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Quarterback Sneak

Page 7

by Unknown

  Her hands fell back to his arms as her head dropped next to his. Her mouth found his chin and her teeth played there. Hands traced his arms feeling their strength as his hips bucked up off the floor to meet hers.

  The pair were fucking each other on the floor of Alceo’s dorm room with their clothes on. Galynn cried out and threw her head back when she felt the hardness of Alceo’s cock press into the sweet spot between her legs. She thought she would be able to control herself. She thought that if she just got him out of her system, she would be fine. But right then, with him thrusting his hips into her and her body draped over his, she knew she would never have her fill of Alceo Russell. She could have stopped to think about that and the implications of what she was feeling, but Alceo finally managed to break free of his shirt.

  He yanked it from his body and tossed it over his head, forgotten. His hands rushed to Galynn’s face as he pulled her down and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She opened up to him as he held her close trying to capture and claim her mouth.

  As her mouth continued to try and devour his, his hands fell to her waist and pulled her harder against him. Galynn could feel him trapped between her legs, the strength of his thighs driving up into her. She could feel his hands snaking their way to her belt, unfastening it much faster than she did his. His hands slid down her back and for the second time that day, were groping the soft flesh of her plump ass.

  “God damn,” he said into her mouth as his fingers pulled her closer to his body. Galynn’s mouth tore from his as she pulled an earlobe into her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of his touch. Galynn’s hands moved to his neck as he pushed her pants down further. Her fingers tangled in his hair and he pushed her pants past her hips.

  She could feel his fingers tracing her bottom, dipping between her legs and teasing her dripping slit. Galynn moaned into his neck as Alceo’s fingers slid from her slit to the dark place a little higher. The sudden and unexpected stimulation made her gasp. His fingers didn’t stay there as long as she wanted, but instead they traveled back down to her slit, slipping between her swollen pussy lips.

  Alceo’s fingers, impossibly long and thick pumped in and out of Galynn, as her body lay draped over him. What he was doing to her was magical. He was barely touching her, but she could feel her lust and desire burning, igniting. She began to fuck herself on his fingers. Her hips moved on their own accord as her climax began to build within her. It started in the pit of her stomach as a flutter. It started to blossom as shocks and waves of pleasure shooting throughout her body. She tried to tell him she was coming, but she couldn’t get the words out. She couldn’t articulate what she was feeling. Her core was trying to milk his fingers for the seed they couldn’t give her. She was on the verge of exploding, again, on his hand. Her heart was beating faster and faster, and her teeth clamped down on the skin at his shoulder.

  Just as her body was about to explode, Alceo pulled his fingers from her. Galynn would have protested, but he didn’t give her the chance. He plunged his fingers deep into to her ass and Galynn exploded. The immediate burn startled her. She felt herself clamping down on his fingers as they invaded her dark passage. She had never experienced anything like it, nothing had ever come close. He didn’t need to move his fingers; just their placement had her shuddering over him, her eyes clamped shut.

  An orgasm like that should have wiped her out; it should have made her weak. But it didn’t, it just made her want more. She kicked her pants off as Alceo ripped her shirt from her body. He tried to tip her over onto her back, but she stopped him.

  “I’m in control.” The words sent a chill down Alceo’s spine. His cock surged as Galynn placed herself over him and guided his length into her. It wasn’t the first time she’d had a cock about to breach her pussy lips, but she could feel his size stretching her. That thin line between pain and pleasure was heaven. Alceo tried to grab hold of her hips and pull her to him, but she slapped his hands away.

  Looking him in the eye, she descended on his throbbing cock, taking all of him inside. When their bodies met, she ground into him. She watched as his head was tossed back in pleasure, his eyes locked on hers. Her hands fell to his chest as she started her agonizingly slow movements. Galynn held his biceps to the floor as she bobbed up and down on his cock. He tired to move his hands, to touch her, but she wouldn’t let him. She was claiming him as hers. She wanted to make sure he would never forget this moment.

  With her in control, she could pleasure him the way she wanted. She could guide the course of things; everything would be how she wanted it.

  Galynn could feel Alceo’s cock pulsing inside of her. He begged her to slow down, that he was going to cum too soon, but she wouldn’t relent. She watched his jaw tighten, his teeth grind as he battled with himself. She could tell by the look in his eye he was fighting to keep his orgasm at bay. She liked watching him squirm beneath her. Call it payback for all the torture he put her through; taking her in the library.

  Galynn slowed her movements. She ground her hips on his cock and leaned down to take a puffy nipple into her mouth. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed the change in Alceo’s look. She would have noticed his eyes growing dark with passion and need to take her and claim her the way she should be taken.

