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Shiver (Night Roamers #2)

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by Kristen Middleton


  Night Roamers

  (Book Two)

  By Kristen Middleton

  Copyright©2012 Kristen Middleton

  Copyedited by:

  Carolyn M. Pinard

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copyright ©2012 by Kristen Middleton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without express written permission of the author.

  This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this with others, please purchase additional copies for each individual. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  A big thank you to:

  The Lord above, my loving family, wonderful friends, my awesome readers, and all of the people who continue to support me as well as inspire me.


  Thank You…


  Hip hop music pulsated throughout the dark club as Ashley followed Jenny through its crowd of undulating bodies. Both girls were heading towards the bar where Jenny was set on buying her first “Sex on the Beach” using her new fake driver’s license. Both seventeen-year-olds had received them from “Creepy” Curt Hammer before seventh period gym class the day before. Curt could get anything and everything you needed.

  For a price.

  His price wasn’t yet known to the girls, but his presence at the club tonight would be certain. He’d practically begged them to show.

  “Don’t forget to meet me outside of the V.I.P. lounge at Club Nightshade, ten o’clock,” he’d reminded them as they were leaving Jenny’s locker earlier in the day.

  Jenny had gushed with excitement. “Are you freakin’ serious, Curt? How in the hell did someone like you pull that off?”

  “Let’s just say I have friends in high places,” he’d replied with a tight smile.

  Nightshade was a brand new club that had opened in Shore Lake. Everyone at school was hyped about it. Tuesdays were officially “Teen Night”, but weekends were supposed to be off the hook. If you could find a way to get in, you’d have the chance to experience some really intense partying. Now, it was almost ten o’clock as Ashley held onto Jenny’s belt loop, trying not to lose her friend through the tangle of bodies. Before they cleared the packed crowd, however, someone grabbed her by the elbow, forcing her to stop, breaking her connection with Jenny.

  “Jenny!” she called to her friend, who was already disappearing through the rowdy crowd.

  “Hey, sweet-thing, how about a dance?” a deep voice rasped into her ear.

  She turned towards the guy and swallowed.


  His bald head was covered with skull tattoos and he had a single silver ball pierced just below his bottom lip. His breath reeked of liquor and something more pungent than cigarettes.

  She stepped back and swallowed. “Um…no, but thanks, anyway.”

  He scowled. “Why not? You think you’re too special or something?”

  She shook her head, vehemently. “No… please… I’m just trying to follow my friend.”

  “Your loss,” he grunted.

  Very doubtful, she thought, noticing the long, ragged scar under his chin. He was definitely trouble.

  Ashley turned around and pushed through more bodies until she reached Jenny, who was already at the bar.

  “Oh, there you are. I ordered for you,” said Jenny, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  Ashley flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and smiled. “Okay, thanks.”

  “What happened to you? I thought I’d lost you,” she asked.

  “Some guy tried asking me to dance,” replied Ashley.

  Jenny’s eyes lit up. “Was he hot?”

  Before Ashley could answer, the guy in question parked himself onto the stool right next to them.

  “This seat taken?” he asked with an arrogant smile.

  Jenny shrugged. “Actually, we aren’t staying, so you can do whatever you want with it.”

  He took a swig of his beer. “Why not? I bet you could use some company.”

  “We’re not looking for it,” Jenny replied.

  He smiled coldly. “You know, it isn’t safe in a club like this for two little girls such as yourselves. It can be pretty dangerous if you’re not careful.”

  The bartender interrupted before either girl could respond. He slid their drinks across the bar and said, “Drinks are on the house. Also, the V.I.P. is upstairs. They’re waiting for you.”

  Jenny and Ashley looked at each other and smiled in delight. Not only had they scored big in getting into the nightclub, but they were also guests in the V.I.P. lounge.

  It was, a dream come true.

  “That guy was a total loser,” whispered Jenny as he finally took the hint and moved towards another conquest, a bleached blond cougar, sitting alone at the other end of the bar.

  Ashley nodded, relieved that he’d moved on. Something had been really off about that guy, making her skin crawl.

  Jenny took a sip of her drink and motioned for Ashley to follow her up the stairs. When they reached the top, Curt was standing outside of what appeared to be a private room.

  “Good, you made it,” he said, looking at little tense.

  “Hell yeah we made it,” replied Jenny, taking another drink of her cocktail. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  “Lead the way, Jenny,” said Curt, waving her in.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, stepping through the entrance.

  “Mm…you’re looking really hot, Ashley,” murmured Curt.

  She shivered as his beady eyes raked over tight shimmery black dress. “Well, ah…thanks, Curt.”

  His eyes stared unabashedly at her cleavage. “After you,” he said, holding the door open.

  She stepped past him and entered the dimly lit room where Jenny was already making herself comfortable on a plush, black leather sectional.

