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Fight (Velocity, #2) (Velocity Series)

Page 15

by Molly McLain

  “Hey…” His thumb strokes over my knuckles as a soft smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “It’s going to be okay. You’re in good hands here.”

  Probably, but I’m not even into my second trimester yet. If something’s happened…

  A soft sob burst past my lips and I squeeze his hand tight. “Col, about what I wanted to talk about earlier…”

  The monitor beside me beeps and the nurse places a hand on my shoulder. “Your blood pressure is creeping up, sweetie. Try your best to relax.”

  How can I do that? Everything is a mess and I…I don’t even know if my baby is okay.

  “Can we have a few minutes alone, please?” I ask, trying my best to keep the tears at bay, and the nurses exchange a glance.

  “Sure,” the older one says. “But the doctor will be in soon, now that you’re awake.”

  “That’s fine. Thank you.” I try for a smile, but the guilt rising in my stomach makes it difficult to pull off.

  The door closes behind them and Colton leans in and brushes a sweet kiss across my lips. “I love you.”

  You say that now… “Col, I’ve been keeping something from you,” I say before my nerves get the best of me. “In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the right thing to do, but when I made the decision, I did it because I thought it would be easier for you if I waited.”

  His gaze eagerly searches mine, as tears spill down my cheeks. In that moment, I realize that I want our baby to look just like him. Dark hair. Deep, soul-bearing eyes. A nose that’s strong, but not too proud. A mouth that’s both sweet and confident…

  “I know this isn’t what we planned, but…” I suck in a steadying breath. “None of this has been planned, has it?”

  “Depends on who you ask.” His voice is as gentle as his fingers tangling with mine. “But that aside, you know how I feel about sticking to an agenda.” A small laugh bubbles up in my chest and he smiles. “I like that laugh a lot better than those tea—”

  “I’m pregnant.” The long-awaited confession spills off my tongue and I lock my eyes to his, equal parts anxious and terrified.

  He blinks once, twice…and I realize he’s holding his breath. He’s not moving, either. Just looking at me with an expression I can’t read.

  “Say something,” I plead, both of my trembling hands wrapping around his.

  Until he pulls away.

  Still looking at me, he stands and that’s when I notice the tight line of his jaw. The muscles jumping there, and the sudden tension in the tendons of his neck.

  “Col, please…” I try to reach for him again, but I’m held captive by this damn IV. “You’re scaring me,” I cry, but he still says nothing. Instead, he takes one careful step after another toward the door.

  Oh, my God, no…

  “Don’t do this to me!” I half sob, half holler, but it doesn’t matter, because he’s already gone.

  And he’s taken my heart with him.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The night my father died, I remember feeling like one of the most important doors in my life had been closed. As many memories as he and I had created over the years working on bikes, tossing around a ball, fishing on the river…we would never make any more. All I would ever have of him was what I had right then, just recollections of what had been…and the somber reality that there’d be no more.

  I was seventeen years old, but the one thing I couldn’t get out of my head was the fact that my old man would never see the day I became a dad myself. He’d never get to see me fumbling my way through a diaper or teaching my kid how to ride a bike. He’d never see the amazing things I’d unknowingly gleaned from him, and he’d never see me honor the woman who’d eventually give me—and, in a way, him—the greatest gift a man could ever hope for.

  Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him, wondering if he’d be proud of the man I’ve become. For the most part, I keep it together. It’s been eight years, after all. But some days are harder than others. And today is definitely one of those days.

  I stalk out of the hospital into the Arizona night, my face turned up to the stars, as a battle of emotions riots inside of me.

  Taylor’s pregnant.

  She’s having my baby and according to the start of her confession earlier, it happened Vegas.

  Which means she’s had to deal with this knowledge—and probably fear—all by herself for weeks. Why? Because she thought she had to do what Taylor does best and put my needs before her own.

  I love this woman so much it fucking hurts, but it breaks my heart—hell, it breaks me—that I wasn’t there when she needed me the most. And now that I am here, all I’ve done is bring her more stress and uncertainty. More chaos. More goddamn heartache.

