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Bartering His Body- Prehistoric Man

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by Gianni Holmes

  Bartering His Body:

  Prehistoric Man

  Man: Evolved Series

  Book 1

  A steamy short story set in prehistoric times. Contains Multiple pairings.

  Gianni Holmes

  Copyright © 2018 Gianni Holmes

  All rights reserved.


  To my high school teacher Miss Barrett who fueled my love for history. I owe my foundation and all those awards to you.

  To my lecturer of History at the University of the West Indies. You taught me that, unlike other courses, I couldn’t bluff my way through History. Historical facts can’t be faked but must be learned.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Other Books


  Hi! Thanks so much for starting this journey with me. I hope you will like my attempt at weaving a tale to encompass two things I am passionate about, writing MM romance and also history. I have always loved History and I excelled in this subject throughout high school, winning several awards, not only nationally but also regionally. After I moved on to college I didn’t get to study as much History anymore although it was still intertwined with the portion of my degree in International Relations.

  I always wanted to study more of history on my own but never seemed to be able to find the time. I already have to do research for my book, so when would I be able to read up on a little history? That’s when the idea struck me. Why not read history and then write fun stories set in that time? Thus came to life my Man Evolved series. These novelettes start with men from the stone age, specifically the beginning of the Neolithic stone age. Other stories I have coming in the series are Vikings, Native Indians, Romans and Greeks, Plantation and Slavery and much more…

  In the story Bartering His Body, the language you will read is contemporary. I decided to use this form of register as there’s no known language for the prehistoric times. Although historians figured language had to be a part of their society as that’s the means of communication between people, there’s no proven oral language that was used. Hence, I decided to adopt what we study in Translation, expressing thought, speech and emotions in the way we would now understand them. When language is translated, the expressions in the target language are used to convey meaning.

  It is my hope that as you read these steamy, raunchy novelettes you will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. I love hearing from my readers. If you want to discuss historical periods that you find fascinating, feel free to write to me about it. You can write me at to request stories in a particular time. My favorite stories in history include the Vikings, Native Indians (Aztecs, Mayans, Tupinambá), French Revolution, Russian Revolution, World Wars I and II, South Africa Apartheid, American Imperialism and India under Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi. Please write back and let me know your favorite periods in History.



  At the end of the Mesolithic Age, Europe

  Fact 1: The earliest date for the Stone Age is dated 2.5 million years ago in Africa. The earliest end date is 3300 BCE which began the Bronze Age in the Near East.

  Glancing behind him to ensure no one was watching, Grarc moved with stealth, backing away from his tribe's row of temporary huts. It wasn’t like they ever really paid attention to him anyway. They merely tolerated him because his parents had belonged to this tribe. The women were together along with the little children, pounding vegetation they had gathered earlier into pulp, and drying fruits to prepare meals. If he didn’t hurry, night would fall soon, and he wouldn’t be able to see the one person who made his miserable existence worth living.

  He rounded one of the bender huts that was erected for temporary shelter until his people moved again. He was tired of the constant movement and longed for a day when they were able to settle down. He doubted this would happen in his lifetime though. Either for the alignment of the stars or the scarcity of food, they always had to keep moving.

  Once behind the tent, he set off toward the trees but smacked hard into someone.

  “Ouch, Grarc!”

  Grarc groaned when he righted himself and found himself staring at the heaving bosom of Ega. Her scowl turned into a flirtatious look he always tried to ignore. He supposed some of the other men his age, eighteen years old would have looked upon her and considered her a rare beauty. He didn’t. She wasn’t his type. Since a little boy, he’d guarded his secret that he preferred a flat muscled chest to the softness of a woman’s bosom.

  “Ega, I am so sorry,” he apologized to her.

  “Make it up to me,” she dared him. Ega had tasted of every man in their tribe and now set her eyes on an unwilling Grarc. He understood why she did it. The men brought the best of their scraps to her tent just to lie with her.

  “I will,” he lied but smiled at her. All the while he was desperate for her to go so he could leave before he was discovered. Or before Dag left.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “Just for a walk,” he answered. “I’ll see you later.”

  Grarc walked away quickly before she could invite herself along. He needed privacy where he was going. He didn’t dare glance back at her for fear that she would be suspicious. It wasn’t until he reached the copse of trees that he stopped to peer back at the tents that formed their current settlement. So far, no one had noticed he was gone, and Ega was nowhere to be seen.

  Sighing in relief, he set off at a run, dodging trees, jumping boulders and fallen branches to get to his destination. When he arrived at the small stream, he paused, bending with his hands on his knees and gasped for air. He was perspiring, and his chest hurt a bit, but he didn’t care. He was here.

  Glancing around the stream which was the sole reason his tribe had gathered so close by, he checked to ensure no one else was around. Instead of using the more popular area where they gathered water, he went up the stream, farther away from the tribe. Rarely did anyone venture so far off for fear of being prey.

