Shake Hands With the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
Page 68
Plains of Abraham, 45
Plante, Major Jean-Guy, 304, 332, 363
Polish Mission massacre, 279–81, 284, 310
political analysis lacking, 62, 101
political head of UNAMIR, 96, 98, 433. See also Booh-Booh, Jacques-Roger
political impasse, 122–3, 154–6, 162–3, 210–13
all-party meeting, 193–5
effect on population, 172
and high-level diplomacy, 164
political parties in Rwanda, 186–7. See also individual parties
Poncet, Colonel, 282
post-traumatic stress disorder, xii, xiii, 5
power relationships in the UN, 51
Presidential Guard
attitude of, 69
and Habyarimana crash, 225–6
killings by, 232, 242–3, 245–6, 248–9, 253–4
lists of names, 231, 243
provoking of crowds, 138–9, 141, 179
their quarters, 127
Preston, Major Charles, 18
prisoners of war, 385–6, 440
protocol breaches, 145, 145n1, 164
Provost, Denis, 128
PSD, 132
Quebec nationalists, 18–19, 23–4, 40, 53, 132
Quick Reaction Force, 120, 197, 241
Quiet Revolution (Quebec), 16–17
Racine, Major Luc, 363, 412, 503
racism, 113
Radio Muhaburu, 153–4
Radio Rwanda, 224, 227, 230
and new government, 483
Rahman, Lieutenant Colonel Mustafizur, 424
Ramsay, Colonel, 468–9
rape, 430, 512
Rawson, Ambassador, 286
Read, Lieutenant Commander Robert, 304, 363
Reagan, Ronald, 37
Reay, Lieutenant General Gord, 505
red alert, 188
Red Cross, 11, 63–4, 292, 297, 319, 334, 353, 369, 386, 402, 415
neutrality of, 493
refugees. See also Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF)
attacks on, 488
of Burundi, 98, 114, 208
dangers of, 394–5
in Kigali, 476
of Rwanda, 47, 154–5, 463, 518
into Tanzania, 336
of Uganda, 153–4
of use by RGF, 464
into Zaire, 469, 471
resettlement, 67, 74
Restaurant Péché Mignon, 162
Richard, Captain André, 36
Rivero, Isel, 46, 81
Riza, Iqbal. See also triumvirate of DPKO
characterization of, 50
discusses ROE, 233
in Rwanda, 387–93
Roberge, Elizabeth “Beth” (wife), 31–3, 45, 53, 93, 229, 273–4
Dallaire returning home, 501
in Nairobi, 415–19
packages to Dallaire, 353, 458, 488
Roberge, Lieutenant Colonel Guy (father-in-law), 31–2
Roman, Colonel Jean-Pierre, 182, 184–5, 303–4
Ross, Colonel Cameron, 75, 338
Roy, Major General Armand, 42–3
Royal 22ième Régiment (Vandoos), 9, 33
Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism (Canada), 22
Royal Military College (RMC), Kingston, Ontario, 20–3
RTLM (hardline radio station), 142, 211
as anti-Belgium, 105–6, 240–1, 254
and attacks on Dallaire, 379–81, 421–2
Dallaire’s interview, 349
disinformation, 330, 420
and following, 101
and the French, 437
and Médecins Sans Frontières, 454
and murder of children, 118
promoting genocide, 375
and reports of Belgian soldiers, 183–4
violent tone of, 123, 133, 261, 272, 277
Rudasingwa, Théogène, 330
Ruggiu, George, 349
Ruhengeri, Rwanda, 68, 200, 203, 271, 288
Ruheru refugee camp, 212
Ruhigira, Enoch, 77, 136–7, 148–9, 211–12
rules of engagement (ROE) in FLQ crisis, 24–5
rules of engagement (ROE) in Rwanda
approval from UN, 99
changed own, 290
clarification of, 173
and humanitarian reasons, 229, 299
proposal for, 72
restriction of, 233, 264
and retaliatory fire, 406
and unilateral force in self-defence, 144
Rusatira, Colonel Léonidas, 121, 238, 240, 381, 469
Russia, 76
Rusumo, Rwanda, 336
Rutaremara, Tito, 196, 265–6
RV85, 36
Rwabalinda, Lieutenant Colonel Ephrem, 125–6, 222, 240, 292, 398, 410–11, 426
delegation to UN, 83–4
description of, 57, 63, 216, 500
history of, 46–8
lack of strategic interest in, 89–90
politics of, 60–1
seat on Security Council, 145
Rwandese Government Forces (RGF). See also Gendarmerie; Presidential Guard
beginnings of, 47–8
and children, 69, 117–18
French and Belgian advisers, 68, 70
increased activity, 199–203, 212–13
letter of warning, 121
and massacres, 122
morale of, 421–2
new weapons, 226
offer to reinforce Kigali, 165, 202
strategy of, 299
supplies for, 363
surrender of some, 385
Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF). See also Conseil national pour le développement (CND); Kagame, Major General Paul
adolescent soldiers of, 2
ambush of UNMOs, 423–6, 431
and Arusha Peace Agreement, 54, 133, 211–12
