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Probe Page 71

by Douglas E Roff

  Maria got up and walked over to the fireplace mantle and picked up a thumb drive.

  “This is what you need to move to England from my workshop; the new items I want are also included. I’ll come over tonight, but my husband has already informed me we’re moving, and I should start packing for a long, long vacation. He says he’s very upset with me, and I should stop my sulking. His words.”

  “Pops laid down the law?”

  “Don’t look so surprised. I don’t like him mad at me and right now he’s very, very angry with moi. You’re angry with me. Who knows what Misti thinks and those others. Well, everyone seems to be quite upset with me presently.”

  “I love you Mom. That’s all you need to know from my end. If Pops loves you, I love you and Rod and Cindy, and the girls love you, who else do you need?”

  “More grandchildren and lots of them. Now go before I change my mind. And you can tell your Pops he can stop eavesdropping on our conversation on your way out.”

  Adam left, but he knew that his Mom had already decided to come with the family long before he got there. That decision came from her husband and though things almost always ran the way Maria wanted them to, this time it was Pops who made this decision. Maria would remain unhappy, at least for a while, but she would never abandon her sons, her daughters-in-law, and her grandchildren. Never.

  At least, she thought, she’d get a new Lab out of the deal. Could’ve been a lot worse.


  Agustin Suarez looked at his wife, entering the living room as soon as Adam left. He was happy with the result, but he was still a little miffed at his wife’s uncharacteristic intransigence.

  “You did a good thing, querida. It isn’t reconciliation with your son, not yet. But it’s a start.”

  “I’m not sure what I have to reconcile. I didn’t start this mess.”

  “You most certainly did. It’s your attitude toward Adam, Misti, Noki and Alana. You have always been there for Adam, the boy who needed you most. But now he’s all grown up and you can’t let go.”

  “He still needs me. His choices are immoral.”

  “They are not. You want Adam’s life to be perfect; the way you think it should be.”

  “Perfect? Hardly.”

  “If not perfect then, you want it to be the way you always hoped it would be. Idealized. Good Catholic boy grows up to marry good Catholic girl, settles down to a quiet life next to abuela Maria and begins to make babies. Not for their happiness, but for yours. It’s selfish and it’s wrong.”

  “You know nothing old man. Nothing of what I feel, what I want for Adam and what I expect from him.”

  “That’s it. That’s it exactly, isn’t it? What you expect from him. Expectations, judgement, fault, blame and disappointment. That’s it, Maria. And you know better. I love my son, I have no expectations and certainly would never judge his life or his choices. You know better and you taught him better. Now it seems you want to change the rules when they’re no longer convenient for you. Sad. Sad that you don’t trust your own son or believe his words. Worse that you don’t believe in him.”

  “Oh, and I suppose you do. And Edward and Bethy. If that’s what you think, go have a chat with Edward.”

  “Edward has nothing to do with the faith I have in my son. And since when did you look for parenting advice from Edward?”

  “Since it became painfully clear that Adam has lost his way.”

  “If you keep up on this path, you will lose the love of our boy, hurt him and yourself. That will split this family in two. Adam doesn’t need your approval Maria; he thinks, no he knows, that he is doing God’s work. He believes that. As do Noki and Alana, and Rod and Cindy. Are you prepared for that confrontation? You can’t win, and it hurts Adam deeply to think you don’t believe him.”

  “I don’t believe a single word of his nonsense. And this all started with the arrival of that girl. The daughter of that felon Carlos. Runs in her family, and she’s worse than Adam. This will not end well. This I know and so do you.”

  “You’re wrong. And don’t include me in any of your anger and jealousy. You’ve been acting this way ever since Adam fell in love with Misti. He can’t be your responsibility forever. Let go, Maria; Adam is happy and needs us all, especially now.”

  “I’ll let go when I’m proven right or wrong.”

  “As you will. No matter; start packing right away.”


  They met at Adam and Misti’s home, and everyone was in attendance. Edmund had wanted to include his new girlfriend from the Institute, but Edward had said that wouldn’t be possible until she had received clearances and she was otherwise committed to moving with him to England. They might choose to live at the Loft in London or somewhere more to their liking and lifestyle. But she couldn’t be permitted to know anything about the project. Not yet anyway.

  Edmund was fine with that, although not being in the immediate vicinity of his daughter would be an uncomfortable adjustment. Edward assured him that one alternative would be a nice little cottage in the town nearest the Manor, just a few kilometers away, that would be perfect for the two love birds. He and his new amour could visit the Manor any time, but nothing of the project could ever be discussed.

  Edmund thought that this was mild overkill but understood the wisdom of not expanding the field of those “in the know” to people who would never be connected to the project. And if his new love was unaware of the project, it might lessen the danger she might otherwise feel. Edmund wanted to believe that, but he didn’t. He knew that anyone in the gravitational pull of this project would be in danger. He began to consider whether it was a good idea for her to come along at all. She could never make an informed decision; he could never tell her the truth.

  Edmund came alone to the family confab but resolved to discuss this matter with his lady friend a little later that evening.


