by Green, Maree
“Hi,” I said softly.
She inhaled deeply. “Hi.” Her voice was only a whisper, and her chest was already starting to rise and fall heavily.
I leant down to kiss her softly, my lips only teasing over hers. Her hands came up, and she buried her fingers in my hair, trying to pull me down to her more, but I resisted. I wanted this to be slow. I wanted to tease her so she was panting and begging me to be inside her.
Gently, I trailed a hand down her throat, over her collarbone, following the soft curve of her breasts, and down to her waist. I kissed her. “You,” I said, and kissed her again. “Are never.” Another kiss. “Going.” A lingering kiss. “To the beach again.”
She moaned against my mouth.
“I really wanted to beat the shit out of Corey today.”
She looked up at me with serious eyes. “I’m sorry.”
I paused, focusing all my attention on her gaze. “It’s not your fault you’re every guy’s fantasy, baby. Corey should’ve kept his slimy hands to himself. Aiden warned him – warned all of us.”
Surprise flashed across her face. “Really?” She frowned in thought, then suddenly giggled.
“Oh, you think it’s funny, do you?” I warned her playfully then pressed my body down on hers. Catching her mouth with a heated kiss, I coaxed her lips apart and slid my tongue inside before pulling away again. “You didn’t have to sit there listening to them telling each other what they’d like to do to your hot little body, knowing you couldn’t say a damned thing to get them to shut the fuck up.”
She looked shocked again, and I had to remind myself that she was completely unaware of her sexuality outside these bedroom walls, but then she narrowed her eyes and smirked. “No, and you didn’t have to listen to Melissa give the girls a detailed description of the unbelievable sex you gave her last night…”
What the fuck? “She what?!”
Mia smirked again. “It seems you’re so good, you don’t even have to be there anymore.”
My shoulders relaxed a little knowing Mia didn’t believe that shit, but I was still fucking pissed. “What the fuck is wrong with these girls?”
She shrugged, a playful smile catching the corners of her mouth. “It’s okay, although it’ll make it a bit hard for me to know if you really are cheating on me…”
I could see she was trying to make a joke of it, but there was a seriousness in her undertones too. “I’ve never cheated on anyone, and I don’t plan on starting any time soon.”
She laughed. “Jace, you’ve never dated anyone to have to be faithful.”
“That’s because I hadn’t met anyone who I wanted to date or be faithful to before you.”
“Good, now stop talking and kiss me.”
I grinned and did as I was told.
It was just after lunch when I shuffled out to the kitchen the next day. Mom was sitting at the table, playing Play Doh with Ruby.
She gave me a look that said she wasn’t happy with my sleep in. “Good afternoon.”
I smiled and bent over to give them each a kiss on the top of the head before going to make myself a coffee.
“Can I go watch TV?” Ruby asked, looking up at Mom with her big green eyes.
Mom smiled down at her little pride and joy. “Sure you can, baby. I’ll pack this up for you.”
“Thanks, Mom!” she said and ran out the door.
I watched her go with a grin on my face. She was a good kid. Mom had done good when she married Mark. They were perfect for each other, and they doted on Ruby like she was a fucking princess. I guessed she was. Their little princess.
“So what brought you home so late?” Mom asked, pinning me with her gaze.
I poured myself a coffee and went to sit across the table from her. I debated whether or not I should tell her about Mia. I knew she’d keep it quiet, so I wasn’t worried about that. Deciding what the hell, I went for it.
“I was with Mia.”
I watched for her reaction, hoping it was going to be a good one. Her expression went a little confused before suddenly clearing. “Do you mean Aiden’s Mia?”
“No, I mean my Mia, but yes, Mia is Aiden’s sister.”
Her eyes widened as she took in my meaning. “Your Mia? Are you dating her?”
I could tell she was a little excited about this prospect, but she kept her enthusiasm down while she waited for my answer.
“Yes, we’re dating.”
