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The Past or The Coming Future

Page 4

by L C Walker


  I decided I had been talking long enough, so I said, “We will resume our talk tomorrow.” I asked if there were any questions before I returned to the New Jerusalem, which sits right above the earth. I could not believe my eyes; there must have been 200 hands raise in the air. I knew I could not answer all the questions, so I said, “I will answer as many questions as I can before I leave.” The first question came from Mary Davenport. “Mary, what is your question?”

  “When the rapture occurred, where were you, what were you doing, and was there a feeling or sensation when you were going up in the air?”

  “On February 17, 2011, I was lecturing on the correct way to pronounce certain Hebrew words. At 10:07 the rapture occurred. That day is still as clear as if it occurred today. There were 22 students in my class, the students with high IQ’s. I had barely begun teaching when a loud trumpet sounded, and in a twinkling of an eye I went through the ceiling and was going straight up, toward Jesus. I could not take my eyes off Christ. They were fixed on Him and Him alone.

  “I had no feeling or sensation, like a person would have if they were falling. The only thing I did feel was a feeling that I was not alone. There were millions and millions who had the same feeling of not being alone. I knew from what the Bible said that I had just received my incorruptible body; a body that could not sin, a body that was perfect. It took only a second or two to be standing in the air with Christ and millions of other believers. The joy was unspeakable. I know, I had taught and believed the rapture would occur some day, but when it did occur, I was as surprised as every person who had just been raptured. We could not believe or comprehend what had just happened, but we knew where we were and we knew that the rapture had occurred.

  “One thing I might say before we go to the next question is, the day before the rapture took place, we had a 20-minute discussion about the rapture in my Hebrew class. The 22 students in class were all Jewish. They were not believers in Christ. We were talking about certain words, and one student asked about the word Yeshua. I explained who Christ is and why I believed He was and is the promised Messiah. One student asked if I also believed in a disappearance of everyone called a Christian. I said, ‘I do, and that disappearance is called the Rapture of the Church. One day in the very near future, all those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will never die but be immediately raptured.’

  “One student said, ‘You mean you believe you are going to live forever without dying?’

  “'What I mean is, if the rapture occurs today, I will not suffer death, but will disappear and be with Christ in heaven.’

  “As I said earlier, the next morning at 10:07 I disappeared.

  “Mary, does that answer your question?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “James, what is your question?”

  “Once you met the Lord in the air, did He take the Church directly to heaven, or did He take the Church someplace else?”

  “The first thing that happened when we met the Lord was that HE said, ‘Welcome, my children.’ We then went into heaven.

  “The sight of heaven is unspeakable. There are no words that can describe what heaven is like, but I will try my best to describe what heaven is like. First I must say that heaven is different than some stories that have been told. When we met Christ, we were not in heaven. Heaven was a great distance away. The trip only took seconds. One moment we were traveling through what I would call a cloud, and the next moment we were seeing heaven. Once we arrived we had to go through a gate. Before the rapture, people would say Saint Peter was standing at the Pearly Gate, and if your name was written in the Book you could enter.

  “In heaven there are 12 gates, but there is only one gate you can enter through. Well, when we arrived in heaven, everyone had to go through that gate in order to reach what is called the "heavenlies." The "heavenlies" is the place where God the Father is present. The Bible says that we must worship God the Father in spirit, because HE is spirit. With our corruptible body we could not look upon God the Father, but with our new incorruptible bodies, not only can we look upon Him, but we can also fellowship with Him.

  “In the "heavenlies" there are three thrones. The middle throne is the place where God the Father is seated. Around the throne there are four living creatures called Cherubim. These creatures are there for one of two reasons. The first reason is that they tell all of heaven about God. They say all day long, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.’ The second reason is they represent the strength and power of God. God does not need anyone or anything to protect Him. The Cherubim are just a symbol of His strength and power.

  “In the Bible it says there are streets of gold. When we think of gold, we probably think of the color, but pure gold is clear. Since the streets in heaven are made of pure gold, you can see through the streets.

  “One thing I forgot to tell you about the gates is that they are pearls. The gates are giant pearls. Everyone must walk through the giant pearls, or the gate, in order to go into the "heavenlies." The gates do not have doors because there is no need for doors in heaven. The gates stay open all the time because there is no night in heaven, only light. The darkness or the night is for those who are evil and corrupt. Also there is no need for the sun or the moon. The glory of God lights the heaven and the Lamb, or Christ, is our light.

