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Secured Heart

Page 14

by Measha Stone

  “Heel in the corner.” He pointed to the spot he wanted her, and she moved with as much dignity as she could muster to the position.

  “I have to speak with George for a few minutes,” he said. “Stay.”

  She wasn’t able to say anything before he was gone from the office. Her knees began to ache from kneeling on them in such away. Her mouth was dry, and she really wanted a glass of water. How long would he leave her like that?

  She didn’t have very long to ponder the current state of her discomfort. The door opened only a moment later and in strode George with Kendrick behind him.

  The men walked to the desk, and George sat behind it. Kendrick took the empty seat and crossed his foot over his knee, looking as though he were about to watch a football game.

  Kelly looked at George to see his reaction to finding her kneeling in the corner of his office. Nothing. He had seen her, he had looked in her direction upon entering the room, but he didn’t seem to take much note of her.

  They began to have a conversation about usual security issues, at least what she assumed were usual issues. She tried to listen, but found herself eyeing Kendrick through a new lens. He was every bit in business mode at that moment, but she knew he felt her presence. His eyes never turned to her, but she could feel his alertness in her regard.

  His right arm dropped between the chairs so that his hand hung loosely. She noticed the shift in his position and remained focused on him.

  “So, I’ll ask Gary to stop by this weekend and take a look at the back door lock. It’s working fine, but I’ve heard it jams. Probably time for a new one.” Kendrick was saying as he snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor.

  Her eyes darted from his hand to his face. He was turned away; she couldn’t see his expression. The snap came again, louder this time. He was calling her to him? To crawl to him? In front of George?

  Was he trying to humiliate her? The fleeting moment of panic washed away when she made her first move toward him. She kept her eyes on his fingers that stilled when the shuffling sound of her knees against the carpet filled the room.

  George did not look her way; instead, he continued talking with Kendrick. She reminded herself that George was the owner of the club, and as such had probably seen way weirder things than a naked woman crawling to her dominant across the room. Her dominant.

  She worked to keep her movements smooth, her eyes more focused on him, as she made her way to him.

  Once at his hand, she waited for another command. He shoved the chair back a few inches to make room for her. Then he curled his hand around her neck and led her to kneel between his knees.

  The conversation continued between the men, but Kendrick brushed his hand across her cheek as it did so. She wondered briefly if she should feel embarrassed being treated in such a way, but the worry dissipated when he pushed her cheek to rest on his thigh. She felt too warm, too cozy to try and pick it apart.

  “Did Ted’s date stick around or did she leave?” Kendrick’s voice tightened with the mention of Ted.

  “She’s still here. Dominick and Teri are chatting her up in the lounge. Apparently, Ted met her a few weeks ago and has been trying to get her alone.”

  Kelly hadn’t realized until the mention of the girl that Ted could have been planning to work his trick on a new innocent. He needed to be stopped.

  “Good.” Kendrick patted her cheek and rested his hand on his other leg. “I’m not coming in tomorrow night. Have a date with a really hot red head.”

  His words surprised her, and she looked up at him. He did not look down at her, instead he kept his focus on his friend.

  “Finally.” George laughed. “I noticed the bracelet.”

  Kelly wanted to ask George about his comment, but she hadn’t been told she could speak, and she was pretty sure she wanted to keep going with the good behavior.

  Kendrick ignored the mention of her bracelet and firmed up which crew would be working the next night. He was very hands-on with his company and seemed to want to keep George involved with each decision.

  “That’s all fine.” George pushed his chair back from the desk, and she felt Kendrick reach out to shake his hand. “I’ll see you later.”

  She saw George’s feet as he made his way to the door of his office.

  “Good night, Kelly,” he said with a joyful tone just before he shut the door and was gone.

  Kendrick pulled Kelly’s chin up and looked her in her eyes. “Do you think you will be able to listen better in the future?” he asked and she nodded.

