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Mated to Three

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s because you’re part wolf.” Draco tried to reassure her.

  She smiled. “I was hoping it was just a crazy nightmare. That I was dreaming about the attack, the three men thing, and all the changes that are going on inside my body.”

  “You never did answer Reese about us?” Alex said. He’d finished breading all the chicken, and he washed his hands, turning toward the two wolves while drying his hands on a towel.

  “Where is Reese?” she asked.

  “He had to go and take care of some pack business. You keep avoiding the question.” Alex leaned on the counter, focusing on her.

  “I don’t know what to say. It’s scary. I’m just me. Not a lot has changed, I still feel the same, only everything is heightened. Intense.”

  “You don’t believe us, do you?” Draco asked.

  Heat filled Bethany’s cheeks, and she stared down.

  “Well, I don’t know what to think. All of you, Reese included, are good looking men. Why would you want me? I’m not perfect. I’m not thin. I have cellulite, do you know that? I’m not pretty, and I have scars.”

  Before he could stop her with a kiss, Draco cupped her cheek and slammed his lips against hers. Alex watched. His cock thickened as Draco claimed her lips. She turned in her chair, and Draco stood, pressing the whole of his body against hers. He saw the moment she opened up, giving Draco access to her tongue.

  The sight was hot, and he wanted it. He wanted to watch, and fuck, and do everything so damn dirty.

  Reese cleared his throat, letting them all know they weren’t alone.

  “I take it I missed something,” Reese said.

  “Just a kiss to let our lady know that she is wanted in a big way.” Draco smiled, stroking her cheek a final time before letting go.

  Chapter Five

  The kiss hadn’t sealed the deal. In fact, it had been an entire week since the attack, since the kiss, and since every main focus of his life had changed from fucking to one little woman. Bethany had grown stronger, and her body had fully recovered from the attack. They were outside right now, walking through the woods nearest the cabin. Draco was taking her in a direction far away from the pack. From what Reese had told them, Mischa had kept the secret to herself.

  For the first time in his life, Reese had lied. Draco had sensed it, and he was sure that Alex had as well.

  They didn’t have a whole lot of time before Mischa scared everyone into hunting Bethany down. So, each one of them was trying to get her stronger while also fighting their own desires in claiming her.

  “I like it here,” she said. “The open. The trees, the ground. Everything feels alive. Is that the wolf part of me?”

  “Just a little bit,” he said.

  They stood near a small pond, and Bethany crouched down, staring. “I really enjoyed that kiss.”

  He froze. She hadn’t said anything about it, not to him, not to any of the other guys.

  “Thank you.” They had all agreed to give her time. Even though he wanted to get naked and fuck her, marking her as his, he held back. “You enjoyed it.”

  “Yes.” She stood up, turning toward him. “I’ve not had many kisses in my life.”

  “Not even from human men?”

  “I’ve never been popular with guys. It’s surreal to think that you all want me.”

  “And we do. All of us do.” He moved close to her, resting his hand on her hip. Touching was perfect to him.

  “I’ve never known this kind of feeling.” She leaned back against him, and gazing down at her face, he saw her eyes were closed. “I love it when you touch me. My whole body comes alive.”

  “Is it just me it comes alive for?”

  “No. Alex, Reese, you, all of you. It’s like you have this magical power over me, and I can see all three of us together, being happy. I don’t know how you can stand it. If you wanted to bring another female along, I couldn’t handle it. The wolf inside me, she goes crazy.”

  He linked their hands together, holding onto her. “That would never happen.”

  “It doesn’t seem fair, though. Three men sharing.”

  “Seeing you in Reese’s arms, Alex, myself, we all get turned on. This is not natural for my pack, either. We don’t share our mates, we keep them for life.”

  “What if it wears off?”

  “What if what wears off?”

  “These feelings you have. None of you have tried to touch me. You’ve kissed me. Nothing else has happened.”