control of troops, 414, 478–9
Declaration of the RPF for the Installation of the Formal Institutions of Government, 467
equipment of, 67
first names only, 125
and Goma, 474
headquarters, 65
increased activity, 200–3
interrogation centres in Kigali, 469
and “Kigame Nine,” 469
killings by, 378, 481–2
negotiations with, 236, 250, 266
offensive, 269
once refugees, 43, 47
and Opération Turquoise, 432, 437–8, 458
portrayal of, 66–7
protection of funeral, 195–6
relocations by, 87, 192–3, 197, 252, 335
rumoured to be murderers, 115–18
strategy of, 299, 306, 421, 446
treatment of refugees, 502–3
and Ugandan diaspora, 377–8
victory, 474–7
St. André orphanage, 412–13
St. Laurent, Louis, 17
St. Paul church, 420
St-Denis, Captain Jean-Yves, 363, 409–9n, 482–3, 499
Sainte Famille church, 347–50, 419–21
Salim, Ahmed Salim, 77–8, 321
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 49–50
Savard, Marcel, 75
Saxonov, Major, 424
scapegoat, xii
Schroeder, Lieutenant General Daniel, 485, 488–9, 497
Scouts Canada, 13
Second World War, 8, 10–12, 39, 318
security, 135. See also infiltrators and spies
deterioration of, 161, 212
lack of, 143, 145
meeting by Kigali leaders, 169
request for arms recovery, 180
strategy for ceremonies, 139, 195–6
townhall meeting, 172
Sendashonga, Seth, 250, 265–6, 324
Senegalese contingent, 218–19, 245, 434–5
September 11, 521–2
Shalikashvilli, General John, 489–90
Sheehan, Lieutenant General John, 487–8
Shilo, Manitoba, 20–1
/> shootings and killings, 187–8, 396. See also genocide; massacres; Presidential Guard
escalation in Kigali, 165–6, 179–80
increase in, 115
mob outside CND, 157–8
of moderate politicians, 212–13, 232, 253–4
mysterious third force, 121, 143
Shororo refugee camp, 212
Sierra Leone, 511–12
Simon, Paul, 372n
“situate the estimate,” 56
soccer ball, 206
Soeurs du Bon Pasteur from Quebec City, 500
soldiers’ funerals, 41
Somalia, 50, 71, 207, 240–2
Sosa, Major Manuel, 423–6
Sparling, Tim, 34
Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG). See Booh-Booh, Jacques-Roger; Khan, Shaharyar
Standing UN Operation Orders persons under protection, 298–9
status of mission agreement (SOMA), 52
St. Denis, Major Jean-Yves, 363, 409–9n, 482, 499
Stec, Stefan, 279
Steen, Lieutenant Colonel Harry, 32–3
Swinnen, Johan, 286–7
Thibault, Colonel, 459
Tikoka, Colonel Isoa “Tiko,” 199, 243, 313, 428
description of, 54, 108–9
honoured, 445
hostage taking, 423–6
and militia, 356
opinion of, 408
and SRSG, 463
Tiso (cook), 127–8
Togo contingent, 434–5
Tousignant, Major General Guy, 502, 505, 507
transfers, 396–8, 404–6, 419–20, 423, 440
lack of support for, 445–6
triumvirate of DPKO. See also Annan, Kofi A.; Baril, General Maurice; Riza, Iqbal
Code Cable 1173, 312
introduction to, 48
mandate over, 270–1
meeting with, 207–9
mission approval, 80–1
and Opération Turquoise, 427–8
report to, 260
request for deterrent operation, 180–1
troop-contributing nations. See also individual contingents
disparity among, 91, 101, 107, 124, 177–8, 215, 444, 487
Troute, Master Corporal Philippe, 119, 127, 157–8, 160
Trudeau, Pierre, 22
Tunisian contingent, 115–18, 152, 203, 205, 249–50, 302–3, 305, 331, 350, 360, 383, 445
departure of, 465
Turgeon, Captain Nelson, 363
Tutsis. See also genocide
background of, 47
diaspora, 364
hegemony of, 163, 219
killing of, 157–60, 189, 265
lists of, 142–3, 231, 243
moving into Kigali, 466, 476
registration of, 198
resettlement of, 67
seeking sanctuary, 302
Twagiramungu, Faustin, 210–11
ambushed, 187
and an informant, 141
attendance at flag-raising, 104
description of, 60, 132
guards mounted at home of, 161
lists for transitional government, 132–3
new prime minister, 467–8, 475
and Opération Turquoise, 436
political impasse, 123, 194
rescued, 244, 253, 261, 274–5, 309, 396
Uganda, 52, 88, 91, 94–6, 201
Uganda’s National Resistance Army (NRA), 94–5, 155, 469
UNAMIR (2), 411–12. See also UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda)
arrival of contingents, 443–4
authority of, 447
lack of troops, 432–3, 433n
officially created, 374
operational priorities of, 481
and Opération Turquoise, 452
protection of people, 404
and refugees, 470
