Shake Hands With the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
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Anyidoho, Brigadier General Henry
and ceasefire, 371–2
and civilian transfers, 350
description of, 156, 257–8
and father’s death, 463
honoured, 445
and hostage taking, 423–6
as a leader, 205–6, 319, 408
and meeting with Bizimungu, 442–3
and more Ghanaian troops, 411–12
to replace Dallaire, 470–1, 496, 502
APC (armoured personnel carrier). See also equipment
from Belgians, 113
as functional, 181, 204, 243, 331, 383
number needed, 88, 375–6
arms smuggling, 114, 156–7, 201
Arone, Shidane, 207
Arp, Jan, 507
Arusha negotiations, 320–1, 327, 340, 355
Arusha Peace Agreement. See also broad-based transitional government
amnesty provision, 137
beginnings of, 43, 48, 51
commitment to, 123
demise of, 212, 214
governance under, 194
joint session with RPF and RGF, 72–4
outline of, 54–5
Political Code of Ethics, 211
RPF support of, 66–7, 138
signing of, 53
“Assessment of the Proposed French-led Initiative in the Rwandese Crisis,” 433–4
Atwood, Brian, 398–400
Austdal, Lieutenant Colonel Mike, 362, 503
Australia, 468–9, 491
Ayala Lasso, José, 354, 363
Bagosora, Colonel Théoneste. See also Crisis Committee; interim government
an extremist, 293, 324
and Belgian soldiers, 184
and control of genocide, 386
and death of Habyarimana, 222–7
and joint session RPF and RGF, 72–3
and KWSA, 125–6
meeting with, 77, 383, 456
and meeting with Interahamwe, 345–7
Bagotville, Quebec, 28
Baker, Major General Doug “Two Gun,” 35
Balcer, Léon, 17
Ballis, Lieutenant Colonel Walter, 228, 266
Bangladeshi troops
engineers, 175, 217
frustrations with, 157–8, 204–5, 215, 243–4, 269–71, 273, 323–4
impressive, 195
and language, 176, 222, 228, 231–2
for phase three, 407
poorly equipped, 123–4
their quarters, 127
Barahinyura, Jean Shyirambere, 132
Barayagwiza, Jean-Bosco, 132, 184
Baril, General Maurice, 33, 44, 48–50, 354–5
challenges at UN, 51–2
direct communication with, 145, 145n1
funding of mission, 56
in Rwanda, 387–93
technical mission to Rwanda, 75
BBC. See Doyle, Mark
Beadengar, Dessande, 171, 381
Beardsley, Major Brent
after Rwanda, xii
choice for UN mission, 45
and death of Gatabazi, 187–8
departure of, 340–1
description of, 46
honoured, 445–5n
rescuing nuns, 339–40
saving lives, 157–8, 160
wife and family, 53, 91, 127
witness at International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, xiii
Beatty, Perrin, 38
Beaudry, Major Bob, 28–9
Belgacem, Commandant Mohammed, 152–3, 302–3
Belgian contingent in Rwanda
accommodations for, 120–1
ambushed, 192–3
arrival of, 106
attitude of, 112–13, 182–7, 215
death of soldiers, 255–6, 258
disciplinary infractions of, 183–5, 193
evacuation force, 286–7
heroes of Rwanda, 239–40
impressive, 195
prisoners, 233, 236–7, 239, 243, 246, 254
target for extremists, 143–4, 161, 228, 240
withdrawal of, 251, 254, 289–90, 293–5, 311–12, 317–18
colonial past, 47, 61, 318
evacuation of expatriates, 275
informed of extremist agenda, 148
loss of soldiers, xi
military advisers, 68, 70–1, 223–3n
military advisers to RGF, 225
reconnaissance group, 105–6
support for mission, 84, 90, 209, 276
Bennett, Doug, 169
Bernatchez, Major General J.E.P., 17
Bicamumpaka, Jérôme, 288–9, 463
Bizimana, Augustin
absence of, 104, 357
