorry, I just heard you mention Dr. Douglas. I just left his office. What’s going on?”

  Sarah looks at me with eyes wide-open but doesn’t speak. She looks to her friend then shrugs her shoulders. “We heard there’s a junior who is pressing charges against him for sexual harassment.”

  A loud gasp escapes my mouth just as my heart drops into my stomach. “That can’t be true. Professor Douglas wouldn’t do that. He loves his wife.”

  Sarah nods her head in agreement. “I don’t think it’s true either, but you know some of these girls are scandalous.”

  Her friend snickers. "I wouldn't be surprised. I hear professors do it too often. Love his wife or not, men are men." I have to check myself as curse words begin to form on my lips. Instead, I just shake my head.


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