Book Read Free


Page 72

by Douglas E Roff

  Bella Fortizi was more measured in her demeanor with her captors than her sister-in-law, Helena. It was several days before Helena could be persuaded to speak with her minders; it took the intervention of Bella to assure her that defiance, anger, and threats would be of no use. They had to accept, at least for the time being, that they were captives of the Human, and there was little that could be done about it. Bella spoke to Helena in the Common Tongue and hoped that the humans didn’t understand. In fact, they did not.

  Bella spoke to the man she knew as Special Agent Carl Winters.

  “I assume that you are neither a Special Agent with the FBI nor is your name Carl Winters. Correct?”

  He replied, “Insofar as it matters, yes, you are correct. My real name is immaterial and my true occupation irrelevant. Suffice it to say that you are our guests for a time and we are looking forward to getting to know you much better. I can assure you that no harm will come to any of you and all we wish for is to establish a dialogue, so we may understand you better.”

  “And why would I believe anything you have to say?”

  “I expect you will not. Only the passage of time and me keeping my word that you are guests not enemy prisoners will change what you think presently. I hope to change your mind, but then that is wholly up to you. I can only hope to persuade you by example.”

  “Do we have privacy in our quarters or are you watching us at all times?”

  “You will have privacy, but we will be watching the common areas. Bathrooms and bedrooms are basic and will be private.”

  That was true. But their captors would, however, still be listening.

  “OK then,” Bella said, “What exactly do you want from us?”

  “We want to get to know you. About you. And why you seem to want to kill us. All of us.”

  “I won’t betray my kind. You must know that up front.”

  “I would expect no less. We just want to talk and learn.”


  The two families settled in to their respective living quarters. Bella and her girls were quite content to be left alone, and only Bella was occasionally interrogated. Her young daughters adjusted well to their new conditions and were rapidly becoming very popular among the staff who brought them toys and goodies, all subject to their mum’s approval. The staff brought in a swing set, and teeter totter which were placed in a large underground hanger near the living quarters. Daily excursions to and from the hanger were allowed with Bella, Helena and their five small children going for regular visits. Carl Winters, and Eric Mason, the two lead members of the two teams that kidnapped the families, were in attendance as their escorts at all times.

  Bella’s son Jason was another matter. He was belligerent, and aggressive from the very beginning and had to be restrained on several occasions. It had become the policy of the base to allow the two families to visit and interact with each other in their quarters as well as permitting the families to eat lunch and dinner together in one of the residences. Allowing the Fortizi boy out of confinement hadn’t worked well. He was angry and hostile and always seemed to be looking for ways to attack and harm his guards and minders.

  When the families had been in confinement for a little over a week, Carl was anxious to sit down with Bella and Helena to discuss their transformation practices and determine how best to assist. Did they wish to remain in human state or transform into natural state?

  The women were brought to a small meeting room and asked to sit at the small round table. Eric Mason also attended. Carl began, “I wanted to have an opportunity to meet with you both today for several reasons. First is whether you have been provided with everything you need to be comfortable and, second, we wish to know which of your two states of being you prefer to be in. And, if you wish to remain transformed in human state, what will you need from us to assist you with that?”

  The two men looked at the women, expecting a reply to his questions.

  Bella spoke up, “When will we be released to rejoin our families in New Jersey and why have you detained us? What possible motive can you have for abducting us and holding women and children against their will? And what exactly is our status? Are we prisoners or guests? Or something else?”

  “You will be with us for an indefinite period and your release will come when certain matters have been resolved with your husbands and with your ruling councils. Until then, you will remain here as our guests. We mean you no harm, but your people have been trying very hard to kill my people and your husbands have been deeply involved in a planned genocide of humanity on a global scale. Twice we have made an agreement to not harm each other and twice your folk have broken those promises. You have sent out death squads and killed my kind routinely. So, any discussion we will have about the equities of our present situation need to be understood in the light of recent actions by your husbands. We have asked for cooperation from your Councils and been met with hostility and broken promises. Much like your son, Bella. You will be staying with us until this situation is resolved.”

  “And how does the FBI fit into this?”

  “It does not. Neither Eric nor I are with the FBI. Merely a ruse to get you to come along quietly and without causing a scene.”

  “Who are you people, then?”

  “Concerned citizens with an interest in calming both sides down, and reaching an amicable, and peaceful understanding that doesn’t include war. War isn’t what we favor, but if it comes to that, your kind will lose, and it will go very hard on you.”

  “I see.”

  Helena said, “I know that neither my husband nor Bella’s favors war. Perhaps you have focused on the wrong threat.”

  “What is the correct threat to focus on then? We understood Paulo Fortizi to be the global leader of the Gens Collective and his brother Enzo Fortizi is his chief lieutenant. Are you saying that they don’t speak for the Collective? If not, who does?”