  An hour before the confab was to begin, Adam showed up once more at the doorstep of Maria and Agustin Suarez.

  “Pops, if you don’t mind, why don’t you go on over to my place. Alana has something she wants to talk to you about.”

  “You mean you want me out of the house, so you can speak to Mom privately.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  Agustin would have preferred to remain, but this talk was between mother and son. Adam would either mouth the magic words Maria wanted to hear, if there were any, or not. Pops held out little hope; his wife could be even more stubborn than his son.

  “OK Mom, please come over here and bring your chair. Face me and close your eyes.”

  “What’s this all about?”

  “Proof. The only proof you will ever accept.”


  When Adam and Maria arrived home to the sight of the family gathered and chatting away, everyone stopped talking as they came into the living room. Maria looked unwell. Adam walked over to Misti and turned to face his mother.

  “I only came over to collect my husband. I need to go home and get some rest and explain some things to Agustin. I hope we can all get together very soon. But I need some time to … think. And to decide how I am going to make amends for the nasty creature I have become. I am sorry. So very sorry I have acted this way but now I understand, whereas I did not before. This time, unlike before, I am being completely sincere.”

  Maria hesitated.

  “For you Noki, and for you Alana, I am especially sad. Your burdens have been immense, and I have been mean and heartless to you both. I will try to behave myself and learn what role I need to play in the future. I hope you can both find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

  She looked over at Misti, and said, “And to you Misti I have badly misjudged you and everything you have done for this family – both for my happiness and for Adam’s. I’ve been horrid, but it stops today. I will also try to be better for everyone’s sake.”

  Maria looked at Agustin, then left quickly, her hus
band close behind.

  Chapter 5

  Two black SUV’s with dark tinted windows pulled up alongside the beautiful two-story home in an upscale neighborhood of Princeton, New Jersey. Two men were in each SUV. The two in the lead vehicle got out, confirmed the address, and strode confidently up to the front door. They knocked and politely waited for someone to come to the door. Both men were dressed in expensive suits, one grey and one blue; each wore aviator’s glasses.

  There was slight bulge under the left armpit of each and a similar bulge at their right ankle. The two men waited patiently and could hear people moving and whispering inside.

  The lead man waiting outside said aloud, “Mrs. Fortizi. My name is Carl Winters and I’m a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Your husband has asked us to check on you and your children to verify your safety. Please come to the door so we can talk. If you draw the chain on the door for security, I can show you my credentials.”

  Someone came to the door and Agent Winters could hear the chain engaged, followed by the door opening just a small crack. The Agent slipped his badge and credentials through the crack to the person standing on the other side.

  A woman’s voice said, “What do you want? What’s this all about?”

  “Sorry to disturb you, ma’am, but the New York field office received what we believe to be a credible threat to the safety of you, your husband and your three children. It was received early this morning at our New York City field office. We contacted you husband Paulo, and your brother-in-law Enzo to alert them to the threat. They are now in protective custody and are on their way to the office in New York City. Your husband and his brother have asked that we transport you there to be with them as we try to assess the situation and identify who might be making the threats. I expect that you received a text from your husband already.”

  “Yes, I did, but I can’t get a hold of him on his cell now. I don’t want to leave the house until I speak to him.”

  Paulo’s wife would continue to have problems communicating with her husband. He was still in the BioGen Lab, along with his brother, but all family cell phones had been hacked and jammed by Alana McCarthy. There was no way Paulo could contact his wife or kids, or vice versa. Once the wives and the children were in custody and away from their homes, Paulo and Enzo would be told to exit the Lab and go home to check on their wives. Once they departed the Lab, all hell would break loose.

  “That’s up to you ma’am but your husband was adamant that if you do not wish to come along, we need to bring the children. You are in great danger if what your husband, and his brother have told us is true. I urge you to reconsider for your safety and the safety of your children. We cannot guarantee your safety or that of your children if you remain here in your home alone.”

  There was silence as Paulo’s wife considered what she should do. The fake FBI guy had instructions to take her and the children into custody, by force if necessary. He hoped that wouldn’t be necessary.

  “Please talk to me, Mrs. Fortizi. We need to move quickly while there is still time.”

  “Livia. My name is Livia. But my friends call me Bella.” The door opened only as far as the chain would allow, but Agent Winters could see that she was quite striking and attractive, a woman looking in her early to mid-thirties. She had long jet-black hair, tied in back. She was very light skinned with a pale complexion he associated with women from Great Britain, Ireland, or perhaps even Germany. She didn’t appear to be a woman who got out in the sun much which was, for her long-term health, probably a good idea. Agent Winters immediately reacted to her beauty and demeanor in a friendly manner.

  “Bella is an apt name for you, Mrs. Fortizi. I cannot think of a name that could be more appropriate. You are very beautiful.”

  Bella Fortizi wasn’t a woman who had received many complements in her lifetime about her beauty; such things were far outside the realm of Gens conversational norms, even among mates. Still, though she remained cautious while assessing him, she nonetheless found the attention by the handsome human male to be curiously exciting. Bella loved the idea of love, of being in love and fantasized about the forbidden pleasures of human coupling.

