Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Wise Up!
Page 29
glue, 124
gold, 263, 374
Gold Rush (California), 374
Golden Globe, 116
Goldberg, Whoopi, 252, 317
Goldfinger (movie), 313
goldfish, 92
golf, 2, 14, 21–2, 37, 97, 113, 131, 136, 140, 215, 244, 294, 352
Gone With the Wind (movie), 346
Goodyear, Charles, 97
googol, 98
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 100
gourmets, 83
Graceland, 115
Graduate, The (movie), 157
Graham, Bette Nesmith, 11
Grammys, 130,347
Grant, Ulysses S., 49, 127, 182, 329, 356, 365
grapes, 94, 132
graveyard, 159
gravy, 132
Gray, John Hamilton, 3
Gray Panthers, The, 136
Great Salt Lake, 245
Great Train Robbery, The (movie), 270
Great Wall of China, The, 153
Greece (Ancient), 83, 116, 351, 377
green (color), 315–6
Green, Tammy, 81
Grey, Lady Jane, 104
Grey, Zane, 351
guillotine, 133
guitar, 328, 367
guns, 356
Gutenberg, Johannes, 365
Guthrie, Woody, 234
Gwar (band), 7
gymnasium, 146
gyroscope, 149
Haddix, Harvey, 13
Hades, 15
Hagen, Walter, 21
Haggard, Merle, 73, 105
“Hail Columbia” (song), 357
hair, 12, 129, 345
Haiti, 357
Halaby, Lisa, 104
Hall, Halsey, 123
Halloween, 85, 371
hamburger, 91
Hamilton, Alexander, 114
Hancock, John, 364
Hands Across America (event), 100
Hanks, Tom, 45
Hannibal (movie), 358
Hanson, 124
“Happy Birthday” (song), 217
Harding, Warren G., 257, 327, 348
harp, 125, 150
harpsichord, 125
Harrelson, Woody, 79
Harrison, George, 169
Harrison, William Henry, 27
Harroun, Ray, 14
Harvard University, 239
Hawaii, 104, 131, 254–5
Hawking, Stephen, 107, 217
Hayes, Rutherford B., 277
headlines, 175, 243
headphones, 363
health care, 126
hearing, 363
Hearst, William Randolph, 121
heat (temperature), 86
Heinz ketchup, 140
Heisman Trophy, 347
Hemingway, Ernest, 91, 258
hemp, 94
Hendrix, Jimi, 32, 43, 73, 115, 232, 302, 328
Henry, Patrick, 127
Henry III, King, 103
Henry VIII, King, 104, 375
Henry, John (horse), 14
Henton, Martin “Hezza”, 347
Hepburn, Katharine, 157
Hess, Rudolf, 105
High Noon (movie), 348, 358
Hippocrates, 240
hippopotamus, 9
Hirohito, Emperor, 114
history, 142, 146, 181, 357
Hitchcock, Alfred, 317
Hitler, Adolf, 91, 114, 120, 300, 337–8
Ho Chi Minh, 142, 364
Hoffa, Jimmy, 289
Hoffer, Eric, 5
Hogg, Ima, 26
Holiday, Billie, 99
holidays, 85, 100, 281
Holliday, Doc, 351
Holly, Buddy, 289
Hollywood, 206
Holt, Harold, 102
Hoover, Herbert, 13, 27, 88, 118, 136, 214, 348
Hoover, J. Edgar, 103
Hopalong Cassidy (tv show), 89
Hope, Bob, 246
Hopi (village), 118
Hornsby, Rogers, 363
horse racing, 14
Horse the Band (band), 7
horses, 2, 83, 141, 274, 362
hot dogs, 382
Houdini, Harry, 299
housing, 96
Houston, Sam, 262
How Green Was My Valley (movie), 358
Howard, Ryan, 13
Howland, William P., 3
Huey, Dewey, and Louie (siblings), 30
Hugo, Victor, 98
Hulce, Tom, 32
human relations, 249
hummingbirds, 77, 82, 92
Hundred Years War, 356
hurricanes, 26, 29
ice cream, 93, 124
illnesses, 176
imaginary friends, 128
India, 83, 109, 126, 133
