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Changing on the Fly

Page 22

by Cherylanne Corneille

  "Yeah mostly, but it's cool. I may need you to show me how you pull off that wicked dangle move of yours," he said then dragged me from the elevator as soon as the lift stopped moving.

  "What and have you pay back that loan too early?" I unlocked the door, and we went inside to face the future together.

  The End

  Skate into Sinful Pleasures

  Erotic hockey romances by V.L. Locey

  Gone Writing Publishing Backlist Books and Upcoming Releases

  Pink Pucks & Power Plays (Book One of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  A Most Unlikely Countess (Book Two of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  O Captain! My Captain! (Book Three of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  Reality Check (Book Four of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  Language of Love (Book Five of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  Final Shifts (Book Six of the To Love a Wildcat Series)

  Clean Sweep (Book One of the Venom series)

  Twirly Girl (Book Two of the Venom Series)

  Tape to Tape (Book Three of the Venom Series)

  Coming 11/16 . . . Roster Addition (A To Love a Wildcat Novella)

  Coming 1/18/17 . . . Angle Play (Book Four of the Venom Series)

  Coming 5/3/17…Playmaker (An F/F Venom Series Novella)

  Coming 11/1/17…Flow (Book Five of the Venom Series),

  Ellora`s Cave Backlist and Upcoming Releases

  Bound, Boarded and Bagged

  Two Man Advantage

  Game Misconduct

  Full Strength

  Long Change

  Shutdown Pair

  Independent LGBT Releases

  Coming 12/5/16…Holly & Hockey Boots (an M/M erotic holiday hockey romance novella)

  Coming 9/27/17…Finding the Edge (book #1 of the Brighton Wood Blades series)

  V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and two Jersey steers.

  When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads and her website.

  If you want to keep up with all the latest news about her upcoming M/F and LGBTQ erotic hockey releases, sign up for V.L.'s newsletter by visiting her website:

  The Brother and the Retired Player

  By Mary Smith

  (3 Flaming Pucks)


  This is for everyone who wanted Kian’s story.

  Chapter One

  “HEY, IT’LL BE all right.” My younger brother, Kyson, claps my shoulder. “There’s more fish in the sea.”

  I finish stirring the pasta before looking over at him. “You’re going to use some cliché line on me when my boyfriend just dumped me.”

  “I really have nothing else.” He shrugs. “You’re the one who consoles me when I’ve been kicked to the curb, not the other way around.”

  I nod because it’s the truth. Kyson had been in a long relationship with a real bitch named Angela, but now he is in one with his soul mate, Meadow. I even love Meadow, and I think she and Kyson are perfect together.

  I came out to my brother less than a year ago, purely by accident. Kyson and Meadow caught Stan, my now ex-boyfriend, and I kissing in a parking lot. It’s then I told Kyson the truth. Thankfully, he didn’t push me away. A part of me knew he wouldn’t, but I hadn’t been sure how he’d react.

  Now, I’m forty-one and back to being single. It’s something I don’t want. I enjoyed being in a relationship. It was a first for me; however, Stan and I grew apart quickly. I really thought I cared for him.

  I dump the pasta in a colander and finish preparing our meal. “When is Meadow back?”

  “Sunday night.” Kyson grabs a couple plates. “Apparently, this is a huge book convention, and she couldn’t miss it.”

  “How’s her latest book doing?”

  “Another week on the New York Times Bestseller list.” He beams with pride for his author girlfriend.

  “Wonderful.” I smile, sitting the big bowl of pasta on the table. “When do you two plan on moving in together?”

  Kyson shrugs. “She’s not there yet. I think she enjoys her space. I suggested getting a bigger house, but she hasn’t brought the topic up again.”

  “Give her time; you know she’ll come around.”

  “She loves me, and I love her; that’s what matters the most.” He grins, piling his plate with food.

  Our conversation moves into hockey, as it always does. Kyson Wick is one of the top players for the New Hampshire Bears in the Professional Hockey League. He’s loved hockey since the day he picked up a stick. I made sure his dreams came true, too. Our mother died when Kyson was only eighteen. Since I’m fifteen years older than he is, I changed my whole life to make sure he’d succeed.

  And he has.

  When we finish dinner and clean up, Kyson heads off to his room and then I’m off to mine. I still have a lot of emails to go through and a few contracts to read for Kyson. I really want to go to bed, but it’s for my brother, and I am not going to let him down now.


  “OKAY, I’LL BE in touch.” I hang up the call and double check my notes. Another company wants Kyson as their spokesperson. I’m not sure if he’ll do it or not, but I will tell him about it after his workout.

  I notice how late in the day it is, and I’m hungrier than I thought, but there’s no food in the fridge. Kyson eats all the time; he burns a lot of calories with working out and hockey. I make a quick list, grab my keys and wallet, and head out to the store.

  I walk up and down the aisles and make sure I’m not missing anything when I bump into something.

  “Sorry.” I look up and see blond hair and blue eyes. “Tim, hi.”

  “Kian, how are you?”