  Should she take a chance and choose to believe this human male? His credentials seemed to be in order and she had, after all, received a text from her husband.”

  Curious though that she couldn’t reach him now.

  In the end, she decided to open the door, gather her children, and agree to be protected by the two men standing on her front porch. She hoped it wasn’t a mistake.

  “OK, Mr. Special Agent Winters. What do you wish me to do? But why are there two SUVs parked outside my home?”

  “One is for you and one for the family of your brother-in-law. We’ve been asked to gather you both up as quickly as possible and get you, your children, and your husbands into protective custody. I have been told there is some urgency about this as it appears from the message we got that today is the day you were to be … targeted.”

  “You mean killed. Is that what the threat is?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’m afraid it is. So please gather your children, so we can pick up your sister-in-law and her children then get you all out of harm’s way.”

  Agent Winters heard the door shut and the dead bolt engage. From behind the door he could hear her say she would only be a moment.

  After a few minutes, Special Agent Winters could hear voices raised, one male and one female. It was Bella arguing with a man; as it turned out, it was her son, Jason. A few minutes later the door opened and out came Bella, her son, age thirteen, and two daughters, age six and nine.

  “My son is quite upset and thinks I’m making a big mistake. I hope I’m not.”

  Agent Winters turned to the thirteen-year old boy and said, “I appreciate you wanting to take care of the family and for being cautious. Even suspicious. But this is the wisest decision you could make. Once we know who is making this threat, I’m sure you will be back home very quickly. For now, please step this way and let’s go collect your aunt and your cousins.”

  They walked briskly to the SUV and piled in the back seat. The two Agents climbed in front then drove quickly to the home of Enzo Fortizi, just a few blocks away.

  When they arrived, two other Special Agents got out of the second SUV and approached the front door. The discussion was brief, probably made shorter by Enzo’s wife seeing Bella and the kids already in the first SUV waiting.

  Minutes later Enzo’s wife, Helena, came through the front door, her three young kids, ages five to eleven, trailing quickly behind.

  When Enzo’s family was loaded into the SUV, Special Agent Winters gave a signal and the doors to both SUVs locked. A partition electronically slid up into place, creating an air tight seal between the front seat and the back. He and the driver of the second SUV each pressed a button on the dash board filling the back-seat compartments with an odorless and colorless gas. Within fifteen seconds, all eight members of the Fortizi family were unconscious. The windows were then opened to vent the gas.

  The men drove a little while then stopped on an unused dirt road just off the interstate. All eight captives were fitted with a special gas masks that contained a mixture of the knockout gas they had just inhaled, and air. They would wear these gas masks on their journey to Casky Air Force Base in South Dakota. The decommissioned base would be their new home as guests of Edward St. James for the indefinite future. Much of the base was now entirely rebuilt with lovely family size apartments three stories underground. The gas was to keep the families quiet, sedated, and compliant on their journey. No harm would come to them nor was any harm intended.


  The two SUVs with their cargo of Gens headed north along the Interstate until they reach the exit for the estate of a wealthy software developer who had agreed to lend the St. James clan the use of his estate for a few days. Arlen Pender was quite happy to provide a favor for his old friend, Edward St J
ames, and his genius son who had helped him from time to time with glitches in the many new versions of the software he was about to take to market. Both Adam and Edward did these favors asking for no payment in return. However, some day, they had each said, they might ask a small favor of him in return.

  Arlen had zero problem with that.

  In fact, Arlen was delighted to be of some assistance. He wasn’t in residence at his estate, so it was no inconvenience to meet the peculiar needs of the eccentric St. James men. The estate was large, the grounds beautiful and the location private and secluded. However, it was the private landing strip, long enough to accommodate a small private jet, that made this property uniquely appropriate for what Edward and Adam required.

  When the SUVs arrived, the eight Gens and their four bodyguards boarded the jet while two other men waiting beside the plane got in the SUVs and departed immediately. Within minutes, the plane was in the air and headed for South Dakota.


  They arrived in South Dakota some three and a half hours later. The FBI men arranged for the two families to be moved from the jet and taken to their new underground quarters at the base. The families were each escorted to recently renovated apartments, fully equipped to meet the needs of a family of four. Both the wives and children of the Fortizi brothers would be well cared for and treated with dignity and respect.

  Things are not always as they seem and, in this case, Edward and Adam had badly miscalculated who they had in custody and what value they might be. Though they were wrong in their assumptions and assessment, the St. James men did luck out. Who they had were far more valuable than they could ever have imagined.

  Edward and Adam believed that if a dialogue were to begin, it would begin with these family members. At least they got that part right.

  Chapter 6

  When the families awoke, they were shocked to discover they had been taken captive and spirited away from their homes in New Jersey. They were all agitated and demanding to be released. The two-man teams who had collected them in New Jersey were now assigned to guard them and explain the new circumstances of their living arrangements.


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