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Page 13

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam said, “Sorry we’re late folks. My hair and nails just refused to come together!’

  Everyone chuckled but Adam was dressed in his standard t-shirt and Levi’s, and if any work had been done on his hair, it wasn’t in evidence. The only addition was a light jacket but that came off as quickly as it had gone on.

  The ladies accompanying Adam were a different story. Both the men and the women assembled, even Tawney Thierry, who had little use for silly white girls, took notice. Both women were dressed in short black cocktail dresses with all the accompanying trappings of two women ready to go clubbing. They were not and probably never would have that experience in the future. But it didn’t mean they couldn’t both be beautiful and desirable among colleagues and family. They were a striking pair although Adam seemed unaffected by their proximity or to even take any notice.

  Though far from vain, he probably reckoned everyone was staring at him.

  Edward sidled over to Vera and was lightly holding her hand as the three made their way inside. He squeezed it conspiratorially as they moved toward the center of the room, and the two assembled camps.

  Vera spoke first, “Welcome to our home ladies. You too Adam. My but both you ladies are stunners tonight. For us?”

  She smiled right past Adam to admire Misti and hold her gaze ever so briefly, but Vera’s eyes were firmly cast upon the luscious red head, Alana McCarthy. She walked over to her quickly, wrapped Alana’s arm in hers and guided her briskly over to the Thierry’s, Edward and Bethy.

  As they walked, Vera leaned into her new acquaintance and whispered, “I must get to know you much better before you leave. I mustn’t miss my opportunity to become best of friends with you, young lady. You must be Alana. Alana McCarthy.”

  Alana, who had spent much too much time alone, or worse, in the company of computer electronics, was slightly taken aback by Vera’s forward and flirty nature. Alana was enjoying the attention, although she immediately cast her eye back toward Misti, who winked encouragement.

  “I am. And you must be Vera Capri. Edward mentioned that you were quite a beauty, but he was dreadfully wrong. You are drop dead gorgeous, my love. Perhaps you can give me a tour of your incredible home later. I’d be deeply in your debt. How could I possibly repay you?”

  “I’m sure we can think of something. And I know that the pleasure would be all mine. Perhaps I can give you a private tour after the announcements.”

  Misti, and to a lesser extent Adam, watched with interest as the two girls walked and talked like old friends. That left Hannah by herself, so Misti slowly approached her host, extending her hand as she came near. She held both of Hannah’s hands and reached up to give her a slight peck on the cheek.

  “Thank you for having us in your home. You must be Hannah, of course. I’m Misti. I’ve heard so very much about you.”

  “And I about you. Perhaps we can get cozy a little later and talk. There’s so much we have in common, and I’m dying to know all the details of your life. And your new life too. Seems as though you’ve been a very busy girl.”

  “I would enjoy nothing more, Hannah. And we do seem to share similar interests. And I see your new friend has met my new friend. Can’t wait to see what develops there.”

  “Your friend is stunning, I must say. Edward won’t tell me her story, but I’m hoping I can persuade you to share. You do share, don’t you?”

  “I do. Whenever I can, of course. I find it broadens the mind and may even be, how should we say, physically stimulating.”

  The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “All right, all right,” said Hannah. “Enough of this sexy chit chat and innuendo. I can see we’re going to be besties already. Let’s get Edward started so we can relax later and talk about the things that really matter.”


  “Of course. Then discuss our other delicious morsels.”

  “Edward?” Hannah interrupted. “Shall we get started?”


  “It’s a great pleasure to have everyone here tonight, the first of many times I am sure we will be meeting and working together on our Project. The Pond will separate us, of course, but we will still be companions on different aspects of our work from time to time.

  “Tonight, is our opportunity to meet, some for the first time, some to renew old acquaintances and for each to discover what is truly interesting and unique about the sum of our collective talents. All of you have been briefed extensively about our project and your roles in it. Each has been chosen for a reason, and we will have more time to explore those in detail, beginning tomorrow. The rest of the week will be for getting started on the individual projects and tasks you have all been assigned and to discuss them with your collaborators in person.

