Antarctica, 94, 242
antelope, 82
anthems, 234
Anthony, Susan B., 151, 377
Antoinette, Marie, 104–5
ants, 292
aphrodisiac, 318
Apollo (space program), 113
Apollo 11 (mission), 93, 156, 333
Apollo 13 (mission), 13
apostles, 150
Apple (company), 100
Apple, Fiona, 98
apples, 33, 94, 132, 315
aquifers, 245
archangels, 261
architecture, 153
Arctic, 94
Aristides (horse), 14
Armstrong Limit, 29
Armstrong, Louis, 105, 211
Arnocorps (band), 8
arrests, 162
Arthur, King, 98
Asimov, Isaac, 365
Assyrians (Ancient), 129
astrologers, 327
astronauts, 10, 93, 333
astronomers, 327
Atkinson, Rowan, 32
atluk, 361
atoms, 98
“Au Claire de la Lune” (song), 352
Austin, Stephen F., 366
Australia, 15, 102
aviators (female), 64
awards, 347
Aykroyd, Dan 321
Aztecs, 350, 374
Babylon, 122
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 293, 324
Bacon, Nathaniel, 134
bacterium, 92
Badlands, 118
bagpipes, 125, 150, 367
Ball, Lucille, 129
balloons, 138
Balzac, Honoré de, 110
bananas, 94
Band-Aid, 11
banjos, 125
Bannister, Roger, 14
barbecue, 119
Barbie (doll), 89
Barnum, P.T., 121
Barrymore (siblings), 30
baseball, 6, 13–4, 97, 112, 145, 232, 335, 344, 347, 352, 360, 375
basketball, 14, 97, 130, 144
Baskin-Robbins, 124
Basinger, Kim, 100
Basset, Angela, 129
Bassey, Shirley, 2
bathrooms, 21, 38, 306
Batman, 89–90, 103, 331
bats, 77
Baxter, Jeff, 32
beach balls, 97
Beach Boys, The (band), 256
beaches, 148
beans (baked), 83
bears (grizzly), 77
bears (polar), 82, 297
Beatles, The (band), 103, 124, 169, 234
beaver, 92
Bee Gees, The (band), 87
beer, 24, 95, 120, 322
bees, 82, 120
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 110, 114
Bell, Alexander Graham, 88, 91, 194, 339
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, 124
Bennet, Tony, 124
Berra, Yogi, 171
Berry, Chuck, 5, 208
Bible, 67–8, 150, 202, 261, 268
bibliobibuli, 361
bicycles, 136
Big Ben (clock), 354
Big Bird (Sesame Street), 89
Big Dipper, 274
Big Lebowski, The (movie), 24
biking, 14
billiards, 80, 97
Billboard (magazine), 22, 88, 98, 328
Billy the Kid, 115
bingo, 22
bird of paradise, 77
birds, 77, 158, 202, 212, 265, 287, 369
birth control, 81
Birth of a Nation, The, (movie), 27
birthdays, 85, 217
Bismarck, Otto von, 364
Black Beauty (book), 310
Black Crook, The, (musical), 352
Black Sabbath (band), 13
Blackmar, Phil, 14
Blackstone, William, 11
Blair, Tony, 5, 114
Blondie (band), 87
blood, 345
blue (color), 6
Blue Angels, 144
blue jeans, 6
Blue Man Group, 6
blueberries, 6
blues, 6
body (human), 40, 166, 185, 216, 345
Bogart, Humphrey, 45, 79
Boleyn, Anne, 103
Bonaparte, Josephine, 142
Bonaparte, Napoléon, 13, 61, 91, 114, 142, 244, 246
Bond, James, 2, 6, 167, 313
Bono (U2), 302, 347
Bono, Sonny and Cher, 376
booby prize, 123
books, 160, 365
Bowie, David, 363
bowling, 36
boxing, 11, 14, 17
Brady (siblings), 30
brand names, 34
Brando, Marlon, 43
bread, 1, 76, 132
Britain, 222
broccoli, 135
Brooks, Garth, 5
Brown, Roy, 360
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 365
Buchanan, James, 119
Bugs Bunny, 349
