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Home Page 22

by Lynn Rider

  “That’s cool. Maybe I should step up my game and take her there.” He smiles. “We sign our contract this week,” he adds, changing the subject.

  “Really? I thought that was a done deal?”

  “No, we needed an attorney to review it. Austin gave me his lawyer’s name and he finished with the contract yesterday. He recommended a couple changes and the label agreed. The revised version hit his desk this morning and he said we’re good to go.”

  “That’s awesome, Reeder. I know I’ve said this before, but I’m so excited and happy for you.”

  “Thank you. We’re those things and more,” he says with a smile as we pull into the parking lot of the jewelry store.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Merritt,” the young sales associate purrs in his direction.

  “Hey, Heidi. This is my friend, Amber. I brought her to help me decide between the ones I’ve narrowed down,” he replies, ignoring the tone and seductive slither of her body. Her expression morphs with a subtle disgust as she glances in mine and Sophia’s direction.

  Reeder pulls Sophia from my arms and kisses her sweetly. She begins to pound on his head softly looking for his reaction. He takes her little hands in stride and looks at Heidi expectantly. She acknowledges his gaze and clears her expression before jumping into action. She rounds the glass counter, using her keys to open the display case. She slides out a black velvet-covered tray and strips the fabric from the five extremely shiny and extremely large diamond rings.

  “They’re beautiful, Reeder,” I say, my gaze immediately drawn to a particular one. “Which one were you thinking?” I look at him.

  “You tell me which one is your favorite,” he says, shaking his head with an easy grin.

  “If I had to choose, it would be this one.” I point to a large, round-cut diamond ring. It’s large stone is just that—large, and its band has small diamonds encircling the entire circumference.

  “Sold!” Reeder says excitedly, surprising me. He looks up from the ring and smiles. “That was my favorite too.”

  I take Sophia and walk away as they discuss price and pickup.


  The truck isn’t even stopped before I’m opening my door.

  “Shit, man! Wait a minute!” Dave barks from the driver’s seat.

  “It’s been a week.” I glance back at him with a disapproving look when he presses hard on the brake, causing me to surge forward in my seat. “Asshole,” I mumble.

  He smirks as he puts the Escalade in park and climbs out without a word. “You gonna get her to come home this time?” he says, opening the back and getting my suitcase out.

  “That’s been my plan since day one.”

  He drops my suitcase on the asphalt with a thud. “Why haven’t you completed your mission then? I hate the fucking flight and this goddamn city.” His head tilts up to the grey sky. “It rains all the fucking time here.” He sneers before climbing back in the truck and speeding out of the parking lot. I pick up my bag, not waiting another minute to see my girls.

  I hear the rapid steps of someone coming down the stairs and look up to meet his eyes. Fucking Drew. I don’t say anything or acknowledge recognition of who he is, but the slowing of his steps tell me he’s fully aware of who I am. I see his eyes scan over my shoulder briefly as he descends my direction.

  “I feel like I need to say this,” he says, stopping me within a few stairs of where he stands. My eyes lock with his as I wait for the motherfucker to say something I don’t like.

  “Amber and Sophia are special to me, and as much as I hate it, you deserve to be in their lives. At least, the man standing in front of me does. But that other Austin Harris, the old one who filled the tabloids a couple years ago, doesn’t. I’m keeping my distance out of respect for Amber, not you. You and I won’t have any problems as long as you understand it’s a privilege to be part of their lives and not a right. She may be willing to give you repeated chances, but I’m not. You fuck up and I won’t keep my distance.” He brushes by me before I’ve even finished comprehending everything that he said.

  By the time I get to the top of the stairs, I feel like a pussy for not punching the motherfucker. He just told me in no uncertain terms he’s waiting for me to fuck up to make his move on my girl. Stupid shit doesn’t know what he’s up against.