  “Kelly, words. Use your words. I’m really tiring of having to remind you.” His grip on her chin tightened.

  “Yes. I think I can listen better,” she answered, and his fingers loosened.

  “I know you can, too.” He leaned down and kissed her lips. A soft quick kiss, but enough to draw out her want for him.

  “Get dressed. I’ll take you home.” He scooted back from her and stood, helping her to her feet as well. He picked up her clothes and handed them to her.

  She stood still for a moment as he walked to the door.

  “I’ll wait for you outside. I just want to clear up a schedule thing with Craig.” He opened the door.

  “The punishment is over?” she asked, gripping her clothes to her chest.

  He turned, a slow determined curve of his lips forming.

  “That wasn’t a punishment. That was discipline.” He closed the door and left her alone in the office.

  “I’m going to have to get a new dictionary, I think,” she said to the empty room.

  CHAPTER twenty-two

  What’s a Spanking Between Friends?

  The ride home from the club had been uneventful, much to Kendrick’s surprise. He had envisioned a full blown conversation weighed down with questions. Kelly was new to being disciplined. Her impulsiveness led him to believe she wasn’t used to being told no, nor was she accustomed to listening to that dictate if it were uttered.

  His intention in the office hadn’t been to humiliate her; although, he’d been concerned she would see it that way and resist him. Again, she’d surprised him by going along with the lesson and taking the humility he offered her with grace. She truly did want to be obedient; she’d shown no qualms about obeying him in the office.

  He wondered, however, if the lesson had truly been learned. Would she be able to fight against her impulsive nature the next time her curiosity got the better of her?

  When he’d dropped her off at her apartment, she’d invited him in. He’d stayed only for a few moments to be sure she was inside and safe before leaving for the night. She had classes in the morning, and it was already nearing midnight.

  “I’m not going to turn back into a pumpkin.” She had laughed when he mentioned the time. Her laugh was so hearty, so pure that he had to smile whenever he heard it.

  “No. But if I stay, I’m going to pick up that skirt of yours and have you bent over that couch.” He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her. A chaste kiss that left them both unsatisfied.

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Her hands rested on his chest, and he covered them with his own.

  “It wouldn’t be bad. But, you took liberties with a second orgasm tonight, so there wouldn’t be one for you now, and after how nicely you took your obedience lesson, I would feel compelled to go against my own rule. And I can’t have that.” He gave her a slow wink and tweaked her nose before he opened the door for himself.

  She stared after him with large round eyes, and he had to chuckle at the sight of her trying so hard not to pout in front of him. He envisioned her stomping her foot at him, demanding he take her over the arm of the couch right that minute.

  “Good night, Kelly.” He put on his stern face and left her in the doorway as he ran down the steps to the main entrance.

  The Indian restaurant Kelly directed Kendrick to was nearly empty when they pulled into the small lot off the alley. He parked the car and looked around at the other vehicles
. “Are you sure this is the place?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think so.” She pulled her phone out of her bag and flipped through screens. “Yep, this is it. Jessica and Alex are already inside.”

  She tossed the phone back into her oversized purse and moved to open her door. He growled, “No” at her as he jumped from the car. She didn’t even have the decency to hide her large smile as he made his way around to open her door

  He entwined his fingers with hers as they walked to the main road. The area was quiet, little traffic on the street and sidewalk.

  Their arrival was announced by the bell hanging on the front door. The hot odor of curry slapped him as they entered.

  Kelly waved a hand in the air and used her other hand to drag him further into the restaurant. The restaurant wasn’t empty as he’d thought it would be. Only a few tables were left unoccupied.

  “Hey, everyone!” Kelly’s voice carried over the table as the group of friends looked up at them.

  Jessica waved from her seat and greeted Kendrick as Kelly scooted around the table to the two empty seats available.

  “Everyone, this is Kendrick. Kendrick, you met Jessica and Royce already. But this is Erin and Jonathan—soon to be Mr. and Mrs., and that is Alex.” She pointed to the blond man sitting next to Jessica.

