Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 45

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Finally she was able to speak, but her own voice sounded foreign to her. “Of course I know about the Marking Ceremony.”

  “Do you know how it originated?” Lily shook her head as her voice closed again. “Gerieg told me of my Furion ancestors in length and how Ra’van was originally founded. The first Furion partnered with a Makkian and that species does something few other creatures do. When they find a mate they mark each other to discourage any other males or females from mating with a taken pair. The Furions of the past did this as well to their wives or husbands if they are female Furions, to visibly show that any man foolish enough to sleep with a Furion’s mate would suffer untold and the deadliest consequences. In time Ra’van’s people adopted their Furion king’s and queen’s practices and first began the Marking Ceremony. Husbands and wives of Ra’van mark each other in the same way others show that they belong to each other with a ring or simple matching object.”

  “You have learned much.” Lily thought aloud. “And I bet you also wondered why I scarred the arms the way I did?” Alex was silent and allowed her ample time to continue. She spoke more towards the ceiling and to herself than she did to him, but she was revealing a deep secret she hoped he would have never learned about or brought up in conversation. “I did it for more than utilizing my item or warning any advisories who wished to try their hand. I also did it to keep men away from me” She looked to Alex and frowned. “for obvious reasons.” He knew those reasons were from her former master Peile that raped her as a child, her and every young girl his hands could get hold of. “All of the marks on my arms kept many men at bay and to them I looked like a whore for the marks seemed to be from many other men. It saved me much heartache and pain in the long run.

  “After we met I knew the scars didn’t bother you and you didn’t know the significance, but I did and it was one of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to open up. After I knew that I wanted to be with you, even for a short time until you found a proper woman, I scoured the city and used many resources to find a way to remove the scars. There were some people with items that created illusions, but the rough bumps of the tissue was felt and some healers could heal scars, but only if the damage wasn’t done with an item. I grew desperate enough to take a common and sharp knife and shave off the entire layer of skin from my arms with it so that they could heal it, but Allahandra got to me before I became that reckless. Unfortunately in my desperation to remove my scars and in the absence of you leaving I grew agitated and took my aggression out in the arena.

  “Somehow Allahandra learned of the quest to remove my scars, but would not tell me she knew how to make them go away in a direct manor. Only now do I see and understand just how cunning her mind is and how well in advance she plans out certain events. She might have many resources at her disposal, but I’ve never seen a more crafty individual in all my life. She’s had me do tasks that I originally thought were useless and meaningless, but she was right all along. She had me cook to keep my hands and mind occupied on a rigorous task, spend time with other strong-willed women to release my emotional problems and frustrations and eventually had me work with Maria to understand that a woman’s beauty requires work. I see how I must thank Allahandra now that I can look back upon all this and see it for what it is now.”

  The room went quiet for a moment as Alex allowed the woman he loved to finish processing what she just learned. Eventually she came around and apologized “I’m sorry for going off topic. Where were we?”

  Alex decided to just come right out and say it. “Do you wish to become my wife and complete the Marking Ceremony with me?”

  Lily’s jaw dropped and her thoughts came to an abrupt halt at his proposal. She became fully rigid in the face of the question and was unable to react in any way. Even her breathing and heart became stunted. Eventually Alex reached forward and took her hand, his warmth melted her features and returned her body to being active, only this time her body felt supercharged as her heart beat rapidly, flushing her fair complexion even more. Just his touch charged her nerves and made her whole body sensitive. Her breathing quickened and she felt slightly lightheaded. He waited patiently for minutes, holding the hand that she hadn’t taken away as it became her anchor of reality. Eventually she spoke, but her body hadn’t quieted in the least. “Do you fully comprehend what you’re asking me to do?”

  “Of course I do.” Alex said confidently. “I’m asking that we belong to each other forever. I know you think this is sudden, but I’ve wanted to be with you for a long time. I cared about you as no more than a dear friend at first, but in time that care turned into love. I can’t think of any other woman for you fill my mind every moment. When I learned I was the rightful crown prince I couldn’t stop myself from thinking what it would be like to have you by my side. And one day, should I become king, you would be my queen.” Lily swallowed dryly. “Even if I didn’t have this ring, before I knew who and what I was, I knew that I wanted you in my life forever. Before I knew my heritage I thought I was just as much a commoner as you and everyone else. And should something happen and we cannot take Runkamon off the throne I’d like to have you by my side regardless.”

  “You’re serious?” Lily couldn’t help in asking as she weighed everything from his solemn words, his expression of proud reassurance, her own fears, her love for him and what it would mean should she accept. “Aye, I can see that you are. I too feel that we belong together, but what would Shade and Ava say or Allahandra or everyone else for that matter?”

  “My siblings know full well my feelings for you and wish our journey well. As for everyone else having issues, I assure you if there are problems there is little we can accomplish if we work together.”

  After a short internal deliberation Lily accepted the proposal with a nod.

  Alex jumped five feet in the air with her in his arms and the sudden movement nearly caused her to scream. But he landed without jarring her and as she looked into his delighted eyes she smiled back with joy, despite the embarrassment she felt. They held each other for a moment and he first asked with a flirtatious and raised brow “Ready?”

