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Seasons of Heaven

Page 25

by Nico Augusto

  The trees became more frequent than the rocks and it started to look like an underwater forest. Olham touched the plants with his hands and left a luminous trace behind him. All of the plants began slowly waving in rhythm with Olham’s moves. His stick shone irregularly as the lake became shallow.

  Olham kept his head out of the water then, his feet were still in a sort of lagoon. Outside, the rocks and the air dust are sparkling.

  In front of him a unique landscape was laid out and from the ceiling grew an apple tree. Olham seemed to not even notice the abnormality of it. It was because the old druid knew where he was going all along…and what he would find when he got there.

  He made his way to the center of the space and looked up at the tree, and then down at his feet. there was a stone there that looked like a grave, covered with white, fine sand. Underneath it rested the bodies of the Ancients. It was a sacred place…a sacred tomb. The cave was cut into the mountainside and was a cross between jagged outcroppings and smooth brown rocks. The rocks were piled deep on the ground underneath Olham’s feet and a tree grew out of them not far from where he stood. The rays of the sun penetrated down into the crevice, striking the rocks and the tree and encouraging the growth of moss across the moist ground. Olham stood on a high, flat rock and opened his right hand. A shower of fiery, dancing sparks shot out. They swirled around above Olham’s head, lighting up the walls of the cave like a beacon. The old druid’s eyes sparkled underneath the intensity of it all and his silver beard looked almost luminescent in its wake. A long, dark shadow stretched out behind him and seemed to move independently as if casting its own incantations. Then suddenly the sparks began to come together just above the palm of the hand Olham still held open. Little by little they joined and at last they formed a circle of light that seemed to capture him within it. The light spun around him quickly, shooting off sparks again in every direction and when it came to rest once more, Olham was left with a weapon in his hand. The weapon was an axe that had been used by Olham’s descendants. It was strong with Ki, spiritual energy and Olham knew this was the only way to destroy the Banished and be rid of the evil ones once and for all.



  2047 Present time somewhere…

  “Dad, how do you know so much?” Nina asked him. “Who is in the tomb in Heaven?”

  “How do you know all of this detail?” Ana asked. The girls were intrigued by the story, but confused about how their father knew it so intimately.

  ”I have spent a very long time trying to protect the precious elements of the world. I have learned a lot, and I want you to know the whole story so that someday you can help to change the world too.”

  “There is a lot to remember,” Ana said, “How do we save the world? Our world is a mess Dad, all we have to do is look around to know that.”

  Her father gave her a gentle smile and said, “I promise that you will understand at the end of the story. We can change it and make it right this time. It’s just going to take a lot of heart and a lot of love.”





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