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Desiring the Forbidden

Page 13

by Megan Michaels

  “I think I’ll have some coffee before we get started,” Cade murmured, his heavy shoes thumping on the wooden floor as he walked into the kitchen.

  Chapter 17

  Cade blew out a long breath. Nothing had prepared him for the hen fight that had broken out in his absence. He knew there was an undercurrent of tension there, but he had no idea it had gone that far — and right under his nose too.

  Some cop you are. Jesus.

  Sunni had brought more excitement into his life than he’d had in years. Cade wasn’t sure that was entirely a good thing either, but in contrast to boredom, he’d take it, hands down. He’d just like said excitement to be the exception, rather than the norm. Though he deeply enjoyed taming the occasional wildness of her feminine spirit, he feared it was clouding his judgment on what needed to be done.

  He knew his daughter was possessive of him and his affection, but he never knew it went so deep. Part of him felt proud to know she worried about him, and what he was doing, but he needed to get the boundaries reestablished again. He didn’t need her chasing off women — in particular, a woman as special as Sunni. Brittney had always been a fighter. He’d spent many days in her younger years — especially middle school and high school — getting her to curb that tendency, channel it. But it looked like he needed to teach her yet another lesson.

  She had a new boyfriend, Dylan, who was seven years older. At twenty six, he had a stable job as an architect, his own house, and seemed to be a very stable young man. Dylan had seemed to be a moderating influence on his headstrong daughter. But now, from the very moment she’d come home to visit him this time, Cade had seen the huge difference in her behavior — sassy, defiant, and just plain surly. He would have to see if she and Dylan broken up, because this wasn’t the same girl who’d visited a few months ago.

  Grabbing his cup of coffee, he returned to the living room to supervise his naughty girls. Brittney swiped at some tears, Cade pleased to see she’d at least calmed down enough to start feeling some remorse. And then there was Sunni. He looked at her beautiful plump ass, still marked with a couple bruises from the discipline he’d laid down upon it during the week.

  Jesus, at this rate she’ll never have her ass back to normal if she doesn’t behave!

  Both of the women had taken a peek over their shoulders as he entered, no doubt sensing his presence.

  “Eyes forward.”

  He waited a few moments before he rose to get some supplies from the bathroom, lining them up on the kitchen table, pulling a chair next to his. “Sunni, come over here, please.” Her body visibly stiffened, and she bent over to retrieve her panties from her ankles. “Uh uh. Leave those in the corner. You won’t be needing or wanting those today.”

  Her blue eyes widened as she stared at him, then she toed them off, hurrying over to him. She sat in the chair he pointed at, shifting uncomfortably, her eyes darting to him once before she dropped her gaze to the floor. He took the belt from her hands, placing it on the table.

  He tilted her chin up. “You were a bad girl today, Madison Anne.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “What in the world would make you think you could fight her? You must have known this wouldn’t end well for you, or your bottom.”

  “I don’t know… she just… when she called me a poor white trash whore, I just… I lost it.” At that admission, tears filled her eyes, her nose turning an adorable pink, while she bit her lips to keep from pouting. He knew he shouldn’t think it was sweet or cute, but he did. He wanted to pull her onto his lap and just cuddle her, but that wouldn’t be fair to her. He needed to take care of the consequences for her actions.

  He reached across the table to retrieve the wet cloth he’d brought with him, pouring some hydrogen peroxide onto it. “Let me see your hands first.” He gently washed the blood off her knuckles, cleaning the nicks and scratches he found decorating the length of both her arms. “Daddy can’t let his girl act like this. Fighting is never allowed, no matter what provoked it. If you had gone to your room until I came back, Daddy would have fixed it.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her, waiting for a response. “Yes… Yes, Daddy.” She looked out of the corner of her eye to see if Brittney was listening.

  “Don’t you worry about her, she can’t hear us. We’re talking quietly.” He turned the cloth over, adding more peroxide to it, dabbing at a couple deep abrasions he found on her neck and face.

