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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 31

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “As always, faster than expected.” He smiled happily and brushed a hand down her spine. He then turned his blue eyes across the fire. “Alex, show them your new creations.”

  Ava hopped off his lap as he leaned forward. Balling up both fists Alex brandished the two protectors so that all could witness the engraved pattern. Shade grinned and understood their meanings, but it was Ava who asked “Why is there a tooth on one and a wing on the other?”

  “Because Shade is my right while you are my left. If you think back Shade is always standing to my right while you take the other side, either on my shoulder or ground you usually take that side naturally.”

  “Oh,” was all she said.

  Then Alex stood and drew his blade, filling the room with its song of release. Sheer was the first to say “Beautiful,” and all the others added to her statement. When Shade asked for a closer look at the pommel he gave a knowing wink to his brother. When Ava asked what it was about he said she’d find out soon enough. Her feathers ruffled in indignation, but she allowed the matter to be settled for the time being.

  Returning the blade to it home Alex also returned to leaning against Shade’s large side and the hay beneath kept them warm. Wanting to know what he missed Alex asked “What have the two of you been doing to occupy your time when you’re not running the valley?”

  Shade started gladly with “I like to find some of the other and smaller packs of Shadow Fang lords and challenge them to a race. With all the training I’ve undergone I can easily outdistance the others and my endurance has all but doubled. Elo has also been gracious enough to help me sharpen my skills in combat. He might be old, but I’ve only won eleven times.”

  “How many times have you fought?”

  Elo was the one to proudly state “Nine-and-seventy times.”

  “So he’s gotten that skilled?” Gerieg asked in disbelief, then laughed as Elo said it was true. “The next generation will soon surpass us.”

  “Not if I can help it.” Elo retorted with a grin.

  “Shade, tell Alex about your other project.” Ava said cryptically.

  His large golden eyes narrowed as he peered down at her. It was more than her question that had surprised him and it complemented in his tone. “How did you know?”

  “Shade, have you forgotten that I soar upon the wind? Also it helps that your coat is the exact contrast to the snow.” Ava playfully said, fluttering closer to him.

  “If I had half a mind I’d eat you.” He said playfully.

  “If you had half of a mind we’d all be surprised.” She lightly teased.

  “What are you going on about?” Sheer asked and held a look of disbelief in her large brown irises.

  Shade’s large ears turned in her direction as he shyly stated “I might have found me a potential mate.”

  Alex jumped and wrapped an arm around his younger brother’s thick neck. Excited about this turn of events he asked “What’s her name? What is she like?”

  “Quit strangling me and I’ll tell you.” He said while playfully making his tone sound choked. Alex released his hold. Sounding grateful for getting this out in the open Shade announced “Her name is Crest. She is a fiend lord too, but just a bit smaller. She’s fast for a female. Her coat is softer than mine and her scent is intoxicating, like blueberries and venison.” He then continued telling how they met on a steep ridge one fateful day and...

  After a few minutes of hearing this Elo forced himself to ask “Shade, please tell me it is not the same Crest I’m thinking about. Is this Crest a pup of Midnight?” Reluctantly and shyly he nodded in confirmation. Elo sighed and regretfully said “Although I cannot tell you who or who not to mate with I must warn that you proceed with caution. Midnight is not one to be taken lightly and is very hesitant on who his pups find as a mate. It doesn’t help your situation that you are a partner to a Furion. He respects strength, but despises humans that are more powerful than he. He will see you as he does Alex and to take one of his children as a mate will be treacherous.” Then he lightened his tone. “I understand the joys of youth and it is the right time for you to make your own family, but do not rush into it. You must show wisdom in how you decide things and as a partner others will look at you all the more critically.”

  Alex playfully elbowed his brother’s furry ribs. “Couldn’t you have found another female? You just had to choose one from the leader of all packs.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll show introduce her and you’ll understand why.”

  Ava added “They do make a great pair. She keeps him on the tips of his paws.”

  “She’d have to.” Alex laughed.