  “We’re trying to give you time,” Reese said, coming out of the forest with Alex right behind him. Neither man was dressed in a shirt. Draco had a sudden urge to get naked, but he held it in, and instead focused on the woman in front of him.

  “Time for what?”

  “This is all new to you, Bethany. Just over a week ago you were working in my café, thinking you were going crazy with Reese constantly changing his order. Now, you’re part wolf. Your body is changing.”

  “I thought I’d get slimmer, but no such look. I’m destined to be fat.”

  “You’re not fat,” Draco said. “You’re beautiful.” And he meant it.

  Her cheeks heated, and he scented her embarrassment but he also scented her need. She was attracted to them, and with every passing day, that arousal kept on increasing. Draco wanted her to be ready, just like he was.

  “I don’t even get a kiss?” she asked.

  “What’s on your mind, Bethany? Talk to us,” Reese said.

  “I don’t know. I just.” She touched her stomach, and her hands moved down to her sides. Her body was aching. Draco inhaled deep, and he scented her need. She wanted to mate.

  Reese let out a little growl, taking a step toward them. Alex did the same.

  “I need something,” she said.

  Draco moved behind her, lifting up her hair and gripping her neck. The moment the tip of his fingers touched hers, she released a moan.

  “Yes, that’s what I want. Please.”

  She was acting like a wolf in heat. Suddenly and swiftly, her body filled with arousal, and his wolf woke up.

  Goosebumps erupted on his flesh, and he was desperate for a taste of her. Tilting her head back, he claimed her lips, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth, consuming her. His cock filled, and he was ready to make her his.

  * * * *

  Alex watched as Draco took the first kiss. Bethany was reacting like a woman in heat, and she needed them all to take care of that. Her body was on fire. Even he scented her arousal, and it was mouth-watering.

  They were taking it in turns to patrol the perimeter, and to also explore the murder site. So far, neither of them had found where the wolf had come from. Whoever it was, they had the power to lose their scent, or he was able to change from wolf to human and back again without leaving a trace of who he was. Either way, it left a bad taste in Alex’s mouth that someone was hunting near his home, and he didn’t know who. Not only was this guy or girl hunting, they were killing people.

  The woman who died, she shouldn’t have. Riser Woods was a good place, an honest place, and he didn’t want to see his home become plagued with a bad name, or risk hunters looking for a kill.

  “Please touch me,” she said, moaning.

  Her wolf was close as well. Alex stepped closer. His cock already thick and ready for her.

  She moaned as Reese touched her arms. Thrusting her tits out, Reese moved the straps of her shirt down her body, exposing her large tits to view. They hadn’t gone to her place yet to get some clothes, so she was wearing Reese’s spare clothes. No clothes meant no underwear. Under the sweatpants, he wondered if she was bare. Damn, he hoped so. He really wanted a taste of her pussy. His mouth watered, and he sank sank to his knees on the ground, and pulled her pants down. Her pussy was covered with fine curls, and he couldn’t resist touching her.

  Sliding a finger between her slit, he found her clit, and moaned as her cream soaked his digit. She was soaking wet.

  Bethany opened her thighs, givin
g him better access. She was still a virgin so he didn’t even attempt to plunge a finger inside her, otherwise that would have hurt. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. She was his entire life, and he would do everything in his power to protect her. To protect and love her.

  “Feels so good,” she said.

  Alex looked up to find Draco holding her tits up for Reese to suck. Not one to be outdone, he covered her clit with his lips, and sucked in deep. Reese was the one who kept her upright as her legs collapsed. Spreading her open, he tongued her clit, sending her higher to her climax. Her cream covered his lips, and he lapped up her juices.

  “Oh, wow, I need, oh God,” she said, screaming.

  She ground her pussy on his face as her orgasm rushed through her. Alex wasn’t done with her yet. He wanted her screaming, begging for him to stop before he was finished. As a virgin, it was going to be a tight fit, and all of them wanted to claim her.

