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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 40

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Being drawn by some unseen force, Lily’s initial interpretation to the queen’s order and there being a threat was wiped clean as she took the first step down the stairs. Her hands left the hilts of her items and her mind was beyond all other thoughts except; He’s back! He’s back! He’s back!

  Each step closer she made had left Alex speechless. She was even more striking and beautiful than he ever thought before. Her short moonlight hair now grew down to her shoulder blades and shone when she entered the sunlight. Her fair features were welcoming and her amethyst irises were focused and entrancing. She wore a sleeveless silver tunic and red pants that hung closely to every exotic curve. The sway of her hips and the subtle bounce of her breasts were only surpassed by the elegant movements she now possessed. It was clear she retained the sure footing and movements of a warrior, but it was now something much more, she was a warrior and lady of the purest mixture. Her swords swayed with her hips and even they seemed to be pleased of his return.

  Each step she made filled Lily’s focus on all the differences Alex showed. His attire was different for he wore a dark cape with a formed piece of leather underneath that covered his shoulder, a new ostentatious sword hung from his hip and bracers were clasped to each arm. He still had the Freelan ring and the medallion Allahandra gave, but now he had a new ring as well. All this paled in comparison to his new physique. His bare arms were now encased with corded and knotted muscles that even the greatest warriors and athletes strive for. Even the tunic that covered his torso failed to cover the spine-tingling muscles layered beneath. His pants did little to hide his explosive leg and thigh muscles. Even his bare feet seemed to exude power no ordinary man could possibly achieve. He remained clean shaven and more handsome than she could think possible in a rugged man and his raven black hair remained short and straight. Alex’s neck and jaw seemed to be chiseled by the greatest artesian, but it was his grey eyes that seemed to be the most that had been altered. Those eyes showed nothing but confidence and pleasure as he looked solely upon her. He had changed, but one thing hadn’t, his love for her.

  Eventually they stood close to each other, completely entranced by the other’s perfection and the adoration they held for each other.

  There was a slight pressure on Alex’s back as he was pushed loser to Lily. The touch broke their trancelike state as he looked to see that it was Shade who gave the nudge. With a quick jerk of the head Shade silently meant for him to go on and talk to her.

  Alex turned his sights back upon the glorious creature he cared so deeply for and said “I’m home.”

  Those two words shocked her so deeply that she closed the distance and wrapped her arms around him. She spoke barely above a whisper as she put her face in the curve of his neck and she held so much emotion within those words. “You’ve finally come back to me.” Alex then wrapped his feverish feeling arms around her and embraced her like he never left. “You have no idea how much you’ve been missed, especially by me.”

  He then said with a thick husky voice “I’ve thought of you each day. To have you like this here and now has been my only true motivation. And this is what I’ve come home for.”

  Those last words slightly confused her and she lifted her head and drew back to see that his eyes were filled with passion. She knew what he wanted within those soul seeking eyes and she wanted the exact same thing, if not more. She came closer and Alex gently moved his large hand to cradle the back of her head and neck in one large hand.

  They connected in a breathtaking kiss, not caring what those around them thought; for they have waited for this for too long. This single kiss was more than just passion, but a connection that truly said ‘Welcome Home.’ Lily intensified the kiss by wrapping her fingers in his hair and drawing him even closer. Her item that covered her breasts and vital areas weren’t particularly comfortable, but the passion they shared pushed all thoughts of pain away.

  A sound of a woman clearing her throat broke the atmosphere they held themselves in. They pulled apart, breathless and wanting so much more. “If it got any hotter around here we’d all melt, ya.” Allahandra said and a cheerful laugh erupted in the crowd. The queen herself had leaned into her loving general and he had wrapped his powerful arm around her as they, along with everyone else, watched the heartfelt reunion sealed within that passionate kiss.

  As Lily pulled back in flushed embarrassment Alex caught her upper arms softly, but never separating his joyous gaze of her. As he rubbed his calloused thumbs gently over her skin he noticed aloud “Lily, your arms… they are as soft as the finest silk.” Then he looked at both of her arms more closely and gasped. “And your scars, they’re gone what happened?”