  “Wow,” said Ashley. Having never been in any club before, let alone a V.I.P. lounge, she was impressed. There were several tall glass tables set up near a large plate window overlooking the dance floor, a video game area, and a long bar in which a totally hot bartender was busy cleaning cocktail glasses. As if sensing her interest, he looked up and flashed a ten-thousand-watt smile, making her blush.

  “This place is fucking awesome,” declared Jenny, her eyes already shining from the alcohol.

  “That it is,” murmured Curt, looking at a message on his phone. “So, something just came up, girls, and I’ve got to split.”

  “Okay, well, thanks for everything, Curt,” said Ashley, relieved he wasn’t staying. The way he stared at her body made her feel dirty.

  He nodded. “You bet.”

  “So, is there going to be a party here or something?” asked Jenny. “I mean, we’re not going to be the only ones in the V.I.P. lounge, right?”

  “Oh, you could say there’s going to be a party,” he replied with a small smile. “In fact, tonight’s a private party and you two girls are the honored guests.”

  Jenny raised her eyebrows. “Seriously? That’s kind of weird, though, isn’t it? I mean, we’ve never even been here before tonight.”

  “That’s okay,” called Curt, walking
towards the exit. “You’re young, hot, and tasty. It’s all good.”

  “He’s so weird,” whispered Ashley after he’d left.

  Jenny smirked. “That’s why he’s called ‘Creepy’ Curt.”

  A new song by “Pink” blasted through the club and Ashley was dying to dance.

  “I think we should go back downstairs,” she said, biting the side of her lip. “Wasn’t the point of coming here to check out guys and dance our asses off?”

  Before Jenny could respond, the door opened and a dark-haired guy wearing a long, black leather coat entered the lounge.

  “Oh, hi,” said Jenny, standing up.

  “Ladies,” murmured the devilishly handsome stranger. “Welcome to Club Nightshade.”

  Ashley could hardly breathe. The guy was tall with broad shoulders and full lips. As he stared into her eyes with his crystal blue ones, a fire ignited between her legs.

  “Hi,” she answered, breathlessly.

  “Hi,” said Jenny, who was also mesmerized by the stranger’s hypnotic stare. “Who are you?”

  He licked his lips and smiled. “I’ll be your host tonight. My name is Ethan.”

  Chapter One

  “Excuse me, waitress, can I get another coffee over here?” snapped the twenty-something blond with the Bluetooth attached to her ear. She’d been sitting in the corner of the diner, talking loudly into the headset, making sure everyone around her knew she was important. From her boasting, I understood she was some type of investor, and a successful one at that. To me, she’d been nothing but a royal bitch.

  “Are you ready to order yet?” I asked quietly, refilling her cup of coffee for the fourth time. She’d been in the diner for almost an hour and I’d tried to take her order several times, in which she’d brushed me away with her hand like a bothersome fly.

  This time she gave me an arrogant smile. “Yes, waitress … I’d like the Oriental Chicken Salad.”


  I looked up from my order pad. “Excuse me?”

  The woman raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry?”

  I could have sworn I heard her say “bitch”, and from the smug look on her face, it seemed very likely.

  “Sorry, I thought I heard you say something else,” I mumbled.

  She looked at her watch. “I just gave you my order and I don’t have much time to wait.”

  Get moving, Bimbo…

  This time I’d been staring at the woman, and her lips hadn’t moved when she’d called me a “Bimbo”, but I’d heard it as clear as day.

  Stunned, I stepped backwards, right into Susan, knocking her tray over. “Oh, God! I’m sorry, Susan!” I groaned in horror, my face turning red.

  Susan bent down and began picking up the water glasses. “It’s fine, Nikki. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything important,” she replied. “Just a little water.”

  As I bent down to help Susan, the evil blond customer’s voice popped into my head once again.

  What a dumb, stupid bitch.

  I stood up and stared at her. “What did you just call me?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about.”

  “Having problems over here?” asked Rosie, coming towards us.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. “My fault, I bumped into Susan.”

  “Don’t sweat it, honey,” said Rosie. “It’s just water. I’ll help you, Susan. Nikki, go and seat those other people who just walked in.”

  “Can somebody place my damn order?” snapped the woman, tapping her long, painted nails against the table. “I don’t have a lot of time here.”

  “Certainly,” I replied.

  “Don’t worry, Nikki. I’ll just seat the new customers,” said Susan.

  Jesus, is everyone around here incompetent twits?

  I turned back to the woman and scowled.

  “Let me guess, you already forgot what I ordered?” she asked with a tight smile.

  I smiled coldly. “No. I was just going to suggest the House Salad. It takes less time to make and fewer calories than the Oriental.”

  Her mouth opened. “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  I shrugged and gave her an innocent look. “I’m just saying… you’re in a hurry. The extra calories in the salad dressing might bog you down.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Just order me the fucking Oriental Salad.”