  After her third orgasm, he pulled away, and saw her hand was down Draco’s pants, rubbing his cock. Even though they were out in the open, exposed to dangers, Alex couldn’t think of a single word to say to move them. This was going to happen here, and it was going to happen now.

  She wants you.

  “Please, I need you. I need you all inside me. Please.”

  Reese was the first to remove his pants. Next Alex did, and Draco was the last as he was dressed in more clothes.

  None of them were thinking anything sensible. All they were consumed by was the mating heat, and it was swirling all around them, cocooning them. Alex had never known anything like it, and he wanted it. The mating heat was spilling to his bear, who was in turn screaming in his mind to mate with her.

  Bethany was destined to have three mates, three powerful men. Even Draco could have been Alpha in his own right but he chose to follow Reese. They were all naturally strong men as well.

  Once they were all naked, Alex stepped close, sinking his fingers into her hair, and claiming her lips. Her tongue licked along his mouth, tasting herself.

  “You taste so good to me, Bethany. I could lick you all day.”

  He moved behind her so that Reese could take her lips. Each of them taking it in turns to touch, to caress, to claim.

  “This is wrong, but it feels so right,” she said, moaning.

  Gripping her naked hips, Alex kissed her neck, inhaling her. He rubbed his cock against her back, marking her with his pre-cum.

  “You’re a virgin,” Reese said.

  “I don’t care. I need you.”

  They had all agreed that they were going to allow this to come naturally, neither of them fighting for that position between her thighs. They all wanted her. The need had already taken over.

  It had been a week since her attack, a week that they had all been keeping their shifters at bay. Now they were going to mate with her.

  Alex cupped her face, turning her so that he could claim her lips.

  This wasn’t just about fucking, doing something dirty. No, this was about claiming, making her theirs for the rest of their lives.

  * * * *

  Reese moved between her thighs, tasting her creamy cunt. The scent of her was everywhere, and his wolf was at the end of his patience. She was a virgin, and he held onto that restraint as he aligned the tip of his cock between her thighs. She released a gasp, and jerked away from Alex’s mouth.

  “I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with anyone.”

  “I know, baby, I can smell you. Do you want me to stop?” He would. He would stop for her.

  “No. I need this. I want this.”

  Her wolf was pushing her along. Draco moved toward her side. He was fucking his fist, and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

  The flood of arousal washed over the head of Reese’s cock. Gritting his teeth, he pushed the tip past her hymen, tearing through her pussy, and slamming in deep. There was no other way to do it. He had to claim her, and prolonging it would have only increased her pain.

  Holding her hips, Reese tore himself apart at her scream of pain. Alex took possession of her mouth, and Draco offered her comfort with his body. Taking hold of her hand, Reese locked their fingers together, binding them all. This was how it was supposed to be. All four of them, together, combating the world.

  Reese waited until she was no longer in any kind of pain. Being a wolf, it helped for her to handle his loving. Cupping her hips, he eased out of her, and Bethany pulled away from Alex, staring at him.

  He made love to her, staring in her eyes, watching her as he made his claim of her. “Do you know what is happening?” he asked.

  “You’re claiming me.”


  “My fuzzy brown wolf, she likes it. She wants to be claimed by all three of you.”

  Reese groaned, thrusting inside her to the hilt. Her pussy tightened around him. Any pain faded as Bethany started to thrust up against him, taking him deep inside her.

  “It feels so good.”

  Bethany reached out, taking hold of Draco’s length, and started to work his dick. She did the same with Alex, and the moment they were all touching, Reese closed his eyes, feeling the bond that sealed them all as mates.

  Staring at each of them, he saw the others felt it, too. They were locked together, bound for the rest of their lives. All three men for one woman.

  “I can feel you all. Oh my,” Bethany said, arching up. She offered them her body. Reese went first, biting her shoulder, and marking her as his. Draco did his mark on her other shoulder.