Bunyon, Paul, 26
Burma Shave, 323
Burr, Aaron, 115
Burstyn, Ellen, 347
bus (school), 128
Bush, George H. W., 272, 277
Bush, George W., 119, 127, 256, 291, 321, 366
business, 126
butter, 124, 135
butterflies, 292
Buttrick, Barbara, 17
buzzards, 77
Cabbage Patch Kids (toy), 100
Cabot, John, 142
Caesar, Julius, 32, 129, 241, 275, 372
caffeine, 110
Calhoun, John C., 115
California, 60, 134
calories, 95
Cameron (siblings), 30
can, pop-top, 11
Canada, 3, 58, 100, 189, 360, 380
canaries, 77
candy, 147
Candy Band, The, 8
Capone, Al, 5
Capote, Truman, 87
Captain Marvel, 89
cars, 1, 16, 96, 132
Carey, Mariah, 5
carriwitchet, 361
carrot juice, 135
Carson, Johnny, 111
Carson, Rachel, 86
Carter, Jimmy, 27, 173
Carthage, 146
cartoons, 349
Carver, George Washington, 145
Cash, Johnny, 105, 162, 252
Castle-Hughes, Keisha, 32
Castro, Fidel, 102, 114, 300, 324
Casu marzu (cheese), 135
Catch-22 (Heller), 130
catfish, 126
Catherine the Great, 133
cats, 2, 106, 141, 158, 251, 378
CDs, 13
celebrities, 340
cell phones, 113, 128
Celts, 99
cemeteries, 159
censorship, 121
cereal (breakfast), 124, 135
Cervantes, Miguel de, 105
chakras (Sanskrit), 101
Challenger (space shuttle), 333
Chamberlin, Wilt, 329
Chaney, Lon, 363
Charlemagne, 124, 364
Charles, Prince, 21
Charles I, King, 133
Chase, Chevy, 32
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 105
cheese, 124, 135
cheese (slicer), 11
cheesecake, 83
Cheney, Tom, 14
Cherokee, 118
Chess (game), 80
chewing gum, 9, 147, 166
chickens, 1, 251, 369
childbirth, 81
children, 128
China, 13, 83, 94
chloroform, 81
chocolate, 91, 94, 147, 191
chocolate milk, 124
Choctaw, 118
cholera, 138
“Chopsticks” (song), 136
Christian X, King, 104
Christie, Agatha, 116, 293
Christmas, 85, 211
Christmas tree, 281
Churchill, Winston, 72, 232, 295, 364–5
CIA, 114
cigarettes, 10
circuses, 74
cities, 180
Citizen Kane (movie), 31, 121, 270
Civil War, 127, 137, 356, 379
Claudius, Emperor, 9, 88
clavichord, 125
Clemens, Roger, 347
Clemente, Roberto, 130
Cleopatra, 28, 129, 142
Cleveland, Grover, 291
Cline, Patsy, 116
Clinton, Hillary, 151
Clooney, George, 45
clothes, 208
Clue (game), 80
coal miners, 106
coastlines, 148
coat hanger, 11
Coca-Cola, 11, 108, 126, 258, 269, 323
cocaine, 366
cockroaches, 120, 279, 292
coconuts, 94
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill”, 79
coffee, 94, 110
colds, 140
colleges, 239
Colorado, 2
color-blindness, 363
colors, 268
Columbus, Christopher, 372
Comet, Halley’s, 12
comics, 90
communications, 88, 260
computers, 128, 136
concrete, 86
confections, 147
Confucius, 115, 302
Connery, Sean, 45
contracts, 56
conversation, 128
Cook, Captain James, 334
Coolidge, Calvin, 321
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 149
Copperfield, David, 25
cormorants, 77
corn, 132, 135
corn dogs, 359
corn flakes, 83
coronation (Elizabeth II), 84
corset, 381
cosmetic surgery, 140
costs, 113, 193
cottage cheese, 119
cotton, 283
countries, 288
Court, Margaret, 116
Coverdale, Myles, 150
cows, 124, 287, 330, 353, 362
crabs, 92