Indiana, 131
Indianapolis 500 (car race), 14
infidelity, 137
injuries, 229
insects, 120, 140, 279, 292, 322
Internet, 128, 260
inventions, 51, 109
Iran, 83, 99
Iraq, 109, 144
Irish, 83
Irving, Washington, 376
Irwin, Arthur, 360
It’s a Wonderful Life (movie), 121, 358
italic type, 123
Italy, 11, 83, 106
ivory, 97
Jackson, Andrew, 127, 182, 291, 348
Jackson, Jesse, 329
Jackson, Michael, 20, 234, 324
Jackson (siblings), 30
jails, 105
Jakobs, Josef, 133
Japan, 83, 100
Jaws (movie), 236
jazz, 125
Jefferson, Thomas, 11, 21, 51, 119, 127, 231, 257, 348, 362
jelly beans, 119, 147
jellyfish, 92–3
Jemima, Aunt, 258
Jemison, Mae, 93
Jeremiah Johnson (movie), 31
jerky (beef), 91
Jerry Maguire (movie), 248
Jessup, Violet, 116
jesters, 89
Jetsons, The (TV show), 90
Joan of Arc, 375
jobs, 137, 321
Jobs, Steve, 156
Joel, Billy, 156
John Paul II, Pope, 350
John, Elton, 136, 324
Johnson, Andrew, 27, 348
Johnson, Billy “White Shoes,” 355
Johnson, Dwayne “The Rock,” 115
Johnson, Jack, 11
Johnson, Lyndon B., 27, 119, 182, 214, 323, 348
Jolie-Pitt (siblings), 30
Jonas brothers, 30
Jones, James Earl, 111
Jones, Jim, 133
Jonestown Massacre, 133
Joplin, Janis, 43
Jordan, Michael, 52, 63
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne), 352
Joy of Cooking, The (Rombauer), 91
Joyce, James, 98, 354
Judaism, 102
July Fourth (holiday), 85
jump rope, 174
Juneteenth, 281
kamikaze, 123
kangaroos, 330
kazoo, 361
Keaton, Buster, 121
Keats, John, 371
Kelloggs, 126
Kelly, Gene, 79
Kennedy, John F., 71, 348, 356
Kennedy (siblings), 30
Kermit the Frog, 315
Kerouac, Jack, 136
Kerry, John, 145, 366
ketchup, 119, 140
keyboards, 125
Khan, Chaka, 91
Khan, Genghis, 355
Khan, Kublai, 355
Khrushchev, Nikita, 344
King, B. B., 20
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 43, 72, 100, 133
King, Stephen, 31
kings, 104
Kirk, Captain, 107
Kirkwood, Joe, 21
KISS (band), 32, 87
Kissin’ Cousins (movie), 111
kite flying, 36
Kiwis (birds), 77
/> Klem, Bill, 14
klezmer (music), 367
Knight, Gladys, 136
Know-Nothing Party, 134
Kool-Aid, 133
Koufax, Sandy, 112
Krauss, Alison, 347
kryptonite, 90
Kuhn, Maggie, 136
Kyoto, Japan, 106
labor, 137
Labor Day, 325
lacrosse, 360
Ladd, Alan, 24
Lake Erie, 245
lakes, 245
lamb, 83
landmarks, 259
language, 123, 190, 280
Lansing, Sherry, 116
Las Vegas, 344
Lassie, 103
Last Samurai, The (movie), 79
Law, Jude, 31
laws, 71, 141, 181, 203, 373
lawyers, 198
leaders, 223
Led Zeppelin (band), 99, 299, 342, 366
Lee, Bill “Spaceman,” 127
Lee, Harper, 365
Lee, Robert E., 356
leek, 94
left-handedness, 27
Legos, 80
Leigh, Vivien, 28, 347
LeMond, Greg, 14
Lenin, Vladimir, 142
Lennon, John, 169, 226
Les Misérables (Hugo), 98
“Let’s Spend the Night Together” (song), 121
Lewinsky, Monica, 5
Lewis, C. S., 293
Lewis, Huey, 5, 24
Lewis, Oliver, 14
Liberace, 21, 302
Liberty Bell, 195
license plates, 131
lichens, 94
Life Savers, 147
lightning, 224
Lili’uokalani, Queen, 104
Lincoln, Abraham, 115, 127, 231, 291, 348
