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Cherished by the Cougar: A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance (Mystic Bay Book 2)

Page 16

by Isadora Montrose

  “Love isn’t that easy.” Besides she attracted users.

  “It can be if the couple are well-suited.” Robin held up her hand. “I admit I arranged matters so Ryan would cross your path sooner rather than later, but that and the paperwork was the full extent of my involvement. I did not meddle with either of your feelings.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed bile. So much for that theory. Perhaps the lack of a spell was why Ryan wasn’t in love with her. Just because she felt this awesome transcendental bond, didn’t mean he felt it too. Now what?

  “What do you mean Ryan and I are made for one another?” she backed the conversation up a step.

  “When two people’s auras resonated the way yours and Ryan’s do, love is inevitable. If you want some free advice, allow yourself to be happy.” The fairy crossed her hands in her lap.


  “Do you want to discuss your reception?” Robin continued coolly.

  Claudia pulled herself together. “If there is going to be a ceremony, you should discuss it with both of us.”

  “That works. Let’s reschedule.” Robin pulled up her calendar on her laptop.



  What had he done? Ever since she got home, Claudia had been spoiling for a fight. Oh, she had concealed it well. Jimmy had prattled on through dinner about his visit to the pumpkin farm. His garishly bespattered pumpkin held pride of place in the middle of the table. He ate everything on his plate and asked for seconds. But Ryan had to choke down every mouthful. His mate was furious. When your queen was unhappy, no lion was happy.

  Ryan wracked his conscience and found it clean. He had spent a useful morning at the Bean with Walter and Quinn fending off the blandishments of Councilor Somerset. Walter thought he should start to weaken tomorrow or the next day. Quinn thought they should eat more brioche. The dragon was not taking this situation seriously. His old pal seemed to imagine it had been created purely for his amusement.

  Ryan had made a point of inquiring about Claudia’s day. It seemed pretty normal to him, except for her visit to Robin. Had the fairy upset her? He had heard that mothers-of-the-bride could interfere in wedding arrangements. Had Virginia’s wish list collided with Claudia’s dreams? He planned to back his wife to the hilt – even against her mother.

  Of course he had planned to leave the arrangements for the vow renewal up to Claudia and her family. Naturally if she wanted more input than a blank check, he could do that. But what the heck did he know about floral arrangements? If she wanted some gun emplacements, on the other hand, he was her cougar.

  As soon as Jimmy’s soft breathing indicated that his cub was sleeping, he braced her. “Have you and Robin settled the details?” he asked.

  “How could we? I don’t even know if you still want to be married,” she stormed.

  “Hey.” He held up his hands. “Where did that come from? As far as I’m concerned we’re already married and planning a vow renewal.”

  “Are we?”

  “Certainly. Your parents seem particularly set on a big ceremony. But what we do is up to you. Bride’s choice. Do you need me to back you up?”

  “And then what?” she demanded, brown eyes flashing.

  He was at a total loss. “After the vow renewal? I guess we get cracking on that house I promised you, or did you mean will there be a honeymoon? I figured we’d want to take Jimmy with us, so what about a cruise?”

  “I mean what are your plans now that you aren’t dying?”

  Ah. He sat down on the couch and held out a hand. After a moment she settled rigidly beside him.

  “Well, I’ll have to get back to work,” he admitted. “Can’t drag out my leave of absence indefinitely. But that shouldn’t be a problem. Not with the internet making a commute unnecessary. I’m not saying I won’t have to go to Portland regularly, because Cougar One is a pretty hands-on sort of boss, but we can get a helicopter if we need one.”

  “And you permanently forgo finding your fated mate?” Her voice was skeptical.

  He pulled her close to his side and spoke directly into her ear. “No need to look. I’ve found her.” He hugged her tighter. “What about you? Still looking?”

  “Me?” she squeaked.

  “You. Am I going to come home one day and discover you’ve found greener pastures, or gone back to that worthless tomcat who left you high and dry?”

