The Beast's Chosen (Astral Heat Book 3)
Page 7
And for some reason, the thought stuck with him.
Yes, he would use these few days to figure out if Amber really was his mate, and to convince her to spend her life with him…even though her people were now safe, along with her world.
There was a chance that he wouldn’t get lucky—but he had to try.
He began the launch. In minutes, they had reached the atmosphere. He flicked on the auto control option, and set up the distance out that he wanted them anchored at. Once the vessel had traveled that distance, the auto control would shut off, and they would be free-floating in space.
Branton stood and quickly left the control room, making his way to his quarters. He couldn’t wait to see Amber. It would be hard to keep the good news from her, but he wanted to enjoy his time with her before telling the truth.
She would have to understand why he had withheld the truth from her. He was sure that she felt the same way as he. The way she had spoken to him last night, the way she had taken care of him…the way she had looked at him…
Amber had to share his feelings.
He practically jogged to the bedroom, and when the doors opened, he expected to be greeted by her.
He wasn’t.
No, instead, it was silent. Even with his enhanced hearing he couldn’t hear her.
“Amber?” he called, walking farther into the room. As he went, the lights turned on—and he froze.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, with a sword braced against her throat, was Amber—and Arbon was close behind her, a sneer of disgust on his face. The fear on his face made rage unlike anything he’d ever felt wash over him, creating a red haze.
He took a threatening step forward, teeth bared, his two other arms appearing unbidden at his side.
Arbon shook his head at Branton, tsking. “One more step, and she will lose her head—at least, before you can say your goodbyes.”
“Why are you doing this?” Amber asked, her voice cracking. She tried to look up at Arbon, but pressed the blade closer to her throat.
“Amber, don’t speak. I will take care of this,” he promised. “You’ll be fine.”
“Oh, I do not think so,” Arbon said, his voice filled with hate and disgust for both Amber and Branton. “How could you bed her? How could you save her? Do you know what her kind did to my family?”
Branton didn’t respond. It was better to let Arbon talk it out than try to argue or “reason”—often times, the reasoning was what caused the attacker to snap. And if Arbon snapped on Amber…
He took a cautious step forward when Arbon focused on Amber.
“Your kind,” he snarled, “came after my family. The humans stole one of our vessels and retraced our path here. And they attacked until they were killed. They slaughtered my family with our own weapons.”
“And you killed my people,” Amber hissed, struggling against his grip now. He wanted to tell her to quiet, to stop arguing, but if he did, Arbon would notice that he was gradually getting closer.
“Because you sent us a threat—“
“No,” she denied. “A kid sent out a joke, and you somehow caught it. I had no clue a group of my people did that—and I was a journalist until our building collapsed. If I had known-”
“You couldn’t have done anything. My wife, my children—they’re dead. And now my commander is trying to bed down with a human? The very species we are sworn against? To fight and kill on sight?”
Branton stopped moving when Arbon shot him a furious look.
“That’s not true anymore,” he said, holding up his hands in a show of good faith, even though he wanted nothing more than to rip that man’s throat out. “The LC contacted me before we took off—they’ve signed the peace treaty. Everyone is preparing to retreat as we speak.”
Arbon paused. “What?”
“Yes. It’s true. I can even show you the record—we are no longer at war with the humans. What you’re doing is in direct violation of the treaty, Arbon. Step away from Amber. Now,” he commanded.
An odd light came into the young warrior’s face. “How?” he whispered. “How could we be at peace with these murderers? They…they killed my family. And all…is forgotten? Because of some words spoken? A few papers signed? Don’t the lost lives…don’t they mean anything?”
“Of course they do,” Branton said softly. Arbon’s grip on the sword was starting to slacken. He took another step forward. He was only a few feet away now, and Arbon was within his grasp. “But that’s how war works. Sacrifices have to be made at some point.”
Branton saw the light go from devastated to insane a split second before the snap happened.
“Amber, get down,” he snapped, right before Arbon whirled around with the hilt an inch away from connecting with her head. The furious warrior lunged for her, and the blade was poised at her heart.
“No!” Branton shouted, maneuvering himself mid-lunge so that he tackled Arbon from the side, and not the back. The blade fell to the side, and Arbon rolled them over, placing himself on top of Branton with his hands around his throat.
“You’ve betrayed our kind,” Arbon hissed, veins in his head buldging. Branton’s airway was cut off, and at first he didn’t understand what was happening. And then, from behind Arbon’s head, he saw Amber’s terrified face—and everything came back to him.
“I’m going to be killed for subordination anyway—what does it matter if I take down a traitorous bastard with me?”
Branton slammed his head up and into Arbon’s nose, who cursed and reared back—right into a sword that was waiting for him.
With surprising ease, the sword penetrated Arbon like a knife cutting butter—and the one standing behind that blade was none other than Amber.
Amber, who had terror in her eyes.
Amber, who had tears falling down her cheeks.