  “I said there were three thrones in heaven. There is a throne on each side of the middle throne which is symbolic of God the Son on the right side and God the Holy Spirit on the other side. I know it is very difficult to understand the trinity with human thinking, but when the thousand years are over and you receive your incorruptible bodies you will understand what I am saying. The only throne that is used is the middle throne. When we were judged by Christ at the Bema Seat, it was the middle throne Christ was seated on. Also, at the Great White Throne Judgment, the middle throne is the throne where Christ will sit. The three thrones represent the trinity. I know there will be more questions about heaven, so I will give you more information when the questions are asked.

  “Bill what is your question?”

  “What happened or where did you go after you left the heavenlies, and is heaven the same place as the heavenlies?”

  “After we left the heavenlies, Christ took us through another gate that took us into heaven. It is very hard to explain the difference between the heavenlies and heaven. Like I said, ‘One must have an incorruptible body and mind to comprehend or to understand the difference.’ No one lives in the heavenlies except God the Father. Everyone else lives in heaven. In the heavenlies, we worship God as do the Cherubim and the angels. Everyone from Adam to Beverly Ann Shotley, the last person to become a Christian before the rapture occurred, lives in heaven. This is where Christ has prepared the mansions for the believers as stated in John 14:6. That will give you a small idea of heaven and the heavenlies.

  “When we left the heavenlies, Christ took us through another gate into heaven. Once we went inside the gate, there were multitudes of people there. I began to look around and coming toward me was my wife Joan, my two sons, Bo and Bubba, and my daughter Beka. I was so happy I was speechless. Bo, Bubba, and Beka were not children, but grown adults, 33 years old. You must remember in heaven there is no time or age or growing old or anything that would indicate time in heaven. By having a perfect mind you do not have to ask questions, the answer comes to your mind when you think, but remember, we created beings are not all knowing, only God is all knowing.

  “Joan said she and the children would take me on a tour of heaven and I could meet anyone I wanted to meet. We began to walk, and as I looked around I was amazed at the beauty of heaven. No book or picture can really show or tell a person how beautiful and glorious heaven is. The first person I wanted to meet was the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44.

  “Joan said, ‘When we arrive at the area known as the Gathering Place, you will meet

  “We continued to walk, and off in the distance I could hear multitudes of people talking. We walked toward the sound of voices and when we finally reached the area known as the Gathering Place, I could not believe my eyes. There were millions of people talking and singing and praising the LORD. The Gathering Place is the place where everyone goes once they leave the Heavenlies. There the new arrivals get to meet their loved ones that went before them and they also get to meet Old Testament saints and New Testament saints. The new arrivals also get to meet their guardian angels. I know many Christians did not believe in guardian angels, but once you are in heaven you will change your mind. I will tell you more about guardian angels in the days to come.

  “At the Gathering Place I knew people whom I had never met before. I would look at them and know their name and know when they arrived in heaven. I was looking straight ahead when I sensed someone behind me. I turned and there was Martha. She looked at me and without her saying one word, I said, “Martha.’ She said she wanted to meet me and shake my hand. I wanted to meet her, but she said she wanted to meet me. I wondered, ‘If we are supposed to have the answer before we ask the question, then why did I not know that Martha wanted to meet me?’

  “While I was thinking this, the LORD said to me, ‘Even though you have the answers to your questions, there are some things that you will not know until it happens.’ I told Martha, ‘When I read in Mark about you giving all that you had, while others only gave some, I knew then that I wanted to meet you when I reached heaven.’

  “After I met Martha, I asked Joan if Moses would be here also. Joan said, ‘Moses will not be here today, but in a few days he will be here to meet all of the new arrivals.’

  “I stated earlier that all new arrivals met at the Gathering Place. That was incorrect. All new arrivals met at the Gathering Place, except those of us who were raptured. Christ thought it was best for us to take a tour of heaven and sooner or later we would all get to the Gathering Place.

  “Some people toured heaven for weeks before they reached the Gathering Place. Like I said, there is no time in heaven, but Christ does let us know about time if we think it. It may sound impossible, but I met every Old Testament saint in heaven and every New Testament saint that was there also.

