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Beast in Shining Armor (A Kinda Fairy Tale)

Page 21

by Cassandra Gannon

  The wizard hadn’t cared. He’d made his ruling and nothing they said would sway him. In retrospect, Avenant’s family really shouldn’t have confiscated the man’s summerhouse and turned it into a putting green twenty years before. The judge had swept into his chambers with a self-satisfied swirl of his robes. Lancelot had stomped out of the courtroom in a rage, the musty smell of armor wax wafting after him. Guards had yanked Avenant to his feet, ready to transport him to the Wicked, Ugly and Bad Mental Health Treatment Center and Maximum Security Prison.

  …Belle had hightailed it to the ladies room.

  She’d been standing there for ten minutes, still trying to work things out in her mind. She braced her hands on the sink and tried to figure out her next move. Avenant was going to jail.

  There was suddenly a huge void in the center of her chest. Avenant was the most important person in her life. She hated him, but everything she did was because of that bastard. Belle woke-up in the morning with new ideas to fight him on. She spent her evenings planning vengeance for his evil tricks. She dreamed about him every single night. As mad as she was, the thought of never seeing Avenant again was…

  The door to the restroom slammed open and she knew who it was without even looking.

  Belle lifted her head and met Avenant’s eyes in the mirror. “Don’t.” She said quietly, suspecting that this was going to get messy. “We have enough problems.”

  He answered by securing the lock and silently stalking closer to her.

  Belle swallowed as Avenant came up behind her, his gaze on hers. “You should escape.” She told him. “I won’t try to stop you.” He must have already gotten away from his guards if he was in here with her. The handcuffs were gone, too. There was time for him to slip away. “Or maybe I could get you a pardon.”

  He had a better idea. Avenant grasped her arm and turn her around to face him. His body crowded hers against the counter, pressing her legs apart with his knee.

  She stared up at him, breathing hard. But, it wasn’t from fear. “They’re going to find you in about five minutes. This is insane, even for you. You’re about to be taken off to jail. Get out while you can.”

  He ignored that and knelt down before her.

  Belle’s eyes widened as he pushed up the hem of her practical suit. “What are you doing?” She blurted out, even though it seemed obvious when he yanked off her underwear. She became so wet, so fast there was no way he didn’t notice.

  “I’m having my last meal.” His voice was an erotic rasp.

  “You can’t.” Frantic, she glanced towards the door and said the first thing that came to mind. “We’re in a public building.” There were a thousand other reasons why this was a Bad plan, but it was hard to concentrate on specifics when new sensations were bombarding her. The heat of his breath against her core had her heart racing. “Avenant, you can’t do this.” She automatically tried to close her legs, but his head was in the way.

  Avenant kept going, tugging her skirt to her waist and baring her to his gaze. At prom, he’d been so tender. Now, he was just determined. “You’re not locking me in a cell before I taste you. No way in hell.”

  Belle struggled to think. Everything was going too fast. “People are out there!”

  “Call them in to help you, then. Tell them to save you from the Beast.” His lips slid higher and Belle stopped trying to shove him away. Instead, she felt her thighs instinctively shift forward to give him a better angle. “Beautiful.” Avenant leaned in to kiss her inner thigh. “It’s not fair that you’re always so fucking beautiful.”

  Belle bit back a whimper. “You should be smart and use this opportunity to go out the window or something instead of… Oh.” His mouth sealed over her and Belle arched in desire. “Oh, God.”

  He growled against her and it just increased her rapture. Ever since prom she’d been fantasizing about him touching her again and this was better than she could’ve dreamed. His tongue was doing things Belle hadn’t even read about in books. Her hand clenched in his hair, holding on for dear life. In an instant, she was on the verge of the biggest orgasm of her life.

  “Please.” Belle’s hips undulated against the relentless suction of his lips. She was going to come right there in the courthouse bathroom. Come for a man who she almost completely detested, and who’d sent men to terrorize her, and was probably only doing this for revenge. She was going to come against his mouth in a matter of seconds, like her body had been starving for him. All of that should have been enough to make her stop, but she couldn’t. It was the most incredible…

  “Ms. Ashman?” One of the knights standing guard pounded on the door. “Are you alright in there?”