  A half hour later Alex gathered his nerves and asked “Grandfather, now that we are finished in our training can we depart back home immediately? I sorely wish to see my friends and Lily.”

  Gerieg’s features turned down and the answer was written in his expression. “I wish that I could tell you it was an opportunity to return, but it is not quite time yet. You’ve far exceeded my initial observations and completed your training in nearly half of a year. My original guess was a year, but that wasn’t the only reason why I said a year. We will discuss this matter in more detail tomorrow, but I’ll tell this, you won’t be going back to Alluan alone.” He ended cryptically.

  The rest of the night they sat together and told their many stories. Ava and Shade were both worried and impressed by all of his accounts. Just as they all fell asleep the accumulation of worry about being separated had vanished as the Furion’s and their partners dreamt happily as a family.

  Alex was the first to awaken as a strange mixture of faint voices in the distance brought the knowledge of possible danger. Ava remained fast asleep in his lap and rested the side of her body against his chest. Shade twitched in his dreams, but not enough to cause the disturbance that woke his elder brother.

  The crackling fire was all that occupied the room with them. The elder masters were gone. It was strange for voices remained in the distance.

  “Where have they…” he whispered while sitting up slowly.

  The movement caused Ava’s dreaming eyes to open halfway. While she came to, so did Shade as the sound of rustling hay broke his unconscious state. They looked around and realized what was different. Then Shade’s whiskers flared as he scented the air. “Something smells sweet?” He stated the strange question.

  It was impossible to smell what he did as a normal person, but there was a way to bring the sensitivity of his sense of smell to a sharper point. Alex increased and focused heat to his nose and sniffed. The scents all around became a hundred times more pungent. Shade needed a bath more than ever while Ava hardly had an odor. The smoke from different burnt woods mixed pleasantly in the air while the dry hay was collecting and had been saturated with the odors of those that laid on them. Then a very subtle aroma could barely be detected. It was sweet, like honey and cooked apples, but the scents were out of place. “I smell it too.” He said to collaborate his brother’s findings. Then a current of air from the outside entrance brought more of the mouthwatering smells into the shelter. “It’s coming from outside.”

  “Hold on.” Shade said, laying a heavy forepaw on his brother’s lap. “How are you able to detect a smell like me? You’ve never been able to do it before.”

  Alex gave a short explanation on the training he received in sharpening the senses with focused heat and ended the explanation with “I can smell things I would have missed in the past, but your sense of smell will always surpass mine.”

  Before they even thought about leaving Alex changed into clothes that weren’t falling apart at the seams. A black sleeved tunic and matching pants were perfect on a cold day for the sunlight would warm the dark colored fabric. He then added his belt and sword along with both protectors to finalize the image.

  Together they got up and Ava quickly found her favorite spot, perched on Alex’s shoulder. Just as they looked down to the short entrance they realized it was already daylight. “We must have
slept in.” Shade concluded with a terrifying yawn and a quick shake of his enormous body. Ava then added “We’ve all enjoyed it though. It has been so long since we have been together and were comforted in the fact Alex returned to us safely.” Shade agreed with a toothy grin.

  Together they all exited.

  Outside was remarkable for not only was it a beautiful morning, but the ever present wind had died down to a gentle breeze; almost like it gave them a break for once. Fresh snow blanketed the ground, hiding the traitorous river stones beneath. Alex knew he’d need to be aware of that fact at any given time. Trickling sounds of water came from the river. But this wonderful morning was nothing to what laid a hundred feet away.

  A respectably sized and primitive stone stove had been constructed and smoke rose from it. Something was being prepared. Three enormously pieces of crafted wood had been laid on the snow as a platform. The pieces were arranged in a triangle surrounding a newly piled fire, to keep the chill at bay. The elders and leaders of the individual fiend clans were also here for some reason. It has been some times since Alex has seen these fiends that it was proving difficult to remember everyone’s name. The only ones that weren’t here were the Grizon leaders who were hibernating and Midnight was also absent. The easiest to recognize were Ginger, Krum and his father Meek. Elo laid with his paws crossed, with his mates and eldest son he introduced as Teem. Sheer stood by her mate Breaker as well as the other four matrons who looked almost identical to Sheer. It was odd for all of the fifty leaders and the companions they brought to be here. Just about all of the fiends sat and whispered to each other, looking relaxed and comfortable around each other. The excitement in the air was deliberately subdued.

