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Society Girls: Sierra

Page 15

by Crystal Perkins

  “You gonna adopt one of these?”

  “No. I only want my Kitten.”

  “You must really love her.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Well, good luck getting her back. It seems like the entire city is looking for her.”

  “Thanks. I don’t think the fans will find her. She needs to come back to me on her own.”

  “Why do I feel like there’s more to this story than you’re letting on?”

  “Because there is.”

  “If you share it, it would be easier for everyone to help you.”

  “Nice try, but this is personal and private for me. If she comes back to me, everyone will know. You can be sure of that.”

  “I never pegged you for a man of mystery.”

  I just shrug. He’s not going to get any info out of me, so there’s really nothing more for me to say. Sierra doesn’t need any more attention on her while she’s fighting for her dream, and while I’m fighting for her. I’m going to win, and like I told this guy, the world will know, but that time hasn’t come yet. Until it does, I’ll keep supporting the other kittens of the world, even if their claws aren’t as fun as hers are.

  Chapter 19


  Ainsley was pleasantly surprised when Zack and I arrived home peacefully, and both in one piece. They disappeared upstairs as soon as we walked in. I think they’re talking, but if they’re not, I don’t want to know about it. I change into yoga pants and the old practice t-shirt of Joel’s he let me have, settling in on the couch to watch T.V.

  The doorbell rings right as I’m getting into one of the new shows on the DVR. I wait a moment to see if anyone else is going to get it. No one can get in the gates unless they’re buzzed in or know the code, so it must be someone who’s expected. It chimes again, so I pause the show and pad over to the door in my bare feet. Since I’m not the one expecting a visitor, I don’t really care what I look like.

  “Hi, Sierra,” Reina says when I open the door.

  “Oh, um, hi Reina. If you have a seat, I’ll try and get Ainsley. She’s upstairs with Zack.”

  “I’m not looking to scar you for life, so it’s probably best if you don’t go looking for her,” Reina says with a smile. “Besides, I’m here to see you.”

  “Me? But it’s only been a few days.”

  “Yes, but they’ve been very uncomfortable days,” she tells me as she walks over to the couch and sits down.

  I guess making the decision has been rough for her, but “uncomfortable” is a weird word to use. “Did something happen?”

  Her lips twitch again, but she’s trying hard to look serious. “Remember when I told all of you that friendship is at least as equally important as training?”

  “Sure. Your ‘hot’ Braveheart speech, as Matt called it.”

  She does smile then. “Yeah, that one. Your friends took it to heart. They’ve stopped going to their classes.”

  “What?” I ask sitting up straighter. “I had nothing to do with that, I swear.”

  “You have everything to do with it,” she says, waving her hand when I start to speak again. “I know you knew nothing about what they’re doing now, but it showed me something important. So did the letter they sent me.”


  “They all signed a letter telling us that while they stand behind you, they know what you did isn’t something everyone should be doing. They promised not to follow in your footsteps and jump into a mission they’re not assigned to.”


  “I was angry by what you did, Sierra, but I was also scared. I thought I was ready for this, and I was also so proud of this program we developed. The women who started the Society did so with great intentions, but their methods were always with the Society coming first. I wanted a Society where the women come first, because we are the Society. We should be kept informed and know what’s going on at all times.

  “Part of coming first to me means that I have to protect all of you, including the mentors. When you came flying onto that dining room table, my heart almost stopped. I was already out of my seat when you threw the knife. I didn’t think you might have a knife or a gun. All I saw was that you were losing, and you might die because of it. Once everything was settled, all I could think about is how I felt betrayed by my friends, because they let you join a mission you weren’t ready for. I kept thinking about how they should’ve been on my side, not yours. When in reality, we’re on the same side, and you didn’t fly there to disobey me or go against me.

  “You flew there to save the man you loved, and you would’ve found a way to go even if the mentors didn’t help you. You’re alive now because they did help you. They made sure you were as ready as you could be. I can admit now that I was hurt, and also that I would’ve done the exact same thing you’d done. Matt may be able to take care of himself, but I still would’ve gone. You did the right thing for you, and now your friends are rallying around you. That’s what the Society is about. All of us have to believe in what we do, and we need to ask for and accept help from the others when we need it. You did that, Sierra. You didn’t just fly off to Brazil without any support. You convinced the strongest women I know to help you.”

  “I honestly don’t think I would’ve gone if I hadn’t known they were there with me. I was full of adrenaline—and fear—but I knew they were there to help me if I messed up. I know I’m not ready for my own mission.”

  She nods. “I realize that now. There have to be consequences for what you did, because although your friends are behind you, I still need to set a precedent. I can’t have everyone just doing what they want. Even though I know that’s not the case with you, I have to be tough.”

  “I understand,” I tell her, still a little afraid that I’m going to be kicked out. I’m trying not to get my hopes up.

  “You’re going to be on probation for a month. I also want you to help me with the upcoming gala fundraiser.”

  “The one in two weeks? I thought everything was set for that.”

