Jenna's Future (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 3)
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“I love what the two of you have done with this room,” Evelyn said.
“Well, Jenna did all this. We used to have a tan couch and a cream-colored chair where Jenna is sitting before…”
Evelyn put her hand over her mouth. “Is this…is this where you were…?”
Kris nodded and looked down at the floor in front of her. It was the spot where her blood had mixed with Kim’s. The same area Jenna had cleaned herself while crying and screaming, trying to make sense of what had happened. She could buy new furniture and floors, but nothing could cover the violence and shame that she wanted to hide.
Jenna wanted to comfort Kris, but it was Evelyn who put her arm around Kris and kissed her temple. She felt helpless. She purchased things to keep Kris from thinking back to that day, but she neglected to consider Kris’s reaction to being back home in that room.
Dammit, the bed. I forgot about our bed where Kim tricked her.
“Jenna, are you okay?” Kris asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. What do you want for dinner? If you miss the hospital food, I can always run over and bring some back for you.”
“Definitely not. What would you like, Mom?”
“What if I make dinner? I could make your favorite.”
“Really? Chicken parmesan with rotini noodles?”
“Of course, anything for my baby.”
“I’m not a baby any more, Mom.”
“You’ll always be my baby. Just give me directions to the store, and I’ll pick up the ingredients.”
“Make a list. Jenna can pick everything up.” Kris looked over at Jenna. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“Of course not. I’ll go get a pen and paper.”
She walked to the front door and rummaged through her bag. Kris’s wrist band from the hospital laid on top. Her fingers brushed over the letters before pushing it to the side.
“Write down what you need, and I’ll do my best. I need to pick up a few things anyway.”
She placed her hands on Kris’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Evelyn didn’t seem to mind them displaying their affection in front of her. Kris squeezed her right hand and kissed it.
Evelyn handed the paper and pen back to Jenna. “Are you sure you don’t mind, dear?”
“No problem, Mrs. Fletcher, I mean Evelyn. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She stepped around to the side and gave Kris a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She turned around to find Danni in line behind her at the store.
“Hi, Danni. Thank you for the flowers you sent Kris. She loved them.”
“You’re welcome. How is she? Allie said she was coming home today.”
“She’s doing really well. She’s at home now with Evelyn.”
“Evelyn? I assumed she left today with Roger.”
“No, she’s staying with us for a little while. I think Kris likes having her there. I don’t mind as long as she makes Kris happy.”
“She doesn’t have to go back to work?”
“She used to teach, but she took time off when Kris was born and never went back. Roger makes a pretty good income. He owns a few car dealerships.”
“Oh, well, how is Kris dealing with everything that happened? Has she talked about it?”
“I can’t get her alone. I thought we could talk once I got her home and her parents left, but now….” She shrugged her shoulders.
Danni put her hand on Jenna’s shoulder. “I’m sure the right time will come up. How are you? Since you haven’t had a chance to talk to Kris, have you talked to anyone about it?”
Jenna bit her tongue and clenched her jaw. She knew once she opened up, she would be a mess. She shook her head and tried to focus on the four people ahead of her in line.
“Jenna, you have to talk to someone. I’m always available. You can talk to me. I promise whatever you say will stay between us. Allie is Kris’s best friend, but I don’t want you to hold back because of that. Okay?”
“Thanks. I haven’t made any friends of my own since moving here, and I don’t feel like I can talk to Kris about everything I’m feeling. I’m not even sure myself what I’m feeling. I have mixed feelings about so many different things.”
Danni squeezed her shoulder. “You can’t keep this bottled up. There’s a lot of stress in your life right now. Your job, Kris, Kim, Kris’s mother. Talk to me or someone, anyone.”
“Thanks again, maybe I’ll give you a call later.”
She moved forward and placed her basket on the conveyer belt. She knew Danni was right. She felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t tell someone how she felt. Her mom was out of the question, and Kris was too close to the situation. She stared at the basket as the conveyer belt crawled towards the cashier. She didn’t realize she was next. She moved forward and smiled at the cashier, but the teenage girl looked down without returning the smile.
“Oh, congratulations on the engagement. I haven’t seen you since I heard the good news,” Danni said.
“Thank you. Kris and I haven’t had much chance to talk about it ourselves.”
“Had you been planning on proposing for a while?”
The cashier mumbled something under her breath and stared at her funny. It dawned on her that everyone in town must’ve heard about what happened by now. With Kim causing the scandal that rocked the small town, she knew the stares and whispers were something she’d have to get used to. It didn’t help that Kim was her identical twin.
“Of course, I had thought about it for a while. I came across the ring when I was shopping for earrings for Kris, but the proposal was spontaneous.”
“Do you want plastic bags or do you have your own?” the cashier asked.
Jenna handed her the canvas bags she had been holding. The cashier rolled her eyes and grabbed them from her like it was a huge inconvenience.