appeal to help, 168–9, 191
in Cameroon, 223, 242, 283
control of Gendarmerie, 70
co-operative, 175
extremist, 293
and informant’s information, 148–9
meeting with, 213–14
withdrawal of Belgians, 297
Bizimana, Jean-Damascène, 195
description of, 58
Bizimungu, Major General Augustin
description of, 292–3, 315–16
meeting with, 324, 337–8, 506–7
meeting with Interahamwe, 345–7
meeting with Opération Turquoise, 473
threats to Dallaire, 442–3
Tutsi-hater, 355
Bizimungu, Pasteur
attendance at flag-raising, 104
description of, 65–6
and French prime minister, 495–6
and Gatabazi’s funeral, 196
joint session RPF and RGF, 72
meeting with, 327
new president, 475, 504–5
Blagdon, Brigadier Paddy, 59, 151
Bleim, Manfred, 159–60
blue berets
deliberate targeting of, 41–2
obtaining the hats, 103–4
Bonner, Captain Michel, 36
Booh-Booh, Jacques-Roger
and death of Habyarimana, 227
departure of, 330–1, 420
description of, 98, 114–15
informed of extremist agenda, 148
lifestyle, 118, 175–6, 393
meeting with PL factions, 140
meeting with U.S., 211
protection of, 161, 213, 232–3, 265, 283
relationship with Dallaire, 118–19
ultimatum for political impasse, 178
Bosnia, 41, 240
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 51, 193, 293
and political impasse in Rwanda, 164
Brahimi Report on UN Peacekeeping Reform, 548
Britain, 375, 486
contingent from, 444
Broad-Based Government of National Unity, 475–6
broad-based transitional government (BBTG). See also Arusha Peace Agreement; deadlines
lists of members, 123, 132–3, 210–11
swearing in of, 136, 138–9, 141, 178–9, 188, 205
sworn-in, 87
Brown and Root, 468, 486, 490
Bucyana, Martin, 132, 189
Bukavu, Zaire, 336, 469, 473–4, 476, 483
coup d’état, 97–8, 131
genocide, 339
south border of, 87
and UN mission, 208
Bushnell, Prudence, 211, 337
Bussières, Major Michel, 304, 363
Butare, Rwanda, 292, 316–17, 334
Byumba, Rwanda, 216, 287–8
Cambodia, 85
Camp Bagogwe, 122
Camp Kanombe, 353, 384–5, 462, 469
Camp Kigali, 236–43, 245–6, 251, 253, 256–7
Canada Day, 453–4
Canadian aid to Rwanda, 216
Canadian connections to Rwanda
and Ghanaian troops, 177
and Quebec convent, 500
through Quebec, 60–1, 132, 162
through Saskatchewan, 83r />
Canadian contingent, 435–6, 444, 484, 490
air traffic controllers, 485–6
Canadian Forces Peace Support Training Centre, 520–1
Canadian government and UN mission in Rwanda, 53, 85, 206–7, 296, 336, 375, 435–6, 487
Carr, Madame, 314
Carrier, Roch, 39
Carroll, Linda, 278–8n
As It Happens, 333
CDR (extremist Hutu party), 115, 132–3, 210–11
ceasefire in Rwanda, 298, 306–8, 311, 330, 341. See also Arusha negotiations
hostage taking, 423–6
intent to reach, 398
negotiations, 299–301
and RPF victory, 474–5
senseless, 390
and signing of Arusha Peace Agreement, 53
Standing Operating Procedures, 371–2
Chalker, Baroness, 486
chapter-seven peacekeeping, 71–2, 307
and France, 422, 436
chapter-six peacekeeping
“Chapter six and a half,” 72, 359–60, 364
limits of commander, 146
principles of, 40–1
Rwanda as candidate for, 71
Charlier, General Jose, 293
Chevrette, Michel, 15–16
Chez Lando, 61
Chiasson, Roy, 26–7
cholera, 482–3
churches as sanctuaries, 190
CIDA, 216
civilian clothes, 51
civil war (Rwanda). See also Arusha Peace Agreement
and displaced persons, 63–4
factors in the, 513–14
and the French, 451
