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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 43

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Lastly “General Rakkian, I would like to introduce you to Shade’s second in command, Beta. In many cases you need to get somewhere in a hurry and none can carry you faster than a Shadow Fang. Most of our forces are Shadow Fang since Shade is the High Alpha, but Beta will be the one to lead the forces most of the time just as you do.” Rakkian felt he was given the most respect if he worked alongside a leader like himself.

  After all introductions ended Alex reminded his friends “Remember they aren’t fools. If you treat them as mindless animals you’re inviting disaster. Also note Ginger and her Pikro companions are strictly vegetarian. It would be best to find a person with the ability to neutralize their poisons should there be an accident. The Orggian, Grizon and Shadow Fangs eat both meat and vegetation, as does the Beran, but meat is their preferred dietary need. The Fury are naturally strict carnivores and will usually hunt in the woods, as will the other predators. They know the importance of horses, and they have been informed not to worry about becoming a fiend’s next meal. And should you wish to feed them be sure that you are careful, accidents can happen.”

  Allahandra then stepped to gain everyone’s attention and she noted the crowd has grown even more. “My good and honorable people! I know this is unorthodox and frightening, but please be as welcoming as you would if new recruits and members had come to join us. It would be heartening to see us remove the shackles of our ignorance with creatures we know little of. I have been informed that each fiend, that has come in our time of need, is capable of reading and writing. If you wish to understand one another find a way to write to them. If you have any faith in me, please honor this wish for coexistence.”

  Those words cut and stabbed at the heart of her people. It was exceedingly rare for her to make such a request, but it had to be done to further emphasize the rules Rakkian already ordered.

  As the people clapped Alex repeated her words to tell all who followed him how much faith she just put on each and every one of them. Their perception of her reinforced their trust in this crucial time and they would not fail. And even Alex warned should the fiends create a disturbance or escalate tension he would either banish them or permanently end their existence.

  At an unseen cue, the frightened people and the fiends began intermingling. It was tense at first, but after Lily, Marlin and Clift came to stand with the leaders of Alluan and the fiends they watched as over an hour passed and what would happen. Some found wooden planks and some kind of writing utensil and began writing to the fiends that mixed in with the native population. The Orggian were easiest to write with for they could take the platform and write back with a speed that matched the best scholar. Several nearby open pieces of ground had been torn apart and surrounded as the largest fiends wrote back to the people. The tension turned slowly into excitement and intrigue. The common people began acting more like Niranene when she finds a new subject that must be studied completely.

  “I believe it is time we take our leave and see what will happen with this new form of camaraderie. Tomorrow will tell if this venture will be a success or detrimental.” Then Allahandra turned to look up into Alex’s gleaming eyes as he watched things develop. He hadn’t heard a word she said. “Alex,” His name brought his attention down. “I feel it is time to be informed of everything. Are you willing to explain?”

  He smiled handsomely. “I would be honored to. Can we go to the council chamber and discuss matters there?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Just as the new human partners moved towards the carriage and steeds, so did they. They were unused to being followed, but Alex was the first to raise his voice as well as a single brow. “General, Commanders? Where do you think your new partners will fit?”

  Rakkian stuttered for the words. “Wait? Wha…What do you mean? You want us to ride them… like you do Shade?”

  “How else can you form a bond with them?” Alex mused. “Of course you’ll ride with them. Can’t you see how excited they are to meet you? Until you build a routine that benefits both without conscious thought they will follow you everywhere. Come, try.” Then he added with another sly smile. “I’m sorry Takka and Niranene, your partners cannot carry you.”

  “I’m not ready for my favorite limb to be poisoned either.” Takka laughed.

  “What about me?” Allahandra asked bashfully. “Can Breaker fly me?”

  “It’s an interesting thought, but I’m afraid not. The most he could do if you clung to his back would be to glide you to the ground safely, if you were up high that is. He is strong, but it would take two lords to lift even a person of your size. I’ve seen it only once when an Orggian needed to be carried to someone injured. Even then the lord could only glide the Orggian from the cliffs to who needed assistance.”

  Hearing this Allahandra couldn’t help, but look up and wish she could fly like Breaker. “Very well, shall we go then?”

  It took a few tries, but the partners with lords able to carry a human sized burden easily remained calm while their human counterparts tried mounting. The most memorable was when Commander Yort situated himself on the Grizon. The leader didn’t like the commander using his shoulder set of clawed arms like stirrups. Yort learned to keep mounted by squeezing his legs against his ribs and holding the brown grizzled fur between the extra shoulders. Both Niranene and Takka asked to take their new partners inside her carriage and she didn’t mind as long as Ginger walked alongside, for the last thing needed was the poisoning of the queen without a developed antidote. Once she, a guard and Travis entered the carriage with her specialist general, head healer and the hairy Orggian, Breaker swooped lower and stood upon the roof of the carriage, searching for any kind of danger.

  As Alex jumped upon Shade a movement in the crowd caught their eye. The brothers smiled and Alex withdrew his hand to pull Lily up. She was about to demand what was his problem until she looked where he did and noticed another Shadow Fang lord approached. Crest smiled as she looked at the white furred female. “May I assume this is the infamous Lily?”