  A rosy, kiss swollen smile touched her lips. “My scars aren’t the only things that have been swept away.” As she flexed her right arm Alex released his hold of her and held completely still as she brought her hand and brushed her palms and fingers across his shaved cheek. It too was smooth, as smooth as a newborn babe, but still retained its full capable strength. “I’ve worked hard to remove my calluses as well.”

  “It seems we have both undergone vast changes.”

  “Do you like mine?”

  “Any man foolish enough to say nay would be an imbecile.” Alex then took his hand and grasped hers that hadn’t moved from his cheek. “And me, are my changes unpleasant?”

  Lily suddenly burst into a fit of musical laughter. It was so infectious that everyone began laughing along. When she finally caught her breath she added “I’ll only say nay if you laid your eyes upon another woman.”

  It shouldn’t have happened, but Alex thought about the woman tied upon the platform and had her unborn child savagely ripped from her womb. Lily saw the happiness drain from his eyes as he said slowly “Lily, since I left, you are the first woman I’ve lain eyes on, that was alive.”

  Uncertain on how to react she relied on being blunt. “What happened?”

  The crowd leaned in to hear this interesting bit of advice. Alex saw this and quickly said “Not here, there is much to discuss.”

  Seeing an opening Allahandra leaned away from Rakkian’s side and approached. “Speaking of such matters, may I be privy to the conversation?”

  “Of course, my queen.” Alex inclined his head as he turned to her, without releasing Lily’s hand.

  Allahandra raised a lone finger to halt him. “Alex, I know who you are.”

  Catching the inflection of her words he asked “Who told you?”

  “That doesn’t matter. That ring on your finger is proof enough, Prince Alex. As the rightful heir to Ra’van’s throne you are my equal, not a servant. Your oath is no longer is binding to me.” The crowd began to murmur, but it was Lily who tried pulling her hand back that gained his attention.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as her eyes turned downcast. He quickly realized what her reaction meant when Allahandra used his title. Alex grabbed her chin and gently coaxed her to look upon him. “I know what you’re thinking, for even I have considered the implications of what it meant when my grandfather Gerieg told me of my heritage. You think I’ll leave you for a princess or a woman with a large dowry, well think again.” Finally her eyes locked to his. “Even before I knew of what I was and before I was given this ring,” Alex showed her the gold band that held a large crimson ruby with the engraving of two points connected by a line. “I would have given anything just to be with you and I still would. If we succeed and Gerieg becomes king again I’ll find a way for us to be together, even if it means giving up my place upon the throne.

  “And if you still don’t believe we can be together I’ll tell you this, my mother wasn’t anywhere near royalty yet my father married her anyways.” Lily couldn’t speak for those words were so pure and heartfelt that her emotions clogged her throat and her eyes began watering.

  Needing a diversion she sought Shade and gasped when she looked more closely. “You can’t be?” She said and many laughed as she made it obvious to take the conversation in
a different direction, but his words and that of Allahandra’s from months ago rang continuously in her mind. Could she do this? Hand in hand she and Alex approached him. “You’ve gotten so big…”

  “So now you notice me.” He rumbled, though he didn’t understand her words. Both of them looked to Alex for further clarification.

  He quickly translated for them. His younger brother said first “If you think Alex has changed, he has nothing on me.”

  Lily looked at Alex and smiled in a way that sent his heart hammering. “Is that so? Tell me what has changed.”

  “For starters, you can see that I’m a lord now. I’ve also found a beautiful female and I’m also the new High Alpha of the Shadow Fangs.”

  Alex warned “Be careful what you say.” And Shade understood with a nod.

  Suddenly from behind a deep and familiar voice cheerfully shouted “ALEX!”