  Belle froze.

  Avenant lifted his gleaming gaze to hers. He knew he had her and he was going to take full advantage of it. She could see satisfaction all over his smug face. His teeth grazed her ultrasensitive flesh and she jolted, trying not to cry out.

  He smirked, kissing her deeper.

  “I hate you.” She hissed, even as she rocked against him. Jesus, what was she going to do? He wasn’t going to stop and she couldn’t. Her body was poised right on the brink. She was going to come for the Beast of the Northlands. It was inevitable.

  “Ms. Ashman?”

  “Y-y-yes?” She bit down on her lower lip and hoped her voice didn’t sound as shaky as it seemed. Avenant licked her core and Belle’s head went back, banging against the mirror. The overwhelming tightness gave way to small tingles and she knew she was about to…

  Avenant eased back, because he was sadist.

  “You son-of-a-bitch.” She panted.

  Avenant ignored that and started the whole process over.

  “What did you say, ma’am?”

  The guard was going to hear everything of this went on much longer. Belle squeezed her eyes shut, her system screaming for release. “Please.” She whispered again, unsure if she was begging for Avenant to stop or to go on.

  Avenant answered by spreading her legs wider and claiming even more territory. Belle let him. He could have anything, if only he gave her the climax that was looming. It shimmered in front of her eyes and she whimpered at how close it was.

  The guard tried knocking, again. “Prince Avenant has escaped, ma’am. We’re conducting a search.”

  “Ummm….” She couldn’t even process the man’s words. The tremors were beginning, again. Her body bowed in anticipation, her breath coming in pants.

  “Ma’am, are you okay in there?”

  “Just… give me a minute.” Belle somehow managed to call. “Please.” She whispered to Avenant. “If he gets in here, he’ll see us.”

  “I don’t care.” His voice was deeper than usual, his eyes an electric blue. Avenant kept driving her higher and she forgot about protesting.

  Belle twisted in his grasp, trying to find relief. Everyone in the kingdom could’ve walked through the door and she would’ve been helpless to push him away. Not when she was right on the brink of something amazing.

  “Unlock the door, ma’am!” The guard started trying to knock down the door. “You could be in danger.”

  “I said give me minute, goddamn it!”

  Avenant smiled. He loved it when she was bitchy. His fingers tightened on her hips, dragging her closer. His mouth ravished her harder and faster and Belle started begging.

  “Please.” She gasped, close to sobbing. “Please. Now. I need you, now.”

  His expression softened for a flicker of time. “Not as much as I need you, my love.” Avenant found the tight knot of her desire and she lost the capacity to speak. He gently bit down and Belle exploded.

  She dimly processed his palm large coming up to cover her mouth as her body went into total meltdown. Her shouts were captured against his fingers and her body opened up to him completely. Tremors shook her as Avenant drained every drop of pleasure from her, leaving her replete. When it was over, she sagged against the counter, still gripping his hair as he lapped the moisture from her skin.r />
  For a timeless moment, it was all just… right.

  “Why, Bella. I think maybe I was wrong about you. I think you might be a Bad little girl.” Avenant said smugly and then he was standing up. Blue eyes met hers. “Next time, I’ll be inside of you.” His hand brushed against her swollen flesh. “I’m done being patient. Next time, I’ll take everything that’s mine.”

  The man was insufferable. He’d done this just to prove he could. Just to humiliate her. “There won’t be a next time, because you’re going to jail, idiot.”

  “You really think you’ll ever get rid of me?” He loomed over her. “You think this plan of yours will work?” His thumb did something and another aftershock of desire rippled through her. “I dare you to keep me in that prison for long.”

  Belle’s eyes narrowed at him, all thoughts of maybe giving him a pardon vanishing. “Let me go.” She snarled.