Amber, who had tremors so bad her teeth were chattering.
Amber, the human who had taken the situation into her own hands.
“I’ve…I’ve never killed anyone before,” she said, her face as pale as her knuckles were on the hilt. He shoved Arbon off of him and the hilt slid from her hands as the body fell to the floor. It had been instant death—as most wounds from their swords were.
“Amber,” he breathed. “Oh, Amber. You didn’t have to-”
“He was going to kill you. I couldn’t let him—I couldn’t let him take you from me.” When she spoke, her voice cracked. He dragged her into his arms, holding her against him as tight as he could. He felt the trembling as much as he felt his own heart racing.
“Amber,” he grated against her neck, burying his face in her hair. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it. He was grateful, but he was furious. He was relieved, yet still panicking. He could only imagine what she was feeling, having taken her first life—and as long as she was with him from now on, only.
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” she whispered. Then her arms came around him and she burst into tears. Loud sobs wracked her body and he held her tighter, letting her get it all out. “I’m just…relieved.”
“You’ll never have to take another life so long as we are together,” he promised. “I know I failed you this time—but never again.”
She nodded against his shoulder, her sniffles breaking his heart. And then she pulled back, giving him wide eyes.
“Did the treaty really go through?” she asked, swiping the tears from her face. She still trembled, but at least she wasn’t sobbing. His human was getting herself together—and he admired that about her above all else.
She was resilient. Strong. And that was the type of woman he wanted for his mate.
At the thought, his body instantly hardened beneath her. Now was not the time to crave her, he thought, shame eating at him. Because of him, she had lost a part of her innocence she would never get back.
“Yes, Amber. It was signed. Our planets are at peace with each other…I found out shortly before we launched.”
She frowned. “If the war is over
, then why would we have to leave Earth?”
He felt his face go hot and looked away from her. His gaze caught on Arbon, who was slumped against the floor, lifeless gaze aimed at the door. Branton felt no remorse for the young soldier. Not only had he tried to make a move on his commander’s life, but he had tried to kill Amber.
For that, he had been destined to die the second the blade touched her skin.
“Branton?” she asked, taking his jaw in her hand and turning her face to his. “You didn’t answer me… If you knew about the treaty, then why did we not stay on Earth?”
“I… Amber, you are going to hate me for this.”
She pursed her lips as a dubious look came over her face. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I could never hate you.”
“I… Fine. I was not going to tell you about the treaty for a few days… I wanted to enjoy my remaining time with you, Amber, and I am sorry that I was going to lie.”
He watched a myriad of emotions cross over her face, the more prominent one being consternation…and then she gave him a soft, sad smile.
“What would have been the point to it, though? Eventually I would have had to return, Branton. Your LC would have called you back as you prepared to leave. Our time together would have still been cut short.”
He stared down at his hands. In an unusual show of nerves, he couldn’t stop himself from playing with his fingers. His chest started to heat up as much as his face had, and he knew he was as red as blood.
“Actually… My LC has given me permission to…to celebrate with you.”
She tilted her head to the side. “For how long?”
“For as long as we wish?” he said, although it was more of a question. He had no clue how she was going to react to this, but he had opened the can of worms. Now he had to pick up the pieces, even if that meant putting his heart on the line for the first time in his life.
Her hands fluttered to his arm. “Are you…are you saying…”
“Yes,” he said, finally looking her directly in the eyes. The beautiful depths were wide with hope and happiness, with…love. He cleared his throat. “Yes, I am saying that I would…I would like us to be together.”
“Oh, Branton,” she sighed, curling her arms around his neck. She buried her face against him, a laugh bubbling from her throat. “I can’t believe this—he really said it was okay? That we could be together?”
“Yes, Amber. We could…be together. For as long as you wish.” Even though he hoped it was forever, he did not say it. He simply watched her and held her, reveling in her happiness.
“I want to make love to you,” she said, pulling back to look at him.
His gaze flickered to the deceased Arbon, and then he gave her a look. “You said you wanted to see the control room, didn’t you?”
She bit her lip, trying to hide a huge smile, but he saw it.
He slid one arm under her back, the other under her knee, and then hoisted her up. She buried her face against his neck and he was glad—she didn’t need to see Arbon laying there. He would have to report to the LC later on about what had happened, and then dock to properly dispose of the body. But for now, he was going to treat his human to the love making of a lifetime.
Joy unlike any he had felt before came over him, and he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her as he left the room, using his memory to guide him to the control room. He didn’t even stop when they entered the room—he just kept kissing her, showing her how much he cared for her through his lips.
Their clothes came off quickly and easily—but it wasn’t rushed. They weren’t frantic and crazy to make love to each other. Yes, they were eager—but it wasn’t sloppy.
When she was undressed and standing before him, she turned around and looked at the control room, eyes filled with wonder. “This is so…unreal,” she said, awed.
