Touch Me (The Touch Series)
Page 18
My alarm wakes me and I feel a little groggy from not having a full night's sleep. The conversation with me and Riley from last night springs into my mind and I’m instantly saddened with the thought, I could lose him.
He has taken in a large part of my heart and I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I’m going nuts with him gone only a few hours, how will I be able to handle him out of my life for good.
I crawl my way out of bed and take Manny downstairs. While waiting for the coffee to brew, I let the pooch out into the backyard and fill up his dishes. Once my coffee is ready I let Manny back in and head up stairs to get showered and ready for the day.
I do my best to keep my thoughts of Riley's situation in the back of my mind and focus more so on what I’m able to control.
I gather up my things by the door and sit down to enjoy one more cup of coffee out on the deck.
Since I know Riley will be busy most of the day, I decide to send him a quick text so that he knows he’s on my mind.
Char - Thinking of you and anxiously waiting to spend the night in your arms. xoxoxo
A few minutes pass by and I hear the text alert go off.
Riley - Always thinking of you and I’ill be back before you know it.
I hear Derrick come in through the garage door and assume he’s back from his run. He sees me on the deck and I wave for him to come out.
"Enjoying your final moments in casa de Peters?" Derrick asks.
"Yea you could say that." I say looking at him with a sad face.
"So did Riley call you last night?"
"Yea, but it wasn’t until after midnight. Seems the meeting with the clients went well and he had a good dinner with his sister. Oh yea and he has owned RPK Contracting since he was 25 years let me rephrase that, his brother-in-law tried to steal the company that Riley has owned since he was 25." I tell him not making a big deal at that last part.
I get up from the table and make my way back into the house. I rinse out the coffee cup and place it into the dishwasher. I can sense Derrick staring at me, but I really don't want to talk about how all this makes me feel.
"You okay with all this Charlie?" He asks trying to get me to look up at him.
"I'm not too sure what I feel about it all right now and from Riley's standpoint last night he isn't too sure either. I’m going to head on over to work and try and keep myself busy till later tonight. Then when I see him we will talk about it a little more."
I look at him straight in the eyes and say, "If it’s meant to be it will all work out."
He looks at me not quite sure what I meant by that statement and to be quite honest, neither do I.
I give Derrick a big hug and kiss on the cheek, thank for him for last night, and head out the door.
I get to work with just a few minutes to spare. I quickly get up to my office, log in for the day, and start to bang out my morning.
Around 11:00 Angie comes into my office with a big fat grin on her face.
"Hey lady, what's up?" I ask.
"Oh not too much, just wanted to see if you could come to lunch with me today." She says dancing her way through my office door.
I laugh at her crazy gestures and wonder why she is in such a good mood.
"As much as I’d love to go, I have to work through lunch today. I’m going to head out a little early since Riley will be back and we’re meeting Derrick over at my parents for dinner. Rain check?”
"Yea I guess! Well since I won't be able to tell you at lunch, I have a hot date tonight...wish me luck!" She says swinging her hips back out of my office.
"Ok crazy, you don't need my luck, just have fun!" I tell her with a wink.
I work straight through lunch as planned and am grateful when Gail comes in to see if I’ve eaten anything today. I tell her that I had two cups of coffee and a yogurt, but nothing since. Being the saint that she is, she runs across the street for me and brings me a salad and a cup of soup.
I check my phone a few times throughout the day to see if Riley has called or text, but after noon I get a little anxious for him to go into his meeting.
I dive into one of my larger accounts and busy myself with some calculations, budgets, and an analysis that takes me the rest of the day. Before I know, it’s already past four o'clock and I need to start packing up the reports and shut down for the week.
I take one last look at my phone and see no missed calls or texts from Riley. I know he had a lot going on this afternoon so I figure he’ll just catch me up to speed when I see him at my parents in a few hours.
Falling asleep last night wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially with all the stuff going through my mind. I know I want to start the day on a positive note and keep the right attitude going throughout the day.
I need to take a quick shower and pack up my bags so that when I leave here this morning, I’m able to check out right away and head to the meeting.
I pick up my phone to turn off the already set alarm and see there are a missed call from Bryce and a text message from my sister. I listen to the voicemail from Bryce and my jaw hits the ground.
I did it, we got it, the job is ours.
The message from Bryce simply said that he received an email from the team and they enjoyed our meeting yesterday. He continues to say that they found no reason to prolong the final decision and will be sending the signed documents to Taylor & Sons today via fax and overnight the originals today. This news is fucking fantastic and I am more than relieved to know I’ve done my part to help out our team.
I need to call Bryce and see if he still wants me to meet with them today at noon.
"Bryce, hey it's Riley. I just got your message."
"Great work down there yesterday, you did it. Now get on a plane and get back home."
"Will do. Thanks Bryce."
I hang up and quickly call Emma to see if I can head over there a little early.
"Hey Emma, are you free like now? Change of work plans and I’m not needed for the noon meeting."