  Avenant fingers obediently slipped from of Belle’s slick depths and he readjusted her skirt. “Beautiful.” He popped his thumb into his mouth, sucking the taste of her off his skin. “Christ, I knew you’d be beautiful.”

  “Are you done?” She crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to be embarrassed.

  “I’m just getting started. You’re trying to lock me away for life plus a century and steal my kingdom. This game of ours just become winner-takes-all, Bella. And I’m going to be the winner.”

  Belle kept her eyes on his. “I found Prince Avenant.” She raised her voice so the guard could hear her. “You can come and arrest him, again. He’s served his purpose in here.”

  The door was finally smashed in and a dwarf SWAT team dragged Avenant away. He turned to watch Belle over his shoulder as they lead him down the hall. He might’ve been the one in handcuffs, but she wasn’t crazy enough to think the guards were in control. The Beast of the Northlands wouldn’t be contained for long. Not by anyone.

  “Are you okay, Belle?” Peter Piper came up beside her. “Did he hurt you?”

  Peter had slimmed down over the years, but he still favored fluid purple clothing. Belle suspected he liked the color because it contrasted with his otherwise bland existence. He’d put his childhood math skills to use and become an accountant, which seemed to be the entirety of his existence. Despite the fact that Avenant had blackballed him from all the best banking firms, Peter lived and breathed columns of computerized numbers. They were his world. In fact, he’d been the one who discovered the slush funds that Avenant set-up to hide the stolen money.

  “I’m alright.” Belle glanced at him and tried to ignore the strong smell of pickled peppers that emanated from his pours. Throughout this entire ordeal, Peter had been a supportive friend. She’d nearly forgiven him for the whole Jill fiasco. “Avenant wouldn’t harm me.”

  “He sent men to attack you in your bed!” Peter put a commiserating hand on her shoulder. “You’re lucky you weren’t raped and murdered while you slept.”

  “I’m pretty sure I would’ve woken up for that.” Belle kept her attention on Avenant as he was herded into the elevator at the end of the corridor.

  His blue eyes stayed locked on hers, his jaw tightening as he watched Peter pat her arm.

  For no reason at all, Belle shifted out from under Peter’s palm. It wasn’t because Avenant was glaring at her. She wouldn’t accept that. But she also didn’t like the other man touching her, even in an innocent way. It didn’t feel right. No one but Avenant ever felt right, damn it.

  Avenant’s mouth curved as if he could read her mind. “Good-bye, Bella.” He paused meaningfully. “For now.”

  “Forever.” She corrected in frustration.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Give it up.” Peter scowled at Avenant from a safe distance. “Belle is finally free of you.” Avenant didn’t even look his way, so Peter tried again. “You’re never coming back to the Northlands.”

  Avenant stayed focused on Belle, not even noticing the other man existed. “Think of me while I’m gone, my love.” Avenant winked at her as the elevator doors slid shut. “I’ll certainly be thinking of you.”

  It wasn’t a particularly reassuring promise.

  “You bastard, you’re never coming back!” Peter bellowed as if Avenant could still hear him. Belle had never seen him so agitated. “After all you’ve done to ruin my life, I’ve finally made sure you’ve lost everything!”

  Belle barely processed his ranting. Peter was wrong if he thought Avenant was beaten. The judges and the guards could try to keep him in a cage, but it wouldn’t work. Avenant would be out of that prison within the year. Belle suddenly knew it. He’d somehow get free and come back for her. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind.

  The Beast would never quit.

  Which was appalling news and she should report her suspicions to the police, so they could double the width of the bars on his windows. Except for one little problem. As mad as she was at him… As much as he deserved to be arrested… As terrible as it would be when he came back for revenge… Belle still found herself smiling in anticipation at the idea that she’d see him again, soon.


  She was completely in love with that jerk.

  Chapter Twenty

  That beast could never be a knight.

