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Maiden Voyage (The Seryys Chronicles)

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by Joseph Nicholson

  When Khai’Xander Khail, a retired war veteran and hero of the Seryysan People, discovers a government plot to raze the megalopolis Seryys City, to for a large deposit of a precious metal beneath its sprawling streets, he is ultimately forced into an adventure that takes him deep within Vyysarri Space.

  While there, he meets an aged Vyysarri with a message to deliver: an even deeper, darker secret that will shake Khai to his very core and threaten to unravel everything in which he believes. The question: What is Operation: Bright Star?

  Of Nightmares

  Thanks to the heroic efforts of Khai’Xander Khail and his comrades, a tentative peace now exists between the Seryysans and Vyysarri, with efforts to find the Vyysarri a new home underway. However a routine exploration mission ends in the destruction of a Seryysan ship boasting the first crew of both Vyysarri and Seryysans. Khai and company are forced to make a hasty escape and stumble upon a most intriguing and hugely significant discovery: a rogue planet beleaguered in the void of space.

  Meanwhile, anti-integration resistance groups have surfaced that threaten to destroy the hard-won fragile peace between the two races. Things quickly come unraveled as the mysterious leaders of these resistance groups, with vast resources and operatives in every branch of both governments, begin to meddle in affairs.

  The efforts of these dissidents set into motion events with catastrophic consequences; events that force Prime Minster Pual’Kin Puar to make the toughest decision any Prime Minister has made in a hundred years; events that force Khai to leave his comatose wife behind to lead a mission to the other side of the galaxy; events that lead to the destruction of an entire Seryysan fleet; events that are truly of nightmares become real…

  Steel Alliance

  The fragile peace between the Seryysans and the Vyysarri remains tenuous as Khai, Sibrex, Dah and Puar find themselves stranded within the remnants of the long-dead society known as the Founders—while being hunted by an enemy that easily annihilates the Seryys Navy’s Sixth Fleet with only a handful of ships; an enemy that vastly outguns both the Seryysans and Vyysarri. These F’Rosians enemies will stop at nothing to obliterate and dominate the people of Seryys.

  Meanwhile, things on Seryys have gone from bad to worse. With the evacuation of Seryys City, the Reapers have sent the entire planet into disarray and panic. On the heels of Seryys’ current crisis, the Reapers act as the harbinger of a plague of epic proportions. This plague defies both reality and logic and pushes Prime Minister Pual’Kin Puar to hire a loose cannon to help with the situation using dubious tactics, tactics that go horribly, terrifyingly wrong.

  With the F’Rosian Fleet on its way to Seryys, Prime Minister Puar is forced to ask for help from Prefect Chuumdar. Worst of all, Puar realizes that if he can’t get the Reapers and the plague under control, there may be nothing left to protect from the F’Rosians.

  Author Biography

  Raised in the beautiful mountain town of Breckenridge, Colorado, Joe now lives with his beautiful California girl, and bride, Bonnie, in Northern Colorado. In 2006, he graduated from Adams State University (a small university in Alamosa, Colorado) with a Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition. By day, He’s a mild-mannered (yeah, right!) banker and by night, a writer, a musician, a composer, an RPG gamer, a mean video game player and a masked vigilante (not really, but he does own several Superman shirts). He loves Sci-Fi and Fantasy, still reads comic books, has an impressive Star Wars book collection, an unmatched knowledge of Star Wars trivia, has been watching Star Trek since he was in diapers, loves going to the park to read with my wife, HATES sparkly vampires, LOVES Superman, and volunteers every year at StarFest, a Sci-Fi Convention in Denver, Colorado.




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