  He frowned because he did not see Dag. Grarc approached the edge of the stream and peered into the clear water. He briefly contemplated his appearance with a frown. Of all the men in his tribe, he was the only one who had not grown facial hair. He was unnaturally hairless except for the thick black hair on top of his head, and not even that grew very long. Most of the men in the village had long thick hair all over their faces and hanging down their backs. For this reason, he was often made fun of. Scrawny and hairless, he was the proverbial sore thumb.

  Grarc splashed water onto his face to clean off the dirt. When he opened his eyes, it was to find another face gazing back into the water with a grin. His insides squeezed tight then expanded in fondness.

  “Dag!” He threw himself at the bigger man who pulled him into a close embrace. Dag was nearly twenty years older than him but neither cared. Almost instantly his mouth fastened onto Dag’s in a kiss that reeked of desperation.

  Grarc clung to Dag, the forbidden of what they were doing and the risk of always being caught fueled his desire for the other man. He pushed his fingers through Dag’s tangled hair and deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into the other man’s mouth.

  Dag let him go suddenly. “Not here. Let’s go.”

  He grabbed Grarc a little roughly by the hand, but he didn’t complain. His legs trembling with need, Grarc tried to keep up with his lover. Ever since Dag had joined their tribe at their last
settlement, he had wanted the man in ways he knew was wrong. He had fought it for so long until he saw the way Dag looked at him. To this day Grarc still thought about their first time when he and Dag had gone out together hunting for food. The man had slammed him hard into a tree, and without thinking, Grarc had wrapped his legs around his waist. It hadn’t all been painless but even then Grarc had sensed the pleasure to be had in the act itself. Over time he experienced less discomfort. Now he only knew the pleasure in what they did.

  Dag took him to the secret spot they had made for their stolen moments. With the use of tree branches and leaves, they had created a nook from wandering eyes. Dag wrestled Grarc to their soft bed of leaves and fell on top of Grarc’s slender frame. Sometimes Grarc wished he would be gentler but it wasn’t in Dag’s nature. He was a fierce man with no words of warmth. Yet, what he was capable of doing to Grarc’s body made everything forgiven.

  Pressing his weight into Grarc, Dag kissed him, rolling to his side so he was only half-lying on the slender man. He pushed one hand beneath the wrap of animal’s hair that was around Grarc’s waist. He cupped Grarc’s cock which was rock hard.

  “Ooo,” Grarc moaned and thrust his hips upward. Fire spread through him and made his legs tremble. Several moons had passed since he had been able to steal away with Dag and he was desperate to feel Dag’s thick cock pushing through his hole. Grarc’s cock pulsed and leaked with pre-cum at his anticipation.

  With one deft movement of his hand, Dag removed his own cloth and was naked before Grarc. He was hard all over, his massive limbs almost twice the size of Grarc whose mouth went dry at the sight. He breathed hard.

  Grarc’s nipples tingled, something they did every time he was aroused. For the first time, he followed his impulse and ran his hands over the hard points. He gasped at the sensation that ran through his body and just had to do it again, causing him to moan.

  Dag didn’t bother to remove Garc’s clothing but shucked it up about his waist, baring his cock and slender but sturdy legs. Gripping both legs, he raised them and grunted in amazement at the sight of Grarc’s pucker. He guided his cock to the younger man’s hole and had to push with considerable force before he slipped in. Grarc winced a little but breathed deeply and relaxed. He had learned after the fourth time that relaxing helped a lot. Whenever he relaxed, he didn’t hurt and then there was only the pleasure.

  “More,” he begged Dag in desperation.

  Pulling back, Dag thrust hard, burying his entire cock up Grarc’s ass. Grarc grunted when he wanted to scream like the woman who had given birth in their camp some days ago.

  He gripped Dag’s shoulders, breathing hard as Dag fucked him with urgency. They had little time after all and these stolen moments had to be short to minimize the risks of being caught. Hanging on to Dag’s shoulders, soon he was meeting every thrust, his hips begging for more.

  Removing one hand from Dag’s shoulder, he reached for his cock and pumped. He jerked harder with each thrust that vibrated inside him. He felt stretched wide. Dag pulled out leaving him empty and gaping before filling him up again.

  His body stiffening, Grarc gasped and glanced down at his cock which pulsed in his hand. Dag continued fucking him as his come streaked in the air and covered his abdomen. With one last grunt, Dag pulled out of his ass and emptied his release on the leaf beneath Grarc’s ass. That had also been another accidental discovery of Grarc’s that if Dag didn’t come inside him, then he wouldn’t have to stand around for a while to have Dag’s release running out. The first time he and Dag had been intimate like this he had returned to their camp then had to excuse himself quickly to get to the stream when he’d felt the wet stickiness running out.

  “We need to go before someone finds us,” Dag remarked and Grarc sighed. He wished for once they would be able to lie like this together. He didn’t see why they had to hide their affection for each other because they were both men.