  “It is.” Shade admitted just before Alex gave introductions. “Lily, this is Crest, Shade’s lifelong mate.”

  Then he listened as Crest asked a question. “She asks if you will partner with her?”

  Lily looked between the streamline lord and Alex several times before asking “Why does she want to partner with me? Shouldn’t she partner with a person of importance, like a patrol guard or someone on the frontline?”

  “Do you think so little of yourself?” He asked hesitantly. “Think about it for a moment. We are together and she has made a pact with Shade as a mate. Shade is my partner…”

  “So to remain closer to Shade she wishes to work with me because I love you?” She finished the conclusive statement in a question.

  “That is what she has been hoping for. She knows much about you and wishes that you become friends.”

  It didn’t take long to decide for she couldn’t ask for a more perfect choice of fiend if she had ever been offered. “Ask if she wishes for me to ride on her?”

  He relayed the question and in response Crest crouched down, lowering her head. Lily, spending so much time on Shade made her in expert climber on Crest since she was practically his height the last time she saw them. As the female lord rose to her full height Alex couldn’t miss the smile Lily revealed.

  Then Clift and Marlin rode up between Shade and Crest. Clift introduced himself with little fear and calm self-assurance to the female predator and Crest was impressed. She returned his newfound forward warhorse nature with a quick introduction of herself. Seeing Clift’s resolve, not even she could look upon him as a potential food source from then on.

  There were small conversations until Allahandra’s carriage began leading the way back to her palace. About halfway there Rakkian, Quinn and Yort eventually found the difference between riding a horse and fiend and their riding style became easier.

  Back at the palace Allahandra and those inside her carriag
e stepped out and waited while the entourage dismounted. Her closest warriors on horseback effortlessly dismounted, as did Alex and Lily knew just how to slide properly from Crest’s back, but the most entertaining to watch was Rakkian falling heavily on his backside after his first attempt with Beta. Quinn was more nimble with Teem, but he was unused to dropping from such a height. Yort used one of the shoulder arms to scale down safely.

  As the head general rubbed his backside, while Shade and many others choked back a laugh, Breaker swooped down and asked “Where inside the enclosed cage will we be heading?”

  Ava gave a sideways glance as Alex considered the situation. He looked up the wall of the castle in a new light and said “We will be in the highest floor of the building most of the time. I will show you the best way to get in there.”

  Allahandra and many others looked upon the exchange with interest and were quickly informed from the Furion. “The flyers like Breaker aren’t accustomed to enclosed spaces because they are too large to fly and it is difficult for them to walk with the ease we do, it also dulls their talons. I’ll show them the roof’s access panel that the guards who look over the city use.”

  “How will you get there?” Takka asked in utter confusion to the meaning.

  “Just watch.” Alex said with a grin and with one look to his partners Ava began flying while Shade dove into his shadow while all others wondered what was about to happen. He knew this building was nothing compared to the loose ground of the three hundred foot valley wall they scaled during their training.

  It took but a moment to decide on the best route. Alex smiled as he made his dexterity and strength explode. He ran directly at the castle wall moving slowly enough so that the others couldn’t help but watch in complete disbelief. With a short bound at the most opportune moment, he used the short ledges created from windows, small spaces between the stonework and cracks to literally run up the wall of Allahandra’s palace without the use of his hands. It was a thrill to show off.

  Utter disbelief and silence gripped them all as Alex grabbed the ledge of the roof and threw himself over and onto the roof in mere seconds. The shadow of Shade followed the ascent and both Ava and Breaker flew over the top, disappearing in front of everyone. Lily’s heart beat with the desire of his strength and fear for what he endured to achieve such ease in scaling a nineteen story palace with a vertical face. Marlin simply grinned and wished he could have done that. But it was Allahandra who said in awe “I never believed something like that was possible. Come, I believe we need to understand the extent of what he is capable of. We must go to the top with haste.”

  As Allahandra moved with Rakkian, Takka and Travis, the fiends followed silently. It became clear they were to go wherever their new partner did. Allahandra decided that Takka and Ginger take the rear for obvious reasons. The queen also decided that only those with partners or were loyal to Gerieg would be allowed in the upper room for secrets were sure to be revealed and trust in keeping such secrets would be necessary.

  Crest pressed her cold, wet nose against Lily’s shoulder and looked with uncertainty on what was said. Lily simply waved them forward in the universal gesture to follow closely. Soon the giant fiends along with Ginger and Krum, and surprisingly Clift entered the human structure and marveled at the many designs and scents filled the palace. They were then led up the spiral stairwell and Allahandra was glad her ancestors planned far enough ahead to build the stairs so large for four of the fiend lords would have seen it as impossible to follow. Along the way she found Janken whittling on a chunk of wood and asked for him to follow. He did not object for he too wished to see his prince.

  Up on the highest floor, Allahandra told her guards to allow all following to enter and found out Alex was already waiting inside the council chamber. Apparently it took a minute of convincing for the disciplined guards to allow him entrance from the roof. His entrance had frightened them, but his medallion calmed their worries. The queen was glad she gave it to him for the last display proved he was more than capable of defending himself.