  “But before I stop blabbing, I have a few late breaking and important announcements I’d like to make.

  “You all know by now that Bethy McQueen has joined our team from the US State Department. She’s on loan to us for the next year, maybe longer. She has also decided to move from her home in DC to Barrows Bay and will be residing with me in our new home.”

  Edward looked around, seeing only smiles and smirks. “That’s right, living in sin.”

  Everyone laughed at the prim and proper couple.

  “Moving right along. The newest members of the team are late but very welcome additions and their arrival and commitment to our project quite unexpected. I would like to welcome Dr. Edmund McCarthy, our skilled addition to both quantum computing and thermal dynamics and his daughter Alana McCarthy whose job I cannot discuss in any detail whatsoever at the present. She is, however, an elite and world class figure in her field, and much sought after. Sometimes by the wrong types, as we all will be, if not now, then very, very soon.”

  The crowd grew a little somber at the last comment; Edward wasn’t intending to splash cold water on the evening and its festivities, but his statement was, unfortunately and sadly true.

  “Marcus Thierry and his daughter Tawney will be working out in Lansdowne Park with the good Dr. Detwiler and his son, the other good Dr. Detwiler. Theirs will be the issues of math as applied to our problems in cryptography.

  “Last, but not least, it’s my pleasure to announce the addition of Miss Vera Capri to our team. It appears that among the many egos tightly distributed within Team Hannah, there has been some friction resulting from resource acquisition and distribution as well as the occasional set of temper tantrums resulting from poor communication skills. This has sometimes percolated up to James and Raoul Bentley, who you all met on the way in, and then through James to Hannah. Hannah has taken to deploying Vera informally to keep the peace, though Vera hasn’t been allowed to take part in meetings or have any official capacity. That is, until now.

  “Miss Vera, as she is now universally called by all on Team Hannah, is the new Sheriff in town, with all the rank and authority that implies. The badge and police baton are in the mail. That’s it for now.”

  Everyone laughed, then began circulating and beginning the long process of discovering what each liked best about the others. It didn’t take long for the crowd to settle in and get comfortable.

  Hours later, they began to drift away, each to their own rooms for some peace and quiet and to re-consider what they’ve gotten themselves into. Discussion of the serious matters would commence in the morning; that was the line in the sand each considered the point of no return.

  Money and authority suddenly had no relevance. Each focused on the single piece of guidance Edward gave that night; please make it your primary goal to assist your colleagues whenever asked and to begin each day with the mindset that you will do great things today to make our project ever more successful. Only you can do that. Each of you, he had said.

  It was for Edward to describe the complex of relationships, work assignments, tasks, and skills that would be required of each major and minor team. How they would accomplish this was to be l
eft to each member of each formal and informal collaboration. And, there would be leadership from the top. Guidance, really, more than direction. But synchronicity would not just happen. There had to be a plan.

  Fortunately, Edward had one.

  Chapter 21

  The crowd had now all left, leaving only Adam and four women seated and chatting amiably around a large coffee table. It was an intimate setting and even if Edward had asked for a better script securing peace between Misti and Hannah, he couldn’t have done any better. Whatever trepidation Hannah felt had melted away almost instantly. As for Misti, she would one day admit she had been completely wrong about Hannah. Once she laid eyes on both Vera and Hannah, her thoughts had instantly turned to a less confrontational frame of mind.

  For Adam’s part, he was aware of the potential for discord between his wife and his ex but was happy to see it had all been an illusion. The girls were suddenly old friends and making plans. Few of them included him and would be explored in private and away from prying eyes. Including his.

  Vera and Alana mentioned cooking together as the touchstone of their new friendship, though Adam doubted that the kitchen would in any way be involved. The two had quietly snuck off to some part of the residence to “reassemble themselves” but Adam suspected that disassembling themselves had been far more likely.

