Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 44

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  After that was poured into the open he went back to telling the story, but Lily couldn’t help wishing she didn’t get a chance to prove just how capable she was. Eventually she resigned herself to the fact that since she couldn’t freely communicate on his level, he understands more and only had her best interests at heart. She rubbed her now soft thumb over his, gently.

  During the telling of his time training in the valley Rakkian asked in bewilderment “To complete a task you had to jump and land safely on the ground from three hundred feet in the air?”

  His words sparked earlier memories. “Aye, my first attempt broke both of my ankles and I was only a few feet off the ground. Now that I’ve gotten used to it is no longer frightening because it is as effortless as taking a step down a flight of stairs. It reminds me of the time you jumped from the wall and only survived the landing because of your gauntlet causes earthquakes that get more violent the higher you jump from.” Then Alex grinned. “Earlier I ran slowly enough so that you could see me running up the palace’s outer wall with nothing to use as support. Do you disbelieve what you witnessed? Do you think that jumping from such heights would be impossible for someone like me?”

  After the general gave his reluctant acceptance of the facts the story continued.

  Once the story of shaping a sphere out of a boulder like the Furion ancestors ended they broke up for thirty minutes. Shade had the other lords followed him outside to use his patch of land set aside to relieve themselves. Upon their return Mistress Marge had quickly prepared a meal of such quantity that this was the largest her item has ever carried into the room, especially when in full war council, but the fiends ate enough and their stares of approval pleased her. Seven heads of cattle were slaughtered just to feed the fiends, but they didn’t need to eat every day, unless they get fed smaller meals. The fiend lords could go without food for nearly a week, if they ate heartily. Under Alex’s understanding of their dietary requirements Breaker, Teem, Beta and the Grizon had their meat uncooked, but Beta and the Grizon also had fruits and tubers to balance their diets. Ava, Shade and Crest had their meat cooked. Krum stuck with spring fruits and a bowl of vegetable stew.

  Soon all were full and the story continued. Alex first finished telling how he made his sword and the properties it has when used by a Furion. Then the winter came and they needed to wait until all the forces had been gathered. Shade’s victory in becoming the High Alpha gave an approving and satisfied smile to all who understood. It was then that he quickly said how he quickly returned to the city.

  Looking between the generals and commanders Alex hesitantly said “I do not mean for this to sound disrespectful, but there is no other way to say this and I know how you like straightforwardness. If I was able to sneak an entire army unnoticed by your patrols, what does that say about our tactics?” He didn’t give anyone a chance to reply. “It means there are gaping holes in our defenses. The last thing we need is our enemy to notice this, but now we have advantages. The Fury can scout more and further than any land based patrol and be more inconspicuous than a small force running circles around the boarder. The Shadow Fangs live to run and will reduce reaction time and close those gaps we exploited to get here. The Beran aren’t as fast, but their endurance and physical power will also fill the holes even more. The Grizon though aren’t natural runners, but their thick hides and sharp claws can fend off many advisories.

  “I know it was difficult and unreasonable to ask this so quickly, but even if the enemy is still months away, we still have little time to spare. The more comfortable the people feel about the fiends the less animosity they’ll hold when in open combat. Unfortunately the fiends won’t fully give their trust until the first battle is over. Trust is earned, not given. Until the agreement is sealed in the blood of an enemy they will still hold onto their reluctance of humanity.”

  “What is the agreement you speak of?” Allahandra approached the subject with consideration and caution.

  “To see if our group of humans are worthy of their confidence or whether they will be betrayed and spread word to all fiends that humans are vile and untrustworthy.”

  “What would happen if we betrayed them, hypothetically?” Rakkian asked carefully.

  Alex leaned forward and placed his elbows upon the table when Lily understood the seriousness of his expression. He then laced his fingers together and spoke with as much delicacy and tact that the situation would allow. “Allow me to put this in the simplest terms you could understand to tell others, should you wish to divulge this part of the meeting I will not stop you. Probably it would be in everyone’s best interest to understand this delicate situation. Should you prove unfaithful of the alliance they have chosen to grant themselves, the consequences would be dire.

  “What is hard to grasp is just how many fiends are around us that you never see. In the most basic form the fiends number the whole of humanity over a hundred to one. Our petty squabbles will mean nothing when facing such odds. Items will be meaningless when confronted by predators’ patient enough to starve out any human settlement or kill under the cloak of night.

  “Wild fiends see humans as nothing more than a nuisance, but should the fiends here spread word about working with and being betrayed, word will spread throughout all lands and soon after all humans, young and old, will be wiped out and used for no more than food or nutrients for plants. Not a single person will survive for long because the sense of smell a fiend has will track down any ruminants of humanity before long.

  “The only reason they wish to get involved now is because they see a common goal. We wish to remove my uncle from power and set the land back to what it once was, a calm guiding hand. The fiends also wish to have the lands stable and wish to move out in the open. For them to see us as a friend would be much more beneficial because almost all attacks on humans would stop and the same would be granted to them. We wouldn’t need to be adversaries anymore.”

