One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance

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One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance Page 12

by Camilla Stevens

  Nearly two hours later they were sharing the crème brulee with coffee and still talking easily with one another. They were the last two people there and the wait staff were hovering politely in muted suggestion.

  “So, I’m getting the feeling we should probably take this elsewhere.” Jake said, not wanting the night to end. Hoping maybe it would lead to a repeat of what had occurred earlier in the year.

  “Like, maybe I should head home,” Natalie declared.

  “One last coffee,” Jake urged, looking at her. He wasn’t about to let her get away that easily. “I’ve got a machine in the room. This has been too fun to end it now.”

  “Don’t you have your meeting with the studio tomorrow morning?” Natalie protested. “And I’ve got to go to church.”

  That threw him. “’re Christian?” he asked. Jake wasn’t necessarily atheist but the fact that she might be religious was something he hadn’t considered. He realized there were quite a few things he didn’t know about her.

  Natalie seemed to be pondering the question before finally answering “I guess, in a generic sense, but no, it’s not like what you’re probably thinking,” she assured him. “My mom, aunt, and I go once a month with my grandma because she seems to enjoy it. It’s just a chance for us to spend time together. Honestly, I’d probably be labeled a heathen base on the last time I went to church of my own accord.” She laughed.

  Jake relaxed a little. That was something he could handle. He was even a bit jealous of how close she seemed to be with her family. Of course, he had his sister, who he loved dearly. The rest was a long story, one he was glad they had avoided touching on tonight.

  “Well, what time do you have to be there?” he asked, hoping it wouldn’t be an obstacle to getting her up to his room. “My meeting is not until 10:00.”

  “What a coincidence, so is mine,” she smiled. “But I should still get going.”

  “Hey now,” Jake said, practically begging. He looked at his watch, “We have 11 hours to kill. Just one coffee.”

  Natalie looked at him, and seemed to be debating it. Finally she gave in. “One coffee,” she warned.

  Jake instantly signaled their waiter who hurriedly made his way to their table with the check ready.


  Natalie couldn’t believe she had caved so easily. She had debated the pros and cons to going up to his room. The problem was, she couldn’t find any cons. Even if they did end up...whatever, she’d still be able to escape in time to go home, get dressed, and get to church.

  The smile he had given her made it worth it.

  Leaving the restaurant, Jake put his arm around her waist to draw her near. It was a comforting and comfortable feel and she let it happen easily. She thought back to their first elevator ride up and how awkward they were with one another, even after so much whiskey.

  They waited by the elevators in silence, enjoying the feel of each other’s body next to one another. When the doors opened, Jake held the side and let her walk in first. They had the compartment to themselves and when the doors closed he came in closer to her, walking her up against the back wall.

  “I thought we were just going up for coffee,” she said smiling up at him.

  “Everybody knows coffee is not coffee,” he said in response.

  “Is that like no doesn’t really mean no?” she replied.

  “Whoa,” he said backing away with mock offense.

  Before he could take another step back Natalie grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Even in her short heels he had to bend down to plant his lips on hers so she rose on the balls of her shoes to meet him half way.

  Her arms wrapped around his broad back underneath his jacket as his went around her shoulders. The taste and feel of his mouth on hers was both foreign and familiar. She had been there before, most recently this morning, but it felt fresh and new this time and she sank into it, feeling the passion growing inside of her.

  Coffee was most definitely not going to be coffee.

  The doors opened, breaking them out of their spell. He pulled away from her and stared down at her with a smile on his face. Before the doors could close on them again, he reached out a long arm to stop them and pulled her out with his other arm on her upper back.

  Once again they wrapped arms as he led her down the hall to his room. He pulled away for only a second to retrieve the key from his pocket and slide it in the door to unlock it. At the green light he pushed it in and allowed her to enter first.

  It was nicely decorated modern room with just a bed and a desk and she walked across the plush carpet to the window, placing her purse on the desk. She looked out to see the view of the buildings in downtown L.A. She felt him come up behind her and place his arms around her. She turned around in his embrace so she could look up at him.

  “So what would you like in your coffee?” he said with a smirk.

  “A lot of cream,” she purred, looking up at him.

  They paused for a second before they burst out laughing at how corny, and a bit too on the nose,that sounded.

  “Why don’t we skip the coffee,” she said, her laughter ebbing into a smile.

  “You’ll get no complaints from me,” he said, smiling back at her.

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to help me with the zipper to my dress,” she said, turning around again in his embrace.

  “I’m nothing if not a gentleman,” he said. A small laugh escaped her lips.

  She felt his strong fingers brush the nape of her neck as he went for the zipper. A ripple of pleasure flowed through her body straight to her core, and she could already feel the moisture building between her legs.

  He slid the zipper down to where it ended just above the edge of her underwear. She may have worn her sexiest pair of matching bra and panties—just in case. She smiled and closed her eyes as his hand slid underneath the fabric of her dress to caress her back from the shoulder blades to the small of her back.

  “The curtains are still open,” she said. “I think we’ve given people enough of a show for today, don’t you?”