Lindbergh, Charles, 91, 171, 174, 365
Lion King, The, (movie), 349
lions, 353
Lipari (island), 122
Lipman, Hymen L., 11
liquid paper, 11
Liszt, Franz, 367
Litchfield Law School, 115
literature, 365
Little League, 116
Live and Let Die (movie), 313
liverwort, 94
Loch Ness monster, 126, 192, 327
logos, 34
Lone Ranger, The, 134
loons (birds), 23
Los Angeles Dodgers, 2
Lost Weekend (movie), 121
Louis XIV, King, 21, 50, 110, 188, 355
Louis XV, King, 11
Louis XVI, King, 142
Louis-Phillipe I, King, 104
Louisiana, 131
Louisiana Purchase, 262
love, 186, 209
LSD, 114
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 105
luck (bad), 293
Lucky Charms cereal, 147
Luelling, Henderson, 138
lunch, 140
lunch boxes, 89
lying, 278
Lynch, David, 107
Lynn, Loretta, 324
M&Ms, 147
Macbeth, King, 104
Macy, William H., 103
Madison, James, 119, 182, 257
Madonna, 28
maggots, 135
Magic 8-Ball (toy), 80
Magna Carta, 142
Maher, Bill, 111
mail, 207
Mailer, Norman, 134
Mall of America (Minnesota), 108, 344
malls (shopping), 108
Malone, Moses, 14
mammals, 312
mango, 94
Mann, Horace, 115
Manson, Marilyn, 20
Mantle, Mickey, 112
Mao Zedong, 133
marbles (game), 80
margarine, 124
Marier, Rebecca, 144
marriage, 186, 249
Mars, 98
Marsalis, Wynton, 136
marshmallows, 147
Martin, Dean, 340
Marvel Comics, 90
Marx, Groucho, 111, 206
Marx, Harpo, 324
Marx, Karl, 364–5
Marx, Zeppo, 103
mathematics, 109
mating, 39
matriarchs (Judaism), 274
Maverick, Samuel, 22
Max Q (band), 7
May Day, 99
Mayans, 109
Mays, Willie, 127
Mazarin, Cardinal, 24
McCartney, Paul, 103, 136, 169, 363
McDonald’s (restaurant), 1, 34, 80, 126
McIntosh (apple), 362
McKinley, William, 257
McRae, John, 117
Meat Loaf (singer), 366
medicine, 240
Melcher, Terry, 22
Memorial Day, 325
memory, 217
Mercury (planet), 130
merry-go-round, 89
Mesopotamia, 109
Meucci, Antonio, 88
MGM, 121
mice, 141
Michelangelo, 2, 98, 375
Mickey Mouse, 102
military, 144, 205, 277, 332
milk, 124, 360
Milky Way galaxy, 1, 95
millionaires, 326
Mississippi River, 284
Mitchum, Robert, 79
mnemonic devices, 217
mobile homes, 131
Moby Dick (novel), 293
Monaco, 106
mondegreen, 361
money, 123, 228
Money, Eddie, 115
Mongolia, 106
Monitor, The (naval ship), 334
monkeys, 93, 330
Monopoly (game), 80
monorail, 16
Monroe, Marilyn, 121
moon, 135, 333
More, Sir Thomas, 377
Morocco, 357
morphine, 127
Morrison, Van, 99
Morse, Samuel, 174
mosquitoes, 322
mosses, 94
motherhood, 81, 295
mountains, 177
Mounties (Canadian), 3
Mousetrap, The (play), 116
movies, 236, 248, 270, 346, 358
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 157
Mt. St. Helens, 100
mudskippers, 18
multiple personality disorder, 267
mummies, 146
Muppets, 299
Murder on the Orient Express (Christie), 352
Murray, Anne, 347
Murray, Jim, 112
Muscle Factory (band), 7
music, 7, 42, 125–126, 328, 331, 342, 367
Mussolini, Benito, 90–1, 102, 365
mustache, 129
mutton, 83
mythomaniac, 361
NAACP, 134
Nabisco, 126
nails (finger), 361