  “No.” He felt her painful swallow. “No! You don’t have to worry about him. He’s ancient history as far as I am concerned.”

  “That’s good to know.” But he had to know for sure. “Because the real question is, are you satisfied with the bond between us? Because for a fact, on my side it will only get better. Deeper. Richer. I promise.”

  “Are you talking about that weird stuff that happens when we have sex?”

  Now he was the one who was annoyed. “Nothing weird happens when we make love.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “You don’t feel it?” she whispered.

  “I feel plenty. Our auras harmonize. And every time our bond just gets more powerful. But there is nothing weird about it. For us it’s normal.”

  “It’s pretty intense.”

  “Sure is. I figure my odds are poor for finding another female as perfect for me anywhere in the world. How about you?”

  “Me too.”

  He laughed. “Should I go first?”

  “Go first?”

  He kissed her hard. Looked into her pretty brown eyes. “I’m yours, Claudia, not because Cougar One told me to marry you, not because I’m dying, but because you are my one true love. I love you and I’m willing to wait until you love me too.”

  “I already do.”

  He tried and failed to keep the skepticism off his face.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  Ryan shook his head. “I don’t think you trust me enough for it to be love. But don’t fret. I’m patient. I’ll wait you out. You’re my fate.”

  “Why would you think I don’t trust you?”

  “I know you don’t – you keep feeding me that line about being a talent detector. As if anyone in Mystic Bay gives a damn about talent detection.” He kissed her left hand. “But when you’re ready, I know you will feel able to confide in me.”

  “Oh. That. I’m not used to telling anyone. It’s been a deep dark family secret ever since I manifested.” Her voice was thready.

  “Yeah? What is it? Assassination at a distance?”

  She choked. “No. I’m a spell-binder.”

  “Huh?” What on earth? “I certainly find you spellbinding.”

  “Not that kind of spell-binding. I can reinforce a sensitive’s talents or magic. Make the effects last longer or be stronger. The flip side is I can unbind spells, rendering people’s talent useless. That’s basically how I defend myself when you say my aura disappears.”

  He laughed in relief. “And you’re off-the-charts strong. No wonder the council is worried. What the heck do they think I can do about your gift? You unbind me too.”

  “Do I?” she asked wistfully.

  “Yup. Unman me too. But no matter, I’ll keep the island safe from your wiles.”

  She thumped his arm. “And how do you plan to do that?” she demanded crossly.

  “No hitting. You sorcerers have to learn self-control.” He kissed her fist. “I intend to keep you barefoot and pregnant. Well, pregnant. I have nothing against shoes. I figure two or three more cubs and you’ll be too busy to interfere in other sorcerer’s affairs.”

  “I see. While you wait for me to fall in love with you?”

  “Something like that. I have a secret weapon.”

  “A penile bone?”

  Happiness exploded in him like a fountain carrying him high. “I love you, Claudia Peterson. I love our son. And I plan to love whatever other children we make.”

  “I love you too,” she said shyly.

  “Good to know. You sure?”

  “I’m sure. I told you
that whatever I felt for your cousin withered when I found out I was supposed to be his secret second wife and that he already had,” she hesitated, “Several children.”

  “Then shall we go celebrate being in love? I want to see if I feel any weird effects from making love to a spell-binding sorceress.”



  “Are you sure I don’t look pregnant?” Claudia turned sideways to look in the mirror.

  “You are pregnant.” Virginia adjusted her daughter’s pearls so they skimmed her sweetheart neckline. “I never saw anyone conceive so fast after going off the pill!”

  “I am trying not to advertise that fact!” Claudia tugged on the waist of her white tea-length dress. “I look fat.”

  Robin sighed. Brides always found something to fuss about. Nasty bridezillas found fault with the arrangements, the flowers, their bridesmaids and mothers, and were only appeased when everyone was reduced to tears. Nice ones, like Claudia, focused on their own shortcomings.

  “You look beautiful. If anyone guesses that you’re pregnant, so what? You and Ryan are already married. Right?” the innkeeper asked dryly.