and genocide, 1
a hundred days, 262, 289, 291, 305–6, 336, 461
and the RGF, 247, 251–2, 301
and the UN, 5, 209, 233–3n
and the victors, 434, 475–6 (See also Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF))
Claes, Willy, 180, 185–6, 276, 354
Claeys, Captain Frank
description of, 121–2
and intelligence team, 201, 287
meeting with informant, 142
saving lives, 160
Clark, Lance, 337
Clausewitz, Karl von On War, 35
Clinton, President, 471–2, 489–90
CND. See Conseil national pour le développement (CND)
CNN, 93
Cold War, 19, 33, 37–8, 41, 71
Coleman, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph, 505
Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR), 17, 19–20, 38–9
Colonel Francis, 466
colonialism, 120–1, 451, 513
Commander Charles, 130, 193, 265–6, 300–1
communications, 203, 229–32, 264, 267, 270, 308. See also security
communiqué commandement des forces armées Rwandaises, 292–3
concept of operations, 86–9
Congo, 519
contingent from, 434–5
Conseil national pour le développement (CND), 126–7, 129–30, 157–8
Costa, Major, 424
Crisis Committee, 224, 234, 239–41, 246–56, 266–8, 278
Dallaire speech to, 237–8
Cross, James, 24, 27
curfew, 194
Cyangugu, Rwanda, 292, 397–8, 474
Dallaire, Lieutenant General Roméo. See also military career (General Dallaire)
academic performance, 15–16, 19, 22, 35
after Rwanda, xii, 5
bilingual, 13–14, 19–21
dream of soldiering, 8, 15–16
and family, 34–7, 40, 53, 93, 470, 501
(See also Roberge, Elizabeth “Beth” (wife))
on leave, 206, 470
memories of Rwanda, 314–15, 467, 499–501, 503–4
writing the book, 5–7
youth, 8–9, 12–16, 45
Dallaire, Roméo Louis (father), 318
advice to son, 18, 30, 97
death of, 34
his story, 9–11, 14
DDT (insecticide), 186
deadlines, 58
for demobilization, 74
impossibility of, 80
significance of date, 78
death of Canadian soldiers
in air crash, Bagorville, Quebec, 28–30
in October Crisis, 23
death of soldiers in Rwanda, 239–40, 296–6n, 400, 423–6, 467
death squads, 142, 179–80
de Gaulle, Charles, 21–2
de Kant, Captain Willem
aide-de-camp, 97
close call of, 192–3
departure of, 217–18
description of, 95
living quarters, 108
Delcroix, Léo, 205
de Chastelain, General John, 206
de Liso, Christine, 178, 379n
Delporte, Major Eddy, 70
Deme, Captain Amadou, 121–2, 150, 287–8, 299
demilitarized zone
climate of security, 88
dimensions of, 102
first visit to, 64–7
redrawing of, 170–2
deadline for, 74
funding of, 153, 205
plan for, 88–9
democratic elections, 89
Degni-Segui, René, 419
desertion, 68, 70
Dewez, Lieutenant Colonel Joe, 282, 290, 309–10
departure of, 317–18
Diagne, Major, 313n, 313–14
Diefenbaker, John, 23
displaced persons’ camp, 63–4, 401–2
Dom Bosco School, 289–90
donor-country round table, 153n4
Dounkov, Lieutenant Colonel, 296–6n
Doyle, Mark, 304, 332, 364, 400
DPKO. See UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Dr. Jacques, 265–6
drought, 59, 114
Duplessis, Maurice, 16
École Supérieure Militaire, 236
Edwards, Ambassador Lucie, 417–18
elders in the military, 28, 39
Enright, Michael, 333
Entebbe, 416, 483, 486–7
equipment. See also APC (armoured personnel carrier)
abandoned, 401, 431
aggressive lobbying for, 91
ammunition, 215
Belgians’, 309
conditions and supplies, 302, 379–80
consequences of lack of, 151, 172–4, 181–2
lack of vehicles, 106–7, 203, 331, 408, 431, 498
