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Mated to Three

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Bethany bit her lip, spinning around slowly, staring at them. “This is like a porn film.”

  “Only better. We’re going to blow your world between the three of us.”

  She hesitated for one second, and Reese became nervous. Had he pushed her? Had he rushed too far? Did he read the wrong signals? All his doubts started to plague him. She stepped closer to him, removing her clothing until she stood before him. Each of her glorious curves on display. “You better rock my world,” she said, smiling.

  All three of them, moved in on her. She was naked, and Reese went for her tits. Her nice fat, juicy tits. Flicking his tongue against the peak, he heard her moan. He saw Draco had gone between her legs, and was lifting her leg up, tonguing her clit.

  On the other side of her was Alex, he imagined was preparing her ass.

  Bethany was biting her lip to the point she drew blood. Tugging on her lip, he made her slip it from her mouth. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he said.

  “He’s licking my ass.” She panted each word out, looking pained and heady with arousal.

  “Do you like it?”


  “He’s getting you ready. Your tight little ass needs to be open to take our cocks. Do you want it? Do you want our cocks inside you?”

  “Yes. God, yes, I do.”

  Taking her lips, Reese swallowed every moan, every beg, as she shook in his arms. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and she belonged to them. Their mating marks bright on her skin.

  In a few days they would all get their answer on how she would handle the full moon. Reese couldn’t bear to lose her, but it was a risk, he hoped nothing changed. He’d never needed for her to change. The fact the whole pack adored her was lucky. Mischa, for her interference, had been cast out of the pack. Her jealousy had nearly torn the pack apart. He wasn’t going to allow that kind of behavior to go unpunished.

  “So good,” Bethany said.

  The night was only getting started.

  * * * *

  Alex tongued her asshole, pressing a finger to the tight puckered hole. With the way Draco had her leg up, it helped him to work in one finger. He used his saliva and the cream dripping from her pussy to ease his way. She was so tight. It was going to be a hard fit. He was going to have to take her ass before Draco took her pussy.

  His pre-cum was already spilling over the head of his cock. Sliding a second finger into her ass, he started to stretch her so that she’d be able to take him inside.

  At the same time, Draco thrust a finger inside her pussy and she cried out. Between the three of them, they stood her ground, waiting for their pleasure.

  They brought her to orgasm, keeping her standing as they played with her body. She was so soft, so beautiful, and she belonged to all of them. Alex loved it. He loved watching her come apart between the two men. In the beginning he did fear that he wouldn’t be able to cope. Shifters of any kind were not known for sharing. They couldn’t stand to have another in the pack touching what they considered theirs. With Bethany, it was different. She belonged to all of them.

  “It’s time,” Reese said.

  “She’s ready.” This came from Draco.

  “Are you ready, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes, I want you. I want you all.”

  Sitting down, Alex helped ease her down onto his shaft. He started in her pussy, getting his cock nice and slick. She moaned, squirmed on his cock as she took him to the hilt. When he couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out and, with Draco holding her, he placed the wet tip at her anus. Slowly, they guided her down, he pushed past the tight ring of muscles, filling her ass as she lowered on him.

  “Oh, God, it feels so big.”

  “I am big, baby.”

  She gripped his thighs as he held her hips. Only when she was comfortable, and he was all the way inside her, did Draco take his position. Since they had talked about it, this was all Alex could think of. He loved the connection they all shared, the power, the strength, and unity.

  This time, he couldn’t contain his pleasure as Draco slid inside her, rubbing his cock through that thin wall that kept them separate.

  Next, Reese stepped close, and Bethany reached out, running her fingers over his shaft, before taking him inside. The moment all three of them connected, the flow of energy, of love, of power, of everything consumed him. Alex kissed her neck, gripped her hips, and found a rhythm with Draco. They both worked her body, thrusting in as Draco pulled out.

  Bethany took Reese into her mouth, and they all worked together, everything so natural as they filled her. She was the person that bound them together. The one that would keep them sane.

  He loved her, just as he loved Reese and Draco. It wasn’t the same kind of love, but it was still love.

  “I’m not going to last,” Draco said.

  Easing his hand between Bethany and Draco, he fingered her clit, driving her to orgasm at the same time he, Draco, and Reese found their completion. Their first time as all of them together didn’t last long, but it was the best experience of his life. He panted for breath as Bethany went completely fluid.

  “That was amazing. I felt all of you.”

  Draco chuckled. “We were all inside you.”

  “Are we going to talk about using me as bait?” Bethany asked.

  Reese growled, Draco tensed, and Alex gripped her even tighter. He couldn’t let her go.

  * * * *

  “We’re not talking about this,” Reese said, pacing the living room.

  Draco sat on the chair wearing a pair of pants, Bethany was on the sofa beside Alex. He couldn’t lose her. The thought of using her as bait left a sick feeling in his mouth.