“So, the two of you haven’t set a date yet?” Danni asked.
“No. If I didn’t see the ring on her finger, I would start to doubt if it ever really happened.”
She was trying to joke even though deep down she meant it. The look on Danni’s face proved the attempt was an unsuccessful one. She ran her credit card through the machine and studied the buttons trying to avoid Danni’s concerned look. The cashier handed her the receipt without any small talk. She grabbed the handles of the bags balancing the weight in both hands.
“It was good seeing you, Danni. I just might give you a call some time. You might regret the offer.”
“No problem. I hope to hear from you soon. Tell Kris I said hello.”
“I will. Tell Allie the same for me. Bye.”
She turned on her heels gripping the bags in her hands. The weight of them digging the handles into her hands, but that didn’t bother her as much as the confusion and turmoil eating away inside of her.
“Dinner was delicious. Your mom is a great cook.” Jenna helped Kris get settled into bed and pulled the covers up around her.
“I miss her cooking. It’s nice having her here right now.” Kris kissed Jenna’s hand. “You don’t mind that she’s here, do you?”
“I just want you to be happy. If her being here makes you happy, then I’m happy. If she stresses you out, I’ll give her the boot.”
“Aww, you’d do that for me? You’re so sweet.” Kris laughed.
“I’d do anything for you.”
“Mom has started planning the wedding. She’s made a list of who to invite. She’s told all her friends already. I can’t tell you how many people she made me talk to while you were at the store today.”
“So, you’ve discussed the wedding with her?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, we haven’t discussed anything about it since I proposed. I ran into Danni at the store today. She congratulated us and asked if we had made any plans yet. I told her no, but I guess
the correct thing was that we hadn’t, but you and your mother have.”
“Jenna, what’s wrong? I didn’t know you would react this way. I’m sorry, we didn’t…I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Jenna sat back in the bed and put her hands over her face. She didn’t want to start an argument Kris’s first night back. Why did I say anything?
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that. I don’t want to cause you more stress. I don’t care if you and your mom discuss plans.”
“Seeing you upset is what causes me stress. I don’t want you trying to protect me. We’re partners in this and everything. If something affects you, it affects me too. Now, tell me what’s wrong.”
She turned onto her side to face Kris. It hurt her to see the worry and panic on Kris’s face. Since they were having a serious discussion now, she felt she might as well tell her everything.
“It’s not just the wedding or your mom. It’s my family.”
“What do you mean, your family? Your parents are bothering you?”
“They want me to go to Kim’s funeral.”
“What?” Kris asked without hiding her outrage.
“Mom wants me to be there. I have no idea what Dad wants since he’s not talking to me. He’s started drinking again.”
“Wait. What? Your father is an alcoholic?”
“You never told me that.” Kris shook her head. “Okay, so when did you talk to them. Oh god, I never asked you if you called them. I’m sorry, hun. You were the one to tell them about Kim?”
Jenna nodded. Tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill over any second, burning and stinging until they did.
“She blamed me. My own mother blamed me for everything that happened.”
Just saying the words out loud, hearing them with her own ears for the first time was too much for her. Kris held her as she wept. Kris stroking her back was the most intimate contact they had since the shooting. Thoughts and questions raced through her head. Was she responsible? Should she go? Was she angry about Kris’s mother being there?
“Baby, it’s okay. None of this is your fault. You know that, right?”
Jenna nodded, but it was a lie. She did feel responsible. She did feel she owed her mother an appearance at the funeral if that’s what she wanted.
“So, have you told them you’re not going?” Kris asked.
“Why not?”
“Because I haven’t made up my mind yet.”
Kris pulled away and crossed her arms. The look she gave her made her back away like a wounded puppy.
“You’re actually considering going?”
“I haven’t made up my mind yet. She is…was my sister.”
“Yes, I’m well aware of that. I also know that she tried to kill me.”
“I’m not denying that, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s my sister and that she’s gone.”
“Or that I’m the one responsible? Is that what you’re thinking?”
“I never said that. Don’t get upset. Lower your voice before your mom hears you.”
“But is that what you’re thinking?”
Jenna hesitated a second too long before opening her mouth to respond.
“Oh my god. You are blaming me for taking her away from you again. Just go if that’s what you want. I won’t stop you.”
The expression of horror and disbelief on Kris’s face pierced her heart and made her breath catch in her chest. But it wasn’t just her expression or her words, it was also the fact that a tiny part of her knew what Kris said was true.
“I told you I haven’t decided anything yet.”
“This isn’t something you think we should decide together?” Kris asked.
“You mean like how we are planning our wedding?”
“You said you weren’t upset about that.”
“Can we not talk about any of this tonight? Let’s try to get some sleep.”
Jenna switched the light off, and Kris scooted to her side of the bed as close to the edge as she could.