"Yea sure, I can meet you at the storage unit in a half an hour."
I finish gathering my stuff, hop in the shower, and check out of the hotel.
I pull into the storage place around eight o'clock. I don't see Emma's car so I figure all I can do is sit back and wait.
I close my eyes for what feels like a brief second and I hear a tap on my window.
"Morning Riley. Nothing like coming into town and waking me up at the ass crack of dawn." She says with a smug grin.
"Sorry sis, but I got to get home to my girl in Boston. The sooner I got here the faster I can get back home." I say opening my door and getting out of the rental car.
"So Boston is home now huh?" She asks leading us through a gate and down a row of larger units.
"For now yes and to be honest anywhere that Char is, that is where I want to call home."
"Jesus Christ Riley, you moved away and fell in love. Who would’ve guessed? I’ll have to meet her sometime soon." She says with a sincere smile on her face.
I give her a nod and we walk till the end of the row, Emma opens the door with the key. I see the motorcycle and boat Emma told me about last night.
"My god, what were they doing with this stuff?" I say aloud.
"Who knows, but I’m more than willing to let you have anything in here you want, your choice." Emma says walking closer to the boat and motorcycle.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yep!" Emma replies. "It really is the least I can do after everything that happened before you left."
"I’d love to take the motorcycle. I really don't have use for a bass boat in Boston." I tell her.
"Both were well taken care of and I had them inspected and insured not knowing what I was going to do with them." Emma tells me.
"You thought of everything I can see. I can't wait to get the bike up to Boston. Char will love it." I say w
ith a great big smile on my face.
"Great, it’s settled then. I'll put the title paperwork in with the rest of the stuff for you to take back. How are you going to get it back up there?" Emma asks.
"How long of a drive is it from here to Boston?" I ask.
"Shit Riley, it’s like thirteen to fifteen hours depending on traffic." She tells me.
"Well then I guess I better get a move on then huh?" I pat her on the back and make my way out of the storage unit.
"You are crazy little brother." Emma says giving me a crazy look.
"Oh Emma, you have no idea." I tell her with a wicked grin.
I need to figure out how the hell I’m going to get a motorcycle back to Boston and still make it to the Taylor's house for dinner tonight.
"You can't tell me that you are going to drive that bike back to Boston today Riley?" She asks.
"Do you have a better idea?" I ask looking right at her for a suggestion.
"I think I still have the contact info for a guy that does vehicle transporting." Emma says while scrolling through her phone. "I’m sure I have it somewhere, you know me I keep all that stuff."
"Always so organized with connections across the country, I appreciate this Emma."
"Riley I owe you so much more than getting a motorcycle to Boston. Whatever you want me to do, I will get it done. We’re family and families stick together. I’ll always be here for you and I know you would do the same for me. I just wish my head was thinking straight like this a few weeks ago.
I make my way back over toward Emma and give her a big hug.
"You will always be my sister, no matter what Emma."
"I know!" She says. "Oh, I found it. Let me make a quick call." She walks out of the unit and down around the corner.
I start to look through the documents she brought. I need to sit down with Derrick and Bryce for some guidance with the business. I need some legal advice and business advice that will help me make the right decision.
After Emma made her call, she came back around the corner with a huge smile across her face.
"He said the soonest they can get the bike to Boston is Sunday afternoon."
"Good enough for me." I tell her.
Emma pulls out the items from the folder and we begin to look through the documents together. She explains what each one means and I let her know that I’ll have Derrick and Bryce look over some things with me through the next week.
I’m not in a rush to make any drastic moves, but at the same time her life and the family business is now in my hands.
I leave the storage place with a better sense of pride that when I first arrived in North Carolina. Emma is my family; she’s all that I have left. We have to stick matter what.
Turning into my parent's driveway, I have so many emotions flowing through me. I’m happy to see my parents, but most of all I can't wait to see Riley.
Is it crazy that one person can miss the presence of another person this much? My heart begins to flutter at the thought of him and I just cannot wait to be beside him, to put my arms around him, and kiss him.
I park the Jeep in front of the garage and make my way to the front door. Before I can ring the bell the door swings open and there he is standing. I am frozen. My feet are once again cemented to the ground. The anticipation of seeing him and knowing what he’s been through, it really is enough to drive a girl crazy, and now he is in front of me I am dumbstruck.
He steps out of the doorway, shuts the door, and grabs me up into his arms.
"God I've missed you Char." He says while placing a soft and sweet kiss to my lips.
"Riley, you have no idea." I reply.
He walks me over to the side of the house to a bench beneath a huge weeping willow tree. The long branches of the tree make it difficult to see in or out of our little meeting spot. Riley sits down on the bench and brings me down onto his lap. He runs his hand up and down my spine in a loving gesture while taking his other hand to position my face in front of his.
Our kiss begins slow and loving, but within only a few short seconds it turns hot and passionate. I love the way he kisses me. It’s our small way of expressing our feelings without using words.