  “We have to talk about this. None of the pack can find whoever did this. Was it male or female? Old or young? You ever thought that it could be a young person, lost, afraid?”

  “That’s not possible,” Reese said.

  Bethany snorted. “I was talking to Liam just the other day, and he told me it is very possible. Families get killed, parents go missing, leaving a kid. A kid that doesn’t know about turning until his sixteenth birthday. If there is a chance a wolf child is in an orphanage, there is a risk that he’s wild. He doesn’t know his skill, or her skill. It can be anyone.”

  Draco hated it when she made sense. “What if it’s not?” They all turned to him. “What if it’s someone that has a lot of power. We don’t know what is going to happen to you at the full moon. You could risk death just to try and prove something.”

  She sighed.

  He held his hands up. “I’m in love with you, Bethany. I have been for a long time. The fact you’re my mate has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’ve got to think of what we all risk. All three of us. You’re our woman. The one destined by the fates themselves that you belong to not just one, but three. If something happens to you, what do you think we’ll do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “We’ll tear ourselves apart,” Reese said. “Each of us will blame ourselves, and we’ll kill ourselves. We may even become feral, wild, you name it. The risks are endless.”

  “I’ll be bait, but you’ll be there to take care of me,” she said.

  Draco sighed. “We’re Alphas, and I’m a Beta.”

  “You’re an Alpha in your own right,” Alex said. “You choose to follow Reese, it’s not something you have to do. You don’t feel his power because you have your own.”

  He licked his lips. “Either way, we can’t guarantee that we’ll get there in time.”

  “Okay, so what if he’s moved on? What if this guy or girl has moved on, and I go, and there’s no risk because he’s not there?” she asked. “What do you have to lose?”

  “You’re gambling with your life, Bethany. You don’t see that, but none of us are willing to give you up. Not one of us.”

  “I’m doing this for us. Your pack has shown their loyalty to us, Reese. I want to prove that even when it gets hard, I will be there for them. You
should let me do that,” she said.

  They all stared at each other, and Reese stormed out of the kitchen, going out the back door.

  Draco got to his feet. “I’m going to go and talk to him.”

  He kissed Bethany’s head and made his way outside.

  “She’s a fool. A fucking fool!” Reese paced up and down. “I love her so fucking much. I can’t allow anything to happen to her.”

  “We won’t.”

  Reese stopped. “How do you know that?”

  “There’s three of us, and one of whoever it is. I don’t see another choice. We all know this is the right way.”

  Reese sighed.

  They had to know the truth, no matter what, Bethany needed to be bait.

  Chapter Eight

  During the past two days, Reese, Alex, and Draco, along with the pack, made sure it was known among the shifter community that not only was a woman attacked, she survived. Then, on the night before the full moon, Bethany walked through the forests, keeping a good distance from all of them. Reese walked behind her, Draco to the left, Alex to the right, and the whole of the pack was dotted around. Several of the men were in the trees looking out for her.

  Fisting his hands, Reese kept his focus on his woman. They didn’t want to risk her safety.

  “Alpha, there’s a black wolf heading toward her,” Liam said, speaking through his ear piece.

  Tensing up, Reese paused, as did all the men. Bethany lowered down, running her hand across the dirt path.

  “He’s changed. Sir, it’s a boy, it can’t be older than sixteen.”

  Through the clearing, Reese watched as a boy stopped near a tree. “I can hear you all. I know you’re around her.”

  Bethany stood up. “I have a pack around me, prepared to protect me.”

  “I didn’t want to kill you,” the boy said. “I haven’t eaten in weeks. I was hungry, and the blood of the hiker, I just, I couldn’t control it.”

  Reese stared at the boy. There were scars marking the whole of his body.

  “You killed that woman.”

  “I didn’t want to. My monster, it took over, and when I tried to pull away I couldn’t. I was so hungry. I just wanted food.” The boy covered his face, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m not a murderer. I’m not.”

  Bethany went to take a step forward but Reese had had enough. He stepped toward her, so did Draco and Alex. “You almost killed her.”

  “I didn’t want to.”

  “Why did you leave her for dead?”

  “I heard someone coming. I thought you’d take care of her. The woman, she was already injured, and I didn’t want to kill anyone else.” The boy knelt on the ground, bowing his head. “Please, kill me.”

  Bethany gasped.

  “I don’t want to be this thing. I don’t want to take any more lives—”

  “Where did you come from?” Alex asked.


  “Are you part of a family? Where are you parents?”

  “I was dropped at an orphanage as a baby. I turned three months ago. I was… terrified.”

  Reese couldn’t stand the thought of the boy being without the guidance of his family, but he also couldn’t handle that fact he left Bethany for dead.

  “You can’t kill him,” Liam said.

  Alex and Draco said the same.

  “No, you can’t kill him,” Bethany said. “He’s just a boy.”

  “How many people have you hunted?” Reese asked.

  “Just the one. That woman, I couldn’t help it.”