  Testimony of Sir Lancelot- The People of the Northlands v. Prince Avenant

  Peter Piper stood in the entrance to the cavern, a purple cloak around his shoulders and Lancelot held in front of him like a shield. “One move to freeze me with your powers, Beast, and I’ll shoot your cousin.” He warned jabbing the revolver into Lancelot’s neck. “I mean it.”

  Avenant actually chuckled at that threat. “Granted, there aren’t a lot of hostages I would give a shit about, but you’ve managed to pick the guy who ranks dead last on the ‘Don’t Care’ list, Pete.”

  “You must help me, cousin!” Lancelot’s words came out in a desperate jumble. “He found me up in the hedge maze. He dragged me down here. He has a magical mirror that…”

  “Shut-up.” Peter’s wild expression focused on Avenant. “All you need to know is that I’ve killed everyone else who got in my way of finding the sword and I’ll kill you, too. I want to kill you. But not before you watch me steal everything from you, the way you stole everything from me.”

  “Big words for a Merit Scholar.” Avenant glanced over at Belle and arched a brow. “I’m guessing that smell on the bridge was pickled peppers, my love. I can’t believe you went to prom with this reeking ass.”

  “That was your fault for not asking me yourself.” Belle whispered back at him, her gaze staying on Peter. As shocked as she was to see him, things were making a terrible sort of sense. “You’ve hated Avenant since twelfth grade.” She shook her head, anger burning through her fear and surprise. “You’re the one who set him up for the embezzlement, aren’t you? You doctored the accounts, so he’d go to prison.”

  “He deserved everything I did to him and more!”

  “You son-of-a-bitch.” Belle’s temper flashed, furious that Avenant had been hurt and that she’d been tricked into helping it happen. She shoved her way forward, stabbing a finger at Peter. “You’re the one who should’ve been locked-up. Avenant was completely innocent and you had him thrown in a cage!”

  Avenant looked down at her, his mouth curving at one corner. “Did you just call me completely innocent?” He asked in delight. “God, I adore you.”

  “Can you concentrate, please?” She demanded. The man couldn’t have looked less interested in the lunatic holding them at gunpoint. “Do you not understand what he’s done? That he’s threatening you, right now?”

  “I have faith that my True Love will protect me.”

  Peter glowered at her. “So what if Avenant didn’t really steal from the kingdom, Belle?” He waved a dismissive hand. “He’s done plenty of other stuff. Especially to me.”

  “I barely even know who you are.” Avenant scoffed.

  “I still don’t know who he is.” Lancelot’s eyes w
ere huge and terrified.

  Avenant’s gaze flicked over to him. “That’s guy I’m going to kill for attacking Bella in her bed.” He said mildly.

  Belle gasped. She hadn’t even considered that part, yet. “Jesus!” She shouted at Peter. “You’re the one who framed Avenant for that, too? I’m going to help him kill you, you bastard.”

  “Also, he attacked you in your bed.” Avenant stressed.

  “I would never hurt, Belle.” Peter sounded insulted. “Once I claim the Northlands, I’m going to make her my princess. I just hired those guys to scare her and teach her a lesson. I was trying to make her realize that you’re evil.”

  Belle saw red. “Except he didn’t do anything!”

  “He fucking ruined my life!” Peter roared. “Avenant blocked me from accounting jobs. He made me a laughingstock in school. He paid off the judges at the Mathele Olympics to make sure our squad didn’t win the junior championships.”

  Belle sent Avenant a quick frown. “I knew you were behind that.” She muttered.

  He shrugged with no remorse. “Technically, I blackmailed them.”

  “The Beast drew a target on my back, because he sensed that you and I have a connection, Belle.” Peter continued persuasively. “He couldn’t stand the idea that you might want me more than him, so he set out to destroy me and ruin my chances with you.”

  “Well, you certainly helped to ruin them, when you ended our one and only date by making out with another girl.” She retorted.

  “Avenant paid Jill to come on to me! I was the victim.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He tied you up and forced you to kiss her when I went for punch?” She shook her head. “I don’t think so. He might have been a jackass, but you were the one who swallowed his bait.”


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