  I don’t deserve this woman.

  I definitely don’t deserve the gift she’s going to give me.

  But I’m sure as hell going to try my best to change that.

  Closing my eyes against the night and the emotions burning inside of me, I pull in a deep breath and turn my face to the sky. “I could use your help, Dad. Just a little strength to go back in there and be the man she needs me to be.”

  The wind kicks up, dancing against my bare skin, and I pull my shoulders back and lift my chin high.

  Taylor’s been the one holding it together for both of us for so long, and now it’s time for me to take the reins.

  The trophies and payouts, the medals and accolades… Nothing I’ve ever aspired to win before compares to earning a future with Taylor. Because her, becoming the mother of my children? There’s no better prize.

  - - -


  “Sweetie, you need to calm down.” The older nurse sits beside me in the chair Colton vacated, trying to offer consolation that I don’t want.

  I didn’t bargain on Colton walking out.

  I figured he’d be upset that I didn’t tell him sooner, but I never imagined he’d turn his back on me.

  “I’m pregnant,” I cry to her. “Please tell me I’m still pregnant.”

  She nods. “Yes, sweetie, and that’s exactly why we need you to relax. This stress isn’t good for the baby.”

  “He didn’t know.” Swiping furiously at my tears, I try to catch my breath. “And now he’s…he’s…”

  “Right here.”

  My blurry-eyed gaze snaps to the door, where Colton strolls in, hand in his pockets.

  “Just needed a minute,” he explains, and I hold my breath, hoping. “Is there something we can do to make sure the baby’s okay?” he asks the nurse in a timid voice, and I realize he’s nervous.

  “How far along are you?” The nurse turns back to me, gently patting my hand.

  “Almost eleven weeks now.”

  “Oh, good. At the very least we can check the heartbeat, and I’ll check with the doctor to see if he’d like a sonogram, as well.” She gets to her feet and looks between Colton and me for a moment, before settling on him. “I need to grab the Doppler. Do not make her upset.”

  His face turns red and he glances to the floor. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She gives a resolute nod and heads out, leaving Col and I alone.

  “You came back…” I watch him carefully, trying not to get my hopes up.

  “I wish you’d told me.” His gaze slowly meets mine and his eyes have a telling sheen I haven’t seen in years.

  “I didn’t want—”

  “To add more to my plate. Jesus Christ, Taylor…” He lowers himself to the bed and his focus falls to my midsection. “We created a life,” he whispers, his voice raw. “You and me, babe.”

  Braving through the tears, I place his hand on my belly and nod. “It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? We’ve been everything else to each other and now this.”

  A soft chuckle rises in his chest. “Talk about destiny, huh?”

  I wet my lips, then scrape my teeth along them nervously. “You really okay with this?”

  He nods without hesitation. “Building a life
with you? Hell, yes. But you thinking I won’t always want to be an equal partner? Not even a little.” Tugging down the blanket covering my belly, he slides a hand into an opening in my gown and rests his big palm against my skin. “From here on out, your job is to take care of yourself and this little piece of us. My job is to rid us of all the unnecessary shit that, now more than ever, doesn’t matter.”

  “I can’t let you pay all that money just to shut her up.”

  His gaze flicks to mine. “My concern, Tee, not yours.”

  “But it’s not right, Col,” I plead, and he smiles.

  “I’m not saying I’m going to let her and Bria win, babe—I’m saying that I’ll deal with it. You worry about taking care of our baby.”

  The nurse returns with the little handheld machine and a grin. “You ready to hear your little one?”

  Colton’s eyes go wide and the genuine excitement I see tells me everything I need to know…

  He’s going to be an amazing father…and I just fell in love with him a little more.

  - - -


  Whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh…

  The rhythmic pulse of our baby’s heartbeat fills the hospital room, and I suddenly feel like I’m back in high school, seeing Taylor for the first time in that damn bikini.