  “I don’t mind if you don’t,” he said. “It might make things more fun.” She could hear the teasing smile in his voice.

  She turned around to face him. “Well, I have no interest in getting arrested,” she said with a smile. “The dress or the curtains, you decide which stays open.”

  “Well when you put it that way,” he said, reaching past her to grab the line to pull the curtains shut. His body was pressed up against hers as he drew them and she could feel his masculine heat and smell his natural musk. It was intoxicating.

  “Is that better?” he asked, looking down at her. His body remained pressed up against hers.

  She nodded in response, and reached up to pull the bobby pins out of her hair.

  He reached up and placed his hands gently on the shoulders of her dress and slid them down her arms. She, stepped out of it and slipped off her heels then gave him a moment to inspect her in her matching lingerie. After posing back against the desk for just a moment, she reached up behind her back and unhooked the bra. She let it fall down her arms to join the dress.

  “God, you’re even more beautiful than I remember,” he sighed.

  She could see the gleam of desire in his eyes as they inspected her body. She reached up to slowly unbutton his shirt as he shrugged out of his jacket. He never once took his eyes off of her breasts as she helped him disrobe. Once his shirt was completely unbuttoned, she ran her finger across the snake on his shoulder, feeling his chest and abs as she slid the shirt off of him.

  “I can’t,” he breathed loudly, “I have to taste you right now.”

  With that he bent down to wrap one arm around her waist, bending her back as his head came in towards her neck. She leaned against the desk and let her head fall back to give him easier access. His body was fully pressed against hers as his lips feathered her neck causing ticklish ripples to run through her body.

  One of
her harms went around his head, running her fingers roughly through his hair as she was overcome with desire. The other held on to his strong shoulder to keep her from wilting to the ground as her knees became weak.

  “Oh Jake,” she moaned to the ceiling. “God, that feels amazing.”

  He only groaned in response as his lips trailed their way down her throat to her breasts. He brought one large hand up to cup her left one. His mouth eagerly went for the dark brown areola. The nipple rapidly puckered into a peak under his tongue. Her entire chest heaved under him as her breathing intensified. She dug her hand into his shoulder even harder as his tongue worked in a spiral around the sensitive tip.

  Finally he came up for air, but only momentarily. He sank to his knees and kissed the softness of her belly as his hands slid around her hips to her backside. His fingers weaved their way underneath the waistband of her underwear to firmly cup her ass cheeks. He blew kisses into her navel as he massaged the round flesh with his strong hands. Natalie stared down at the top of his head, now running both hands through his light brown hair.

  He slid the lace of her panties down around the curve of her ass and brought the entire thing down her legs. She placed one hand on his shoulder as she stepped out of them. He looked up to gaze at her naked body and she could read the lust in his hungry eyes. He took one leg and placed it over his shoulder, opening up her dripping pussy to him. She leaned back on the desk for better balance as he grabbed her thigh to spread her open even further.

  He leaned in and kissed his way along her entire slit, sucking the juice up with his pursed lips. Once he was at her opening he shoved his tongue inside, reaching as far as possible. Every one of her nerves spasmed in response to the invasion. After fucking her hole with his mouth, he worked his way back to the front to surround her clit. His fingers replaced the void that was left, going even deeper inside of her. The combination of his tongue flicking her button and his fingers twisting and stroking their way inside of her caused her to scream out in ecstasy.

  “Oh, oh, oh, Jake!” she yelled, grabbing his hair and pressing him harder into her.

  He only groaned louder in response, digging his hands into her ass to bring her closer to his face. Natalie fell back onto the desk, her chest rising and falling like rolling ocean waves. She could feel his face getting slick with her juices as his wet cheeks and chin slid between her thighs. Finally she could take no more and began to push his head away, begging him to stop.

  He groaned in protest as he brought his face up for air. She looked down the landscape of her body and saw his face, still slick with the evidence of her orgasms. He smiled up at her licking his lips and she laughed in response, pulling herself up into a sitting position. She stared down at him gratefully.

  “Stand up,” she said.

  He pulled himself up and was once again towering over her. This time it was her turn to sink to her knees. From her position on the floor she pulled at the opening of his slacks, releasing it then going to work on the zipper. She brought the pants down and immediately followed with his boxers. She was just as hungry to taste him as he had been for her.

  He was already hard and his cock sprang free from his underwear. She caressed it in her hands, admiring the girth and the length of it, imagining the feel of it in her mouth and later on between her legs. Her mouth covered the large head, licking the entire surface, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and pre-cum. She lowered her head to take more of him inside of her, following her hands down the shaft. She went as far as she could, wanting to take every inch of him. She paused once she felt the tip nudging the back of her throat.

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she slid back up to recover, only to sink back down again. Her tongue slid its way along the lower ridge tasting and pleasuring him. Her hands tightened their grip as she followed them up and down and up and down again.

  “God, Natalie,” he said, placing his hand gently on the back of her head.