My tongue dances with his and my body tingles from my toes to the hairs on top of my head. This man does crazy things to my mind and body and god I’m so glad I am here and wrapped in his embrace.
We slowly pull away and just stare into one another's eyes. His hazels tell me so much, yet I still have so much worry about what I know he needs to tell me. I continue to gaze at him wanting him to tell me everything will be all right, that we will be ok, and that we won't have to be without one another.
I place one last kiss to his lips and slide down off his lap. If I’m going to question him about his trip to North Carolina, it’s best that I’m not sitting on his growing erection.
"I am so glad you are here Riley. I thought that maybe you would’ve stayed a little longer to figure things out. When you didn't call or text me all day, I got a little worried."
"Char, nothing could keep me from coming home to see you. Yes, there is a shit load of things to take care of but thankfully I have your father and Derrick to help me out."
"What do Daddy and Derrick have to do with you and RPK Contracting?" I ask with a confused expression on my face.
"I did some thinking after we got off the phone last night and I briefly spoke with Emma this morning. This is a big decision on my part and I know I don't want to give up my father's business. Now I just need to know how I can play a role, but from the sidelines."
"What does that mean?" I ask scrunching up my nose and lifting my brows.
"I want to be as much a part of RPK Contracting as I can. But at the same time I want to do it while being here in Boston with you." Riley says as he trails his fingers into my palm and grabbing tightly for my hand.
"Riley what are you saying?" I ask, a lump of anxiety building in my throat.
"Char you came into my life when I least expected to gain a best friend, lover, and future partner. I don't want to lose you and I don't want to give up what my father and I worked so hard to build. I spoke with your father and Derrick today after I flew into Boston. We can make this work, I can have the future I always dreamed about and you can be a part of it too."
I don't hesitate a second. I jump right back into his lap, into his arms, and hold him tight. This man has changed my life in such a short amount of time, but my god I don't want to go on another day without him.
"Riley this is amazing!" I squeal.
"Baby, you are amazing and we’re going to have a wonderful life together doing all the things we’ve dreamed about."
"Sounds perfect!" I say and place small, sweet kisses all over his face.
Our moment is broken by Derrick scratching his throat.
"Alright you two love birds, time to come in and eat some grub. I don't know how much longer I can keep Teresa and Bryce from coming out to get you themselves. We're all starving." He says pushing some branches to the side to see us sitting on the bench.
"Thanks for the tip on the bench Derrick." Riley says.
"What do you mean the tip?" I ask looking back and forth between the two of them.
Derrick laughs, "This was always a great hiding spot. Chloe and I would come out here and spend a lot of time together. It’s peaceful and you really can't see in or out between all these branches."
"Oh you sly devil Derrick." I say with a giggle and lead Riley by the hand out of our new secret place.
Boarding this flight back to Boston will give me the chance to think over a few things that I need to take care of sooner than later. After talking with Emma, I know RPK Contracting is and will always be in our capable hands. I don't want to shake things up for them or the teams they’ve worked so hard to create. This was Dad's dream and we will make it exactly what he always envisioned.
I am st
ill a little confused and shocked about what Emma found, but if it was in my parents’ heart for me to own this business that is exactly what will happen.
I called Bryce and Derrick to keep them informed of what’s transpiring and that I’ll need their help and guidance to make my plan work.
I lean my head back against the headrest and let my eyes close shut. Between all that has taken place over the last few days, my mind and body are telling me to get a little shut eye.
The stewardess is tapping my arm and telling me we’ve arrived in Boston. Holy shit, I think to myself. That was one hell of a nap.
I’m ready and anxious to be home and see Char. I’m hoping to get to the Taylor's house before her and I need to reassure her that we’re going to be ok. I know the news of North Carolina must’ve taken her by surprise and I’m positive she’s worried what will happen.
I need to let my girl know that everything will be ok, that she is my future and we will make this all work out together.
Walking through the bypass I can see Derrick waiting for me up ahead. I walk over into his direction and pat him firmly on the back.
"Hey man, thanks for picking me up." I say.
"No worries bro. Let's get out to my car and then you have some explaining to do." He says looking at me like I am about to go into an interrogation.
"Good plan. I have a lot of ideas, but I need you and Bryce to help me get them in order."
"Ok then, let's make our way over to Taylor & Sons Contracting and see what we got."
I follow Derrick out to the parking lot and I’m filled with a positive mindset. This is all going to work out, I just know it.
It's about two o'clock by the time we get over to headquarters and luckily Bryce is free for the rest of the afternoon.
The three of us sit in one of the smaller conference rooms and I lay it all on the table for them.
I show them all the documents my parents had left including the deeds on the property, the building, and the ownership papers for RPK Contracting.
Derrick goes into legal mode and starts to make some calls. Since my signature has never been placed on the documents we’ll need to get that situated first thing Monday morning.