  “Excuse me,” interrupted Rosie. “Ma’am, that’s no way to talk to one of my waitresses.”

  The woman reached into her purse and threw a couple of dollar bills onto the table. “You know what?” she huffed. “Screw this two-bit diner. I don’t have time for this bullshit.” Then she slid out of the booth and stomped out of the restaurant.

  Rosie shook her head. “I’m not sure what that was all about, but sometimes, it’s just better to let customers like that leave.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said to her. “It was probably my fault.”

  “No,” said Susan. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. That’s just Faye Dunbar and everyone knows she’s an annoying cunt.”

  My jaw dropped and I burst out laughing.

  “I have to agree with you there, Susie,” chuckled Rosie. “Spoiled rich girl with some major superiority issues.”

  I wiped away my tears and then went to go check back on my other customers, trying hard to forget about Faye. I still wasn’t sure how I was able to read her mind, but I knew it wasn’t my imagination and that the words had come directly from her.

  “I just seated an old friend of yours,” murmured Susan, coming up behind me as I refilled one of the coffeemakers with water.


  I looked over towards my section and felt a pang of regret.


  We hadn’t spoken in over three months; his choice, unfortunately, not mine. He hadn’t gotten over the night I’d disappeared with Ethan, if only to say goodbye. It had been very willingly on my part, even after Duncan and my brother had basically rescued me from Ethan’s house of vampires. When all was said and done, nobody believed that Ethan or the others were, in fact, vampires. Not even my brother, Nathan. He’d somehow been brainwashed to forget. I knew without a doubt that Caleb, my mother’s boyfriend, A.K.A. town sheriff, A.K.A. head vampire, certainly had a hand in that. With the power of persuasion, he could pretty much control anyone’s mind he wanted. That is, except for mine. Somehow, I was now immune to it. My only guess was that it had something to do with Ethan sinking his teeth into my neck before he’d left town. He’d been weak and I’d offered to let him feed before leaving for New York.

  And feed he had, almost to the point of my death.

  At least, that’s what Caleb had told me. Luckily for me, Caleb and my mother had arrived while Ethan was still attached to my neck, draining the blood from my body. My mom had freaked out and Caleb had shot Ethan, sending him away like a ghost in the night. Now Caleb and I had an understanding; I wouldn’t talk and he’d protect my family from the other vampires.

  “Hi,” I said, stopping by Duncan’s table. He was with his dad, Sonny, and looked like he wanted to take off as soon as I approached.

  “Well, hello, Nikki,” smiled Sonny.

  Duncan nodded but focused most of his attention on the menu, which hurt. I realized right then and there that I still had feelings for him and would have done almost anything to at least have his friendship.

  I cleared my throat. “Um, can I get you something to drink?”

  “Coffee for me,” said Sonny. “What about you, Dunc?”

  “Just water,” he said, still trying to avoid my eyes.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Your brother is doing a fine job at the marina,” said Sonny, rapping his knuckles on the table. “Yep, a fine job. He’s a hard worker.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, he must be doing something because he’s completely wiped out when he gets home,” I said.

  Sonny smiled. “We keep him hopping. But he seems to like it even so.”
br />   I nodded. “He says he loves it.”

  “So, how’s your mom doing?” asked Sonny. “I heard she was having some problems with her eyes?”

  Duncan glanced at me when I answered. “Yeah, she still does. She’s been to a couple of specialists, but they don’t really know what it is.”

  Secretly I knew, though. Caleb was slowly turning my mother into a vampire. I’m not sure exactly when the final change was going to happen and he claimed that he was only doing it to save her from cancer. What I did know was that she hadn’t been given a choice about becoming a vampire, and she scoffed at me when I tried to talk to her about it. She believed that I was watching too many late night movies and they were going to my head.

  “Well, hopefully it will clear up. Just tell her I said hello and that the offer still stands to get her out on my boat.”

  “I will,” I said.

  I left to give them time to look over the menus. After refilling coffees and checking on the status of my other orders, I went back to their table and realized that Duncan was missing. Sonny explained that he had some errands to run and had realized he didn’t have time to eat.

  “That’s too bad,” I said.

  Sonny nodded. “Ever since he started hanging out with Caleb’s daughter, he’s been up late and moving slow during the day. I just don’t know what’s gotten into that boy.”

  My throat went dry. “He’s been hanging out with Celeste?”

  Sonny took a sip of coffee. “Yeah. Says they’re just friends, but the way she looks at him, he’s got to be blind if he doesn’t see it.”

  I felt a pang of jealousy mixed with fear. I highly doubted her intentions were good. “How long have they been hanging out?”

  “Oh, about a month now. Pretty girl she is, but a little on the wild side.”

  Wild side? He had no idea.

  I only nodded.

  “Anyway, I suppose I’d better order. I’ll have The Special,” he said, looking into his menu, “with my eggs over easy, please.”


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