  “I guess,” Claudia said.

  “You should be more concerned about where Jimmy is,” Robin continued, although she was perfectly well aware he was in the protective custody of his Nana Rutherford, who had been detailed to deliver him to Ryan’s side without so much as a smudge on his face or clothes.

  “Ryan’s mother is distracting him,” Virginia said. She tweaked Claudia’s bodice and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. Is this fascinator too much?” Claudia fretted.

  “It’s sweet and whimsical and very bridal,” Robin assured her, admiring the pearl-embellished wisp of lace and feathers set on one side of Claudia’s updo. “Were you planning to wear shoes?”

  Claudia looked down in dismay at her stockinged toes. “Dear heaven, where are my shoes?”

  Daphne opened a white box with a flourish. “I’ve got them, Claudia.”

  Everyone crowded around to admire the bride’s pale-blue high heels. They were exquisitely impractical, but Claudia had fallen in love with them. Robin figured every bride was entitled to one extravagance.

  “Lift your leg,” Daphne instructed. She slipped the left shoe on and fastened the T-strap. Then repeated on the right. “Look in the mirror.”

  Claudia looked. Robin hoped she saw a radiant bride wearing a lace dress with a modern cut and elegant shoes. Her décolletage was filled in with Ryan’s gift of a triple rope of matched pearls. And her hair crowned with that sweet scrap of nonsense.

  A piano began to softly play. It was time to get this show on the road.

  “No tears,” Robin ordered. “Makes it look like you’re unhappy, and makes your mascara run. Where’s Tom?”

  “Here I am.” Claudia’s father came in wearing his good blue suit.

  “Good. You and Virginia walk on either side of Claudia. Wait until you hear the pianist switch to Handel. Daphne, Madeline, you go sit with your husbands and kids. I’m going to stand at the back. Everything is going to be just fine.” Robin ushered Claudia’s sisters out of the dressing room.

  In the inn’s ballroom, the seated guests were growing restless. Well, the youngest fifth were growing restless. Claudia and Ryan had invited not only their friends and relatives but all their children. Robin hoped her crew of minders would be sufficient to cope with all those sticky little fingers.

  Ryan was wearing his dress blues and looking handsome and well. His broad chest glittered with medals. Susan Rutherford, faithful to her trust, had turned Jimmy’s well-scrubbed hand over to his father’s. For the moment the boy was spotless in navy pants and white shirt.

  The younger cougar was the spitting image of the older one. People might guess, but that resemblance made fiction true. She and Gordon had pulled this fairy tale off.

  Mrs. Starkman began to play from the Water Music. Claudia was escorted toward Ryan by her parents. Sully put an arm around Robin’s waist. “We do good work, Ms. Fairchild,” he growled in her ear.

  They did. Ryan’s healed aura meshed perfectly with Claudia’s. These two were fated to a long and happy life with many children.

  “Let’s watch the show,” whispered Sully, urging her to their chairs.



  The vow renewal was going well. The ceremony had proceeded without a hitch. Claudia looked gorgeous in her white lace dress and snappy blue shoes. The pearls he had given her as a wedding present hung around her neck. But they were not more lovely than his woman.

  They had opted for casual luxury. No attendants except for Jimmy. No receiving line. No sit-down meal so that the many kids wouldn’t get bored. No speeches. At least no planned ones. He had a feeling that this was not going to be the first Rutherford event where Cougar One didn’t work the mic.

  But right now, Grandfather was dancing with Ryan’s bride. Grandmother was waltzing with Ryan’s father. And he was prowling the room greeting guests and waiting for his turn to dance again with Claudia. There were many cheeks to kiss and hands to pump as he accepted congratulations.

  The waltz came to an end. Ryan stepped lively, but his cousin Dominic beat him. Dom took Claudia’s hand and tugged her onto the floor. And out the side door onto the little balcony overlooking the ocean.

  What the heck?

