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Probe Page 70

by Douglas E Roff

  Derek thought it only prudent to plan and prepare but, unlike his like-minded brethren, he knew why.

  He found his community in the UK. The country to which they chose to relocate, for many reasons, was Kenya. He wanted to be in East Africa along the Great Rift Valley, and not far from the Serengeti in a zone that, if the worst happened, would be capable of sustaining agriculture, was rich with wildlife and which had a climate able to sustain human and Nobilus life. He would blend in and adapt.

  This community was originally brought to his attention through a documentary on the BBC about the survivalist movements around the world. Though the tone of the program was somewhat condescending and antagonistic toward these groups as fringe doomsday nuts ; identity being mostly right or left-wing survivalists, Derek nonetheless thought he might attach himself to a more sensible, less political, less religious, and less dogmatic group.

  The organization he chose, New World Now, founded the New Community in Kenya based in part upon the notion of a master planned, integrated self-sufficient community. They would plan infrastructure development and create all the necessities inherent in farming, animal husbandry, medicine, water, power, and waste disposal as well as sustainable construction, education, and social organization for a group of three thousand people, balanced in age, education and gender.

  The site for the first settlement was an area along the Great Rift Valley in Kenya near the border with Tanzania. It was very close to the Serengeti Preserves and not too distant from Olduvai Gorge. The area was quite remote and inaccessible by normal modes of transportation and rarely visited by people other than the occasional wildlife or environmentalist tourist. This location was by design, and its location was deemed to be private and kept out of the public record. Getting to the site was almost always by helicopter with the single craft owned by the New Community and piloted only by New Community members. Occasionally a hearty soul would hike in, though the journey was treacherous and not recommended.

  Once one arrived at the grounds, no names, backgrounds, or former lives were discussed. Most New Community Members arrived and remained; theirs wasn’t a transient or tourist mentality. The lifestyle, though remote in location, was far from primitive and required daily attention from every member. Everyone worked, and everyone had a job, based on existing skills or those that could easily be taught.

  The New Community was designed to exist within the resources nature provided, with minimal concessions to the modern world. These were few and great strides were made to eliminate the long-term need for outside assistance.

  By the time Derek arrived, the New Community was composed of almost eleven hundred individuals and was almost completely self-sustaining excepting only certain medicines and treatments.

  While there was no real need for police or military roles in the New Community, there was a need for collective community defense, physical fitness, and a full integration into and with the natural environment around them. All resources needed to be identified and developed and multi-tasking and multiple task development were essential to the long-term sustainability of the settlement. If a blacksmith, and metalsmith was lost to sickness or accident, another Member or Members must be able to step in and fill that role. A carpenter might double as a medic, or a teacher as a hydrologist.

  The complexity and symmetry of the undertaking was breathtaking to Derek. To him it looked like a delicate and intricate weave of people and skills combining to create the real prospect of survival apart from civilization. However, at the same time, there was due respect for the long-term needs of a community that was designed to exist completely off the grid, but not as primitives scratching out a mere subsistence living.

  The New Community maintained a biomedical Lab, a surgical theater and up-to-date medical facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of all, but the rarest and most difficult to treat medical conditions. The emphasis was on wellness and avoidance of the root causes of most modern illness; those unwilling to accept this limitation would be warned against relocating to their community.

  The New Community wasn’t just ‘off the grid’; it was way off the grid.

  Derek settled into his living space and took up his position in the settlement. Nobody asked where he was from or what he used to do.

  He even had a new name. To the outside world, the old Derek was dead.

  His path to the Serengeti went from London to Madrid, then to Cadiz by train and across the Mediterranean to North Africa by boat following the reverse of the hash smuggling routes to Europe, then to Nairobi and finally into the bush. At every major point along the way, he gave false clues of his true destination. He traveled alone and incognito using false identities and providing misinformation. He staged his own death.

  Nobody was watching, he was sure of that.

  He was almost one hundred percent correct.

  Chapter 3

  The entire Barrows Bay family had already met three times, almost in convocation, deciding the one great issue that now lay before them. After the Incident in London, and in the aftermath of the retribution that followed, Adam, Misti, and Edward were all struck simultaneously with a newsflash: these two immense events would impact the lives of their loved ones in Barrows Bay and possibly put them in harms’ way very quickly. They may have wished that it would’ve no effect, that they could remain isolated and anonymous, segregated and peacefully apart from the rest of the world, but all three understood that this could never be the case for very much longer.

  Even the Seattle branch of the Eight Families, most of whom were unaware of the project, would be in harms’ way, and totally unable to completely assess the danger they faced. The first several meetings of the family were to acclimate the family to the idea of moving together with the why, where and when to follow. The Barrows Bay clan had only known the Institute grounds as their home for over twenty-five years. Convincing Mom and Pops, and then Mark and Julia Eagan, that they would need to relocate not only away from Barrows Bay, but to the rural environs of Jolly Old England wouldn’t be easy.