  Everyone turned around to see Marlin blazing down the stairs with Niranene close behind. Alex released his hold on Lily’s hand as his friend rushed up and quickly grasped his right forearm and gazed over him quickly. Marlin hadn’t changed much in any way. His brown hair and blue eyes were the exact same, but he had put on some muscle. Marlin’s loyalty and friendship was evident as he joked “Looking good. What have you been doing to have put on thirty or forty pounds of solid muscle since you last left?”

  “I’m not sure.” Alex smiled back. Then he noticed Niranene blushing behind him. She still had long brown hair, deep blue eyes and a voluptuous figure that made most men lose themselves in her gentle beauty. Marlin has been the only one who isn’t afraid to be with her, even after taking her unique medicine. “It seems the two of you are well.”

  “You too.” Marlin smirked and released his grasp. Before he spoke again he stole a quick kiss from her already blushing cheeks and the odd nervousness she radiated. It was surprising because as the head healer of the city she usually looks in complete control of any situation. “So you’re huge and Shade is our worst nightmare come to life. Any more surprises I need to know about?”

  Immediately Alex went on alert as he sensed a threat descending upon him. His hearing, sense of smell, sight and even the sensitivity of his skin burst with heat that forced Marlin to retreat a step back. His alert didn’t go unnoticed as Shade understood and reacted with a primal growl. Alex felt like he was being watched by a person of ill intent. He filtered through all who looked upon him, but his eyes caught a strange movement of light to his right had flickered as if it had been warped. The softest of steps came closer and the intent was clear. Alex surged his strength and drew his sword, pointing it at the air. Its arrival silenced everyone and whatever stood at the point of his blade stopped. He could see nothing as it stopped, but his heightened senses told Alex that something was indeed there. In a voice of pure authority Alex ordered “Whoever you are, show yourself. If you deny this order I’ll cut you clean in half before you could blink.”

  The malice Alex felt disappeared as a voice came from an inch away from the tip of his sword that still sang. The deep masculine voice seemed to come from nowhere yet everywhere. “Very impressive, Prince Alex. Only a Master Furion could find me.”

  Suddenly a figure in pure white appeared where nothing visible had before. Alex’s blade remained where is was and didn’t waver in the slightest at the throat. The white figure moved, only to pull the mask that covered his entire head back to reveal an older gentleman. From all the stories Gerieg has told Alex knew this man. “You’re Travis, correct? My grandfather spoke of you with deep respect. Why did you approach me like you did?”

  Even with the tip of a razor sharp sword an inch from his throat he spoke comfortably. “I just had to make absolutely sure it was truly you. I’ve only found that Furions can find me and in this situation, but I wasn’t sure if you’d sense me. My word you are the spitting image of Sheul, minus Eriana’s hair and eyes of course.”

  Sensing the threat was no more than a test Alex sheathed his blade. “I can understand your need to verify me as Gerieg’s grandson, especially in the position you’ve put yourself in. Trust isn’t easy to build, but I swear that our objectives are the same. I know what you had to do to keep me and my grandfather safe and for that I am indebted to you. Your years of dedication won’t be for nothing, that I can guarantee.” Those words put a smile upon the sharp-minded man.

  With a sigh Alex turned his sights back upon Marlin who had his russet colored pole extended. Several other warriors had also drawn their weapons. Needing to quell the atmosphere he returned to the earlier question. “You asked what else is different. There are two differences I have to show everyone. First I’d like everyone to holster their weapons.” Everyone reluctantly put their weapons away, but many kept a wary eye on Travis, especially Shade and Lily.

  Calm settled in once again Alex looked to the sky, put two fingers to his lips and pealed a single, ear piercing whistle to the heavens. Ava heard the call seconds later and dive-bombed right towards the gathered flock of people. As she plummeted she proved her race was the fastest of all. Within seconds, more people looked to the barren sky and saw a streaking object falling right at them. At the last possible moment she opened her wings and felt the intense pressure of fast moving air slow her fall. She extended her talons and eventually latched on to her perch upon Alex’s shoulder.