  Misti and Hannah looked on as events transpired but each said nothing. As they conspired together in quiet and hushed tones, Adam was certain these two would have their own moments too. They were forces of nature and far more alike than either had ever been willing to admit. Both had the Adam and the Edward experiences in common, though in vastly different ways, and it should’ve made them intense allies. Now they both knew for certain that it did.

  Adam suspected that increased travel to London would soon be required and both women would manufacture good reasons for the pressing need. They would make the case that video conferencing, though useful, wouldn’t suffice. Some things were best accomplished in person, and in an intimate setting.

  It wasn’t lost on Hannah, however, how this whole process came to be ignited. Edward had spoken quietly with Vera hours earlier, away from Hannah’s watchful eyes. It was also not lost on her that Vera had made an immediate and direct beeline for the exquisite and exotic Alana on arrival. Scolding him would be of no use; he would simply deny it, as would Vera. Besides, it all seemed to work out well. Hannah hoped she had nothing to worry about. She would question her lover in the way most suited to making her talk. Later.


  “So,” asked Hannah, “I’m sure you two ladies have been introduced to Adam’s little mind trick. Anything you’d like to share? I mentioned it to Vera and she’s dying to find out if I made it all up.”

  Adam was seated next to Misti on a love seat, while Alana was comfortably snuggled to one side of Vera. Hannah was comfy on the other. They were all three reclined and relaxed.

  Adam said, “I am sitting here within earshot you know. You shouldn’t talk about me as if I’m not here.”

  Hannah ignored him, continuing the dialog with the only people in the room who really mattered – the ladies. “So, maybe you could arrange a demonstration with your hubby? I know Vera would love to watch.”

  Misti looked at her old enemy/new friend and said, “I have a much better idea. Why doesn’t Vera take the ride herself? What fun is it for her to watch when we’re all here right now and she can take the ride herself?”

  She looked over at Vera. “Interested?”

  “Am I? Of course, I am. But are you sure? You don’t mind? I mean he is your husband after all.”

  “Don’t be silly. We can’t have you as the only lady present to be left out of the best ride in the amusement park. Besides, I bet Hannah wouldn’t mind taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane. How about it Hannah? Vera first then you next?”

  Hannah said, “I’m in. But maybe I should go first just to make sure his gear is still in proper working order. I’ll be the OSHA of exes.”

  Adam was listening to the conversation and wondering if he was going to be included in the discussion. “You know, as I said, I’m sitting right here. Do I have a say in any of this?”

  All four women said ‘no’ in unison.

  “OK, but then I get to cop a feel as the price of admission. Otherwise, I’m on strike.”

  “Don’t worry about that, mister. Alana and I will take good care of you later. But right now, you have work to do. And I’m getting wet just thinking about it, so let’s get a move on!”

  “And no video either, Mrs. St. James,” Adam said chuckling.

  Hannah said, “He talks too much. I say we get him naked, then take advantage of him. Misti?”

  Alana and Vera giggled but Misti was seriously considering the proposition. She enjoyed a lot of different inspirations for exciting her hubby. She didn’t think he would object, but then Adam could be old fashioned at times.

  “Hey, I’m not a piece of meat, ladies. A heavenly hunk of male perfection, maybe.”

  Misti winked at Hannah approvingly; she suddenly had no qualms sharing her man with his ex-girlfriend. Hannah didn’t hesitate either for Misti to change her mind or for Adam to protest. She was naked and astride him quickly, first quickly pulling his clothes off as she then moved herself into top position, Adam reclined back on the sofa looking up at his former lover. Arms around his neck, she allowed him free reign with hands, lips, and tongue. This was far from new territory for either and the freedom of their abandon was swiftly evident.

  Vera and Alana were both shocked; as much with Hannah’s bold and unrestrained sexual advances with Adam as with Misti looking on approvingly.