  “That’s, um, wow,” I stutter, as my brain and mouth forget how to form words. “I had no idea it’d be so…wow.”

  Taylor smiles up at me as the nurse moves the little wand around on her lower belly. For a moment that magical sound is lost, only to return again just as steady as the first time.

  “She sounds healthy,” Tee says, squeezing my hand.

  “She? Holy shit, you can tell the sex by a heartbeat?”

  The nurse chuckles. “No, honey, but it is a nice strong beat, so it’s possible. About 152 beats per minute.”

  Taylor sighs. “We can find out for sure in September.”

  “Sweet.” A little version of Taylor on a pink mini-bike sort of has its appeal…

  “I’m assuming you’re established with an obstetrician?” the nurse asks, as she wipes the gel off of Taylor’s belly and puts away the machine.

  “I do.” Taylor nods, then glances at me, her bottom lip clasped between her teeth. “We’ll have to find a new one, though. In California.”

  Hell, yes. Taylor with me in L.A. I wasn’t sure if she’d still want that.

  “First thing Monday morning, babe.” And at some point we’ll have to talk about her going back to school, too. I know how important it is for her to finish her degree and I won’t let motherhood keep her from accomplishing that.

  The nurse smiles sweetly. “The doctor will be in to see you shortly, and I think he’s going to want you to stick around for more fluids, but other than that, it looks like your fainting spell is just a result of exhaustion and the little on board. Maybe some stress.” She shoots me a raised eyebrow and my chin immediately drops, like a guilty child.

  “I won’t let that happen again, I swear.”

  She makes a wry sound, then heads for the door. “It’s two o’clock in the morning, so I’m shutting these lights down and, when I come back in, I expect you’ll be letting the mother of your child sleep.” She pauses to smile. “Correct, young man?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Two hours later, I tuck a sleepy Taylor into our hotel room bed and kiss her goodnight. I should sleep, too, but time’s ticking on Liz’s threat. Now that I’ve got bigger and better things to worry about than her bullshit, I want this done and over with.

  I finally check my phone and see texts not just from Dante, but from Tito and Trey, too. Apparently, they’re holed up in another hotel room, putting their detective skills to work for Dante and his hired guns.

  “Hey, man,” I say quietly, closing the door to the suite’s bedroom, when Tito answers his phone. “I really appreciate your help with this.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re going to owe me a few beers when all is said and done, so don’t get too excited.”

  Ha. I grin and kick back on the couch in the adjoining room. “Trey still there with you?”

  “Yep. He’s watching you go to town on Bria right now. Pretty sure he’s enjoying it way more than he should.”

  “Fuck you,” Trey barks in the background. “At least I’m finding useful shit.”

  Now, that grabs my attention. “What’s he talking about?”

  “Dante said it wasn’t really you, so we screwed around with the effects and tried to lighten the video. Looks like the dude’s got a pretty distinctive tat. I don’t recognize it, though.”

  “No shit. Can you text me a screen shot?”

  “Working on it.” I hear what sounds like typing and a few seconds later my phone pings with a new message. “We’re pretty sure she isn’t really pregnant either. We did a Google image search of the ultrasound pic and found a shot identical to the one Bria sent me. She must’ve added her name to it.”

  Of course, she was lying. It was all just a ploy to buy my sympathy and keep me from figuring her out sooner.

  “So, you’re off the hook then,” I say to Tito as I put him on speaker and thumb to my texts.

  “Thank Christ for that. No way I could handle being saddled with her bullshit for eighteen years.”

  Trey snorts in the background. “Safe to say we all learned a lesson in this?”

  Only about a million. “No more bunnies for you assholes.”

  “What about you?” The grin in Tito’s voice is obvious. “You still off the market?”

  “Was never back on.” I pull up his message and the grainy image reminds me of the one Taylor showed me on her phone at the hospital. Our little munchkin at just nine weeks. “Got some pretty big changes coming, man. Hope you don’t mind Tee staying with us for a little while.”