  “One thing I thought was strange was the first time I met the angels. I read about angels in the Bible, but to really meet one was quite an honor. In the Old Testament, we are introduced to Michael and Gabriel, the Arch Angels of God. The day I met them will always be a time I will never forget. To put it in plain English, angels are indescribable. In order to comprehend angels one must have an incorruptible body. At that time you will understand angels and see them the way they really are. Also you will be able to commune with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

  “I will take two more questions then I must leave and go back to the New Jerusalem.

  “Marty, what is your question?”

  “You spoke about The Trinity, but what is The Trinity?”

  I asked if everyone in the back could hear what I was saying. Those in the back said they could hear. I said, “This is so important I want to make sure everyone can hear.

  “The Trinity has been explained in many, many ways. One professor told me the Trinity is like an equilateral triangle. It has three equal sides; however, all three sides are independent of each other. Without all three sides, it is not a triangle. With all three sides you have one whole triangle. Another professor said, ‘When I see an egg I always think of the Trinity. There is the shell, the yoke and the white. All three make up the whole egg, but without one you have nothing.’ The human mind cannot understand the Trinity until it receives an incorruptible body. There are many illustrations a person could use, but we really cannot understand the Trinity through illustrations.

  “Before the rapture I believed in the Trinity, but to understand it, I could not. If anyone tells you they understand the Trinity and can tell you whatever you need to know, they are liars. The easiest way to tell you of the Trinity is to say there is only one God, represented in three persons.

  “Once a person became a Christian, the Holy Spirit came to dwell within them. The Holy Spirit would guide and direct the Christian in his daily walk.

  “Some people believed that a Christian could be demon possessed. If the Holy Spirit is present, the devil cannot be present. The Holy Spirit is working the same way as he did before. If you accept Christ as your personal Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within you. The Holy Spirit will let you understand as much as you need to understand about the Trinity.

  “Remember, Faith is an integral part of Christianity.

  “This will be the last question. Sandy, I know you have wanted to ask me something for the last two hours, so what is your question?”

  “You mentioned earlier about the Bema Seat and the Great White Throne Judgment. Could you tell me more about those two events?”

  “As I said earlier, we took a tour of heaven for 45 days, in earth time. Forty-five days after the rapture, the tribulation began. The very day the tribulation began, the Bema Seat Judgment also began in heaven.”

  “Brother Steven, can I interrupt?”

  “Sandy, you know I never get mad if someone interrupts me to ask a question.”

  “Before you tell about the Bema Seat, you have stated twice there were 45 days after the rapture, before the tribulation began and 45 days after the rapture, before the Bema Seat began. Why were there 45 days before both of those two events, and did they occur at the same time?”

  “The answer is yes, they did occur at the same time.

  “In The Book of Daniel, chapter 12 verses 11 and 12 give us the total amount of days until the end of the tribulation and the setting up of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ on earth.

  “The Thousand Year Reign of Christ is also called the Millennium. I have told you many times you are in the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. Daniel says, ‘There are 1290 days until the end of the tribulation.’ He also says, ‘Blessed is he that waiteth for the 1335 days. ‘The difference is 45 days.

  “When the Antichrist signed the peace treaty with Israel, one point that Israel wanted was for all the calendars to go back to the Old Testament’s number of days, when there were 30 days in each month. Also in the Old Testament days at the end of every sixth year, Israel would add 30 days. The reason Israel did this is that they knew that each year would be short five days, so at the end of every sixth year they would add 30 days. By adding 30 days it would keep the seasons exactly where they should be. In chapter 11 of Revelation, verse 3, it says the two witnesses of God will prophesy 1260 days, which is 3 ½ years, using the Old Testament calendar. Thirty days after the two witnesses prophesy, which is 1290 days, the Great Tribulation is ended.

  “Before Christ sets up His reign on earth, He first judged the people on earth to see who would go into the Thousand Year Reign. This judgment was called ‘The Judgment of the Nations.’ Everyone was judged to see if he or she accepted Christ as their Savior. If they accepted, they could enter into the Millennium. If they took the number of the Antichrist, they were bound until the Great White Throne Judgment, which will occur after the 1000-year reign of Christ is over.