  The first meeting didn’t go well and the next two made only modest progress. No promises or implied threats were made, and the initial attempts were to explain and persuade rather than to badger.

  Adam thought the discussion would be brief, the logic for moving unassailable and the need pressing. The family would need to move and move right away. Edward and Misti looked at each other knowing it would never be that simple and that the family couldn’t just be commanded to leave. They would need to be convinced and all tools, physical, psychological, and emotional, would have to be employed to gain acceptance and compliance.

  Mom and Pops would be the hardest to convince; Mark and Julia simply wouldn’t understand. The latter would be given access to the knowledge they needed, but it would be difficult for them to grasp. Adam was dead set against this; Rod and Cindy disagreed knowing that both Mark and Julia, each in their own ways, were stubborn as mules.

  Edward, Bethy and Misti agreed with Rod and Cindy. Adam didn’t oppose telling Mark and Julia per se; he felt that their ignorance was more conducive to them getting to sleep at night without undue worry. Misti pointed out the irony of Adam’s position; keeping him in the dark had been his greatest complaint growing up.

  Edward had decided that he couldn’t and wouldn’t force anyone to leave nor allow Adam to decide what was best for the family. But he would make crystal clear to Mark and Julia, and to Mom and Pops, the consequences of a ‘no’ decision. They wouldn’t see their family, and including their grandchildren, for many years should they decide to remain in Barrows Bay. They couldn’t come to visit and risk exposing the location of the family at the Manor. They would miss the birth of the children born to Noki and Misti and might not see them for many years to boot.

  As they sat down for their fourth and final meeting, Edward spoke to Rod and Cindy about the strategy he wanted to pursue with Mark and Julia. Separately, he discussed with Rod and Adam h
is strategy for Mom and Pops. Pops had already committed to the move but stressed he would never leave his wife behind and alone. They were a package deal, but one he was confident they could swing with Maria if they pushed the right buttons.

  Adam was comfortable with what Edward, Misti, Rod and Cindy wanted to say to Mom and Pops and to Mark and Julia. But he also had a strategy of his own that he discussed with Misti and wanted to have a private pre-convocation meeting with both sets of grandparents. Misti understood what Adam wanted to do, was supportive and communicated her approval to Edward, Rod and Cindy. If Adam failed in his approach today, they would have one more bite at the apple that evening.

  Adam began by asking Mark if he and Julia were free for lunch, as he wanted to have a private dialog with them. Mark said that they were and would be delighted to have him over to their place. When Adam was finished with lunch, he would head over to his Mom’s house and have a one-on-one sit down with her.

  Adam’s strategy with Mark was to appeal to his RCMP protective nature and to assure Julia that her twenty plus years of gardening excellence wouldn’t be abandoned to encroaching nature and ravaged by weeds. Her life’s work would be tended and cared for and returned to her in the same condition in which she left it.

  Mark on the other hand would be given a phone number to call and have a brief but meaningful conversation with the man on the other end who would ask Mark to accede to Adam’s request.

  “Thanks for having me over on such short notice, but I thought it was really important for us to talk before tonight. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I, we actually, have asked of both of you and I wanted to have a chance to explain what I have done before tonight.”

  Mark said, “You mean about making a longer-term commitment to staying in the UK and watching the girls. Honestly, Adam, I’m still not sure why we need to do that. The girls are perfectly safe here with us and, besides, I have a job. I can’t just pick up and leave. Besides, if Maria and Agustin stay, I think it will be best if we do too. I know we have a lot of new bodies from other detachments running around here but, I’m sure you understand that they won’t protect your folks like I will. We’re perfectly safe.”

  “I know that’s how it feels right now and in any other circumstances I would agree with you wholeheartedly. But this time it’s different. Everybody here connected to me is in immense danger. Immense and imminent danger that cannot be ignored and from which we cannot be adequately protected under the present circumstances. Not with a hundred people. These very bad people will come to Barrows Bay in force and systematically take this place apart looking for me. If they know we are connected in any way as family, they will not hesitate to kill you, Julia, and the girls. Barrows Bay and the Institute cannot be made safe. What has protected us so far is that they don’t know who or where we are.”

  “What’s changed? Why so urgent? And what’s this all about anyway Adam. What have you done?”

  “Let’s start with what have I done first. Nothing. Except the FBI asked me to do a job for them down in Tucson back before I reconnected to Misti. It was supposed to be a simple deal picking up some Mafia financial books and records.”

  “Is that who’s after you?”

  “No. It is another group, a very dangerous group that is engaged in an internal civil war. I, we, got in the middle of that. Now they want the information I found in Tucson back. We won’t give it to them. That’s what the whole family has been working on for more than the last year full time, including Rod and Cindy. Here in Barrows Bay, in the UK and elsewhere. These are very, very bad people and they want to start a war. A biological war in which casualties will be measured in the millions. We’re trying to stop them.”