  Bella said, “We cannot be sure, of course, but my husband may no longer be able to control every branch and splinter group within the Collective. If he could, there would be no problem.”

  “I was part of the group that did no more than conduct peaceful surveillance of one of your libraries. I was shot at and almost killed. It was Enzo Fortizi who ordered that action. So, I’m not sure what you are saying is either true or accurate. Let’s move on to items you may need and whether you wish to transform.”


  To their great surprise, only Paulo’s son wished to transform to natural state. Why was unclear. Bella and Helena said that they had not transformed in over fifteen years, and that none of the children, except for Jason Fortizi, had ever transformed. They would need a small amount of blood to remain in human form and gave Eric and Carl the amounts and manner of preparation.”

  Carl said, “We will provide you what you need, just tell us when you need it. Your son, Bella, will be moved out of your residence and put in a separate residence by himself. We are holding two Gens Trackers, and if he wishes, he can be quartered with them.”

  “I’ll see what he wants and let you know tomorrow. We should begin our treatment soon. In fact, the sooner the better. We are near our time.”


  The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. Jason Fortizi refused to take human blood and, in due course, transformed back to natural state. He was placed in a special holding cell, so the entire transformation process could be filmed for later study. He was then allowed to join the two other Gens Trackers captured at the Grand Canyon in a large area more conducive to their natural state. They were constantly under surveillance and monitored using several specialized cameras that could detect their heat signature and movements. Their movements were tracked daily and recorded but there was little chance of escape and even that was only possible when in human form. If they were to be moved, interrogated or allowed to see the other Gens in captivity, they would have to be given blood to transform to a more manageable human state.
  In natural state their adaptation to their physical surroundings was amazing. They were almost impossible to detect visually and when video was reviewed their claws, fangs and teeth were frightening to behold. They were lightening quick and could remain completely motionless for hours on end. Humans confronting them in the wild and without weapons would be no match.


  Several months later, the two families and the staff at the base had settled into a comfortable routine. The wives and children posed no threat, so restrictions were eased, and the families allowed to move freely about the base. Their apartments weren’t locked from the outside and free ingress and egress was permitted. Eric spent a great deal of time with Helena and the kids, but it was the burgeoning relationship between Carl and Bella that raised eyebrows.

  Then something unforeseen happened and once again human error became the basis of a discovery that was startling, astonishing and completely unexpected.

  Chapter 7

  Both Adam and Alana were up very early enjoying breakfast together and a quiet moment ahead of a very busy day each would’ve before going their separate ways later in the day. But after they finished their coffee and chocolate croissants, they wanted to go downstairs to Adam’s office to get the overnight email from the Manor. The business stuff could wait; it was the daily missives from Hannah and Vera they most wanted to read.

  Hannah was champ at keeping all the big news current with what they were doing and how much progress had been made with the new construction. And, of course, when are you coming back?

  But Vera’s little stories and outrageous questions and anecdotes were what kept Alana and Adam glued to his computer every day. Today’s email read as follows:

  Dear Adam

  How is that dirty little whore Alana doing anyway? She hasn’t written to me in two days and you can just tell her that you signing your emails as from both of you just will not do. I miss her terribly and I don’t think she wants or loves me anymore. Please set her straight right away. You have my permission to withhold sex until she smartens up and sends me a compendium of her most recent dirty thoughts. A little video from the two of you two wouldn’t hurt either. I’ve seen you both naked so don’t claim modesty or propriety. I get enough of that from Raoul and James. Really, they should loosen up and stop negatively influencing Hannah.

  We’ve been travelling with the lads and the lasses and getting Hannah out of working 24/7/365. Honestly. The two of you are both such workaholics; when did you ever have time for sex? Please answer in detail with examples and send dirty pics. And you promised to tell me about the ‘five times’ when you were here and then kept blowing me off. Either start sending me graphic material or come back soon. Preferably the latter.

  Well I don’t have a lot to say that ‘travel agent Hannah’ hasn’t already covered. Seriously there are times when she’s no fun at all.

  Please, please write and tell me naughty stuff. Unless you’re here, the prude police and the NFL (no fun London) all gang up on me.


  PS – really, Alana sweetie, you’re not a dirty little whore. I was just being mean when I said that. I would like it if you were, but you’re not.

  Adam looked at Alana. “Video later? Multiple positions and camera angles?”

  Alana giggled her best teen laugh. “I will if you will. After dinner?”

  “It’s a date. I’ll work on a script that we can ignore as soon as we get naked.”

  “It is relief and social work combined. Poor thing.”

  The next email that caught Adam’s eye was an overnight from Paulo Fortizi. “Hey Alana, something just came in from Fortizi. Can you hang around a minute? Misti and Dad don’t trust me alone with correspondence from the Hostile Nation.”


  The email was brief and just asked for an hour or so of Adam’s time to go over some items and to share some information. It wasn’t urgent, but a call sooner would be better than later.