“Watch this,” he said, coming in behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and then turned on the monitor to give her a full view of space.
“Wow,” she whispered. Then, with that wonder still on her face, she turned to him. “Would we live on Earth? On here? Or-”
“I have a place on my home planet, but I will stay with you wherever you are most comfortable,” he said, knowing it was the truth. As long as she would have him, he would be with her. Guiding her, protecting her, helping her. Being with her.
Her arms came around his neck, her bare body rubbing against him. He growled, then picked her up and carried her to the chair. She readily wrapped her legs around his waist, suggestively grinding against his lower body.
“We can talk about that later, I guess,” she breathed when he set her on the chair. It was large enough for the two of them to fit in this position, and for that he was grateful. He didn’t want to put his woman on the ground. She deserved better than that—if there weren’t a dead body in his quarters, he would have made love to her there…but as it was, this would have to do.
He gently rubbed himself against her, then slammed home, their eyes meeting. She was wet and ready for him, her body practically weeping for him—and he gladly filled her. With slow motions, he thrust inside of her, burying his head into her neck and gently nipping.
As her soft moans floated around the room, an urge rose that he’d never felt before. It was all consuming, demanding. It was telling him to mark her. To bond with her. To take her.
His thrusts became rougher, deeper. And as his motions became more demanding, her moans became whimpers of pleasure, and soon she was screaming as she held onto him.
“Let me mate with you,” he grated against her neck. The primal instinct to make her his was overwhelming—he just hoped she consented, otherwise he would have to stop. He couldn’t continue and not claim her as his mate.
“M—mate?” she stuttered, partly because she was bouncing from the rough thrusting. “As in…that permanent thing you were talking about?”
“Yes,” he grated against her neck, forcing himself to slow down. She was going to say no. She was going to say no, and he was going to have to stop lest the urge become too intense.
“I would—I would love to mate with you,” she breathed, eyes rolling in the back of her head as he ground his hips against hers.
“You know what that means, correct? That we are bound together for forever. That we only have each other. That we do not share. That we do-”
“Just shut up and mate with me!” she hissed, tightening her legs around his waist. He laughed with triumph, and then let his second set of arms appear. As he tightly wrapped himself around her, he lowered his face to her lips. Before he could kiss her, she asked, “How does it…work?”
“Just let me pleasure you, mate. Our intent is different than before. This is binding, and it is final.”
Her head fell back, and he took that time to latch onto her neck, pressing hot, desperate kisses on her.
As their bodies gyrated together, their friction creating a heat that went soul deep, he knew in his heart that this human was the one. Their climax built together, until it was too much for either of them. His last thought before pleasure consumed him was as simple to admit as it was to breathe.
She was his mate—and he was her alien lover.
It was a perfect summer night, with a cool breeze coming in off the lake, the night I saw my first murder.
Prior to that, I had been thinking the weekend couldn’t have gone better. After three years of hard work at PymTech, I had finally earned the coveted invitation to Trent Pym’s Labor Day weekend retreat. Previous attendances never failed to return from the picturesque cabin tucked into the Minnesota wilds with stories of ever-escalating debauchery. I’d even heard that last year, the whole thing had to be broken up by a police helicopter.
This year wasn’t quite the Bacchanal I’d been imagining, but nonetheless, it’d been exactly what the doctor ordered to get my mind off t
he last month of drama. Chris and I had finally officially ended things just a week before.
Work had been torture; I had to wander past his cubicle every day. My friends were convinced his invitation to the retreat meant my entire weekend was ruined. Fate, though, was on my side; the intern he’d dumped me for had in turn dumped him for a late-night forest rendezvous with Trent, and his time sulking by the pool meant he got to see how perfectly my new bikini fit my curves.
I would have called the whole thing a complete triumph, if only I had never seen the man in the woods.
“Come on, Morgan, don’t go!” Tina begged, supposing that if the first ten times hadn’t convinced me, maybe a round dozen would do it. I smiled at her as I finished stuffing the remaining clothes into my duffel, “I’m sorry, Tina, but I’ve got loads of coding to catch up on. I’ve slacked off all weekend, and now I’ve got to pay the price.”
“Everybody’s been slacking off! Most people are taking tomorrow off. Seriously, you work too much.”
“Well, I had to get an invitation to this party somehow. Not all of us can bat our eyes at Trent Pym like you do,” I grinned at her. She answered with a retaliatory pillow, which I easily avoided.
“He doesn’t intimidate you, does he?” she asked curiously as I quickly double-checked the spacious room for any stray belongings.
“Who, Trent? No, he’s only acting CEO and sole heir to the tenth biggest fortune in the country. No big deal.”
“Come on, I’m serious! He charms the women and out-does all the men. He’s gone through like, what, four receptionists? And yet, any time he’s around, you don’t even notice. I mean, I thought you were just incredibly loyal to Chris, but then this weekend, it’s like you just see him as any other guy.”