resourcefulness, 444
scrounging for, 102, 135–6, 177, 393–4
Ethiopian contingent, 444
ethnic identity. See identity cards
ethnic war, 72, 98, 305, 333, 342, 368, 389
European Union, 495–6, 496n
evacuation of Rwanda, 220
Evraire, Major General Richard, 37
expatriate population in Rwanda
Canadians, 128
evacuation of, 220, 272, 275–8, 278n, 282, 285–7, 289–90, 314, 317, 339
French protection of, 61–2, 124
transfer of, 458
UN protection of, 238, 243, 260, 268, 301, 325
Falklands, 35
family life of a soldier, 93
Figoli, Colonel Herbert, 99, 105, 152
flag-raising ceremony, 102–5
FLQ. See Front de libération du Québec
Forand, Brigadier General Alain, 45
“forces démocratiques de changement,” 464
Fossey, Dian, 448
Fowler, Bob, 206, 403–4
France. See also Opération Turquoise
arms to Rwanda, 62
crisis committee on Rwanda, 422
evacuation of expatriates, 275, 292
historic involvement in Rwanda, 47
intervention in Rwanda, 418, 425–6, 518
military advisers to, 68, 210, 223
military advisers to RGF, 225
opinion of mission, 76, 130<
br />
para-battalion in Kigali, 71
in Rwanda, 285–6
support for mission, 84, 209
withdrawal of troops, 87
Franco-African contingents, 434–5, 448
Fréchette, Louise, 85
French ambassador to Rwanda. See Marlaud, Jean-Phillippe
French military attaché, 76
Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), 23–7
funding for the military, 37–8
funding of the mission, 56, 74, 110, 153, 174, 205
UNAMIR 2, 375–6
Gabiro, Rwanda, 199, 288
Gafarange, Théoneste, 132
Gaillard, Philippe, 297, 319, 493
Gasana, Anastase, 57, 83–4, 104, 254
Gatabazi, Félicien, 132, 187–9, 195–6
Gatete, Remy, 336–7
Gatsinzi, Major General Marcel, 251–4, 292, 300–1, 423, 469
Gatuna bridge, 217
Gendarmerie, 68, 70
and change in officers’ ranks, 148n2
and death of Habyarimana, 223
and enforcement of KWSA, 160–1
and guarding of VIPs, 191
and joint session RPF and RGF, 73
and lists of names, 231
and need of riot gear, 173
meeting with, 345–7, 369–70
no warning of, 79
in refugee camps, 336–7
who they are, 249, 298, 456–7, 506
genocide. See also civil war (Rwanda); massacres; shootings and killings
Ayala Lasso’s report of, 363
in Burundi, 339
in Butare, 316
children of, 466–7, 510–12
continues, 518–19
in control of, 386, 513–14
description of their bodies, 284–5, 291–2, 303, 305–6, 325, 329, 401, 430–2
and the French, 426, 451–2
how people died, 157–60, 279–81, 289–90, 297–8, 313–14, 360–2, 430, 461–2
investigation of, 419
myth of “double genocide,” 479
the number of people, 5, 309, 318, 336, 375, 478
and roadblocks, 439
and the RPF, 344, 357–8, 438
and the UN, 5–6, 323
use of term, 333, 374, 395, 454
Ghanaian contingent
arrival of, 176–8
band music, 217
commitment of, 257–8, 319, 362
death of soldiers, 309, 360
in demilitarized zone, 271
doctor, 423–4
and drivers, 328, 457, 503
effectiveness of, 369, 406
and guard duty in Kigali, 197, 202–3, 215, 241–2, 321–2
honoured, 446
to HPZ, 494–5
prisoners, 237
reinforcements of, 465
and security of Force HQ, 274
sharpshooter, 1
wounded soldiers, 309, 350–2
Gharekhan, Chinmaya, 293
Gikondo Parish Church, 279. See also Polish Mission massacre
Gikongoro, Rwanda, 292, 362
Gisenyi, Rwanda, 271, 291, 313–14, 397, 463–4
Gitarama, Rwanda, 277, 410
global wealth, 520–1
Godson, Major Arthur, 127–8