  Ryan followed out of sheer curiosity. Dom was about ten years older than Ryan. Married to a senator’s daughter. This was probably Dom’s first visit to West Haven since he had married Felicity. She was sitting with a bunch of other Rutherfords looking bored. They were probably bored with her, just better at concealing that fact.

  When he got to the balcony door, Dominic was speaking. “I don’t know how you fooled Ryan,” he said admiringly. “But I can guaran-damn-tee that your cushy life will come to an end, Mrs. Rutherford, when I tell him who really fathered your kid.”

  Claudia did not respond.

  “He’ll believe me,” Dominic warned. “You can either help Kevin make sure I win the by-election in April, or see all you’ve worked so hard for crumble to dust.”

  “Kevin works for you?”

  “Spicer, Inc. is handling Dominic’s run for Congress,” Kevin Spicer said blandly. “I’m his campaign manager.”

  “What on earth could I do to help?” asked Claudia with a credible air of disbelief. “Even if I wanted to.”

  “Come on, honey, everyone knows you’re a spell-binder.” Kevin’s smarmy voice made Ryan’s skin crawl. “Off-the-charts powerful too. All you have to do to keep that ring on your finger is bind an itty-bitty spell for us.”

  “I’m a talent detector,” Claudia said calmly. “Can’t help you – even if I had the smallest reason to do so.”

  The coaxing charm left Spicer’s voice. “We could make a general announcement,” he threatened. “Blow your happy life on West Haven to smithereens.”

  “I don’t think that will be necessary,” Dominic said. “I’m sure Claudia has more common sense than that.”

  Ryan toyed with the idea of throwing Dom and Spicer off the balcony and over the fifty yards of rock into the sea. He felt angry enough to muster the strength, but behind him, Cougar One put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He met his grandfather’s blazing golden eyes. And Gordon Sullivan’s bright blue ones.

  “Allow us,” Charles said. He opened the door.

  Sully walked out on the balcony. “There you are, Claudia,” he said genially. “Ryan’s waiting for another dance. Dominic, we have a little proposition for you. Charles, this little pipsqueak wizard is Kevin Spicer.”

  “How do you do, Spicer? Dom, I’m afraid family pressure means that you will have to withdraw from the congressional race.” Cougar One’s urbane voice was as smooth as silk and as hard as steel.

  The rest of the conversation was cut off as abruptly as if someone had flipped a switch. Sully exercising his talent.
br />   Claudia’s brown eyes widened when she saw Ryan waiting for her outside the door. He offered his elbow. “I can’t get up to conduct unbecoming an officer in my dress uniform,” he confided. “But I promise, I’ll deal with whatever Cougar One and Sully leave of Dom and his campaign manager.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no need.”


  “Queen’s Rules. I don’t want mayhem at our wedding. Besides we owe Dominic.”

  “Do we?”

  “Would you wish Jimmy unborn?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “There you go. Now let’s find our son and have a victory dance.”

  “Whatever you want, O’ Queen.” He led his wife in search of their son and their future.


  Keep reading to enjoy preview chapters from Desired by the Dragon and Beloved by the Bear.




  Mystic Bay Series Book 1


  Isadora Montrose

  Billionaire dragon lusts for forbidden fairy princess. Alpha male Quinn risks heartbreak when he breaks the rules to pursue strongminded curvy Moira. This strongminded BBW is drawn to artist Quinn, but isn’t keen on becoming a dragoness. And Quinn’s secret hoard of naked fairy pictures may be a deal breaker…

  Keep reading for the first 2 chapers.


  Seattle, March


  “What do you mean you’re selling the gallery?” Adrian Whitlock’s salon tan washed out to gray. His air of suave superiority evaporated.

  “I mean that I am getting out of the art business,” Moira met her partner’s demand as calmly as she could.

  She deeply regretted having to close her galleries and abandon her dreams. But even if Adrian was not at the root of her anxiety attacks, she could not continue a partnership with a crook. Whoever heard of a fairy with anxiety issues? The Fae were serene, deliberate, content. Lately she had been a rattled shadow of her former self.


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