One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance

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One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance Page 13

by Camilla Stevens


  Natalie stared at the ceiling. The video hadn’t been so bad, it was even kind of funny thanks to the commentary. Still, she cringed to think about how she’d treated him.

  She turned to Jake who was still sitting up looking down at her. She realized that the upper part of her body was uncovered and reached down to pull up the bedspread.

  “No,” Jake said, holding the edge of the covers firmly down at her waist. “I want to see you.”

  She smiled up at him. “Don’t tell me you’re ready to go all over again?” she teased.

  He chuckled, and brought one hand up to stroke her stomach. “God, no,” he confessed, “I think you completely drained me for about the next week.”

  Natalie giggled at that and also in response to the ticklish feeling of his fingers grazing her skin. Jake only smiled in response, following the trail of his fingers with his eyes. He brought one finger up to her left breast and circled the nipple, causing it to harden all over again. Natalie closed her eyes and moaned in response, arching her back a bit.

  “Jake,” she sighed.

  He fell down onto his elbow next to her and leaned over to replace the finger with his mouth. She brought her hand up to the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair as he sucked the puckered tip.

  “What are you doing?” she asked lightly.

  “I don’t want you to get ideas about leaving,” he said, pausing in his suckling to look up at her.

  Her eyes fluttered at that. What in the world was the time? She thought about all she had to do to get ready for her day with her family in the morning.

  She made moves to sit up. Jake sighed and held her down on the bed.

  “Stay,” he said, looking down at her, “Please. I know you’ve got church in the morning but just stay the night. I’ll make sure you have plenty of time to get ready in the morning. I’ll even order a wake up call.”

  Natalie looked up at him, torn between her morning obligations and wanting to spend the night in his arms. In the end, Jake won.

  “Fine,” she said, “just…just make sure, okay? I don’t want to have to explain why I missed my monthly church date with grandma.”

  Jake laughed at that. Natalie couldn’t help but smile as well.

  He fell back to the bed and brought her into his chest in a bear hug. She snuggled into the comfortable crook of his arm that she was gradually getting used to. Moments later, she fell asleep.



  At 7 a.m. sharp the phone rudely jolted them out of their slumber. Jake’s body gave a start and Natalie moaned against his shoulder. He reached past her to grab the phone off the hook and slammed it back down into the cradle as soon as he heard the automated voice telling him that this was his wake up call.

  “It’s seven already?” Natalie groaned into his arm. “Let’s just lie here for a while longer, hmm?” With that she burrowed back into his side, draping her leg over his.

  Jake was more than happy to take that suggestion. He slid in to press his naked body against the one that warmed his right side. Pretty soon he could hear the steady breathing of her sleep. He was groggy but wide awake. He’d give her 15 more minutes. That would give her time to get dressed, go home and change and make it to the church on time.

  He smiled at the reference.

  That led him down the dangerous path of imagining what she would look like walking down the aisle toward him. He wasn’t an expert on wedding dresses. That part was just a fuzzy white periphery in his mind. He was focused on what her face would look like, beaming up at him as he leaned in to kiss her.

  Jesus. What was going on here? All of a sudden he was getting so...domestic.

  He shook his head, shifting his mind to other thoughts. He looked at the clock. Maybe he’d give it until 7:20. Then maybe she’d have to shower here? The clothes she wore yesterday seemed like they would be appropriate for church and were probably still probably fresh, if a bit crumpled. He remembered sliding the dress off her shoulders and looking at her standing in her bra and panties. He could feel himself stiffening. The feel of her warm, naked body wasn’t helping on that front.

  Maybe he’d give it until 7:30.

  Eventually she did the work for him. Some internal clock of hers forced her eyes open a few minutes before half past.

  “What time is it?” she asked, squinting her eyes open.

  “Almost 7:30,” he said.

  Her eyes got bigger in momentary panic and she sat up. Then she did the math in her head and relaxed a little. “I suppose that’s not so bad. It still gives me time to go home.”

  “Or...” he began, “You could just stay here, take a shower, have some breakfast and then go to church.”

  She smiled down at him. “Do you ever not think about sex?”

  “Who said anything about sex?” he replied. “I was just offering the use of my amenities. You’re obviously the one who has sex on the brain. But since you brought it up...” he smiled suggestively.

  She slapped him lightly on the chest and fell back down next to him. “It would be a pain to drive all the way home,” she mused. “Okay, who gets first dibs on the shower.”

  “Why choose?” he suggested.

  She laughed at that. “You don’t stop do you?”

  “Well there is the environment to consider,” he said.

  “Well,” she said looking over at the clock, “we should probably get to it then.”

  “No complaints here,” he thought, growing even more stiff at the prospect.

  They pulled themselves out of bed and he led her into the bathroom by the hand.

  “Ugh, my hair,” she said looking at the fly-away mess that her hair had become.

  Jake thought it looked sexy, even if it did resemble a bird’s nest somewhat. He watched as she stood there completely ignoring her nakedness as she tried to smooth the hair down with her fingers. She got it to a manageable condition and twisted it in on itself then grabbed the shower cap provided by the hotel.