  Damn women! Fighting like wild cats.

  With his pinkie finger, he lightly worked in some antibiotic ointment into the larger cuts, covering them with Band-Aids.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “I know you are, sweet pea. And once you’ve taken your spanking, it’ll be all over, and you’ll feel so much better.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed.

  “What was that face for? Are you confused about something?”

  “I just don’t get that. You said it before too. I won’t ‘feel better.’ I’ll be sore and crying.”

  He tried to hide his laugh, but ended up grinning at her before answering. “You’re adorable. Yes, I know you’ll be in pain. But you won’t feel guilty anymore. Every action has a consequence. You’ll receive the consequence, and we’ll start over again.”

  “I guess.” She shrugged, her doubt plain.

  “Trust me.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to stand, thrusting the belt back into her hands to hold. “Now, go back to your spot. No peeking.” He slapped her bottom, sending her bunny-hopping over to her corner once more. His cock twitched, watching her cheeks wobble, her pussy peeking between her legs as she scurried away.

  He looked over at his naughty daughter. Brittney had already kicked her panties off in preparation. “Britt, come on over.” She walked toward him, covering herself with the paddle, then quickly sat down. He held his hand out, and she gave him the implement. He placed it on the table, her hands crossed over her lap in an attempt to hide her sex.

  He grabbed the second wet cloth he’d brought with him, adding peroxide to this one too. It appeared, looking at her arms and face, that Sunni had dished out a lot more damage than Brittney had been able to inflict in return. “Are you still seeing Dylan?”

  Her eyebrows furrowed, for just a moment. “Y-yes, why?”


  “It just seems odd that you’re acting this way. The last time you came home, I saw a huge improvement in your attitude and behavior. You’d mentioned that you’d had a new boyfriend and I figured that that was the explanation for change in you. Guess not.” He washed the dripping blood off her upper arms, cleansing the deeper cuts and scratches vigorously. He looked up to see an odd look on her face.

  Was that concern? Worry?

  “Is everything okay with Dylan? I don’t need to worry, do I?”

  If he’s hurting her, I’ll kill him.

  “Oh, no. Dylan’s a great guy. You’d never have to worry about him. Honest, Dad.” She looked sincere as she said it. He’d have to trust her.

  “Okay.” He added more peroxide to a clean side of the cloth, beginning to clean her face.

  “How many times have we had discussions about fighting, Brittney?”

  Her lip quivered. “Too many, I guess.”

  “That’s right. Way too many. Sunni is important to me — and at one time, she was important to you too. I don’t want to lose her, especially if that loss was caused by my misbehaving daughter.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Really, I am. We don’t have to do this.” She wrung her hands as she pleaded with him.

  He rubbed more cream into her abrasions. “Oh, Brittney. it must have been way too long since your last spanking if you don’t remember that I don’t back down once I’ve made the decision to paddle your little ass. After the spectacle I walked in on today, do you really think I’m letting you just walk away with no consequences?” Cade put a Band-Aid on the last cut.

  She shrugged, looking embarrassed.

  “You know be
tter than that, pumpkin. You’ll be spending the rest of the day nursing a sore backside.” He pulled her into a standing position, handing her the paddle again, and swatting her bottom. “Back in the corner.”

  He exhaled. This was not how he had envisioned his day when he’d woken up that morning.

  Chapter 18

  Sunni wondered how long Cade would keep them in the corner, her back was getting sore and she found herself wishing the spankings would just begin. He had walked down the hall a while ago and still hadn’t returned. She felt eyes on her, and peeked over to find Brittney staring at her.

  Don’t make a face! Don’t say anything!

  “I’m sorry. I’ve missed being friends,” Brittney said, her voice low.


  Sunni wasn’t sure how to respond. They had both wailed on each other in an earnest endeavor to tear each others’ eyes out and to choke the living hell out of each other. And now, now, she wanted to apologize?