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded. “You will come with us. Until I know you’re not a risk, and can be trained properly, you’re going to be under house arrest. Liam, I expect you to keep an eye on him. I want to make sure there are no chances of him getting out.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “You’re not going to kill me?” the boy asked.

  “Not today. What is your name?”


  “Well, Ashley, it’s your special day. You will not be dying. I don’t make it a habit of killing boys, but the attack, it’s not good.”

  Ashley sobbed. “I know. I can’t get her out of my head. I’m so sorry.”

  Reese gave a list of instructions to the pack, and watched as Ashley went with them. Keeping a safe distance from them, he walked with Alex, Draco, and Bethany.

  “Thank you,” Bethany said.

  “What for?”

  “For not killing him,”

  “Don’t thank me yet. If he doesn’t show signs of improving, we’re not going to have much choice but to dispose of him.”

  Bethany sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Either way, I’m glad it’s over now.”

  “Kind of anti-climatic,” Draco said. “I expected a nice big fight.”

  “They’ll be plenty of them. We’ve been turned around feral and wild wolves hunting on our grounds. We must make sure Riser Woods does not succumb to that tragedy again,” Alex said.

  “We all have each other,” Bethany said. “If it hadn’t been for his attack, we wouldn’t be here now.”

  Reese kissed her head, breathing in her scent. “That’s true.”

  “Why couldn’t we scent him?” Draco asked.

  “He’s a child. The scent of children, especially ones so young, is always changing, sometimes it would disappear altogether. It’s why some wolf packs use children to hunt. Their scent is not easily traced.”

  “Let’s go home,” Bethany said. “I’m so tired.”

  “Tomorrow, the full moon?” Draco asked.

  “I’ve got a feeling tomorrow is going to be more than fine,” Alex said. “I’ve got a hunch.”

  Bethany pulled away from them. She stepped in front, turned so that she was walking backwards. “So, I was curious, what do you guys have planned for the next fifty years?”

  “For the next fifty years I intend to fuck you, probably drive you crazy. A couple of kids,” Draco said. “Do you have any plans?”

  She smiled. “I intend to keep my three Alphas happy, and to live as long as possible.”

  Reese liked that.

  Draco liked that, and so did, Alex. All of them together, mated.

  The future for the first time in his life, looked exciting.


  Five years later

  Bethany folded laundry, placing it into the basket. Alex had George on his shoulders and was running him around the yard. She glanced over to see Ashley, the young boy that had turned her into a wolf, was studying like crazy.

  In five years, her whole life had changed. She was a wolf, and she could change at a full moon. When she was pregnant she didn’t, taking care of her babies.

  Reese was still Alpha of the Riser Woods pack, and he’d made sure everyone was safe from possible attack. Draco was his second, and Alex, he still ran the café where she worked when she wasn’t weighed down with kids and laundry.

  They had six children, three sets of twins. With the sun shining it was a rare early afternoon that all of them were together. They were always so busy, which she didn’t mind. Reese, Draco, and Alex always got home by six, but it was only three so the kids were basking in their attention.

  “Hello, baby,” Reese said, grabbing her hip. He bent down, pressing a kiss to her once again swollen stomach. “How are our girls getting on?”

  “We don’t know if it’s girls,” she said, tucking some hair behind her ear.

  “It’s girls,” Alex said. “It has to be. We’ve already got six boys. Sorry, boys, we need some girls.”

  They all groaned, and she started to laugh. Being a wolf, she didn’t have to wait too long between each pregnancy. She gave birth and, within a few months, she was pregnant again. Six kids, which had been three pregnancies, three sets of twins.

  Alex moved toward her, taking possession of her lips. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. It’s warm.” She wiped the sweat from her brow.

  “Ashley has agreed to
take our kids for the night with Liam to help, we’ve got something extra special planned for you,” Draco said.

  “You do?” she asked. Her body already heating at what they could possibly have planned for her.

  “Yes,” Reese said. “We’re going to show the woman we love exactly how much we love her.”

  She couldn’t wait. Turning into a wolf had been the scariest and happiest moment of her life. She had found not just one, but three men who loved her more than anything, and she loved with a passion that she couldn’t describe.

  The next fifty years were going to be very good indeed.

  About the Author

  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

  For more information on other books by Sam, visit her official website:

  Also By This Author

  OmniLit / All Romance eBooks, LLC


  The Cure

  Quinn’s Virgin Woman

  Sold to the Highest Bidder


  To Overthrow Evil

  Evernight Publishing

  A Fighter’s Choice

  Against All Odds


  Alpha Bait

  Alpha Bully

  The Alpha’s Virgin Witch

  Bad to the Bone

  Bedding the Babysitter

  Belonging to the Steer Brothers

  Bent, Not Broken


  Billionaire Beast

  Billionaire Husband

  Billionaire Protector

  Blackmailed by the Beast

  Blaine: Christmas at The Skulls

  Blaze’s Second Chance

  Blind Devotion


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