  Her arrival was noticed by all, but it took a minute before the humans knew what she was exactly. It was rare to see yellowish-gold legs, black talons and yellow eyelids, but her marking and white tipped feathers were indisputable proof of her lineage. Soon many began whispering, but she couldn’t understand them, not one word. Then as Alex spoke she couldn’t understand him either and it was disorientating for her. “Marlin, Lily, I’d like to introduce a new member to the Pack. This is Ava, my new partner and younger foster sister. As you can see, she is indeed a Fury and is the daughter of Sheer, my grandfather’s Fury.”

  A human male with brown plumage upon his head approached her and spoke, but it was Alex who translated. “Ava, this is Marlin. He says it is a pleasure to meet you and welcomes you happily to The Pack.” She replied and Alex translated. “Ava say’s it is a pleasure to meet the famous Marlin and she wishes to one day taste your smoked trout.”

  Marlin laughed. “Tell her I will make some soon.”

  Then Alex turned and brought her close to a tall female and introduced them. When Ava learned that this was the female Lily she walked along her brother’s arm and he raised it so she could get closer to the white haired one. Soon she latched her claws upon his bracer, the left one with the engraving of her wing. Standing two feet tall, she was over three times shorter than the human woman, but with Alex’s support they looked at each other. As Ava leaned closer and narrowed her eyes, Lily got nearly nose to beak with her. A stare down of wills went down. This was a female challenge that went beyond race or species. This was a sister testing another woman who sought the coupling of their brother. Lily never backed down and neither would Ava. A heavy silence charged the atmosphere of the group. Ava knew that she could take Lily out with but a lone breath, but this opponent wouldn’t back down from a threat of any kind when there was something she desired. This was a battle of wills that both had a mountainous supply of.

  As one both of them came to the same conclusion and smiled in their own way. Ava swerved her head nearly backwards. “She’s not bad. I like her.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” Alex said jokingly. Lily wished to know what was said and her love obliged. “Ava says she likes you.”

  She quickly added “And I like her too. I can tell we’ll be good friends.”

  The queen and top general then approached carefully, making them aware that they weren’t sneaking up. Alex then introduced Ava to them and she dipped her head and beak appropriately and Allahandra curtsied back with a smile.

  Allahandra then asked quickly, overly excited of this day’s events and reunion. “You said there was another surprise, might I inquire as to wha
t it might be?”

  “Hold that thought for the time being and call for your carriage to be ready as quickly as possible for you need to come with me.” Alex then had Ava climb back up his arm and remain on her perch. Then Lily came closer and wove her right hand with his left, Ava wasn’t the least surprised or put out. It felt wonderful to hold her again. “Actually I need to speak to you, General.”

  The one of a sparse few who towered over Alex and displayed muscles like that of a bull remained where he was. Rakkian seemed surprised to be called upon so unexpectedly, but his tone remained calm. Allahandra wanted to hear this so she pointed to four men to ready her carriage, without speaking. They hurried past the gate to retrieve the carriage and tie the horses to the front. “What is it you wish to ask?”

  “I have several questions so let me start by asking, Why are the horses free to roam the city when they didn’t the last time I was here?”

  Rakkian smiled broadly, making his dark skin crinkle. “The chestnut stallion that you brought into the city began teaching other steeds how to read and had personally requested of Allahandra that the horses be freed from their pins and stalls, apparently he had a previous encounter…”

  “With Kallel’s horses, he released them without permission. The repercussions got him in trouble with our hosts.” Alex clarified.

  Getting back to the question “It is how you say, ya. Clift’s arguments with Allahandra were logical. He argued it was like being imprisoned for the crime of being an animal. At first only horses that could write were allowed out into the general population for they could now communicate by writing. Clift taught just about all of the steeds how to write. Soon the horses that couldn’t write just yet partnered up with one that did till they became proficient. I must admit the results were, and still are, impressive. We need not spend many hours cleaning the street now that they know where to relieve themselves. I’m sure you noticed how much nicer the city smells.


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