  The guards were hesitant around the creatures allowed up on this floor, but held their tongues for it wasn’t their place to give their concerns to their superiors who knew little more than they did.

  At the double doors two of the four palace guards opened the doors to show Alex and the three fiends stationed around the giant oak table with the engraving of the lands. Beside the queen’s throne sat a proud Shade for he immediately reclaimed his place by her side. Alex sat comfortably to his brothers left and Ava remained on his left shoulder. He gently rubbed the shaved edge of the table he broke with his bare hands so long ago. This further told him where he was once again after so long apart. Breaker stood behind Allahandra’s chair and only looked around to see who came in, he was trying to be the least obtrusive.

  The group broke in different directions, walking around the wood table. Lily ambled with her warrior’s determination and sat directly beside Alex, to the left of him and Ava. Crest took position beside Lily’s seat and laid down, but was still tall enough to look around. Marlin and Clift took the next seat, Niranene and Krum the next and so too did both Travis and Janken; who bowed with respect to Alex. The young prince said “Please do not bow to me, you’ve done much to inform a great many of danger, Janken. I would like to have you as a friend, not a servant.”

  “You are humble, Lord Alex. I too wish to befriend you.”

  With that settled Allahandra sat in her throne and her most loyal men and their new partners sat to her right, Rakkian now sat even closer to her throne. He was less than an arm’s reach away. The queen joked “I might have need to make a larger table, my war council will need room if the fiends stay.” Then she turned to her left and peered around Shade’s furry chest. “Shall we get directly to the matter at hand? I for one would like to understand just what is going on in its entirety. Angela and the other seers didn’t even see you coming and all of us were caught off guard. I remember you told me they couldn’t see you, but I’m no less glad to have you back.”

  Alex felt Lily take his hand under the table and knew she was even more delighted of his return. He squeezed reassuringly and said “It is good to be back as well.” He then changed his voice to speak with the fiends. “Why don’t all of you lay down and relax. This will take some time to tell.” Each fiend got comfortable and it was clear to the humans what was said. He then spoke as a human again. “It would benefit you to get comfortable as well. This story will be long and for some obvious reasons some secrets must remain as such.”

  “We understand the burden of secrets all too well. Tell us what you wish, but please satisfy our curiosity and ignorance.” Allahandra pleaded confidently.

  “That won’t be a problem.” It took but a moment to collect his thoughts for Alex has been thinking upon this one moment for months and the preparation was all worth it. “The day Shade and I left the city, our masters had us run so quickly as to not be disturbed by any trackers you sent.” Allahandra didn’t show the slightest hint of being surprised for she wanted it clear she didn’t want either of them going off alone with the group they met only the first time. “When we settled for the night…” Alex then explained about telling his personal story as did Shade. They were amazed the next day as he explained how much faster Elo was than Shade.

  Not one detail was left out except those secrets that must be kept and the promises that were made. Then came the explanation about coming across the slaughtered village and those inside the room could visualize the grotesque visualizations those explicit words painted. General Rakkian was upset to hear about the decimation, but was relieved the murderous Juguan was granted a fitting end. Then he spoke lighter upon rescuing Sean and Shay and having them safely transported to Greeton with Kallel.

  It was explained in length on the physical aspects of his abilities and the trigger that originally augmented his natural strength. The only skill he wasn’t comfortable speaking upon was Dominance for it was still diff
icult to control at will. He didn’t explain the process of finding the trigger or how he relieved the pent up energy, nor did the group ask. He only gave a vague reference of the final destination in the Shura Mountains, but no exact words could be linked there. The last thing needed was someone oblivious going somewhere they didn’t belong.

  In the middle of the vivid recollection he turned upon Lily’s transfixed eyes. Compassion and reluctance filled the room as he spoke. “Do you remember what Gerieg told you before we left?”

  “How could I ever forget?” She said stoically. “Apparently I most likely would have died should I have gone with you.”

  “It took me awhile to figure out just how true he was. He did save your life. At the entrance, we had to climb a mountain layered in loose debris. No steed alive could have navigated a safe path without breaking every leg. It was difficult, even for me and Gerieg. But that was child’s play compared to being inside the sanctuary. Not only was the terrain vast, in that it held many micro-ecosystems and the ground was treacherous, just about wherever one could go. If the terrain were the only problem it would be dangerous, but you would have been able to come. The largest threat to ones survival came from the fiends themselves. They have lived their whole lives in an enclosed space and adapted to the rugged environment through their entire lives, but the danger came from the delicate relationships between the species that naturally avoid each other. If you were confronted by an upset fiend and couldn’t speak quickly enough to calm their worry, you would have been killed. Gerieg wasn’t with me at all times and sometimes it was all I could do to not anger or dishonor an upset fiend. After learning each of their unique cultures did I gain an understanding that lessened conflicts between myself and them. And the deadliest threat was a nearby volcano. During my initial training regimen I wouldn’t have been able to protect you, especially when Gerieg was off settling disputes among the individual species.”


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