  Jake frowned as she covered the top of her head with the shower cap. “Well, there goes my libido,” he said. She looked like a 1950s housewife. A 1950s housewife with a sexy, naked body, but still.

  She gave him a sassy look. “Sorry, babe,” she said, opening the shower door, “You have no idea what happens when this”—she pointed to the top of her head—“gets wet.”

  “Why don’t we find out,” he said following her into the shower.

  “Why don’t we not,” she said, laughing. “Sorry, this is what you get when you date a black girl.”

  Jake watched her luscious backside as she turned the knob. He could live with this. The best parts of her were from her scalp down anyway.

  She gave a little yelp as the shower started off cold. He watched her body twist alluringly as she tried to avoid the stream. He grabbed her body, which was already getting slick, and pulled her to him. The water got warmer as it fell around them. The heat between them seemed to rise at the same time. He grabbed the washcloth and the soap and lathered it up. He couldn’t help looking at her in that ridiculous shower cap without smiling in amusement. Then his eyes traveled down and amusement turned to desire. He watched the water trail its way down between her breasts, past her navel, and directly towards the V that separated her gorgeous thighs. It was like a liquid road map telling his hands where to go. All he could do was obey.

  He started at her neck, gently massaging the terry cloth across her shoulder blades. He wound his way down her chest, leaving a soapy trail down between her cleavage, then up around to circle each full, round, curve. He could feel her nipples instantly respond even through the thick fabric of the washcloth.

  Natalie closed her eyes and leaned back against the side of the shower, sighing. Jake teased around her pelvis, circling downward slowly. Her eyes still closed, Natalie’s smile grew with anticipation.

  Jake had something else in mind. He leaned in closer to her, whispering in her ear, “turn around.”
  She opened her eyes in surprise. The hungry look on his face told her to obey and she twisted her body around to face the wall.

  Jake ran the washcloth in easy, wide arcs across her back, coming back up in circles. His stroke was firmer here, massaging the muscles and easing her tension. He wanted her fully relaxed for what he had in mind.

  He reached the curve where her back met the cusp of her ass and let his hand follow it out and back down under. Natalie leaned against the wall to give him easier access and he continued, kneading the flesh with the cloth.

  He leaned in and whispered in her ear again, “spread your legs.”

  She smiled and bit her lips, once again obeying his command. Jake leaned into her and let his hand slip between the access granted to him. He could feel her back rise and fall against his chest as the washcloth ran down past her puckered opening, lathering it clean. It continued further down, down, down until it curved back up again to her front.

  Jake eased the pressure of his fingers until the rough fabric was nothing more than a light caress over the tiny, sensitive nub. It was enough. He felt her moans against his chest more than he heard them over the spray of the shower. She clung to the wall, helpless under his stimulation.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  She could only nod in response, still clinging to the wall in helplessness.

  With that, Jake fell to his knees until he was face to face with the ass that had first caught his attention so many months ago across an empty bar lounge. He placed his strong hands firmly on either side of her hips, pulling her slightly back towards him. Then he brought his face in, feeling the slippery soap cover his chin and cheeks. He reveled in it, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin against his face.

  His hands parted her legs even further so he had a visual of her most private areas. Her body tensed in response, but gave in to the pressure of his hands. He brought his mouth down and her body reacted with a jolt, stiffening in surprise. The light probing of his tongue into the puckered hole eased some of her rigidity. The fingers that found their way up to the front, probing her other hole did the rest.

  As his tongue and lips went to work probing and kissing, his fingers curved forward, slipping in and out with increasing speed. This time he could actually hear her cries of pleasure as this new and exciting sensation hit her. It was exactly what he’d been hoping for and his body reacted to the sounds of her ecstasy with its own rush of blood to his organ.

  As if sensing his own needs, she pulled herself away and turned around to look down at him. He stared up at her, blinded by the shower of water falling into his eyes. As he rose to his feet, she took another washcloth and began to soap it up, her eyes wandering over his body in anticipation. She smiled as she saw the evidence of his lust standing at attention.

  Natalie ran the washcloth across his chest slowly, working her hands over his chest and ab muscles. She was taking her time, tracing the outline of his snake tattoo, attempting to be as considerate to his body as he’d been to hers.

  Jake had no patience for that.

  He grasped the hand that was working its way down his chest and moved it out of the way. The next moment he was pressing his body into hers, pushing her up against the wall. He reached down to grab the bottom of her ass cheeks and used his strength to lift her up. Leveraging her against the back wall he positioned his body between her legs. She eagerly helped him along, taking hold of his penis which was throbbing impatiently, and guiding it into her wetness.


  His first thrust was so adrenaline driven that it slammed Natalie into the wet tile. She threw her head back, accepting it and shuddering at the pleasure it released inside of her. Jake brought himself out of her only to thrust himself inside again. Again she let him use her body as he forced her into the wall again.

  Her arms clung around the back of his neck, holding on tight to brace herself. She crossed her ankles around his back, her heels digging into the top of his ass. She could feel his fingers claw into her cheeks as he brought her body up and down on top of his hardness.