  “Once we can figure out this mess with Bria and Liz, the presence of a sane woman will be damn refreshing.”

  I grin to myself and enlarge the image. Definitely an interesting tattoo. Vaguely familiar, but then most of the guys on the circuit are inked up, so it’s hard to say for sure. “Bicep?”


  “That rules out McKinnon then.” Fuck. I would have bet my left nut he was our guy.

  “Yeah, we already figured that out. Went through the line-up, too, and it doesn’t match any of our riders.”

  Thank Christ for that. Being bamboozled by Bria is one thing, but a teammate would really friggin’ sting.

  “What’s your plan, man? For when we do figure this out.”

  “I just want it done and over with.”

  Tito hesitates. “You know you could go after both of these chicks, right? Defamation, slander, blackmail…”

  I shake my head and think of my promise to not only the nurse, but Taylor and my unborn child. “Nah. Not unless Richard pushes for it.”

  “Think about it, bro. They tried to get your ProFit money because of that loophole in the contract. Couldn’t you do the same to them? Only get both of their shares?”

  Holy shit.

  Holy. Shit.

  “Dude…” My heart pounds in my chest as the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. “Why the hell didn’t I think of this before?”

  I zoom in on the picture one more time and…boom. There’s my proof, as clear a day.

  Bria’s fuck buddy is Flint, the pervy photographer and filmmaker-on-the-side.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Are you sure you’re okay being here?” Colton squeezes my hand beneath the table in a downtown L.A. conference room on Thursday afternoon.

  As promised, on Sunday at noon, Liz posted the video of Bria and ‘Colton’ online. Shortly thereafter, she helped the circuit bunny sell her sob story of being impregnated and then ditched by the motocross superstar to a tabloid.

  By Monday morning, Richard had served them both with cease and desist letters, which quickly resulted in phone calls from their attorneys, stating th
ey’d do no such thing.

  Last night, Colton decided to press charges.

  I know he struggled with the decision, because he didn’t want to risk bringing more trouble to our doorstep. But at the end of the day, he’s just hit the prime of his FMX career. To not fight the accusations would make him look guilty and that’s a blow his reputation might not recover from.

  I wish I could pull a blanket up over my head and shield my baby from this ugly mess, but I can’t do that to Col. It’s not who I’ve ever been with him. My place has always been by his side, cheering him on and supporting him in everything he does.

  Now that we’re officially together—and then some—there’s not a chance in hell I’ll back away while he takes on his biggest challenge yet.

  “I’m fine,” I assure him with a soft smile, before I lean in for a kiss. “How are you holding up?”

  “Nervous,” he admits, his knee bouncing anxiously beneath our entwined hands. “I just hope Richard’s got his shit together.”

  “Col…” My fingers slide up along his jaw, turning his handsome face toward mine. “This is a shoe-in. There’s no way Bria can support her claim. She’d need evidence to do that.”

  He nods. “Liz plays dirty, though.”

  “Then so do we. Easy as that.” I stroke my thumb across his lips as the conference room door swings open and Liz and Bria march in with two men in dark suits behind them. Richard follows, and so does a man I saw earlier talking with him earlier. I’m not sure who he is, but he appears fit and he’s dressed casually, so I suspect he’s some kind of low-key security.

  Liz, dressed in a prim black skirt suit, takes a seat directly across from Colton, immediately twisting her lips into a bitchy smirk. “Where’s your new agent, Country Boy? Shouldn’t he be here to see what a lying sack of dog shit he’s working with?”

  Richard gives his head a discreet shake and Colton’s jaw snaps shut, twitching at its juncture. I caress the top of his hand with my thumb, trying to offer whatever reassurance I can.

  “Let’s cut to the chase,” the man sitting beside Bria says. “I understand that Mr. Wade wants to pursue defamation of character complaints against both my client, Ms. Morgan, and Mr. Sharp’s client, Ms. Romig. Is that correct, Richard?”


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