  She brought one hand underneath to feel the weight of his balls, massaging and squeezing them as her mouth and other hand went to work on his penis. She was working into a steady rhythm now, enjoying the sounds of his moaning as her mouth took their own pleasure from having him inside of her.

  “Stop,” he moaned in protest, “please…you’ll make me cum. I don’t want to finish this way.”

  Natalie had no desire to have him finish this way either. She was still eager to have him inside of her completely. She reluctantly brought her mouth off of his cock and stared at it in front of her hungrily.

  Jake reached down one hand to her and she took it as he helped her up off of her knees. She followed him over to the bed, enjoying the view of the muscles in his naked back, ass, and thighs as they flexed while he walked. When he reached the edge he sat down, his cock still standing fully erect, ready and waiting.

  Natalie wasted no time straddling him, she knelt above him and they both did the work of guiding him inside of her. Natalie closed her eyes and sighed as the length easily slid past the slippery walls to bury itself inside of her. Her arms went around his neck and his hands went back to her ass. She pumped herself up and down on him as his hands helped her along, squeezing the round mounds as he lifted her off of him and down again.

  Her sensitive nipples grazed the hair on his chest, the friction becoming almost painful, as she worked her way into a frenzy. Each time she fell back down on his cock, her insides were pressed open to accommodate him, each tiny little nerve reacting with a jolt of pleasure.

  And then there was that one sweet spot, the spot he kept hitting over and over. Her body became concave as she curved it inward to help stimulate her g-spot even more. The kittenish mewing became deep moans as she felt the swell of the tsunami that was about to hit her. Finally it broke free, crashing inside of her with wave after wave of violent, shuddering orgasms.

  Jake allowed her to recover as each aftershock became milder and milder. Then his fingers gripped her hips, indicating that he wanted more. Natalie opened her eyes to stare into his as she worked her body once again, this time to bring him the same pleasure she had just experienced. She squeezed and stroked his member with her insides that fit him like a glove. She could feel his chest pulsate against hers as the intensity grew.

  Jake closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure, his own hurricane of gratification rising inside of him. She could feel the momentum building inside of him. The pressure of his fingers on the flesh of her hips deepened. The breathing against her chest intensified. She spurred it on with the movement of her body and her own coos of encouragement. Finally his grip tightened, keeping her firmly impaled on his manhood as he released his seed. The groan that escaped his lips was deafening and she embraced him to absorb it all.

  Once he was finished his arms came around to embrace her as well. They stayed like that, each of them recovering.



  They were cuddled together under the sheets. There had been a moment of panic as each of them stupidly realized they had skipped an important step. Jake assured her that he was clean, having been thoroughly tested since his last interaction. Natalie assured him she was on the pill and was clean as well. He couldn’t deny tiny part of him was mildly disappointed that there was no possibility of a happy little accident. He immediately shook the thought from his head, cursing the caveman mentality of that thought.

  One day maybe….

  Right now he was happy to enjoy the feel of Natalie in his arms. He was stroking the soft skin of her back as she ran her hand through the hair on his chest.

  “Some day, huh?” she murmured chuckling into his shoulder. “This morning I was slapping you across the face and now here we are in bed together. Speaking of which, I’m sorry about that. I overreacted.”

  “Well, I can’t deny I didn’t deserve it,” he laughed in response.

  “Hmm,” she mused. “In retrospect, maybe you did. I take my apology back.”

  “Oh come on now,” he protested, �
�the kiss wasn’t all that bad. I seem to recall you being somewhat into it, at least before you knew we had an audience.”

  “Ugh,” she cried. “Don’t remind me. It’s probably all over YouTube by now.”

  Jake laughed. “It probably is. We should take a look and see,” he said rising up off of the bed to reach over to the night stand and recover his phone.

  “Jake, don’t you dare!” she yelled at him in mild protest.

  He ignored her as he punched in his security code. He laughed as she brought her hands to her face groaning in embarrassment. He did a search of his pen name, the only one the public had access to.

  “Oh wow,” he said with sincere surprise when the video popped up, “they actually did post it.”

  “They didn’t!” she gasped, sitting up to look over his shoulders. Jake was briefly distracted by the enjoyable sight of the covers sliding off of her breasts as she sat up in surprise. She grabbed the phone from him and pressed play.

  Fortunately the dialogue of the two quarreling lovers was muted and replaced by the commentary of the crowd filming them.

  She looks pretty angry.

  I tell you what, if I had a guy who looked like that, write those kind of scenes about me I wouldn’t be complaining. I’d be asking him to make them a reality!


  Oh my god he’s kissing her.

  There was a chorus of gasps as Natalie slapped him. Natalie groaned once again as she saw it in action. Jake only laughed beside her.

  If I had a guy kiss me like that, I’d be doing something else with my hands.

  [More laughter]

  The last bit got a burst of laughter from Natalie. Jake laughed right along with her.

  “Thank God it’s only at 300 views,” she said, recovering. “Maybe it will fade into obscurity.”

  She fell back on the bed and Jake once again admired her breasts as they bounced from the sudden impact of her head hitting the pillow.


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