Crane, Clarence, 147
Crater Lake, Oregon, 245
Crawford, Cindy, 145
“Crazy” (song), 116
creamer (non-dairy), 135
CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President), 134
crime, 162–3
Cronkite, Walter, 93
Crosby, Bing, 87
crossword puzzles, 352
Cruise, Tom, 73, 79, 343
Cry Baby Killer, The (movie), 111
Cubans, 83
cuneiform, 123
Curie, Marie, 72, 149
Curie, Pierre, 149
Curtin, Hoyt, 90
Curtis, Charles, 118
Cyrus, Billy Ray, 124
da Vinci, Leonardo, 363
Daily News (New York), 130
dairy, 124
Dalí, Salvador, 90
Dallas Blues (band), 6
Dam, Thomas, 26
dance, 50
Dante, 190
darkrooms, 117
dates (calendar), 354
dating, 209, 249
David, King, 150
Davis, Fletcher, 91
Davis, Miles, 305
Dawson, Andre, 347
Daylight Savings Time, 99
Days of Heaven (movie), 111
D.C. Cab (movie), 111
D.C. Comics, 90
DDT, 86
de Gaulle, Charles, 332
Dead Sea, 263
Dead Sea Scrolls, 350
Dean, Dizzy, 112
Dean, James, 111, 317
death 12, 43, 133, 159, 198
Death Valley (California), 368
debuts, 111
Declaration of Independence, 195
degree symbol, 109
Demeter, 15
De Niro, Robert, 79
Deng Xiaoping, 133
dentistry, 351
Denys, Jean-Baptiste, 352
Depp, Johnny, 45
Descartes, René, 123
devil horns (hand gesture), 121
Diamond, Neil, 87
diamonds, 263
Diana, Princess, 73, 186, 256
diapers (disposable), 81
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 111
dice (gambling), 81
Dickens, Charles, 87, 321, 343
Dickson, Earle, 11
Die Another Day (movie), 6
Dillinger, John, 115
Dimaggio, Joe, 13, 258
dinner, 86
dinosaurs, 92, 244
Dio, Ronnie James, 121
disco, 97
Disney, Walt, 90, 103, 129, 349
Disraeli, Benjamin, 102
Divine Comedy (poem), 190
divorce, 142, 209, 249
Doctor Zhivago (movie), 121, 358
doctors, 240
dogs, 82, 93, 96, 103, 113, 141, 265, 339
dollar (bill), 113
dollar (sign), 109
dolphins, 18, 330
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 105
Donald Duck, 90, 331, 349
Donovan, Marion, 11
Doohan, James “Scotty,” 107
Doonesbury (cartoon), 365
Douglas-Home, Alec, 114
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (movie), 79, 121
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 363
Dr. Strangelove (movie), 111
Draco of Athens, 115
Dracula (Stoker), 129, 366
dragonflies, 92
dreams, 123, 132
drinking, 137
drowning, 132
drunk driving, 85
Drysdale, Don, 2, 112
du Barry, Countess, 11
ducks, 212, 369
Dumbo (movie), 349
Dunaway, Faye, 28
Durocher, Leo, 112
DVDs, 13
Dylan, Bob, 170, 232, 302
eagle (bald), 77
Earhart, Amelia, 64
ears, 363
earth, 86
earthquakes, 29, 95, 131
Easter, 85, 172, 281
Eastwood, Clint, 269, 342
eating, 9
eclipse, 29
Ed Sullivan Show, The (TV show), 121
Ederle, Gertrude, 14
Edison, Thomas, 51, 225, 363
Edward IV, King, 104
Edward VI, King, 104
Edward VIII, King, 142
eel, 83
eggnog, 119
eggs, 24, 91, 132
Egyptians (Ancient), 80, 146, 350
Eiffel Tower, 259
Eighty Eight, KY, 130
Einstein, Albert, 31, 167, 329
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 119
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 355
electric, 123
elements, 187