  “Should we set for tomorrow morning and invite all interested parties?”

  “Sound like a plan. But probably just Edward and Misti. They’re the grumpiest when you go off on your own.”



  The crowd gathered the next day at Edward’s office at the Institute with all telephonic safeguards in place. Any attempt to trace the call would land Paulo and his crew back in Langley for a second helping. Adam was just too well connected, and all Paulo’s efforts so far had been in vain. To his Councils, he was still hard at work tracking down this criminal, but getting nowhere

  Adam dialed Paulo’s number in North Carolina.

  “Ah, Mr. Sarmiento it’s a pleasure to hear from you today. And right on time. I hear punctuality among you humans is a valued habit.”

  Adam said, “It makes me nervous when you seem happy, Paulo. I think I liked you better when you were uncivil and threatening.”

  “Well, ‘old habits’ you know.”

  “OK Fortizi, I’m on the line with my associates. What’s on your mind?”

  “There is some deep background I need to share with you and some rather unpleasant dirty laundry I need to air at the same time.”

  “Go on.”

  “The Gens Collective which I head hasn’t always been around for the entire Gens populace worldwide. In fact, its present enrollment is the largest and most comprehensive its ever been in our long history and we can now estimate our share to the global Gens population at around 85%, or just under three hundred million individuals. This you know from the Book.

  “And the other fifteen percent?”

  “The other fifteen percent are outliers, as you would say; some are small independent clans affiliated with no one and who have been around for millennia; most are natural state Gens who live deep in the wild, have never transformed and would just as quickly kill me as kill you. Primitive by any standard and very unfriendly. If you are not Clan, you might be dinner. Certainly, you would be dead if you met one of them in a dark alley. So too would I for that matter.”

  Paulo continued, “The social anthropology of our kind isn’t remarkably different than your kind, although there is no written record prior to the Greek era. Like you, we started out as hunter gatherers and that was our existence until we met you. Homo sapiens. When we transformed, we had neither language nor guidance on this gift/curse. Our legends say that our first transformers were truly horrified and frightened by the prospect of turning into something else. Legend has it that for thousands of years Gens were forbidden to transform. Later it became a ritual practice; a test of man and womanhood.

  “Whatever the truth was and for whatever reasons, we began to transform more frequently and in greater numbers. We followed the human evolution from hunter gatherers, to small village and farming, to city to region and countries. When your technology advanced so did ours. In essence, as you evolved we did too in a semi-secret symbiotic relationship.”

  “Meaning you got value, but we did not.”

  “Mostly, but in ancient times we fought for your kings and queens, emperors and Sultans, democrats and despots. We still do. You might be surprised to know how many Gens are true patriots, red blooded, beer drinking Americans. We serve in your military and are valued servants of law enforcement. Many of these Gens were born in human form and have never transformed. Culturally they’re human. But that has only been in the past hundred years or so. They know nothing of Gens culture, marry within their clan affiliations to Gens who share their values.

  “This took time. As we consolidated our hold on the Gens through the Collective, something else started to happen that was unintended.”

  “You started playing golf?”

  “Hardly, although I do have a six handicap and a country club membership. But I digress.

  “No, what began to happen as far back as ancient Rome was that rebellious factions began to develop. They wanted nothing to do with the Collective; wanted to
go their own way. Many of these smaller clans never joined the Collective, and still function today. We have accords with them.”

  Paulo paused, then continued, “Some wanted to come out. Some wanted to mainstream. Some wanted to secede from our Union. Divorce was unacceptable back then, so we hunted them down, and put them all to death. Zero tolerance at its finest.”

  “Seems like overkill, so to speak. Gens-o-cide?”

  “Yes, and it does seem so now to most educated Gens. But that was then, and this is now. In the last two hundred years, there have been small counter culture factions; some are even known to exist today. Harmless, and mostly the elite educated classes. They read human poetry and eighteenth century European political discourse. They believe themselves to be enlightened. But, so long as they don’t ‘come out’ to humans, we’re open to tolerating a modest amount of quiet dissent.”

  “There’s a ‘but’ in that sentence. I can feel it.”

  “Yes. The fine tradition of tolerance…”

  “Intolerance, you mean.”

  “As you wish, but whatever the characterization, we have a new challenge and that challenge has grown exponentially and it’s far more powerful and pervasive than we had ever imagined. How this happened, we don’t know. But it has. And we’re powerless now to prevent certain problems from developing that affect the Collective and humanity. In this, I would have to say, we might even be considered allies.”

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend?”

  “Precisely. I don’t deny we prepared for war against humanity, but most of us thought it would suffice to rattle our sabers a little and talk tough, all the while doing nothing significant. Our research seemed to be going nowhere anyway.”

  “Not sure that the very existence of your science projects, or whatever they are, support that thesis.”


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