  Catching her off guard he flipped her over pinning her beneath his weight. For a split second he could see panic in her eyes, but it quickly vanished when he slammed his cock into her.

  “You like teasing me?” he ground out as he pummeled her pussy. “You want me to beg? Don’t make me wait like that again.”

  Galynn’s mouth fell open, as his cock reached places inside of her she didn’t know existed. His arms braced his body as he lifted her legs higher and drove into her hot, wet tunnel over and over. Sweat covered him as he took what he wanted. He could feel her pussy clamping down on his cock as he drove into her over and over.

  Galynn wanted to cum with him, she wanted all of him inside her, and she told him so. “Cum, baby,” he heard her say. The words spurred something deep inside him and as she began to climax, his cock hammered her erratically.

  “Fuck,” he yelled as his seed spilled into her body. There. He had claimed her as his, and she could never want anyone else. Not after that. Not after what they had just done.

  Galynn screamed as she felt the heat of his cum washing against her walls. She screamed as she felt his cock pulsing inside of her driving deeper into her. When Alceo collapsed on top of her, she welcomed the weight. She could feel his cock shrinking inside of her, slowly deflating. Her fingers went to his hair and his back as she drew circles on his flesh. The last tremble of his body was all she needed to know they were both satisfied.

  She closed her eyes as they lay there together. She just had sex with Alceo Russell, and it wasn’t just sex, it was something more. She stopped her mind from going there, as she began to realize that he had just seen her naked. What was she supposed to do now? No one had ever seen her naked, not even her last boyfriend.

  Her legs were still wrapped around him. When he rolled to the side, his cock fell from her body and she scrambled to find something, anything to cover her body. His pants were still around his hips, pushed lower by the fucking he had just given her, but the look in his eye was tender. “No,” he said. “Don’t move. You’re beautiful.”

  “But I’m not like all the others.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted. You’re something much, much different.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back. He pulled her into his arms. Sleeping on the floor wouldn’t have been ideal with any other man, but with Alceo, it was perfect. He pulled the blanket and pillow off his bed and covered them both, just as they were. Together, they drifted off to sleep, Galynn under his arm.

  Chapter 4

  Alceo’s back was hurting when he tried to roll over. He could hear his alarm somewhere far away chiming loudly, but he didn’t k
now where. He shifted, the muscles in his neck bunching and stiff. He opened his eyes and smiled. The images of the night before came rushing back to him as he turned and watched Galynn sleeping next to him. He was surprised that he had slept through the entire night, he never did.

  Slowly, the sound of the alarm clock came back into his mind. Why was his alarm going off?

  “Shit!” Alceo jumped. Fuck. Practice started in half an hour and he still had to get across campus. He tried not to wake Galynn, but accidentally kicked her in the leg in his haste to get up. For a second, he had to stop and watch as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. She looked around confused until her eyes landed on him, still half dressed from the night before. Galynn smiled sheepishly at him as she pulled the blanket tighter around her half naked frame. For a second, Alceo wanted to say the hell with practice and climb under the blanket with her. He would have, but he had responsibilities.

  “Hey,” he said gently as she dropped down and placed a kiss on her lips. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  “I hate to leave you like this, honey but I have to go to practice.” He kissed her again and jumped up. He started rushing around the room looking for his gym bag. He stopped when a thought suddenly occurred to him. “Why don’t you come?”


  “Yea, you should stop by. We practice at practice field A.”

  Galynn saw the glint in his eyes, and she nodded her head.

  “Great! I have to go, but I really want you to come.”

  “Okay.” Before he left, he had to taste her lips again. He bent down and kissed her lips, her mouth opening and inviting her in, her hands tangled in his hair pulling him closer. He could feel his cock filling with blood, his heart starting to race.

  “No, no. I cant.” He pulled away from her. “If you keep doing that, I won’t go to practice.” Alceo’s smile widened at the look that crossed her face. She had no idea how sexy she was. She was wrapped in his blanket, her hair splayed across his pillow. He had never seen anything more beautiful. He couldn’t describe what he was feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he didn’t have time to explore those feelings now.

  Alceo told her he couldn’t wait to see her at his practice, and he rushed out the door, a smile plastered on his face.


  Galynn finally made it back to her dorm room. She could tell by the music she heard coming from within that Jasmine, her roommate was there. Talking a deep breath and trying to wipe the stupid smile off her face, she unlocked to door and pushed it open.

  Her roommate was standing in her underwear in the middle of the floor twirling and dancing to the music. When she saw Galynn’s face, she stopped moving.