  “Are those ideals worth dying for? Takka asked.

  “If you remember the oath I swore in my story you wouldn’t ask that.”

  “Might I ask a question?” Quinn raised his hand and the room quieted for him to continue. “If we choose to not fight with the fiends and ask them to leave, will they go in peace and leave us as they always have?”

  Gerieg spoke of this often and Alex was prepared for any sign of reluctance. “If it is your choice, we will all leave the city in peace and fight regardless. If you send them away I will go as well. There are times when they need a Furion, but should I be gone and you wish to work alongside them they can be guided and use all of you as a substitute for me. Each of us have choices in life, but wherever my army goes so will I. If you wish for them to stay they will, regardless if I’m here or not. Consider carefully and wisely. As a warrior you know the detrimental effects of snap decisions against the odds we face.

  Allahandra regained order to the room as she said aloud “Alex, you have certainly grown wise if you can rationalize so clearly. It also seems to me that you no longer see any differences between humans and fiends.”

  “Honestly, aside from outward appearance there aren’t any.”

  She understood the value of fairness better than anyone and his arrival and gift couldn’t be passed up. “If we are to win this with the fewest casualties possible, we need help and we couldn’t have asked for a stronger card to have up our sleeve. I cannot see where this will lead us, and I bet Angie will agree, but compared among the other outcomes she’s voiced this will benefit us. I will have to consult her further and she will undoubtedly second my assessment, but if she doesn’t, I believe this alliance is sound. My knowledge of seers’ are limited, but on this I have little doubt. Also I believe it would behoove us to be the first to ally ourselves with the fiends, ya?” She asked and none voiced an opposing opinion. “We cannot have the fiends see us as an enemy, especially when we have a serious one to contend with already.”

  As she said this, Alex translated it word-for-word and each le
ader was impressed that she understood the position with such clarity.

  When she finished and asked another question he went silent for a moment. “If we are to come to an understanding with our new friends, I, as do the people in this room with a fiend leader, must know how they govern themselves. Any information you give that will smooth out our forming relationship will be more than beneficial.”

  “That will not be a problem, but it will take a few more hours.”

  “I have given orders not to be disturbed this day so long as my people do not harm the fiends or should the situation be reversed. I believe that the lieutenants and other warriors will keep the peace while we convene here.”

  “Very well.”

  Alex went from one species to the next in no particular order telling of their laws and punishments. Eventually Allahandra pulled out several sheets of parchment and wrote down the most vital pieces of information. He explained everything from how they greet one another with respect, to dealing with aggression, how they grouped themselves or wished for being solitary, how certain physical characteristics showed their emotional climate. For instance alert ears meant attentive whereas if they were flat they were angry and ready for a fight. The queen became engrossed at all the new information was being delivered and smiled at how her scribes would have to make copies or write books on this subject alone. She marveled at the complexity of the relationships each species embodied and how they related to another kind. Hours flew past as many aspects and underlying facets made up the army that would soon call the Royal City home.

  “That is about half of what I learned.” Alex said as the early darkness of night took over the room and the oil lamps were lit. “What I’ve told you will keep you out of trouble, or should you find yourself neck deep you can escape without injury. In time you will learn more, but should you need further assistance don’t hesitate to ask your new partners or me.”

  “Your understanding has been most informative.” Allahandra said in approval and carefully stacked the parchment neatly on the table before her. She sighed for this day was overwhelming even for her, but she gladly accepted her role. She then turned and addressed him directly. “Your room is the same as it has always been. You must be tired after your journey and all that you’ve done. But my I ask for a favor tomorrow?”

  Strange, Alex thought. “What favor do you have in mind?”

  “I wish to see the extent of your talents. Will that be against any promises you made?”

  So that is what you wanted. Alex thought and laughed. His laugh rejuvenated the tired room. “I do not see why not. Surprise me and I will do likewise, tomorrow of course.”

  Understanding that the meeting had drawn to a close Crest stood and walked over to whisper in Shade’s ear. Once finished he nodded once to her and a moment later he grinned knowingly. “Alex,” Shade said “Crest has asked to see the human city and all the dens and I will be the guide. Ava why don’t you come too?”

  Her yellow eyelids narrowed. “Why?”

  “Will you come with us or not?”

  “Fine.” She said in a huff and flew over to perch herself on his head and between his ears.

  “You know the city better than we do.” Teem walked from Quinn’s side and approached the High Alpha. “Will you take the rest of us as well?”

  “The more the merrier.” Shade howled in delight.

  Alex said to the others “Shade, is going to show the other leaders the city.”

  “That will be fine.” Allahandra allowed with a smile.

  Alex stood as Shade and all of the other leaders began exiting the double doors. Breaker was the last to be seen jumping with enough force to leap through the roof latch that the outer guards protected. “I’m off to bed then. Goodnight all and pleasant dreams.”