  Alex, he took her neck. All three of them, bound, connected, and mated as one. They had accepted this, and now they were going to fulfill their duty in caring for their mate.

  Thrusting inside her, Reese didn’t want this moment to end, but he also knew Draco and Alex had a right to share her sweetness.

  Reaching between them, he teased her clit, bringing her to orgasm before he found his own. Only when she’d come down from her orgasm did he move aside.

  Draco moved between her legs. “Do you want me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I want you. I want you all,” Bethany said.

  * * * *

  Bethany stared out over the lake. Yesterday she had been a virgin, and within hours, she had not only lost her virginity, but she had given herself to three men. Glancing back, she saw Alex, Reese, and Draco on the ground. All three of them asleep, exhausted. She had taken them all, multiple times.

  Her body should be in pain, or she should feel something, but she was happy. The clothes she had worn lay on the ground.


  Closing her eyes, she lifted her face up to the sky, feeling the small rays of sunshine rushing through the leaves. The ground was frozen, and yet she didn’t truly feel the bite of the pain. Her body was warm, so toasty and warm.

  The marks on her neck were reminders of the three men who now owned her soul. Stepping onto the frozen lake, she liked the feel of the ice against her feet. Staring at her arms, she started to touch her body. It was all the same, and yet it wasn’t. There was more power in her arms.

  Something destructive.

  “You’re exactly like a newborn,” Alex said.

  She turned to see him stood at the edge of the lake, near her. “I didn’t hear you move.”

  “Wolves are not perfect listeners.” His gaze wandered down her body. “How are you feeling?”

  “Alive, aching, happy, horny.”

  He smirked. “After you took us again and again, you’re still feeling horny?”

  “I don’t get it. I’ve never been attracted to anyone before,” she said.



  “I know I wanted you. From the moment you walked into my life, I wanted you. So did Draco and Reese. They came to the café to see you and only you.”

  “They did?”


  She looked past him. Both men were still sleeping. “They never said anything.”

  “You were a human. It’s not uncomm
on for shifters to mate with humans, but it is for Alphas.”

  “Oh. What about you?” she asked.


  “Yes. You’re a bear, and I worked for you. Not once did you show me any kind of interest other than being my boss. Didn’t you feel it?”

  “Oh, I felt it alright. Keeping you at arm’s length was fucking difficult.”

  “Why did you have to?”

  “I’m a bear, and I’m an Alpha, Bethany. I was worried I would hurt you.”

  She smiled. The one thing she noticed about Alex was the fact he was always considerate to others’ needs. Stepping out of the lake, she wrapped her arms around him. “You’re sweet.”

  “And you’re beautiful. Did I mention that you used to drive me crazy?”


  “You never took a compliment, even now, you struggle.”

  Bethany sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Do you know you could have died? You could have died, and I would never have gotten to tell you how much I fucking love you. How much you mean to me.”

  He pushed some of her hair off her shoulder. Tears filled her eyes as she saw the passion, the fear, and the love shining in his eyes. She knew, in that moment, she just knew that she loved him.

  When she was working for him, Bethany had pushed any idea of being with him to the back of her mind. What was the point? She was used to men being repulsed by her body, only wanting slender women. She wasn’t slender, and especially not with her love of food.

  “I know. I thought about you,” she said. “I wish I had the chance to say goodbye to you. I didn’t want to leave you, not ever.” She pressed her lips against his. “I love you.”

  It wasn’t the wolf inside her talking, either, it was all her.

  Rustling had her glancing over at the ground. Reese and Draco were sitting, staring at her.

  “I love you both as well. I love all three of you, and I feel horrible about that. I shouldn’t love you, and yet I do.”

  Within seconds all three men were around her, kissing her.

  “We love you, too.”

  Their touch, it calmed the fear that was threatening to take over.

  Suddenly, Alex tensed up, as did Reese and Draco. Bethany heard it. The growl of wolves, not one, but many.


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