  “I’m not any clearer on what this is all about. Are you telling us that you’re asking us to leave Barrows Bay but cannot say exactly why?”

  “Yes and no. These people, this group has discovered something about those of us on the teams working on this project overseas. Then they tried to kill them. They have the names and identities of our colleagues. It’s only a matter of time until they trace our colleagues back to Portland, then to Seattle, then here in Barrows Bay. If they think I’m here, they will come for me. Then they will kill everyone in our family that they think knows anything about this project, about them or about us. They won’t stop to sort out if you know anything, they’ll just kill you. That’s why we all have to leave here until it’s safe to come home.”

  Mark said, “But I can’t just leave my job, my career. And Julia. She made Barrows Bay, and this house our home. We’d be leaving everything we are on the off chance that something might happen.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way, Mark. And it’s not that simple. Dad and I have made some calls and explained some things to your folks in Ottawa. They are willing to give you a leave of absence at full pay while this gets resolved.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says the man I want you to call. Use my cell and dial this number. When the switchboard answers, ask to speak to ‘JT’ and tell them it’s Barrows Bay calling. Talk to him, Mark. Please.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Just call. Now I need to talk to your wife. Alone.”

  Mark left the room and went into the kitchen to make his call. Adam spoke to Julia, assuring her that her gardens and home would be professionally tended and cared for. He would arrange a series of video feeds, so she could see her gardens whenever she wished from wherever she was in the world. Julia smiled and thanked Adam for his kindness and thoughtfulness, but she was fully aware that the decision would rest with this mysterious phone call to “JT”. Mark would make the decision; she trusted his judgment about their safety and the safety of the girls.

  “You’ll have gardens in your new home you know. And gardeners to help you if you want. Streams and woods and lots of children running around. It isn’t home, but it might be the next best thing.”

  Mark returned. His expression was somber.

  “How do you know him?”

  “I met him long before he was an MP, young, ready to kick ass and take names. We used to spar and talk occasionally, but not so much since he became, you know, who he is now. He was tough kid; not soft like the opposition always tried to paint him.”

  Julia looked at her husband. “Who was that?”

  “The Prime Minister. He says we should do as Adam asks. As of this moment, I’m on sabbatical. Looks like we’re all moving to England.”

  Chapter 4

  Adam’s next stop was his mother, Maria.

  “Mom, I know this is difficult for you but you of all people must see what’s going to happen if we don’t leave.”

  “What exactly is that, son?”

  “They found Vera, they’ll connect her to Portland, then to Hannah, then to Seattle, then to Barrows Bay. You know that I could probably do the same in an hour, so it won’t take them that long. Not forever, anyway. You know how much I love you and how much I love Pops. This stubbornness just isn’t like you Mom. So why don’t you tell me what it is.”

  “You think I’m mad at you?”

  “Yes. I think you’re feeling left out, and not as important as you have always been. To me, in my life. I think you don’t like my lifestyle choices and you’re intent on punishing me, and yourself, by acting as you have.”

  “Which is?”

  “Mom, please stop this. You have been and always will be the most important person in my life. I’m your son, the one who needed you most, the one you protected the most, and the one who you guided the most. You think that just all goes away? But you must let go. I’m not a child any more, I have learned my lessons from you and I can make my own decisions without any help. You must trust me; that’s what growing up with you as my Mom was all about. I’m married, and I have responsibilities. And God has touched me and given me tasks that I must fulfill. You don’t have to like any of it, but you do have to accept that all our lives have changed.”

sp; “I can’t leave. This is my home.”

  “If you stay here just to punish me, you aren’t just endangering yourself, but you’re going to get Pops killed too. Just to prove a point.”

  Maria looked down, then at her son. “If I must go, will I still have my workshop?”

  “Anything you want. Just name it.”

  “I can move all of my workshop from here to there?”

  “If that’s what you want. Yes.”

  “Pops will have his own Lab?”

  “Of course, Mom. He’s already given me the list he needs filled. You should do the same.”

  “I don’t like this. Not one bit.”

  “I know.”

  “And I disapprove of your choices, no matter why you think or say you made them.”

  “I know. But they’re my choices to make. Made by the young man you raised. The young man you raised to make his own way in life, his own way and to always, always do what’s right. You know how much I need you. We all do. It won’t be like here, but it will be our home, and we will all be together. Then we can get this whole thing wrapped up and come home.”

  “How long?”

  “A year. Maybe two.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “It’s a long time to go without the ones you love if you choose to stay here. We all want you to come. Everyone.”


  Adam looked at his Mom a good long time, exasperated by her uncharacteristic petulant behavior. He wondered if this was how she felt raising him.

  “Mom, I love you. I need you to do this for me. For the family, and I need you to stay involved. Please stop sulking and try to be happy again. Happy the way we used to be. We can’t change what has happened but as a family we can get through it. We need you. I need you. I’ll see you tonight and we can talk about this more if you want.”


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