  Kendrick turned to shake Alex’s hand and paused a moment, letting his face register. Before he could extend a greeting, Alex stood from the table and clasped his hand with a large smile on his face.

  “So, you’re the man who has finally taken the challenge of taming our Kelly.” His wide grin and deep brown eyes remained fix.

  “Alex, don’t be such an ass!” Kelly chastised and pulled Kendrick into the seat beside her.

  Kendrick gave her what he hoped to be a warning look before he situated himself in the chair.

  “What? I’m sure he’s figured out what a hellcat you are by now.” Alex laughed and took a pull of his beer. “In all seriousness, though. We are all glad you were at that horrible party she went to. Who knows what might have happened—”

  “Jessica!” Kelly glared over the table at her friend, who was staring at Alex with a murderous look. “You told him?” She jerked a thumb in Alex’s direction.

  “Oh, please! She tells him everything, you know that,” Erin piped up from behind her glass of wine. “What I want to know is why didn’t you tell me?” She kept her hand on her wine as she aimed a glare at Kelly.

  “Nothing happened!” Kelly slammed her hands on the table, making their plate settings clink together. “I do not want to talk about that stupid night anymore!” She pointed a finger at Jessica. “You shouldn’t have told Alex.”

  “Of course, I told him! I wanted him to know what mess he could have caused by letting you leave with that Neanderthal!” Jessica reached over and gave Alex a slap across his shoulder, which Alex rolled his eyes at.

  “He is not my baby sitter!” Kelly jabbed a pointed finger at Alex.

  “I already told her that; she doesn’t—”

  “He could have protected you!” Jessica shot back.

  “Oh, dear God! I do not need him to protect me. We didn’t go to that club together; we just bumped into each other there!”

  The voices were starting to rise to a point where other patrons of the restaurant were beginning to look over. Kendrick laid a hand on Kelly’s shoulder, trying to pull her back into her seat to relax, but she leaned over the table again, her eyes still wide in irritation.

  “Kelly, calm down,” Erin chimed in again. “Really, it all worked out anyway.” She looked at Jessica. “Alex isn’t responsible for what Kelly does. And we all know Kelly will do what Kelly wants to do. She just can’t seem to help herself. Thankfully, Kendrick was there to help with whatever trouble she managed to get herself into; although, I’m still really unclear as to why Jessica knows all that happened but not me.”

  Kelly groaned and leaned back in her seat. “It doesn’t matter. Can we just order?” she grumbled and threw the menu up to cover her face, while she scanned the items.

  Kendrick sat stock-still as the friends all seemed to calm themselves. He looked around the table, almost afraid to move lest he stir the pot once more. He caught Royce’s eye and grinned.

  “Welcome to the group.” Royce picked up his beer and saluted across the table. Jessica must have caught the sarcasm in his voice because she frowned at him.

  “Is it always like this?” Kendrick asked, not caring that they were talking about the group in much the same way the group had just talked about him.

  “Only when they argue about Kelly. Apparently, they’ve all taken on the role of her parent, even though she has expressed many, many times that she doesn’t want their parenting. They all blow off their steam, except for Jonathan here. He just sits back and watches the show.” Royce tilted his head toward the man sitting beside Erin.

  “Hey, I am not an original cast member; these four had this little pact before I came along. I just ride the roller coaster like the rest of you.” Jonathan dropped his smile when Erin turned to glare at him, but quickly put it back on once she looked away.

  Kendrick shook his head.

  “It’s not our fault.” Erin began to explain to Kendrick. “When we were in college, Kelly was a bit wild. I mean, it got to the point where we took turns being the one to take her home. So, yeah, we tend to get a little parental on her sometimes.” Erin ignored the glare from Kelly. “Now, I don’t know what any of this is on the menu. Can we just let Alex order? He usually does a good job.”