  As Alex, Shade and Ava approached the group, each one ceased in their conversation. Movement caught his eyes as Gerieg and two Orggians were working together by the oven and a closer examination showed platters of food with enough wood to cook it all. Alex then asked the crowd for anyone to answer “What is this gathering for?”

  “Yours and Shade’s birthday celebration,” Gerieg boomed and smiled across everyone, to take in everyone all at once. “Happy Birthday Boys!”

  Alex looked at Shade and they shared a doubtful look. It has been so long since they last knew the date. Could it be? Alex wondered. It is my twentieth birthday already? If so that means Shade is two…

  “Trust me, today is your birthday. I’m glad your training ended so we could hold a proper celebration.” Gerieg added with a laugh. “I will never forget the day of your birth nor will I forget how we can spend it together after so long apart. Come, find a place to sit and we will begin shortly.”

  It was all so sudden and surprising that Alex and the others quickly found a seat as the focal point of the groups of excited fiends. Nearly a half hour passed when the platters of food were passed out among the many who had gathered. It was as if the perpetual wind died down for this one day to be perfect. On the tray given to Alex was smoked trout, cheese, bread and an apple tart glazed with honey. It was this smell he caught back in the shelter. Each and every person received the delectable tart and none shunned it. Shade loved sweets above all other foods and wasn’t disappointed in the least from what he received. Ava tore into hers in the same way the other Fury’s did and not a single person in the group was bothered by the natural feeding display.

  Soon Gerieg made his way over to sit near Elo and Sheer and their respective mates weren’t even bothered by his presence.

  An hour of laughter and pleasant conversation continued. Stomachs were filled to the point of sickness and lethargy and that allowed others to relax even more. Everyone was involved in an exchange of playful banter and none had the inkling to ruin the pleasant atmosphere.

  “May I have everyone’s attention?” Gerieg called. The horde of fiends abruptly ended their discussions and turned in his direction. Then his expression relaxed and became nearly unreadable. Turning his head to his grandson he said “Alex, as today is the day of your birth I must say this has been one of the most pleasant gatherings we’ve ever had.” He made a quick gesture to the fiend elders and leaders. “And then you asked a question yesterday that I couldn’t answer until now. You wished to know why you couldn’t return just yet.” Alex nodded. “The only reason you cannot just yet is because you will not be going back alone.”

  “Then who will be coming?” He asked calmly, eyeing the gathered.

  “You know there is a war approaching, but as it is, Alluan is outnumbered by odds you cannot begin to fathom. The only way to improve those imposing chances is to gather an army that has never been seen before. Alluan will not be the only victim should Runkamon succeed. He will next turn his sights on the fiends who only wish for anonymity. Everyone here knows that should Freelan fail, they will be next to be hunted down like animals and slaughtered. Our only recourse is to work together and make alliances never heard before.”

  “So you wish to raise an army of fiends who will fight for Freelan in opposition to Runkamon.” Alex quickly concluded.

  “Until your uncle is either executed or removed from the throne it is our best and only chance of success.” Gerieg then looked at all of the ready expressions of the gathered and further informed “When the first of spring arrives half of our gathered forces will follow your orders. The leaders here have referred to it as The Great Hunt.”

  “Why would they follow me?”

  Ginger, the deadly Pikro with green quills rattled as she stood. She moved forward so that all could clearly see and hear her raspy words. “Alex, I know of human customs on the day of birth. It is customary to give trinkets or presents on this day, but we fiends have no use for personal objects. The only thing we have to offer for your birthday is our honor and loyalty to the Furions who have protected us since time long forgotten. Our duty is and has always been to your clan.” The other fiends grunted, barked, rattled, whooped and rumbled their encouraging assessment of her words. “Whether we are your partners or not, all in the sanctuary of these mountains are subjects of the Furions. You protect and guide us and we honor you with our lives and strengths.