  Her back slid up and down the hard, slick tile as he worked his way into a frenzy, grunting with each impact. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was cognizant of the shower cap slipping off of her head. She didn’t care. The insane, animalistic passion of what he was doing to her usurped any consideration she had for later consequences.

  After only minutes, her body felt raw and just when she was sure she couldn’t take anymore, he pressed his face into her neck and she felt the loud roar reverberate into her throat. She followed up with her own vibrating orgasm, arching her back against the hard wall behind her.

  He held her pressed against the wall with his body until his member eventually slid out of her on its own. She slid her legs down his sides and her body followed. She wrapped her arms around his back and pressed her face into his chest, breathing just as heavily as he was. He brought his arms down protectively around her back, soothing away the ferocity of what they had just experienced.

  He was breathing into her hair and after a moment he brought his head down lower. “Wow,” he murmured in her ear, “I think you need another cleaning after that.”

  She laughed against his chest. Then noticed the shower cap lying limp on the shower floor.

  “Oh noooo,” she moaned, reaching up to pat the hair that was now soaked through. “My hair!”

  “What?” Jake said looking at it with wonder, “it looks nice. Sexy,” he said with a smile.

  Natalie rolled her eyes at him. “Now it looks fine,” she said. “Just wait until it dries. And for the record, I’m not trying to look ‘sexy’ for church.”

  She reached over to open the shower door.

  Jake grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “Don’t,” he said. “You’re hair is already wet. Just stay here with me for a moment. We have time.”

  Natalie looked at him, unable to stop her eyes from roaming across the body that had just given her so much pleasure. She sighed and let him pull her into an embrace. It was so easy.

  She realized that this would be the last time she would see him for at least a few weeks. It only made her that much more anxious for the trip to New York that his publishers were paying for. She closed her eyes and squeezed tighter, feeling him mimic her move. As much as she would have loved to stay here in his arms under the shower, duty beckoned.

  The second time she pulled away, he followed her out, turning off the water as he exited. By now the bathroom was blindingly foggy. She could barely make out the sink let alone look at herself in the mirror.

  She postponed the inevitable revelation of the mess her hair had become. After spending the night snuggled up against a hairy chest and spending the last half hour under running water, it had to be bad. They each grabbed a towel and wrapped themselves as they walked into the less humid air of the bedroom.

  Natalie walked over to where her dress lay crumpled on the floor. She pulled it up to inspect it, cringing at the amount of wrinkles it held. She shook it, hoping that it would make it somewhat presentable. She looked over at the clock and realized that it was this or nothing. There was no time to make her way home.

  She turned to look in the mirror over the desk to inspect the damage on top of her head. Jake came up behind her and smiled.

  “See?” he said reassuringly, “Sexy!”

  She gave him a deep frown. Maybe if she pulled it into a bun, it would be okay. She sighed and dropped her towel, bending over to retrieve her underwear.

  “Even sexier,” he said suggestively.

  “Don’t even.” she said in a no nonsense tone as she pulled on her panties. “Don’t you have to get ready too?”

  “Eh,” he shrugged. “They’re sending a car over.”

  “Well some of us aren’t so lucky,” she said, running her arms through the straps of her bra.

  She couldn’t help darting her eyes in his direction as she quickly dressed herself. He was casually leaning against the wal
l watching her, still dripping with the towel around his waist. The way his arms were crossed over his chest made the black mamba on his chest and shoulder bulge like it was priming for an attack. She ignored the shiver of pleasure that rippled through her body as she remembered the events in the shower. Right now she had to focus on getting dressed and getting out of here before she fell under his spell again.

  She pulled the wrinkled dress up her hips and frowned at the creases and lines. She turned her back to Jake and asked, “mind zipping me up?”

  He stayed against the wall grinning. “If I don’t will you stay and we can both cancel our plans?”

  She gave him a tart look. “If you want to deal with the wrath of my mom and grandma then by all means keep it up.”

  “Oh,” he said with alarm. “Don’t want to upset the parents.”

  Natalie smiled at that, as he came over to zip her up. She wondered what her family would think of him, at least in person; not as the stranger who wrote about their sexual escapades. She wondered if this morning’s adventures would end up in the next novel.

  After she was in her dress she made her way back to the mirror over the desk. She pulled a comb out of her purse and ran it through, trying to tame the hair that was getting increasingly fluffier the more it dried. Finally, she simply grabbed it, twisted it into some semblance of a do and stuck the bobby pins in to hold it in place.

  She inspected herself when it was all done. Hair was iffy. Dress was wrinkled. She had lipstick but her eye makeup was at home. To her eyes she looked like the Walk of Shame personified.

  “You look fine,” she heard his voice say from across the room. He strolled over to where she was and leaned in behind her to look at her in the mirror. “I think you’re just feeling guilty because you’ll be spending all your time in church thinking about me,” he said with a grin.

  She batted him on the shoulder with the back of her hand. She tried not to look at the slithering snake that rippled across the bulges of his muscles. It was impossible.

  Natalie turned around to him, placing a hand on his chest to create some distance between them. The feel of the tiny hairs against her fingers made it hard to concentrate. It was only the threat of what her mother would say if she didn’t show up at church, especially if she ever found out the reason why, that kept her lucid.


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