  “For what?” And then he suddenly vanished from sight only to reappear a second later with his ostentatious and ornate sword that still looked freshly crafted. Then it donned on her. “Wait! You mean you want to do it now?”

  He grinned in a way that made her stomach feel as if something flew inside it. “Why wait? If I gave you time you might seek a way to make me marry a woman I don’t and won’t care about. It is common to perform the ceremony alone and in private, usually royalty perform the ritual openly to show the union to the people, but since I’m not recognized yet I do not need to fear showing the people this ritual. I’m ready to be marked for all time if you are.”

  It was going fast, but that was the way Lily lived and breathed. He clutched the leather sheath that once belonged to his father and watched as Lily grabbed the hilt of his wire wrapped sword and drew the arm length blade and was amazed that it weighed more than a commonly forged sword. If not for her strength as a warrior she would have had a difficult time upholding such a remarkable weapon.

  As she firmly clutched the blade in her right hand Alex removed his tunic and Lily caught her breath as she was able to get a full view of his torso that her imagination and sense of touch did little to understand the reality of his physique. His every muscle was sculpted to the human limit and his dark tan and hairy chest gave him a wild appearance that also gave her chills. She realized she was gawking like an untried maiden as Alex chuckled.

  “Are you sure of this?” Lily asked for the last time. “Where would you like our matching ceremonial mark to be placed?”

  Sure of exactly what he wanted, Alex grabbed the tip of his blade and moved it to the exact center of his chest, between his two highly developed pectoral muscles. Then he let go. She knew to be marked there was a sign of the highest commitment, for this meant he would take only one wife for as long as she lived and would never
be disloyal for his commitment was that strong. If it was a marked arm it meant one wife, but if either didn’t do their duty, the other could find another to satisfy himself or herself. A thigh mark assumed they could marry others or annul this contract in time. If back or neck was marked it required them to be free in their sexual needs or desires and many people of Ra’van carry such mark. Very few choose to willingly mark the sternum for it was the highest commitment.

  Lily held the blade’s tip a half inch from his skin for a moment before she made it pierce the flesh and cut a line no longer than two inches vertically down his sternum. The cut was only deep enough to leave a thin scar. Blood welled and slid down his knotted chest, creating different paths and trails because of his sculpted physique.

  As he was now marked by her, she gave his sword back to complete the simple ritual that she felt negligible hesitation compared to the commitment he offered and the love they held for each other. She felt embarrassed more than anything as she carefully slipped the shoulder straps of her dress off and allowed the entire material to drop to the ground. All she wore once the silk slid to the marble floor were her evening boots and her defensive item that covered her vital points, that will forever be part of her.

  She chuckled as well when Alex began to ogle her form. Lily could almost feel the tender caress of his eyes as they scanned every curve and angle she offered for this ceremony. She then grabbed the tip of his blade and willed her item to move completely to her back. She enjoyed the new look Alex held in his eyes as he viewed her nude body she was willing to share solely with him for the rest of her natural life. As she released the red-stained tip Alex carefully made a similar line between her breasts. The sword was so sharp she barely felt a thing, other than the trail of blood streaming down her taut abdomen.

  “It is done. We are now married.” She said and felt a sense of relief as she looked down at herself and smiled at the thin scar that would be there soon. It would be the first scar ever inflicted that she would be truly proud of. Then she looked at him and realized his bleeding had already stopped. She stepped closer and when she touched the cut it it began bleeding again, but not before stinging her fingers from an intense heat. “What happened?” She asked and sucked on the pained finger.

  “Sorry, it is a habit now. I can focus on a part of my body and heal any injury in a day or two, small flesh wounds like this only take a half hour or so to fully heal.”

  “Oh, right, you told us how rapidly you can heal. Niranene was fascinated to hear that and finally get closure on how quickly you recovered after all the injuries received from Gyro.”

  “Enough of that for now,” He smiled as he wiped the blood from his chest on a nearby towel he used after his bath and also wiped his sword before placing it back in its sheathe. He also grabbed another towel and gave it to her and before long her own bleeding stopped. Soon he then stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her lower back to feel her item staying put, and then he drew their breasts together and sealed the ceremony in a long overdue kiss.

  Both now felt freedom of their worries of being separated or from being stolen by another. They now belonged to each other, now and forever. Should another wish to approach in matrimony, either one or both will send them away by any means necessary.

  As they pulled away from the kiss, their passion for the other continued to build while Lily pulled off her boots and Alex slid off his pants.

  Soon they were in the throes of passion after all the trials they’ve taken together and separately, to come together at this perfect point in time neither would ever forget.

  After a few hours of explosive passion they lay in each other’s arms and now as his sole and new wife, Lily was whispered many secrets of the Furions. She lay mystified at what she was told about what her new husband is part of and the vast legacy that he came from. She knew now why he kept many secrets from Allahandra or anyone else beside her for if someone heard of his ancestral home they wouldn’t stop until they found it and plundered its riches or harmed its inhabitants.