  As she mounted Adam, Hannah asked for a “twofer”; Adam would do his mind trick while Hannah worked himself inside her at the amazing angle they both remembered well. Misti had never thought of this; it was something that Hannah had done many times in her six years with her ex-boyfriend.

  The girls watched in fascination as the pair engaged in uninhibited and unrelenting passion, without apparent regard or concern for the presence of an audience. Adam was sweet and attentive, asking permission and giving direction as Hannah lost herself in the moment. He spoke to her in soft gentle tones as Hannah achieved one orgasm after another. Spent, she rolled off Adam, unwilling or unable to move.

  Misti was captivated by Hannah’s sheer beauty and passionate nature and was eager for her own chance to explore this tall exquisite blond, given the opportunity and appropriate permissions. Later she would demand a private “twofer” when it came to her turn to explore this new experience with her husband.

  In the meantime, Vera had been patiently awaiting her turn in line as she watched her lover couple and then uncouple with a man, now more turned on than ever before. By the time she had discarded her own clothes and mounted Adam the only thing she could think to say was, “Please, may I have some of that too? What that tramp just tasted will do just fine.”


  Alana moved over to Misti’s side, arms around her watching the erotic events unfold. She was in awe of the tender and sensitive care Adam demonstrated with both Hannah and Vera, moving ever so slowly, undulating in perfect harmony with the motion of their hips and assuring each in turn that his only desire was for their utter and complete satisfaction. He whispered to them softly, and they, in turn, whispered things back to him in response, lips gently brushing his ear. His reaction was immediate, measured and loving. He was patient as their excitement and passion built, only to be released when they bid him thrust to completion.

  He took nothing for himself, knowing that he would share that exultation only with his wife. Tonight, he was but an instrument, nothing more. Adam’s occasional glances to Misti assured him that his full release would come later in her arms and in hers alone.

  If it could be said that Alana felt a tinge of jealousy in the moment, it wasn’t for an envious or jealous nature she truly didn’t possess. It w
as in grasping the simple beauty that Adam and Misti shared in their own understanding of what they had become together.

  Misti was correct, she thought. They were not like other people. They were different and unique; they reveled in each other, confidant and strong. Their very souls had fused into one and were now shared back out in precisely equal proportions.

  Alana watched Misti too. There was no hint of jealousy or possessiveness in her heart; Misti watched as her husband gladly shared himself, delighting in the pleasure she knew he brought to Hannah again, and to Vera for the first time.

  Alana restrained tears of happiness, newly content in a feeling of serenity she had never before experienced. This was not lust; this was something else entirely; deeper and more joyful, safer and more spiritual. It was born of strength and purpose and of a clear vision of self.

  Alana resolved to remain with Adam and Misti for so long as she was able. The last remnants of the immense pain and fear that had haunted her since her sixteenth birthday had finally departed.

  Chapter 22

  The meetings the next day were set to begin just after lunch, which was to be served in the Conference Room of the Technology Centre. The entire team would be there today; Rod and Cindy would also be in attendance. Misti and Alana had risen uncharacteristically early and explained to Adam that they, the girls, were both expected over at the Loft for an early morning meeting and breakfast with Edward and Bethy.

  Adam asked, “Am I invited?”

  Alana answered, “Nope. But you do have a separate meeting with Hannah and Vera at the same time. They’d like to have a chat with you over breakfast. Sounded important so Misti gave the thumbs up.”

  “Am I in trouble or is this business?”

  “You really are kinda thick sometimes, aren’t you?”


  “Business I think.” She fibbed. “Misti didn’t say.”

  Alana was dressed in a short silk frock, pink with interesting embroidery. She was quite fetching as Misti entered the room, dressed in a matching peach colored short silk frock. Adam had instantaneous thoughts of taking his wife back in the bedroom. His reverie, however, was short lived.


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