  “There was a 45-day lull period after the tribulation, just as there was a 45-day lull period before the tribulation. There were many scholars and theologians who thought this would be the case, including Professor Hale. Many, many believers thought the tribulation would begin exactly when the rapture occurred. The Bible never taught or said anything about the tribulation beginning when the rapture occurred. The Bible did tell us what was going to happen, so people would know when the tribulation had begun. The Bible said sometime after the rapture the Antichrist would appear and sign a peace treaty with Israel for seven years. The signing of the peace treaty would start the tribulation.

  “In order to get everything ready for the wor
ld to accept the Antichrist, there was a 45-day lull period. Oh yes, the answer to the second part of your question is about to be answered.”

  “Thank you, Brother Steven.”

  “Now I must finish the first question. When the tribulation began on earth, in heaven, the Bema Seat began for everyone from the first person to accept Christ on the Day of Pentecost to Beverly Ann Shotley, the last person to accept Christ before the rapture. One thing that has amazed me is that Christ knew who the first person would be to become a Christian on the Day of Pentecost, and He knew who the last person would be just before the rapture. Just imagine, the Church Age or the Age of Grace had to continue until Beverly became a Christian. The very year was numbered, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute and the second. The end of the age could not occur until that very second.

  “At the Bema Seat, everyone, during the Church Age, appeared before Christ to answer what they had done after they became Christians. The Bema Seat is also called ‘The Judgment Seat of Christ.’ At the Bema Seat you could have received zero rewards or crowns, or as many as five rewards or crowns. If a person did nothing for the body or for Christ after he became a Christian, he received zero crowns or rewards. He was saved, but he or she was useless to the Body of Christ.

  “On the other hand, I said there were five crowns or rewards. Each crown was named and each crown was given for a specific thing the Christian did in his or her life. The first crown was the incorruptible crown. This crown was given to those who could get mastery over the old man, or over sin. The second was the crown of rejoicing. This crown was given to those who were soul winners. The third crown was the crown of life. This crown was given to those who endured trials. Also it was given to those who were killed or martyred for their belief in Christ. The fourth was the crown of righteousness. This crown was given to those who loved His appearing and were looking forward to the rapture. The fifth was the crown of glory. This crown was given to those who were willing to feed the flock of God. This was also called the Pastor’s Crown. At the Bema Seat, everyone did appear. Those things that were useless were burned up, like hay and stubble. Crowns were given for those things that were everlasting. We did not keep the crowns. We laid them at the feet of Christ. The crowns also represent the appointment or ruler-ship on earth with Christ. Thus, I was given two crowns at the Bema Seat, and here on earth I have authority over two communities.

  “The second question that was asked was about the Great White Throne Judgment. At the end of the Millennium, which is what you are in now, time will be over. Everyone who did not accept Christ as their Savior will appear at the Great White Throne. There will be no saved individuals there, only unsaved. They will be judged and cast into that place called Hell. There is no escape from the pit. It is a place of eternal torment and unbelievable anguish. There are degrees of Hell. If a person was in church every Sunday and he heard and knew what the Gospel said and he still rejected Christ, he would be cast into the worst part of Hell. On the other hand, if a person in the jungle had never heard of Christ, he would be cast into the lesser part of Hell. Any way you look at it, it is not a place where one would want to go. But because of the sinful nature of man, he goes there of his own free will. Hell was not made for man, but for the Devil and his angels.

  “That should answer your question about the Bema Seat and the Great White Throne Judgment. There is one more thing before I leave. I said the Bema Seat started at the same time the tribulation began. The Bema Seat lasted for 3 ½ years earth time. After the Bema Seat, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb began. The Marriage Supper was the time that Christ presented His Bride, The Church, to heaven. His Bride was presented to heaven spotless and without blemish. The Marriage Supper lasted the same amount of time as did the Bema Seat, 3 ½ years. But it took place during the last half of the tribulation. During the Marriage Supper, the Old Testament saints served the Bride. The Old Testament saints took a lot of pride in serving the Bride, and the Bride felt honored to have the Old Testament saints serving them.

  “We have spent a lot of time this day talking about the things that occurred just before the rapture and what happened in heaven during the tribulation period on earth. Tomorrow we will resume our talks, and you might be prepared with more interesting questions.” With that, I disappeared and went back to the New Jerusalem.


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