  Chapter 20

  The guest room of the palace was as massive as ever and hadn’t changed in the least. The only alteration was with a new dark brown comforter that laid across the enormous bed. The nostalgia was a welcome sight.

  The bath was welcoming and just the perfect temperature to melt away the tension gained throughout the stressful day. It was delightful to have time alone to one’s self and enjoy a bath alone and in silence. And a fresh shave made one feel like a new man. It had been some time since he had to alternate his voice so many times and in so quick of interval.

  After he was cleaned so too was his blade and silvery bracers. Alex went to the large cabinet and slid on a pair of pants that would comfortably incorporate the size of his muscled legs. The previous clothes inside the cabinet made the new him tight around the thighs and groin. Only a pair of cotton night pants fit comfortably.

  Just as he slid on a tunic from his pack a knock on the door broke the calm and peaceful silence of the room. Alex sighed and went to the door and opened it to find Lily standing there, but the sight of her took his breath away.

  Lily wore the silver silk nightdress that she wore once before for Alex’s viewing pleasure. Only now, it fit to her in an entirely new way. She didn’t look as unsure of herself as the last time as her eyes focused solely upon him. The dress clung to her every curve that had been sculpted in both muscle and femininity. Her bare arms, that had been healed of her pronounced scars, now held a healthy glow in the oil lamps firelight. Her fairness epitomized both sides of her personality, warrior and woman. Clutched in her left hand was her belt and two short swords in their ivory sheathes. The only thing that opposed her feminine attire was her brown combat boots.

  “May I come in?” Her soft and seductive voice broke the silence that gripped his glazing eyes. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he opened the door wider and she proceeded to walk inside the room.

  As Alex closed the door behind her he asked “What may I do for you this evening?”

  She laid her swords down at the foot of the bed as she too sat down. Her cheeks were blushing, but her determined eyes never wavered from his. “We have been apart for so long and I wanted time alone with you?”

  “What if Shade and Ava come back? We won’t be alone then.”

  “I have seen to it that that won’t happen.” She replied and blushed slightly more. “It wasn’t originally Crest’s idea to ask Shade to be her guide around the city. I asked to use Marlin’s stone and charcoal to ask if she would entertain Shade for the whole night. I asked her while you were explaining to everyone how you ran naked through a volcano, which I might add is difficult to imagine, but exhilarating to picture.”

  It was then Shade’s final expression before he left with the other leaders made sense and why he asked Ava to join him. It made him chuckle and Lily’s expression made him explain “Shade knew why Crest asked him out even without her outright saying such to him ‘Lily wants time alone with him.’ I must thank you.”

  “Why?” She asked in confusion and crossed her legs, making the silver night dress shimmer.

  “Because I too wanted time alone with you as well, but I thought under the circumstances that it would be best to allow you time to process everything.”

  “I do not need as much time as most other women do. I accept many things without overwhelming myself with questions, especially after meeting you and all the things you’ve shown me and have done. There is and there isn’t. You’re here right now and not somewhere else. You brought an army of fiends who wish to help. You’ve told stories today that sound more like children’s fables, but we all saw you run up this building without pause or a care in the world. I accept it all, so do not worry about me needing time to sort out the minor details. But there is one thing I would like to ask you.”

  “What would that be?” He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and turned such that they could look at one another without effort.

  Now she took her eyes away for a moment and began blushing more deeply in her cheeks. Her tone dropped to barely above a whisper and she gazed upon the ring that proved his lineage to the crown of her birth home. “Earlier we didn’t get a chance to truly speak
at length about you being with me. Everything I’ve learned to this point in my life all points to royalty integrating their line with other nobles or people of power. Why is it that you do not understand this?”

  “You speak of acceptance of what is and isn’t, but you cannot understand something as simple as me?” Alex joked, but Lily’s sharp look cut the laugh short. “Listen, people will be people no matter where you go. They are ruled by how they see the world and usually have a hard time with change. We’ve both undergone more changes than just the physical and it has been difficult. What will be the most complicated for you isn’t to understand how I care for you, but how people will accept you being with me. I’ve learned much with being with my grandfather, in the time we had together.”

  She seized on this and tired to sway the conversation in her favor, but it soon proved to be her downfall. “What have you learned?”

  Alex knew what he wanted and wouldn’t allow anything to get in his way, not even her pride for he knew how she felt. “Gerieg told me of the customs of Ra’van, especially about their marriage customs.” Lily’s eyes bulged and her features went scarlet. She tried swallowing, but her throat wouldn’t allow more than air to pass. Alex took the opportunity to continue unimpeded. His tone spoke self-confidence in what he learned. “I must say the custom is different than any other I’ve ever read or learned about. Not one person has ever told me about how those in Ra’van’s Royal City pair up. If you grew up in Ra’van I’m sure you know of the Marking Ceremony.”


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