  “All right, just getting ready to feed Kyson,” I joke pointing at the full cart.

  Tim chuckles. “You do take care of him, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but he’s not around much, anymore.” I shrug. My life has been about him for so long; it’s a bit sad to think of him being twenty-five, in a serious relationship, and gone soon. “How are you? Your retirement party is coming up, huh?”

  Tim Gibb’s face drops a bit. “Fifteen years in the PHL and eight with New Hampshire Bears, it looks like my time is up.”

  “You’ve had an amazing career.” I try to show the brighter side of his retirement.

  “True.” He grins. “I’ll see you around then.” He slaps my shoulder as he passes me.

  I glance over my shoulder and can’t help checking him out. I’ve always thought he was very good looking. I even ponder if he is gay, but I’m not sure. He’s never been married or had a girl on his arm, but then again that means nothing this day in age.

  I continue my shopping and take everything back to our place and put it all away. I clean up the place and then finally sit down. I begin to realize something as I look around the room; I’m lonely and my life doesn’t revolve around Kyson anymore.

  I need to find myself. I’m a single gay man who doesn’t want to be single. It is time to live my life for me.

  I need to talk to Kyson.


  “I’M STILL GOING to handle your affairs, but I can’t do this 24/7 anymore.”

  Kyson stares at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “Kian, I’ve told you for years to go on with your life. I want you to.”

  I take a deep breath. “I know, but I worry about you.”

  Kyson shakes his head. “I appreciate every single sacrifice you have made for me. I don’t want you to put your life on hold anymore.”

  I smile. “Thanks Kyson. I mean it too.”

it’s almost time for Tim’s party.” He checks his watch.

  I grab my wallet and keys, and we head out. As I drive toward Tim’s house, Kyson starts going on about the upcoming season. He’s ready for it to begin. Training camp is finished and the New Hampshire Bears are already creating buzz. Sadly, they didn’t make it all the way through the playoffs this past season, but they just might this coming one.

  Anyone and everyone who is part of the Bears’ family is there in Tim’s mansion. We greet them all and find Tim standing near Coach Long. Kyson and I make our way to him, Kyson and Tim do a quick handshake as do I. Tim is smiling brightly, but there is sadness in his eyes. I’m sure he’s saddened about leaving a team he loves so much. He’s been in Manchester for a number of years.

  “You guys, there’s a lot of alcohol over there and a ton of food over there.” He points it all out to us. “Please, enjoy everything.” Tim holds his gaze longer with mine, and I maintain it.

  “We will. Thanks, man.” Kyson slaps Tim’s back as he stares at me.

  He finally turns to my brother. “You’re welcome.”

  As Tim goes and greets some more guests, Kyson and I head to the bar first and grab a couple beers. It’s then I see Kyson’s best friends and teammates, Remington and Keaton. Remington is holding tight to his new wife’s hand; Maxima is rubbing her swollen belly, which nestles their baby. Harlow, Keaton’s girlfriend is standing tall with a big smile.

  “Hi Kyson, Kian,” Maxima greets us.

  After a round of the normal greetings, Remington smiles and asks where Meadow is. “She’s still at the convention. I talked to her a little bit ago, and she’s having fun. I guess she’s met a bunch of other authors, and they are hanging out in the hotel bar having drinks,” Kyson explains.

  “Sounds like she’s having a blast.” Harlow smiles.

  They all begin talking about hockey, their lives, and other topics I’m not paying attention to because my gaze keeps drifting to Tim. And he keeps meeting my eyes.

  The party continues on, and I seem to stick by Kyson’s side. I’m not sure why, since I’m not uncomfortable in normal situations. In fact, I tend to be a bit of a social butterfly, but this time...I am not.

  Thankfully, Kyson says he’s ready to go, and we begin to head out, but are stopped before we reach the car when Tim calls out my name. “Kian, may I ask you a question?”

  “Sure. Of course. Whatever you need.” Good job on sounding desperate, Kian.

  “Well, I know you read contracts for Kyson and sometimes for Keaton and Remington. I just got offered a job, and I wonder if you could look over it for me? I can pay you.”

  I can’t lie; my heart sinks a bit. A contract? I’m lame. I’m lamer than lame. “It’s not a problem at all. Just send it over, and I can get it done in no time.”

  I guess my uncanny attention to detail is what he wanted. Then again, I’m not sure if he’s even gay. I wouldn’t be the first gay guy to crush on a straight guy. I mean, hello Ryan Reynolds!

  “Great. Thanks and thank you for coming tonight.” He smiles and then turns away.

  The story of my life.

  Chapter Two

  A WEEK PASSES, and I haven’t heard from Tim. It’s no big deal, and it’s not like I’ve been staring at my email like a stalker. What am I doing? This is the silliest thing I’ve ever done.