  In silence, they fixed their clothes, Dag using a piece of leaf to remove the stickiness from his skin. They scrambled out of their love nest, removing the leaves. They always replaced the leaves before they had sex again, but this time Dag didn't bother.

  “I have something to tell you,” Dag said nervously, turning to Grarc.

  Grarc, a little sore from their sex but feeling happy as he always was after their coupling, turned to Dag with a smile. “What is it? Do you want to sneak out here tonight as well?”

  Dag shook his head and glanced down at his big brown dirty feet. “No. I cannot see you later tonight. Or ever again.”

  Grarc’s smile fell and his heart thumped hard in his chest. “What do you mean?”

  “Halgi is with child and I cannot continue to do this.”

  Grarc stared at him confused. “Halgi?”

  Grarc nodded. “I have not been completely honest with you. Halgi and I are now together. And this, well I cannot do this with you again. If Halgi finds out or someone else, we would be in trouble. Killed. Or driven out of our tribe.”

  “But nobody will know,” Grarc protested, feeling his heart aching. In this barren land where he felt a discord with everything, only his relationship with Dag made his day. Otherwise, what was the point of living? Waiting to be eaten by some animal?

  “With each sunrise that we continue to do this, someone may find out.”

  Grarc reached out for his arm but Dag pulled back, causing a sharp pain to spear through him. “No, Dag. How can this be wrong? I cannot help my feelings for you. Can you?”

  “I must. Halgi is the right choice. You are a man. You cannot be my choice.”

  His heart hurting, Grarc stood and watched as Dag walked away, hurrying back to their camp. Grarc could not follow. He dropped to his knees on the ground and forced away the tears while waiting for the pain to pass. His people did not indulge in tears, especially the men. Everything was just accepted as the way of their life. It hurt now, but he knew he would get over Dag. He had no other choice. Dag had made his choice.

  Walking to the stream, still feeling numb, he washed up as best as he could, trying to get Dag’s scent off him. He hardly needed to be reminded of the man. Halgi. He should have known something was going on there. Dag had been giving his portions to Halgi, but Grarc had thought it was a matter of covering their own secret relationship. Now he felt jealous that Dag had shared what they did with Halgi and thought that was right whereas they were wrong.

  Dag had rejected him.

  There was no way Grarc could have returned to the campsite in his condition. He could not look at Halgi and Dag and not show his resentment that the woman got to be by his side while he could not. He couldn’t help resenting Dag too. He had always known their relationship would have to be kept secret, but he thought they would remain alone while enjoying each other when they had the chance.

  Getting to his feet, Grarc decided to go for a walk to clear his head. Maybe then he could return to his site and look at Dag without feeling like his world had ended. He could not see himself being with a woman and Dag was the only man like him that he knew. In despair, he set off blindly through the trees, half-wishing a giant sloth would eat him.


  Fact 2: The Stone Age is divided into three periods, Paleolithic( Old), Mesolithic (Middle) and Neolithic (New)

  Grarc lost all sense of time as he stormed through the trees, trying to clear his head and to decide where to go from here. He had a strong urge not to return to camp but eventually stopped and sighed. He had nowhere else to go. He could not survive on his own. That was the purpose behind the tribe. They picked up each other's slacks and no one person did everything.

  Eventually, he came to a stop and glanced around him, surprised to find he had gone farther than he had intended. He did not remember ever wandering so far out before. The sun was shrinking fast as well. If he did not turn back immediately he would be caught on the journey by darkness. Then he would surely get his wish and be eaten.

  Grarc was about to turn when he heard a
sound. He paused and listened, ready to run if he sensed danger. He started off in the direction of the sound even though his instincts told him to run. The sound grew louder, and he frowned because it reminded him of what he had just done with Dag. As he drew closer, it became clearer whoever was out there was engaged in coupling. Instead of his curiosity being appeased, he wondered what Dag experienced with his woman why he would abandon what they had together. Something special.

  Hoping his discovery would be the answer to his question, he pulled apart the thick foliage and startled at his discovery. He had been right about what was happening. He was wrong about who were involved. It wasn't a man and a woman. It wasn't even just two men. There were three men, all naked and they were grunting as they pleasured each other. The first man was leaned forward on a tree with the second behind him, pumping his hips over and over. The third had his cock buried inside the middleman's ass.

  Shocked, Grarc stared, unblinking at the pleasantly arousing sight that was before him. If he were caught they would likely kill him, but he was too intrigued to move. To his surprise, he felt his cock hardening. Never in his wildest dreams would be have thought other men like him and Dag existed. To find three of them engaged in the most intense coupling he had ever seen made his breath hitch. His heart hammered in his chest and a heady feeling crept over him.

  Reaching beneath his tunic, he brushed a light stroke over his cock. A shiver ran through him and he wrapped his palm more firmly around his cock, smoothing his uncut flesh up and down.


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