  “It was, but then Stella threw something out there as a joke, and I’m thinking it might actually be a great idea. So I’m going with it.”

  “What were her idea?”

  “She thinks we should auction off dates with all of the high profile guys in our circle.”

  “Aren’t most of them married?”

  “Yes, and she thinks that will bring in even more money. She says Kace gets propositioned more now that they’re married than he did before. The guys are definitely not going to sleep with the winners, but I see nothing wrong with a date and maybe a kiss on the cheek. Especially if it will raise even more money for us. Matt’s resources are pretty vast, but I like having others helping out as well.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I have a list of guys. I want you to help me reach out, and I also think you’d be a great emcee.”

  “Okay, sure,” I tell her with a laugh. “I don’t want to piss you off, but this is a little easier than I expected it to be.”

  “That doesn’t piss me off. I said I have to be tough, but that doesn’t mean I like to be. Your friends actually helped me out with their protesting and letter. I know they respect me, but I can admit that I’m glad they decided to go against me. It makes it easier for me to bring you back.”

  “I won’t tell them.”

  “You can. Full disclosure and all.”

  “I think it’s better if they all experience your softer side on their own.”

  “Your call. Do you want to come back now or wait until tomorrow?”

  “Can I come in after I shower and change? I don’t want to wait until tomorrow, but I can’t go in like this.”

  “Of course. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  “Thank you, Reina. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome, but thanks for saying that because I almost forgot something.”

  She reaches into her purse, and pulls out an envelope. “What
is it?” I ask as she hands it to me.

  “Your mission payment.”

  “We get paid for missions?”

  “Yes,” she tells me with a smile. “The lead on every mission receives payment. It differs, depending on what we’re doing, but it’s always generous. For private missions where people pay for our help, it’s always one million dollars.”

  My eyes widen. “You’re giving me one million dollars?”

  “No, I’m not giving it to you. You earned it. Everyone else agrees. In fact, they insisted. Don’t spend it all in one place,” she tells me as she walks out.

  Holy hell, I’m a millionaire. And what would I spend it all in one place on? I love clothes, but not that much. I could use a new car, but nothing that fancy. I’ll definitely donate some somewhere. For now, I guess it can just sit in my bank account, making me feel fancy.

  * * *


  My phone is ringing when I get out of the shower, and I smile when I see Sierra’s name on the screen. “Hi, Kitten,” I tell her when I answer.

  “That commercial. Oh. My. God. Do you have an extra bat to beat the women off with? I mean, kittens, your sexy words, and your abs? I almost fainted. Like, seriously swooned to the floor. Did you have it done already when I saw you?”

  “No swooning unless I’m there to catch you. And no, I just did it today. They edited it immediately, and since it was for charity, I convinced the network to let it be shown right away. I still don’t know how they did it, but I’m glad they made it happen.”

  “Me, too. Your abs are so beautiful. Like, they need a shrine beautiful.”

  “I’m more than just my abs, you know,” I say, trying to sound annoyed, when I’m actually quite amused.

  “I mentioned your words, too.”

  “You thought what I said was sexy, huh?”

  “Mm-hm. I like how you talk just to me, and almost no one else knows you’re doing it.”

  “I’m glad you like it, especially since those kittens did a number on my chest and abs with their little claws.”

  “They scratched you? Too bad I’m not there to kiss your abs better.”

  “You really do have an obsession with my abs.”

  “I’m sorry. Is it weird?”

  “Kind of,” I tell her honestly. “It’s also kind of funny, and more than a little sexy.”

  “I’ll try to restrain myself.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare. You want to kiss my abs, you just go ahead and do it. I love having your mouth on me—on any part of me.”

  “I’ll make sure to give all of your parts some attention next time I see you.”

  “Please do.”

  “There’s another reason I’m calling.”


  “Reina let me back in. I’m on probation, but I’m a recruit again.”

  Thank God. “Congrats, Kitten. I knew it would happen, but I didn’t think it would be this soon.”

  She tells me how her friends stood up for her, and also about how she has to help with the gala. “Can you get the night off?” she asks.

  “Probably. Are you asking me on a date?”

  “Um, no. I’m asking you to be auctioned off for charity. Oh, and yes, to be my date, too.”

  “Come again?”

  “I’m hoping to. In the meantime, we’re auctioning off dates with high profile guys to raise extra money at the gala. I’m the emcee, and I was hoping you’d participate.”

  “You really want me to go on a date with someone else?”

  “It’s just one date, and I trust you.”

  “If you’re sure, then yes. I’m keeping my shirt on, though.”

  “Seriously? Your abs could bring us a bunch of money.”

  “Yes, I’m serious. I’m more than my abs, Sierra.”

  “I know. You’ll show your biceps then, right? They’re almost as yummy.”

  “It’s a good thing I know you love me for more than just my body, or else I’d start to feel like a piece of meat right about now.”

  “Oh, I do. I love your mind and heart, too, but you’ll show off your biceps, won’t you?”