  The hard rap of my knuckles on her door reminds me to calm down. I can’t push her; she has to want to come to me. I’m in the middle of taking a deep cleansing breath when she opens the door, a wide smile on her beautiful face. My eyes roam the length of her body and all sense of taking it slow is gone.

  Her tone legs are dressed in short shorts, and her tee fits tightly against the delicious curves of her full chest, dipping dangerously low—exposing too much while not giving me enough at the same time.

  “Hi,” she says as I take another step forward and silence her with my mouth. I wrap her in my arms and kick the door closed. “Where’s Sophia?” I ask as I push her toward the couch.

  “She’s sleeping. Or she was before—”

  My mouth is over hers again. The animalistic instinct to claim her as mine kicks up another level when I feel the vibration of an almost silent whimper in her throat. I waste no time in finding the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head and breaking our kiss only long enough to clear her head of the fabric. Once it’s free of her body, I slam my mouth back on hers. She meets my vigor with her own as she claws at my jeans.

  “Naked. Now.” I hook my thumbs in her shorts and tug them down her hips. When her body is naked, I push back, breaking our connection. “Fucking perfect,” I murmur as I take in her beauty.

  I step out of my pants and push her on the couch, climbing between her legs. Her pussy glistens, telling me she’s as happy to see me as I am her. As much as I want to taste her, the need to show her she’s mine is greater.

  I pull her toward the edge of the cushion as I rest on my knees and sink myself into her body.

  “You’re mine, Amber,” I say gruffly as I begin driving in and out of her. Her lust-filled gaze meets mine and a small smile takes over her face. She draws her lower lip between her teeth as I rotate my movements, hitting that delicate spot inside. I watch as her eyes darken and her body begins rocking on its own accord, joining my rhythm. Her pants become moans and I feel her clench around my dick just before her head rolls back in ecstasy.

  With a low moan and a cry of my name she peaks, pulling me over the edge with her.

  The ringing of my phone cuts through the silence of the room like a knife. I glance at the clock as I peel Amber’s sleeping body from mine. The soft glowing screen shows a Seattle number.

  I look back at Amber, who is undisturbed by its shrill.


  “Austin, is that you, man?” The voice is hurried and shaky.

  “Yeah, who’s this?” I demand as I walk to the living room.

  “It’s Eddy. Edward, Emma’s brother.”

  I’m fully awake now, hearing the desperation in his voice. “Hey, Edward. You all right?”

  “Yeah. No. I mean, I don’t know. I need help. I’ve been thinking about what you said. I can’t do it.” His voice is burdened by the weight of it.

  Shit, I’ve been there.

  “Edward, calm down. I’m going to help you. Do you want that?” I ask as I search for Amber’s phone.

  “Yes,” he responds, so quietly I almost don’t hear him.

  “Can you hold on for one minute?”

  “Yeah, I guess so… They’re coming for me… I’m so tired.”

  “Who is coming for you?” I ask as I type Dave’s number into Amber’s phone and send him a text.

  “My nightmares. I’m so tired, Austin. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of being alone.”

  “Tell me where you are,” I demand calmly, waiting for Dave to reply.

  “I don’t know. I’m near the Pioneer Square. There’s a parking garage. I’m there. It’s dry here.”

  Amber’s phone l
ights up with Dave’s response. “I’m on my way, but you gotta help me out a little. This isn’t my city. Is there only one garage?”

  “Yeah, only one Pioneer Square garage.”

  “Watch for me, Edward. Can you stay awake long enough to look for me? Can you go to the entrance and wait?”

  “Yeah,” he says just before I hear the click.

  Then silence.

  Dave and I scan the parking garage, circling the path to the top and then back down again.

  “You sure he said this garage?” Dave asks again.

  “Yeah,” I answer with defeat. I thought I was going to be able to help him. I rest my head back as I replay our conversation in my mind.

  “Stay here.”

  Dave’s stern demand forces me to lift my head and follow his line of sight. Slumped over between two parked cars is a body resembling Edward.