Chapter Three
Kris watched Jenna finish packing her suitcase. She wanted to tell her not to go, but she couldn’t. She was the one who took Kim’s life, so how could she also be the one to tell her she couldn’t go to the funeral? The survival of their relationship might be in jeopardy if she asked her not to leave. They had spent the last few days arguing at night after her mother went to bed. She couldn’t understand why Jenna would even consider going, but maybe it was the twin bond they had. Over the last two days, they had been giving each other the silent treatment instead of fighting.
The last thing she wanted now was to have Jenna resent her for this too. Jenna said she didn’t blame her and had told her that several times, but her eyes told a different story. Kris knew when she was thinking about Kim. Her eyes would glass over because she was too afraid to blink and risk tears forming. No matter what Kris did, there was nothing that could change what happened.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to the airport?” Kris asked.
“No, I already called a cab. I don’t want you driving while I’m gone either. Evelyn can take you anywhere you need to go.”
“Are your parents picking you up at the airport?”
“No, I’m getting a rental car.”
“Can we pick you up when you return?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll give you a call.”
“Jenna, please don’t leave like this. I feel like you’re angry with me, but you won’t talk to me.”
“The cab will be here in ten minutes. We don’t have time to have this discussion right now.”
Jenna glanced down at Kris’s engagement ring and looked away. Kris noticed the deep breath she took before shoving a running outfit into her suitcase. Jenna looked around the room avoiding Kris’s stare. She zipped the suitcase and grabbed her black duffle bag.
Kris wanted to shake her and make her realize how insane it was to go to the funeral of someone who kidnapped her and tried to kill her fiancee. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She knew Jenna had seen her do it, but she didn’t say or do anything to acknowledge it. She hoped this would be the last time Jenna packed without taking her too. Part of her wondered if this was the beginning of the end.
“I love you,” Kris said.
The cab driver honked the horn outside and Jax began barking. Jenna rolled the suitcase in one hand and carried the duffle bag in the other. She stopped in front of Kris and sat the bag on top of the suitcase. She wrapped her arms around Kris and hugged her.
“I love you too. I’ll see you in a few days.”
Jenna kissed her on the lips and then kissed her forehead. She picked up her luggage and walked out into the hallway.
Kris heard the boards creak as Jenna made her way downstairs. She counted each step until she knew there was only one left. She ran to the hallway, but stopped at the top of the stairs. Jenna bent down and kissed the top of Jax’s head. Her mom was standing by the front door talking to the cab driver who took Jenna’s luggage. Jenna looked up at her and smiled. She turned and said something to Eveyln before following the cab driver out to the car.
Kris made it halfway down the stairs and sat down on a step. The cab pulled away, and she held her breath. She’ll make the car turn around. She wouldn’t leave me here like this.
She jumped when her mom shut the door, but she didn’t get up. Jax ran up the stairs and sat on the step below her. She wrapped her arms around him and cried. She didn’t hold back. She tried to be strong for Jenna because she didn’t want to make her feel bad, but now that she had left she didn’t need to pretend any more. Jenna had made the decision on her own and left. One more thread in the seam struggling to hold their relationship together had snapped.
Kris hardly slept at all the night before. Jenna had sent her a text message in the middle of the night afte
r she landed while she was waiting in the car rental line. Had their relationship come down to text messages now?
She washed up and went downstairs to cook breakfast. She had just finished the eggs and bacon when she heard her mom coming down the stairs. She poured coffee into the two mugs she had taken out earlier.
“Good morning, dear,” Evelyn said.
“Good morning.”
“I didn’t expect you up so early. Are you feeling better today?”
“I’m still upset that Jenna left if that’s what you’re asking.” Kris flipped the pancakes busying herself to avoid the look she knew her mother was giving her.
“Did you ask her not to go? I mean it’s obvious how upset you are.”
“She made the decision, and I let her go. It’s complicated. After all, I’m the reason there is a funeral.”
Kris flipped the pancakes onto the two plates. When she turned around, her mom was staring at her with the look she had been dreading. The concerned parent look that makes you feel worse than you already do. She shook her head, but knew that wouldn’t stop her mother from speaking what was on her mind.
“Do you realize if Jenna wasn’t going to Kim’s funeral today, more than likely, she would be attending yours?”
“I know, but—”
“No, no but. That’s the truth. You have every right to feel the way you do right now. You also should have told her the way you felt about her leaving you.”
“I understand what you’re saying, but it’s her sister and her family.”
“The sister that kidnapped her and tried to kill you? And the family that didn’t come by to visit when she was in the hospital? I fail to see why she should feel obligated to them.”
“Please, let’s just eat breakfast and not talk about this. What’s done is done.”
After avoiding her mom’s attempts all day to open up the discussion again, she went to bed early and called Jenna. She wasn’t sure what to expect since the funeral was that afternoon.
Jenna answered the phone with a sigh. “Hello, Kris.”