  I have applied to numerous companies and tried not to pad my résumé too much. However, it’s hard to say that I’ve been a personal assistant/manager to a Professional Hockey League player without sounding a bit uncommitted to my job. Especially when the PHL player is my baby brother. Nonetheless, a couple companies have reached out to me, and I’m now standing in front of my full-length mirror in a navy blue suit, crisp white dress shirt. But I don’t know what fucking tie to wear. Blue to match the outfit, but that could be too matchy-matchy or yellow, but that could be too bright and make it look like I’m trying too hard.


  I go out to the kitchen and thankfully, Meadow is sitting at the table with Kyson, giggling about something. She’s in one of his t-shirts and shorts. She looks adorable, and I feel like a big brother to her as well. She’s been perfect for Kyson and I’m so glad for him.

  “Meadow, I need your help.” I hold up the ties. “Which one?”

  “What does it matter?” Kyson questions.

  “I have my first job interview in eight years. I’m a bit nervous, so shut up and let Meadow tell me what to wear,” I growl at him.

  “Kian, you have nothing to be nervous about,” Meadow reassures me. “I’d go with yellow.”

  “Why are you nervous? I thought people your age don’t get nervous.” Kyson is trying to be funny, but I want to kick him in the shin.

  “Hey.” Meadow slaps his shoulder. Meadow is sensitive about their age difference; she’s ten years older than Kyson. In the beginning of their relationship, it was almost a deal-breaker.

  “I’m joking. Only joking.” He kisses her temple. “Kian, I’m sure you will be great.”

  I nod, go back down the hall to finish getting ready, and try to act like a mature adult and not flip out.


  THE INTERVIEW SEEMS to go smoothly, and I calm down once it’s over. I know walking out I won’t get it, and that’s okay. Practice makes perfect. At least, it’s something my mother used to tell me.

  When I get back to my place, Kyson and Meadow aren’t there, and I’m thankful. I don’t want to see disappointment on their faces. I grab a bottle of water, jerk off my tie and jacket, grab the laptop, and sit in the living room to check emails.

  Right there at the top of my inbox: Timothy Gibbs. Subject: Contract.

  A smile appears on my face and I open it up. I don’t figure he would write anything in the body of it, but to my surprise there is.


  Could we go over this together? Maybe over dinner?


  He has the contract attached, but all I can see is the word dinner. I know it’s a business dinner and nothing more. I know it’s even dumber to think it’s anything more. I’m a fool. One of the biggest fools there is.

  I take a deep breath and type back:

  Here is my number. Call me when you want to meet up. I’ll have the contract reviewed by then.


  I go through the rest of the emails and figure food is good right now, but I’m not in the mood to cook anything. I’m about to close the laptop when the never-ending ding of the emails hits the speakers.

  Only this time…


  How about tonight? You can come to my place, and we can discuss the contract privately. Does that gives you enough time?


  Well, my day just turned around.


  IF PICKING AN outfit for a job interview was difficult then a non-date-but-want-it-to-be-a-date is much worse. I decide I want to be comfortable and go for dark jeans and a simple polo. Kyson is at Meadow’s, and I don’t have to answer any of his questions about where I’m going. I drive over to Tim’s house, well, mansion.

  The contract is simple: a basic work contract between Tim and the Bears broadcasting staff. It seems Tim is taking a job with the Bears as a full-time announcer. It seems fitting for him. I’ve seen him in interviews. He has an ease about him in front of the camera and is extremely knowledgeable about the PHL, players, and the game overall. I’ve been around Tim enough to hear his in-depth talks about the game and he belongs in front of the camera.

  I rang the bell, holding the printed contract and the notes of changes tightly in my hand. When he opens the door, his blond hair is neatly groomed, and his green eyes shine. Not to mention, he’s hot as hell in his light jeans and green button down. He doesn’t look thirty-five standing there.

  “Kian, I don’t know how to thank you for this. Please, come in.” He holds the door for me and I walk in. “I’m just finishing up.”

  I nod and follow him through the dining room, which is already
set up with two place settings. It looks romantic, and suddenly, I’m more confused than ever. Is this a date?

  “I love to cook,” Tim says as he opens the oven door. “I didn’t get to do much of it when I was playing. Now that I’m retired, I get to gain a bunch of weight,” he jokes, pulling out two chicken breasts that seem to be stuffed with something. “I hope you like everything. I didn’t ask you if there’s something you don’t like.”

  “No, I’m not picky at all.” I smile and set the papers down on the counter. “Do you want to talk about the contract now?”

  “Nah,” he waves his hand. “Let’s eat and relax. Hey, do you want to pour the wine?” He nods his head over his shoulder. “White okay?”

  “Sure and sure.” I go over, open the bottle of wine, and then walk into the dining room, pouring some into each glass.

  Behind me, Tim comes out with our plates, and it looks like something from a five-star restaurant. “So, tonight’s menu is a baked chicken breast stuffed with spinach and provolone cheese, accompanied by grilled asparagus. Anything on here you don’t like?” Tim asks as we sit down at the table.

  “Every part of it sounds delicious.” I beam. I’m beaming?

  “I have to confess, I’m a bit nervous. I’ve not been on a date in forever.” He cuts into his meat, but I stop cold.


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