sabotage of, 375–6
staging base for, 416
troops to HPZ, 494–5
UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda). See also UNAMIR (2); UNOMUR (United Nations Observer Mission in Uganda and Rwanda)
accusations of bias, 112, 137, 184
armed attacks on, 166
commander of, 99, 156, 209
contract workers, 270
cost of mission, 174
failure of, 6
guards mounted at homes, 161, 212, 230, 242–3
legal adviser’s absence, 112, 173
lobbying for, 84–6
and mandate, 96, 160
mission profile, 102, 106, 110, 172–3, 196–7
naming of, 92
non-paper, 358–9
option analysis, 354
protection sought of, 165, 243, 259–60, 263–4, 284, 288–99, 316
reduced force of, 331–2
reports, 131–2, 166–7, 208
to withdraw, 293–6, 307, 312–13, 319–20
United Nations, 519–20
headquarters, 48
UN Civilian Police Division, 159, 189
UN Commission on Human Rights, 380, 419
UN culture, 52, 147
UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs. See humanitarian aid
UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), 44, 48–51. See also triumvirate of DPKO
reports to, 208, 271–1n, 307, 319, 394
UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA), 51
UN Economic Commission for Africa, 78
UN Field Operations Division (FOD), 59, 207
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), 48, 74, 114, 493–4
UN Human Rights Commission’s Special Session on Rwanda, 395
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), 48
UN missions, 49
UNOMUR (United Nations Observer Mission in Uganda and Rwanda). See also UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda)
beginnings of, 43–4, 46
commander of, 86, 92
fact-finding mission, 55, 58, 74–6
head of mission, 56, 61–2, 77–8
“reasonable viable option,” 75–6, 82
Rwandan delegation in support of, 83–4
technical report, 81–3, 89, 159
Uganda’s signing of, 91
weapons shipments, 201
UN Rwanda Emergency Office (UNREO), 337
UN Security Council, 48
approval of UNOMUR, 52
and French mission, 436–7
and future of mission, 208–9, 212
the Permanent Five, 512
Resolution 909, 219–20
Resolution 912, 322–3
Resolution 918, 374
Resolution 925, 391, 412
Resolution 929, 436
Resolution 935, 454
Rwanda seat on, 145, 195
support of UNAMIR, 298, 301, 351–2, 372
United States
American APCs, 468
apathy of, 518
commitment to UNAMIR, 498–9
informed of extremist agenda, 148
opinion of mission, 76, 84, 169, 208–9, 372–2n
and RTLM, 375
State Department and Pentagon at odds, 489–90
White House Press Statement Concerning Rwanda, 471–2
U.S. Joint Task Force (JTF) to Africa
arrival of, 488–90
and Kigali airport, 485–6
plans for, 487–8, 497–9
U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College (Virginia), 34–5, 156
U.S. Marines, 283
Université de Montréal, 61
Université Laval, 61
Uruguayan contingent, 423–6, 429–9n
Uwilingiyimana, Agathe “Madame Agathe”
appeal for calm, 189–90
assassinated, 245–6, 248, 268
attendance at flag-raising, 104
description of, 60
guards mounted at home of, 161, 230, 240, 258
hostage taking, 187
litical impasse, 194
successor, 221, 224, 227
Uytterhoeven, General, 182, 184–5
Valcartier. See 5ième Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada
value of a life, 499, 513, 522
Vandoos. See Royal 22ième Régiment (Vandoos)
van Putten, Captain Robert, 218, 244–7, 255–6
Vermeassen, Catherine (mother), 11–12, 14
Vietnam, 19, 35
violent demonstrations, 141
les Voltigeurs de Québec, 31
war brides, 11
War Measures Act, 24, 60
war preparation, 164–5
Washington Post, 323, 487
weapons caches, 122, 143–4, 173
in MRND headquarters, 150
raiding of, 146–7
work ethic
in colleagues, 45, 59, 118
in high school, 15–16
of military leaders, 35, 107–8
workaholics, 37
working groups, 100
World Bank, 74, 174
World Food Programme, 411–12
Yaache, Colonel Clayton, 217, 309, 337, 350, 396, 442
Zaire, 465–6, 469–71
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Epub ISBN: 9781407098746
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First published in the United Kingdom in 2004 by Arrow Books
Copyright © Romeo A. Dallaire, LGen (ret) Inc., 2003
Romeo A. Dallaire has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work
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