  “That’s him!”

  Dave’s arm comes across my chest, pinning me to the seat when my hand reaches for the door handle. With a shake of his head, he presses me harder against the seat. “Hell no, you’re not getting out of this truck until I figure out if this is a setup. Be smart. You’re fucking rich and he’s a junkie. He’ll do anything for his next high.”

  I nod and relax in the seat. I watch silently as Dave walks toward him, surveying the area. He stands over the man, talking and getting a reaction. Edward slowly lifts his body against the tire of the car. I watch as Dave helps him to his feet and looks around again.

  With no sign of trouble, I jump from the truck, grabbing the blanket I took from Amber’s on my way out. I wrap it around Edward’s cold, wet body and help him in the backseat.

  “I can’t believe you came. I didn’t think you would,” Edward says quietly.

  “I’m here.”


  I race into work nearly ten minutes late, and pause when I see Katherine standing at the front desk on the phone, a deep scowl etched on her face. I dismiss her solemn face and run to my office to put away my purse and check my emails.

  ‘Are you at work?’

  Austin’s text flashes across my screen.

  ‘Yes, no help to you! I was ten minutes late.’

  I text back with a smile. I couldn’t pry my body from his this morning, despite his repeated attempts to remind me of how late it was getting.

  ‘Don’t blame me because you’re insatiable!’

  My smile widens as happiness floods my heart.

  The subtle ding of my email catches my attention.

  From: Robert J. Ott

  Subject: Security

  We have received numerous complaints from high profile guests regarding the level of security The Stanford provides. As you are aware, the security and privacy of our guests is paramount at any property owned by Holt, but especially for those who choose our signature brand, The Stanford.

  As we continue to research the events surrounding these complaints, we have begun taking protective measures in select locations. In the coming days, security will be increased in your location. For the safety and privacy of our guests as well as our employees, we ask that you heighten your awareness of who is staying and dining in your respective locations and report any problems to security.

  I will be in contact with each member of management to go over what to expect with regard to our security initiatives at your location. Please call me in the interim should you have any questions.


  I’m rereading Rob’s email for the third time when a quick rap sounds at my office door. Katherine’s head pokes through the narrow opening with a cautious smile.

  “Hi, I was just reading that email from Rob.”

  “I just got off the phone with him.” She slides into the chair opposite my desk with a look of defeat.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Not sure. Remember that actress we had last week?”

  “Alana Maxwell?” I ask, thinking back to her visit.

  “Yeah, she had some pictures taken while she was in the hotel. Her people weren’t too happy.” I can hear the aggravation in her voice.

  “That’s odd they’d find her here. Wasn’t she visiting a childhood friend?”

  “That’s what she said.”

  “So what’s Rob’s plan?”

  “More security at the door.” She shrugs, telling me she really doesn’t know.

  Emma’s face lights up when she spots my arm waving in the air. I stand, throwing my arms around her.

  “God, I miss you. And you haven’t even moved yet.” My voice wavers.

  “Don’t get me started. I won’t stop,” she says, pulling away while swiping at her moistened eyes with her hand. A surge of happiness bolts through me when I notice the big rock on her finger, but wait for her to mention it.

  “How’ve you been?” we both say at the same time then break into laughter.

  “I’m good. I’m engaged!” she squeals, holding up her hand and wiggling her fingers. I hug her again, this time full of happiness. “I know you know. He told me.” She winks as we both sink into our seats.

  “I saw the ring, but not on. It’s beautiful, Emma. Congratulations, I’m happy for you two.” I hold her fingers, examining the shimmer of the stone.

  “Thank you.” She beams.

  “Tell me, how did he propose?”

  Her look turns bashful then her eyes get glassy. “It was perfect. He reenacted our first date. It was just perfect,” she says again. I hear the awe in her words and see the love dancing in her eyes as she tells me every detail of his proposal. All my fears of the challenging road ahead of them fade behind the happiness I see reflected back at me.