elephants, 74, 113, 265, 330, 353
elevators, 86
Eliot, George, 145, 371
Elizabeth II, Queen, 32, 78, 84, 104, 260
email, 260
emergency room, 96
Endeavor (space shuttle), 93
energy, 86
England, 124, 152, 222
English (language), 238, 275, 301
English Channel, 130
English mastiff, 251
ENIAC, 156
Entwhistle, John, 26
environment, 57, 86
ephelides, 361
Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 123
eraser, 11
Erik the Red, 117
Eroica (Beethoven), 114
Esposito, Raffaele, 11
espresso, 110
Everest, Mount, 177
Everglades, 284
Evita (movie), 28
exercise, 96
extraterrestrials, 352, 361
extremes, 47
eyeglasses, 109
eyes, 363
facial expressions, 121
facial piercings, 140
Fairhair, Harold, 102
alk, Peter, 32
fall (season), 371
falling, 132
families, 324, 375
fantasy sports (games), 126
Fargo (movie), 358
farmers, 362
fashion, 28, 370
fast food, 126
fathers, 295
FBI, 121, 163
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson), 105
Feinstein, Michael, 31
feng shui, 200–1
Few Good Men, A (movie), 31
Fields, W. C., 248
Fillmore, Millard, 291
fingernails, 12
Finnegan’s Wake (Joyce), 98
First Viennese Vegetable Orchestra (band), 7
firsts, 156, 352
Fischer, Bobby, 157
fish, 18, 93, 96, 196
fish and chips, 83
fish sticks (food), 359
Fish, Mamie Stuyvesant, 103
FitzGerald, John J., 22
flamingoes, 77
Fleming, Ian, 313
Flintstones, The (TV show), 90
floccinaucinihilipilification, 98
Florida, 131
flour, 76
flowers, 33, 94
flu epidemic, 133
flutes, 367
folklore, 81
food, 1, 24, 83, 86, 91, 135, 161, 359, 382
Ford Motor Company, 126
Ford, Harrison, 45, 321
Ford, Henry, 377
Foreman, Freeda, 17
forks, 275
Forrest Gump (movie), 294
Foster, Stephen, 130
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon, 149
Fountainhead, The, 87
foxes, 103
France, 83, 103, 152
Frank, Anne, 375
Franklin, Benjamin, 51, 244, 376
Fraze, Ermal, 11
Frazier-Lyde, Jacqui, 17
freckles, 361
Frederick the Great, 110
Freemasons, 134
Freud, Sigmund, 366
frogs, 83, 93, 141
Frost, Robert, 112, 124
fruits, 135, 138
funeral parlor, 12
fungi, 94
Furgol, Ed, 32
Gable, Clark, 45
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 116
galaxy, 124
Galilei, Galileo, 149, 333
gambling, 96
games, 36, 80
Gandhi, Indira, 133
Gandhi, Mahatma, 293, 354
Gandhi, Rajiv, 133
garbage, 10
Garcia, Jerry, 124
Garcia, Sergio, 136
Garibaldi, Giuseppi, 142
garlic, 78
Garneau, Marc, 93
gas (cost of), 113
Garfield, James A., 257
garlic, 33
gas, 113
Gates, Bill, 61, 136
Gay Divorcée, The (movie), 347
geese, 212
Gehrig, Lou, 246
Geldof, Bob, 100
General Mills, 323
General Motors, 126
Gere, Richard, 111
geography, 179, 180
George (magazine), 145
George I, King, 145
George II, King, 133
George III, King, 133, 145, 246
George V, King, 41
George VI, King, 78, 145
geography, 276
Gerber (foods), 24
Germany, 83
Gershwin, George, 342
Gilbert, William, 123
Gilda, Radner, 31
ginger, 83
gingerbread, 119
giraffes, 244, 287
Girl Scout (cookies), 382
glaciers, 242
Glass, Philip, 32
Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Wise Up! Page 28