  “Galynn, where have you been?” Galynn tried her hardest to not roll her eyes in the girl’s face. “I was so worried about you.”

  Right, Galynn thought. That’d be a first. Whatever.

  Galynn took in the sight of her roomie. Her body was toned and muscular, her tits sitting high up on her chest. Jasmine had no qualms about flaunting her body, especially in front of Galynn. Galynn for all that she was worth just couldn’t help but be jealous of her roommate’s figure. Jasmine had flawless porcelain skin, and long blond hair that was curled gently about her face. Her eyes were a startling green.

  “So, where were you?” Jasmine asked again, her hands on her hips.

  “Oh, I was getting tutored and fell asleep at my tutor’s place.”

  “Oh really,” Jasmine said as she flopped down on her bed. “Is this ‘tutor’ hot?” She actually used air quotes.

  Galynn couldn’t help but smile and blush. If Jasmine only knew. “No, I’m afraid he’s not. He’s short and awkward and kind of funny looking.” Galynn giggled. Alceo was the complete opposite of what she was describing, but the last thing she wanted was to have Jasmine know that she was even talking to Alceo. That gave Galynn pause. She knew that Jasmine was one of the ‘Celt Cunts’ as someone had so aptly named her group, and she knew that Galynn knew Alceo. She just wasn’t sure how well she knew him. The thought of how well they may be acquainted made her stomach churn.

  “Sounds like a bore,” Jasmine said breaking Galynn from her thoughts.


  “Well, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got a hot date. Hopefully, I won’t be back tonight or tomorrow,” Jasmine said with a wink.

  Jasmine skipped over to her closet and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans. She grabbed a slinky shirt from her bed and pulled it over her head. It was way too cold for something like that, but Jasmine wasn’t the kind of girl to care. Who the hell has a hot date this time of morning anyway?

  Galynn shrugged and watched as Jasmine fixed the tiny clothes about her body. With jealousy she learned to carefully hide, she watched as Jasmine’s skinny lithe body slid out the door. She had tried not to be jealous of the girl, she tried to go with her to the gym, to watch what she ate, but she just couldn’t seem to compare. That got her thinking about Alceo again. What did he see in her? He wasn’t what she expected either; she didn’t expect him to be tender and sweet and enjoyable on a basic level. If she let herself think about it, she would say that she was falling. But, and it was a very big but, she didn’t want to think about that. Right now, she wanted to think about getting changed and getting over to watch him practice.

  Galynn threw down her stuff and hurried to get a shower. Was it sick that she didn’t want to wash the smell of Alceo off her? Was it sick that her body was still reeling from feeling him powerfully inside her?

  It was hard for her not to touch herself, but she managed to get clean before touching the places on her body that she wanted Alceo’s hands and tongue. Could this really be happening? Could this really be her life now? She was attached to Alceo Russell – dare she say girlfriend? No, no, she wasn’t going to make assumptions. They both liked each other and that was that.

  As she got back into her room Galynn stared at her clothes trying to figure out what to wear. The pile of jeans and hoodies didn’t look encouraging. The power she felt with Alceo made her want to be sexy for him. It made her want to seduce him all over again, if she was even the one that was doing the seducing. If her memory served her, she was a willing participant, but she wasn’t the instigator. That is, not until last night.

  The thought of her just taking what she wanted from him made her want that power again. She had watched him as he struggled to keep his composure last night, as he tried to resist. The thrill she got from his reactions to her was like a drug. She didn’t just want that again, she needed it. Galynn had never felt so loved, so desired, and Alceo had given that to her.

  The man was doing things to her she never dreamed of, and she loved it.

  Instead of picking out something warm and comfortable to wear, Galynn realized she was going to wear something very uncomfortable, but she hoped it would be worthwhile. She got dressed and rushed out the door. She had to get to Practice Field A before Alceo was finished. Something about watching him get all hot and sweaty doing what he loved made her all hot and juicy between the legs.


  Alceo couldn’t concentrate. Every time the ball wasn’t in his hands, he was looking for her. His eyes kept scanning the benches, but she wasn’t there. Had she changed her mind? Was she still asleep? The thought brought a smile to his face, but he wanted her there watching him. Suddenly the idea of playing well for someone other than himself hit him hard. He didn’t just want her to watch him; he wanted her to enjoy watching him perform. He wanted to show her how good he was. Nothing like that had ever been important to him before, but it was now.

  If he weren’t continually being pushed into the dirt by the defensive players he would have been hard for the entire practice. He was sweaty, tired and just wanted her in his arms. This idea was so strange for him, but he liked it. He liked it a lot. He just hoped that
she would like it too.


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