  And with that, the evening flattened to a more civil social tone. Alex ordered several dishes for the table, which everyone seemed to enjoy.

  Not one for curry, Kendrick stuck to the rice and vegetables that were available. Kelly looked at him several times during the meal as though to assure herself he was still there and hadn’t fled the table.

  Once she was finished eating, he reached out and took her hand in his. The tension softened in her shoulders at his touch.

  “How has work been, Jess?” Erin wiped her mouth with her napkin and tucked it beneath her plate.

  Jessica shrugged. “Same. They’ve given me two projects to work on that have been a bit challenging, but it’s more fun than work, so still great.”

  “See, you just needed someone like Royce to light a fire under your ass to get you going in the right direction.” Erin sipped her wine.

  Kelly choked on her drink, and Kendrick rubbed her back until she calmed down. A glare shot across the table from Jessica, and Kendrick understood the silent communication.

  “I need to pee,” Jessica blurted and stood from the table. The other women followed her, and Kendrick laughed at the stereotype they all portrayed.

  “They are talking about you.” Alex pointed his beer at Kendrick.

  “Probably.” Kendrick nodded and waved to the waitress for another soda.

  “I’m not sure I trust a man who doesn’t have a beer,” Jonathan commented as he ordered himself another round.

  “I’m driving,” Kendrick said as explanation.

  “So, what sort of business do you do?” Jonathan asked.

  “I own a security company,” Kendrick answered. He readied himself for the series of questions he was sure the men had been pumped with to ask, once the women had made their exit.

  “Like security systems?”

  “Well, we do some installations, yes. But primarily, we provide security to clubs, bars, and private events, stuff like that.” Alex’s eyes widened at Kendrick’s comment, and at that moment, he realized where he’d seen Alex before.

  “That’s how you were able to help Kelly. You were the security?” Royce asked, draping his arm over the empty seat beside him.

  “Yeah. Last minute job.” Kendrick didn’t go further into the story, as it seemed some of them were privy to the truth of the matter and some were not. He’d have to ask Kelly who knew what and convince her to come clean to everyone, so there wouldn’t be so m
uch secrecy. There seemed to be a lot of that between this group of friends.

  “Heard there’s a big club opening up over on VanBuren. Would you do security for that sort of venue or do they have their own in house crew?” Royce continued.

  Alex paused in his movement of bringing the beer to his mouth, but only for a short moment, and only Kendrick noticed.

  “Actually, we’ve been contracted by them already. They’re still in the construction phase though, so it will be a while before we are able to get in there with the systems and crews.”

  “No work talk.” Kelly pinched Alex’s shoulder as she passed him to her seat.

  “Why do you two feel the need to take your frustrations out on me?” Alex rubbed his shoulders. “Beat on your own men, now that you have them.” He shot a large grin at Kelly who rolled her eyes.

  “And what about you? Now that you are a free agent again, what will we do with you?” Erin scooted into her seat. .

  Alex aimed a bored expression at her. “Nothing, my doting Erin. I am happy as ever, don’t toy with it.”

  “Oh, fine. At least Kelly can stop searching every bar, club, and grocery store for her husband.” Erin seemed to realize what she’d said only after she finished saying it. “I mean, like I said before…” she stuttered and looked pleadingly at Jessica, who merely sat back in her chair with a raised eyebrow.

  Kelly stiffened at Erin’s comment and didn’t turn to look at Kendrick, who had become very interested in her expression. He ran his fingers down her tense back, but she still continued to look forward.

  “Kel, did that detective ever call you back?” Jessica took pity on Erin and changed the subject. Kelly’s posture did not change, however.

  “Uh, not really. I ran into him today, though. Apparently, he uses the same dry cleaner as me, and we bumped, literally, into each other.” Her tone was low, even when she tried to perk up the volume.

  “What detective? Peltner? Why did you call him?” Kendrick asked, leaning forward to see her more clearly.


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