names (people), 22, 26, 49, 87, 250, 252, 376
names (place), 70
napping, 137
NASA, 93
Nashville, TN, 126
national anthem (Canadian), 360
National Geographic (magazine), 31
National Rifle Association (NRA), 134, 356
Native Americans, 118, 271
natural disasters, 309
Navajo, 118
Nazis, 22, 356
NBA (National Basketball Association), 140
National Parks, 89
neanderthals, 146
Necco wafers, 147
negligee, 381
neuroblast, 361
Nevis (island), 114
New Jersey, 131
New Orleans Philharmonic, 136
New Year’s Eve, 85
New York City Police Dept., 115
New York state, 100
New York Times (newspaper), 54, 62, 260
New Yorker (magazine), 366
Newfoundland, 106
Newhart, Bob, 347
Newton, Sir Isaac, 350
NFL (National Football Lea
gue), 140
Nicaragua, 102
Nicholson, Jack, 5, 21, 31, 45, 111, 207
Nicklaus, Jack, 120, 130
nicknames, 173
Nigeria, 106
Nike, 34
nikhedonia, 361
Nile River, 284
Nimoy, Leonard, 107
Ninety Six, SC, 130
nipples, 79
Nixon, Richard M., 119, 134, 165, 257
Nobel Prize, 72
Nobilo, Frank, 79
Nolte, Nick, 79, 107
Noor, Queen, 104
North Dakota, 131
North Pole, 242
Norway, 102
noses, 146
nuclear bombs, 277
nudity, 132
Nugent, Ted, 20, 91
numbers, 37, 95, 98, 326
nursery rhymes, 89
O. Henry (William Sydney Porter), 376
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 100
O’Hare International Airport, 126
O’Keefe, Georgia, 145
O’Neal, Shaquille, 90
obesity, 137
oboes, 125
occasions, 85
oceans, 148
odors, 303
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck), 103
Office and a Gentleman, An (movie), 111
Oklahoma, 131, 357
Oklahoma! (movie), 358
Old Testament, 150
olf, 361
Oliphant, Pat, 90
Olympics, 2, 14, 110, 114, 116, 145, 325, 334, 344
Onassis, Jackie Kennedy, 329
Onimusha (video game), 80
onions, 83
onychophagiac, 361
opera, 253
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 364
oranges, 132
Orbison, Roy, 363
orchids, 33
Oregon Trail, The, 138
Oreos, 126, 140, 191
organ (pipe), 125
origins, 109, 220
Orwell, George, 145
Osbourne, Ozzy, 73, 366
Oscar (awards), 317, 347
Oscar Mayer, 382
Osiris, 315
ostriches, 77
Ottawa, Canada, 189
otters, sea, 18
owls, 77
ozone, 86
Pacino, Al, 79
Pac-Man (video game), 80
Pacific Ocean, 82
Paige, Satchel, 112, 304
paint, 124
pancakes, 83, 119
pandas, 244
paper, 86, 131
Parker, Dorothy, 99
Parkinson’s Disease, 133
parks (national), 336
Parliament (English), 102
Parnevik, Jesper, 91
parrots, 378
parsley, 24
Parthenon, The 153
Parton, Dolly, 366
pasta, 9, 83
patents, 29, 51
Patton, George S., 145
Pavarotti, Luciano, 253, 329
Pavone, Julian, 136
peaches, 135
peanut butter, 91, 135, 382
peanuts, 1, 145, 368, 382
Peanuts (comic), 89
pears, 94
Pearson, Lester, 114
peas, 119
Pebble Beach (golf), 113
Pee Wee’s Playhouse (TV show), 20
pelicans, 77
Pelletier, Nicolas, 133
Pemberton, John S., 11
pen (ballpoint), 11, 109
pencil, 11
pendulum, 149
penguins, 369
Pennsylvania, 131
pentathlon, 145
pepper, 9
pepperoni, 140
Pepsi (commercial), 111
percents, 140