A smile a mile wide spread across her face. “Oh my god, really? I mean, I hardly remember her. She’s barely around when I see Lillian, and then she’s always so shy and quiet. I do remember her being beautiful though. When are you going to bring her around?”
I watched her with amusement. I didn’t know that me having a girlfriend would be such exciting news. The idea of bringing her around my family actually gave me a bit of a thrill, but it was too risky – especially with Ruby. She would blab to Aiden the next time she saw him for sure.
I sighed. “It’s complicated. We haven’t told anyone we’re together yet.”
“Oh.” She couldn’t hide her surprise. “Why not?”
I sighed. “Mia’s not ready to be in the spotlight just yet, and we’re kind of getting a lot of attention right now.”
She nodded, her gaze thoughtful. “Do you think she’ll ever be ready though? She’s always looked pretty shy. I’m not sure how cut out she is for a rock star life, Jace.”
Looking down at my coffee, I gave a slight nod. I wasn’t sure either. All I knew was that right now I needed her, and I was too selfish to give her away. For now, I was okay with just seeing where things took us. I knew at the first sign of her not coping, I needed to let her go, but I would cross that bridge if and when we came to it. “I really don’t know, but I’m going to do everything I can to help her get there.”
Mom studied my face for a while. “You really like her, don’t you?”
I didn’t answer her, but I think my smile told her all she needed to know. Looking at the clock, I downed the last of my coffee and stood. “I’ve got to go. I’m meeting Aiden to go over some changes.”
“Okay, honey. Will you be home for dinner?”
“Nah, I’ll probably try to catch up with Mia.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed my phone.
On the drive over to Aiden’s place, my mind wandered to Mia and what she might’ve been doing today. She’d been so cute the night before. After I’d made her come apart in my arms twice, I’d pulled her against me and lulled her to sleep by softly humming her song to her. Of course she’d had no idea it was her song, but seeing her smile with her eyes closed as she listened to it, made me feel about ten feet tall.
The moment was perfect, and I hadn’t wanted to leave, so I’d set my alarm and drifted off to sleep with her. It had still been dark when it’d woken me up, and it took a lot of effort to drag myself away from her. I hoped she was home today. Even if I couldn’t touch her, I still wanted to see her.
Knocking on the door, I waited on the porch, listening for footsteps on the other side. When I heard none, I went to knock again, but as I reached out, the door was flung open.
I blinked at Mia in surprise, but when I took in her yoga gear with bare feet, I understood how she could’ve crept up on me. A blush spread over her cheeks and she bit her lip, trying to repress the smile that came from seeing me.
“Hey,” I said, trying to sound casual when all I wanted to do was pick her up and carry her back to her room.
“Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I’m supposed to be meeting Aiden. Isn’t he home?”
“Not yet, but he should be home soon. Come in.” She stepped back and made room for me to pass before closing the door behind me. She turned and started walking away. “I was just helping Mom in the kitchen. You can wait with us.”
Lillian was standing at the stove when we walked in. She looked up and smiled when she saw me. It was just like Mia’s. I’d never noticed that before.
“Hi, Jace. How are you?”
“Good thanks, Mrs. C.”
“Aiden shouldn’t be too far away. Do you want to try Mia’s new creation?” She winked at Mia, and I watched her blush a little.
Looking away so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable, I nodded. “Sure, what is it?” I eyed the tray of baked goods cooling on the bench top. My stomach growled. They smelt great.
“It’s a kind of pastry – like a danish, I guess,” Mia said nervously.
I waited while Lillian dished one up on a plate and slid it across the bench to me. “It smells delicious.” I tried to keep my voice light so Mia would relax a little. Taking a bite, my eyes immediately widened. Holy shit, it tasted incredible. It literally melted on my tongue with bursts of citrus and cocoa. “Mmm…oh my god, this is awesome…”
I saw Mia’s shoulders relax when I took another bite. Oh yeah. My girlfriend could cook. “So, you like to cook?” I asked, mainly to keep the conversation moving, but also because I was damned curious.