  “When we leave with you and pass beyond the mountains borders, and our strength is regained after winter comes to an end, only the mothers with children who cannot fend for themselves or the elderly who will slow progress will stay behind. You will be our leader and guide with none above you and we won’t leave you until we win the hunt or die free. Our only request is that you never quit until either Gerieg or you take your rightful place on the throne.”

  Hearing the plea and heartfelt loyalty she voiced, Alex stood. He walked right up and stood before her. Everyone gasped as he grabbed the hilt of his sword and drew it. Its song announced it freedom as he rolled up the left sleeve. Another round of gasping happened as Alex drug the razor’s edge across the inside of his left forearm, cutting into the flesh. Drawing his own blood had an effect that was undeniable. As the blood began flowing Alex bathed the flat of each side. And once the silvery metal was coated he plunged the tip into the snow and went down on a knee. “Ginger, I pledge this oath to you and every present member of their race, should you choose to fight for me and for the cause of setting the balance of our lands back to the way it was, I will never relent in my attack nor shy away from adversity. Until Runkamon is usurped and the rightful king is returned I will do my upmost to bring back as many alive as possible and mourn for the loss of those that will surely pass in the battles to come. If I ever betray you to Runkamon I give you the right to take my life and eat my flesh.”

  Ginger touched her snout to the blood soaked blade, putting a drop on the tip of her nose. “I could not ask for a more solemn pledge.”

  Alex was shocked as Elo’s eldest son Teem stood and took her place. His voice was as deep as his fathers, but his youth remained and his entire frame was knotted in muscle. Eleven inch pristine sabers curved dangerously as another of the Big Three and his seven foot height made him a respected lord. “When we go, I will be the
king in my father’s stead and rule over the prides that will accompany us. I too accept your pledge and will follow you as the rightful Furion.” Teem then leaned down and touched his large snout to the bloodied blade.

  A shiny brown shell reflected some of the sunlight as Krum approached the still kneeling Furion. “In my father’s place, I am the leader by deed and strength amongst my kind. The Orggian and outlying troops that will come with us will never fight in battle like the other fiends. We tend to the wounded first and foremost, and will only fight when provoked. Keep us as a last resort for we aren’t equipped like predators. It would be best to allow us to work with your human healers for our services will prove more valuable there.” Krum then outstretched his orange and hairy arm forward and swiped some blood on his finger and then wiped it over his brow. “I accept you oath as well.”

  Half of the leaders approached and one after another accepted the blood oath. In Midnight’s stead the pack beta, and his name was hard to pronounce so everyone called him Beta, accepted the oath on his behalf. Lastly Breaker approached and touched his beak to the blade. After he accepted it Alex asked “Why aren’t you staying with Sheer?”

  Standing nearly as tall as a man Breaker clearly stated “This is a decision not taken lightly, but the matrons will remain together and have granted me the privilege of ruling in their stead. If Sheer and I were to enter combat together it would prove disastrous to us both. I would be worried for her and that would be a distraction for she is bonded to Gerieg. As one of the elders of our kind I will serve in a matron’s place and it is my responsibility to help you anyways. Plus it will allow me to keep an eye on our daughter.” Ava clicked her beak in annoyance and that made Breaker laugh. She hated to be treated like a chick, but she was glad to hear that he was coming.

  As Breaker moved away and no one else moved forward Alex stood again and wiped the blood clean in the snow then dried it on his pants leg before sheathing it. As it locked in its leather resting place, a feeling of gratitude filled him. Each one of these fiends who took his pledge had given him a present more valuable than any object, loyalty. It would take time, but he’d fulfill the oath. By the time he returned to his place by Shade and Ava the cut in the forearm had stopped bleeding. Accelerating the healing process to be repaired in a half hour, he made the injured site a blistering inferno.


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