  “Are you ready to move?” I ask.

  Her heavy sigh gives me her answer. “Ready as I’ll ever be. I have a mixture of feelings circling around in this head of mine. Happiness, excitement…” Her words drop off like she’s in search for others. “Sadness and fear,” she says, finishing her thought.

  “I can understand that. Moving is always stressful and scary.”

  Her eyes soften with my comment. “Seattle is my home. It’s all I know. Now I’m moving across the country to a place where I’ll know no one except the five guys who are moving with me. When I work my last shift tomorrow at the hospital, I can’t help but wonder if that will be the last shift of my life. It’s scary, you know?”

  “Of course I know. I’ve been there for a variety of reasons, but you’ll figure out what’s meant to be and what isn’t. In the words of my best friend, ‘It’ll all work itself out.’ And it does, Emma. I promise.”

  She smiles weakly before she studies her water glass. “I haven’t talked to my brother in close to two years, but I’m afraid to leave him here alone. I’ve been a terrible sister, turning my back on him.” Her eyes pool with moisture and I know it’s what prevents her from saying more.

  “Emma, you’re not a terrible sister. Eddy made his decision. Don’t let his decision sway you from making the right one for you.”

  “I’m trying. I’m happy and excited… If I could just come to terms with leaving Eddy behind.”

  “Have you talked to Reeder about it?”

  “Yeah, he’s looking for him. Wants to offer him one last chance at cleaning himself up. He wants him to go to rehab.” She whispers the last.

  “Rehab isn’t a bad thing, Emma. It’s what brought Austin back to me. Without it he’d probably be dead.” My voice comes out pained when thoughts of Austin’s near overdose come to mind.

  “I’ve rambled through our entire lunch. What about you? How are you?” she asks.

  “I’m good,” I say genuinely with absolute conviction of its truth.

  “So when I can expect you in New York?” she asks pointedly. I frown at her question as her words throw a punch of reality. “You can’t keep doing this. You do know that, don’t you?” I nod, unable to come up with a logical way to have it all. “Amber…”

  “I don’t know, Emma. I hate to ask for a transfer b
ack to New York when I only just got here.”

  “Transfer?” She scoffs, clearly amused by my comment. “You won’t be able to work when people figure out who the ‘unidentified woman with the baby’ is.” She giggles. Like a series of blows, her comment hits me stronger than the last.

  “I have to keep my career, Emma. It’s important to me. Important to Sophia.” My voice weakens with each word.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. That man loves you and he’s a good man now. You know I was team Drew, but I’ve jumped the line. Austin is incredible, and I’m not just saying that because he helped my fiancé.” I hear the giddiness in her tone when she says fiancé and smile.

  “I know, Em. I’ll visit New York every chance I get. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”


  I study the expansive building from the safety of my truck. I’ve picked the furthest parking place from it for some fucking reason. Maybe to prolong having to walk in and face what I haven’t wanted to since the last time I was here. It’s been close to two months since I left her here.

  She’s supposed to be better, but I’m not. She’s eager to see me so that we can talk, but I’m not. Ashton drops his subtle, no pressure hints that I should come see her when we talk each day. I guess it’s easy for him being on the other side of the country. Maybe he wouldn’t want to see her either if he were sitting here in this truck.

  ‘I support you whether you walk in that building or not. I love you.’

  Amber’s text flashes on my screen. I read it over and over and it empowers me. She was quiet when I told her I was coming here. She just listened offering me no advice, but encouraged me to follow my feelings.

  Amber had an equally tough go in life, yet she didn’t make half the dumbass decisions I did. She inspires me with her independence and strength every day.

  I slide the phone in my pocket as I step from the truck and start for the building. The heavyset receptionist greets me with a smile.

  “I’m here to see Denise Harris.”

  A look of surprise covers her face briefly before she smiles. “And you are?” she asks kindly.


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