  Before falling asleep together Alex said in a solemn voice “There are many more secrets I have to tell you, but those are the most vital. I know you will keep those secrets and I will not worry about that.” He then tucked a loose strand of pale hair behind her ear and the touch made her smile. Only he had ever been capable of making such gestures, but now she didn’t have to worry about rejection. “What I do have to ask is if we do have children and I am not around, what I need you to promise is you must take our child to the sanctuary and train them when they first show signs of their abilities. This has been a promise every Furion husband has had to ask their wife.”

  Lily gave him a soft, tender kiss and said carefully “You will be there to raise and guide any children we have, but should something befall you, I swear I will do what it takes to teach them the secrets. You have my word.”

  A knock on the door brought them both awake. Their night was so exhausting that they didn’t realize morning had come. Lily watched as Alex sat up and realized his chest was healed and a deep pink scar now centered his chest. Her own wound was scabbing and would take a few more days to be healed. Alex slid on his pants as she moved her item back in its usual place.

  “Who’s there?” He asked.

  “We know both of you are in there.” Marlin said in a chipper tone from the other side of the door. Then there was the sound of a smack. “What was that for?”

  Niranene’s voice came next and she chastised “Don’t be rude.”

  They looked at each other and smiled, but then Alex said “Lily, you don’t have a change of clothes.”

  “Aye, I do.” She said as she quickly slid out of bed and walked to his closet. Alex watched as she stepped inside and moved some of the shelves to pull out a fresh tunic and pants. The clothes were neatly folded as she smiled smugly. “I’ve known for some time what I wanted to do when you decided to come back. I placed a change of close in there for a reason exactly like this.” Then Lily raised her voice to the door. “Go on ahead! We’ll be out in a half hour!”

  “Take your time!” Niranene said from the other side with an unsuppressed laugh.

  “A half hour? We don’t need that long to get dressed.” Alex asked as he listened for two distinct steps leaving their door.

  Lily grinned. “We need to take a bath first.”

  Alex turned around and understood instantly. The pool of warm water was large enough to nearly swim in. It was more than large enough to bathe with ones wife. He turned back and grinned. He rushed in her direction, scooped her in his arms and she laughed at the eagerness he showed.

  Nearly an hour later they eventually walked into the crowded council chambers and once their presence was known many were smiling broadly. Shade and all of the other leaders returned with their new human counterparts. Ava flew over and immediately found her favorite perch. She seemed just as happy as the others in the room.

  Marlin was the first to ask “Niranene and I both heard strange noises from our room, what went on in yours.”

  Lily stood her ground with defiance and pride. “I simply spent the night with my husband.”

  Silence dominated the room.

  It was Allahandra who rose from her throne and walked up to them to ask “Husband? When did the two of you marry?”

  It was Alex who answered. “Lily and I had a traditional Ra’van Marking Ceremony last night.” To prove his words he used a finger to pull the collar of his tunic down to show his fresh scar. Lily also did the same and moved her liquid-like metal defense to show her own wound.

  “Congratulations.” Was all the queen said, but she meant it and smiled approvingly for the two lovers. Then she wrapped her arms around Lily.

  He then asked “I see everyone has gathered. Did anything happen?”

  Rakkian stepped closer and Beta followed closely. Hanging from the general’s left shoulder was a piece of leather holding a square piece of white marble. Alex quickly scanned the humans of the ro
om and each had some form of writing implement and something convenient enough to write on. “It is the most amazing thing, but nothing of any notable concern developed last night. A few normal inebriated altercations, but those were easily dealt with. Apparently the city’s denizens took my warning with seriousness, and it helped that Shade originally came to the city first and eased previous misconceptions before the army showed up. Actually the city is enjoying the turn of events and has something new to focus on rather than the threat of annihilation. Just about everyone is carrying something to write on just so they can communicate with creatures they actually knew nothing about. It is an amazing sight to see children writing back and forth with a Grizon five times their size and would be a considered snack in other situations. I even saw a lioness lord giving short rides to orphan children. I tell you, this army has put a smile on just about everyone’s face.”

  “Just about?” Alex caught. “Who doesn’t like them?”

  The general put his large hand on the Furion’s shoulder. “Not to worry. There will always be suspicious people, ya? Besides those still afraid wont dare harm the fiends for two reasons. One, I’ll hang them as promised and secondly the common people like having someone to speak to other than people now.” The general’s serious nature gave positive reassurance to his words.

  “Are we ready to eat together down in the hall today?” Allahandra asked. Just as Lily was about to speak the queen cut her off. “Not to worry, I’ve already informed the kitchen that you have other tasks to take care of, now that Alex has returned.” As the queen smiled wryly Lily blushed, but held her ground. “If that is all let us go and enjoy our morning meal. I also must make an announcement.” Her last sentence was more said to herself.

  Allahandra began walking and Breaker matched her stride. Once they neared the door it parted. She walked down the hall while he jumped through to the roof to fly down. The two top generals followed with Ginger and Beta close behind.


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