  Chapter 20


  Reina and I have gathered all the women in her office to go over the final details for the gala tomorrow night. She delegated a lot of the work, while we’ve been concentrating on the auction. Everything has come together with everyone else, and I stand to give my report.

  “We have lots of guys signed up, and I think we’ll make a ton of money.”

  “Kace will get the most,” Stella says with a smirk.

  “Are you bidding on him?” I ask.

  “Hell no. I don’t need to pay for dinner with him…or dessert. I can’t wait to see those high society ladies get into a frenzy over him, though.”

  “Blake might bring more,” Audrey tells her.

  “We’ll see,” Stella says, not looking worried.

  “How about a little wager?” Ainsley asks.

  The other recruits and I look at each other in amusement. We’ve seen our mentors have fun and get drunk, but this is something entirely different. They’re actually going to bet on which one of their men is going to bring in the most money in an auction where they’ll have to go on dates with the winners. Not all of the mentors’ husbands are participating, but the ones who are will definitely be bringing in big money. The question is, who will bring in the most?

  Before they can agree on terms, there’s a knock at Reina’s door. She must really be into this bet if she didn’t notice someone approaching. She tells the doors to open and Jade’s husband, Nate Anderson, walks in.

  “Oh, hey, ladies. I didn’t know you’d all be here.”

  “What’s up, Nate?” Reina asks him.

  “I was going to ask why I wasn’t included in this auction thing.”

  I hear several of the mentors gasp and Reina looks stunned. She’s literally speechless. It’s Jade who speaks for her.

  “She was just looking out for you, Soldier. We all were.”

  “This is…different. What I went through was degrading, but this is just something fun that’s raising money for the Foundation.”

  “Women will be bidding on you. It could get a little out of control,” Reina tells him, not meeting his eyes. I don’t know what happened to him, but it must be bad.

  “I can handle it. I promise. Besides, if it gets too crazy, my own personal Angel will swoop in to save me.”

  “Damn right,” Jade tells him.

  “Put him down, Sierra,” Reina tells me with a smile, before finally looking at him. “If anything—and I mean, anything—sets you off, or is too uncomfortable, you let us know somehow. I will personally take down any woman who disrespects you, or any of the other men. I know there will be catcalls, and whistling, probably even some yelling, and maybe a fainting or two, but it should still be respectful.”

  “I’ve got this, Rei. But I promise to let you all know if I get overwhelmed.”


  Jade pulls him down for a kiss. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too,” he tells her, before turning to all of us. “I’ll leave you ladies to the rest of your planning.”

  “I’m in on the bet,” Jade says when he’s walked out. “My man is so gonna win.”

  * * *


  There’s some crazy shit about to go down in this auction. I’ve got an ace up my sleeve, but the other guys have pulled out all the stops, too. Literally, all of them. I don’t even have words for what I’m seeing as we all get ready to take the stage. It’s either going to be epically awesome or an epic fail with some of these guys. Here’s hoping for the former.

  Race car driver, Ares Dixon, is the first one out. He’s got his racing suit on, but the top half is hanging down around his hips. He comes across as cocky to me, but the ladies seem to like it. He gets the Foundation $100,000.

  Zack is the first one of the Society husbands out, and the sight of him with ju
st his shoulder pads and football pants on brings the screams. He tosses the foam footballs in his hands out to the crowd and flexes his muscles while walking down the runway. I’m not surprised when he brings in $200,000.

  Olympic swimmer, Knox Williams, goes out wet. Literally. He had someone spray him down backstage, and water is sliding over his muscles as he walks. The tiny Speedo he has on hides nothing, and security has to carry a woman off the stage when she rushes it in her ball gown. I’m thinking the $150,000 his winning bidder pledges is a steal.

  Kace goes next. He’s swaggering down the runway while singing. He moves his hips in time to the music, and the women go wild. $350,000 more is coming the Foundation’s way.

  His bandmate, Wayne, walks down the runway with his guitar slung over his back and a cocky smirk on his face. That’s all he needs, apparently, since it brings in $510,000.

  Nate walks out with his hands taped, his chest oiled, and his shorts slung low on his hips. He throws some punches and brings in another $550,000.

  Brayden just walks out in a tux with his crown on his head, and brings in in $300,000. I guess dinner with a prince is a pretty big deal.

  When Aiden walks out to Sexy Back, I think he’s just going to strut. Until he stops at the end and starts stripping. No lie. The guy has obviously done this before. He’s swiveling his hips while dropping his clothes, and if I thought the women were wild before, by the time he gets down to his boxers, they’re positively crazed. Even Sierra’s fanning herself, which makes me want to punch him. $625,000 is his donor’s contribution.

  NBA star, and Ellie’s brother, Dylan Gallagher dribbles a ball down the runway while only wearing his uniform shorts. He spins the ball on his finger, earning him $275,000.

  Blake goes out dressed as everyone’s favorite movie character of his. He waves and blows kisses to the women. An easy $350,00 more for the Foundation.

  Matt struts out like he’s James Bond in his custom suit. He poses at the end of the runway like he’s in a fashion show. Cha-ching goes another $400,000.


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