She nodded all shy and meek, but the smile she gave me was pure sex. God damned, she was cute.
“Man, if I had’ve known that, I would’ve made Aiden have practice here more often. You’re incredible.”
I made sure to direct my attention to the food before me, knowing my looks would only make her uncomfortable. I could see Lillian giving Mia little glances every now and again, and I wondered if she could sense anything between us.
“So what are you and Aiden up to this afternoon?” she asked.
“Well, if he ever gets back from Carly’s, we might be going over some of the things Rich gave us about the tour.”
Lillian looked confused. “Carly?”
Mia grinned. “Aiden’s latest interest.”
“Oh,” Lillian said. “I wish he would tell me these things. I feel so out of the loop.” She frowned, but then she looked up at me with questioning eyes. “Do you have a girlfriend, Jace?”
I saw Mia look at her with surprise from the corner of my eye. “Not at the moment.”
The sound of Mia giggling turned both our heads. “Jace has got a little trouble with girls making up stories about him.”
What the hell? Why the fuck was she telling her mom that? The look on my face must have been amusing to her because she was suddenly giggling even more.
“What kind of stories?” Lillian asked, looking between Mia and me.
“Ones that are making my life a little difficult,” I said cryptically.
Mia laughed then, and I could tell Lillian was as bewildered by it as I was. “A few girls have been telling everyone at school that they’ve slept with him when they haven’t.”
Holy shit. I couldn’t believe she just told her mom that. Lillian looked at me with shock. “Is that true?”
I gave Mia a withering look before meeting Lillian’s gaze. “I know – it’s mind boggling.”
Lillian shook her head. “I’m sorry. I know there’s this whole groupie thing where girls think it’s cool to sleep with a rock star, but don’t they know they’re only making themselves look like sluts?”
I choked on the last bite of pastry I’d taken with Lillian’s words. Mia just laughed though. “Apparently not. Having sex with an up and coming rock star trumps looking like a slut according to these girls.”
I pushed myself away from the bench feeling a little out of my depth. “Ah…I might just go wait for Aiden in his room…”
Mia laughed harder and lightly pushed Lillian on the shoulder. “Mom, you embarrassed him.”
Lillian laughed too. “Me? You’re the one who brought it up!”
I stood there watching the way Mia interacted with her mom. It was just beautiful. She was so open and free, just like she was when she was with me, but more playful. I could tell by the little looks Lillian kept giving Mia that she was surprised at how open she was in front of me, and it made me so fucking happy.
Mia wiped a tear from her eye the same time Aiden walked into the kitchen. He stood there frowning, looking between us all like he wasn’t sure if what he was seeing was real.
I took a step towards him with raised eyebrows. “Thank god you’re here. They were talking about my sex life.”
“Or lack of…” Lillian said, laughing along with Mia.
Aiden’s eyes nearly popped out his head as he gazed from his mom, to Mia, and back again. “What the hell, Mom! That’s not cool.”
I looked at Mia. She looked so carefree and beautiful in that moment, I didn’t care. They could talk about that shit all night if I got to see her so unrestrained. I laughed too, simply because she looked so happy.
“Well I’m glad you both get so much amusement out of the awkwardness that is my sex life. Now that I am thoroughly embarrassed, I’m going to go hide in Aiden’s room.”
Aiden gave both Mia and his Mom a stern look before snatching up a few pastries and motioning for me to follow him.
Chapter 25
After Jace left the kitchen with Aiden, I started to feel bad. I knew I’d embarrassed him by talking about that stuff with Mom, and although he’d laughed it off, I wanted to apologize.
When I heard the shower running, I snatched at the opportunity and snuck down to Aiden’s room. Knocking softly, I cracked the door open and peered inside.
Jace looked up at me and smirked. “Aiden’s in the shower.”
“I thought so.” Moving closer to where Jace was standing, I bit my lip. “I’m sorry about before.”
He reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug. “I can’t believe you told your mom that!”
I smiled against his chest and shrugged. “I usually tell my mom everything. Admittedly, I don’t usually have anything very interesting to tell her, but I don’t usually keep secrets from her either. Until you, that is…”
I looked up at him then stretched up to press my lips to his. His arms tightened around me and he softly urged my lips apart, deepening the kiss. “Can I come see you later?” he whispered.
“Oh…um…it’s that time of the month again…”
His eyes narrowed. “I’m pretty sure I told you I’m not just in it for sex, Mia. We can just cuddle and talk. It doesn’t matter. I just want to be with you.”
Damn, he said the sweetest things. “Okay. I’ll text you when the coast is clear.”
He smiled and pulled me into another kiss. I sighed as he coaxed my mouth open again, and shivered when his tongue slid against mine. My fingers tensed on his back and his tangled in my hair, holding me to his kiss. God, I wanted him so bad.
The sound of the bathroom door opening down the hall sent us flying apart. I instantly froze, my eyes wide, but Jace jumped into action and grabbed an empty plate off the dresser and handed it to me before scrambling around the bed to grab a couple of glasses that were sitting on the bedside table.
The door swung open and Aiden frowned, seeing me standing there in the middle of his room. I scowled at him. “Mom wants your dirty dishes you pig.”
Aiden smiled sheepishly. “Oh, thanks. Sorry.”
I shrugged, my heart still racing as I took the glasses Jace held out to me and fled from the room. Shit, that was a close call.
Dumping the dirty items in the kitchen sink, I went to my room and called Kaeli. She answered on the second ring. “Have you seen Melissa’s Facebook page?”
I frowned. “No, I’m not friends with her.”
“Neither am I, but her settings are stupid like all those other skanks. I think they just want everyone to see what stupid shit they do.”
“So, what did she say?”
“She’s put all this shit up about having her world rocked by Jace. All these people have commented on it. There’s heaps of good stuff about the band and that, but there are a lot of comments from other girls about going after the guys, and I mean going after them!”
I swallowed back the sick that was hinting in my throat. What was with girls wanting to screw someone just because they were famous – o
r very close to being famous? I just didn’t get it.
Kaeli continued on her rant. “I just want them all to get caught out on their lies. I’d love everyone to know that they just made it up. I mean, can you imagine the uproar that would be happening if it was a guy who’d spread lies like that about a girl?! I can’t believe Jace isn’t as mad as hell, but then again, guys kind of like to look like they’re studs to their friends, don’t they?”
I sighed. “Obviously there are girls who like to look like sluts to their friends too…”
Kaeli heaved out a breath. “It’s like they’ve got this competition going where whoever gets to screw Jace gets into this hall of fame or something – and you’re the only one I know who deserves to be there!”
“Yeah, he’s no Mr. Inexperienced Kaeli. Remember who we’re talking about here.”
“I know, but he hasn’t been like that since you, and it makes me angry just thinking about these girls messing with your relationship with him.”
I sighed, but it thrilled me to think of Jace wanting to be with me and only me. “It’s not going to change though, is it? I mean, he’s on his way to the big time. There are always going to be girls trying to get into his pants, regardless of whether he’s got a girlfriend, or not.”
“Yeah, but there wouldn’t be as many if they knew he had a girlfriend…”
“Do you really think that?” I asked dryly.
“Yes, I do. Some girls do have morals, but it’s not only that. At the moment, Jace can’t really shut them down because he’d just look like a rude dick, but if people knew he had a girlfriend, he could at least say, ‘Sorry, I’ve got a girlfriend’ and yeah, they might be pissed, but they would kind of think he’s sweet and faithful, and not just a rude douche bag.”
“You think I should make it public, don’t you?”
Kaeli was quiet for a while, and her words were soft when she finally spoke. “Yeah, I do, babe.”
I groaned. “God! What am I going to do?”