  “I miss being friends too.”

  Well, I was supposed to keep that shit to myself.

  Sunni felt that familiar sting in her nose, the tears springing to her eyes. Through her watery gaze she saw Brittney swiping at tears too.

  Oh, fuck it!

  Madison moved from the corner, then hugged Brittney. They both started sobbing, then the clomping of Cade’s shoes storming into the living room made the two of them break free, both of them covering their bottoms with their hands.

  “Jesus! I heard crying and thought you two were at it again. I swore I was going to take a switch to both of you.” He smiled at them. “This is nice. It isn’t going to stop what’s happening next, but it does my heart good to see the two of you hugging. We’ll have a nice heart-to-heart chat this evening and get everything squared away.”

  Sunni gave Brittney another quick hug before moving back to her corner.

  “No. I want both of you following me.” Sunni looked over at Brittney, trailing along behind him. They stopped at Brittney’s room first. “I want you bent over the bed, paddle on the mattress in front of you. As the instigator of this fight, you’ll get to wait and listen to Sunni’s punishment before I get to you. You’ll stay in position, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Now, you, young lady,” he said, glancing at Sunni before walking into their bedroom.

  Cade’s bedroom.

  “Same for you. I want you bent over the edge of the bed. Belt in front of you.” Just as she was leaning over, he grasped her elbow, stopping her. “Except… I want you to take all your clothes off.”


  “No, no buts. My rules are different with you. Clothes off. Now.” He squeezed an ass cheek — hard. She didn’t need any further warning than that.

  “What about the door?”

  “Don’t you worry about the door.” He raised his voice, directing it toward the hallway. “Brittney wouldn’t dare take a peek, because her bare bottom is supposed to be over the bed right now.”

  A very timid, “Yes, Sir,” drifted from the bedroom.

  Once her top and bra were taken off and she stood stark naked before him, Cade came to stand next to her. “Pick up the belt, and kneel in front of me. I want you to tell your Daddy what you did today, asking me to spank you. Then you will kiss it, and hand it to me.”

  Her throat worked hard as she swallowed loudly.

  Shit! Seriously?

  Her trembling hand grasped the stiff leather belt, her legs feeling shaky. She wobbled and swayed a bit, but dropped to her knees. “Daddy, I’m sorry,” she whispered softly, worried that Brittney would hear, but wanting to please Cade. “I kicked, punched, scratched, and hit Brittney. I called her a ‘slut.’ Spank me with this belt.” She brought it up to her lips, kissing it like one would a statue —something to be revered — then offered it back to him.

  “Thank you, sweet pea.” He held it at his side, which was eye level for her. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. She hated that belt already, but not as much as the spanking paddle. “I want you to tell me the biggest mistake you made today.”

  She scrunched her eyebrows in his direction, not having a clue what he was talking about. She’d fought, yelled, and hollered. What else was there?

  “I drew blood?” She phrased it as a question because she didn’t have a clue as to what direction he wanted her to go in.

  “Yes, you drew blood, but that’s part of the scratching.” Sunni dropped her gaze, trying to think of what else she’d done, his finger raised to her chin. “You didn’t tell me that you were being hurt. You didn’t give me a chance to protect you and intervene for you. If you had told me, this could’ve been settled with no fighting. And you wouldn’t be spending the day with a very sore derriere. Daddies take caring for their girls seriously, and you stole that opportunity from me. I enjoy attending to your needs and safety. And your emotional well-being is part of that.”

  “Sorry, Daddy.”

  He waved the belt toward the bed. “Bend over that now.” When she staggered a little getting up, he held her arm until she found her balance. “Let’s get a pillow under your hips, so your feet aren’t on the ground. I don’t want you moving too much.”

  She felt sure that her feet wouldn’t have touched the ground anyway; she almost needed a stool just to get into bed. Being short just made things that much more difficult. She climbed, almost having to crawl, to get herself centered over the pillow.

  Cade wasted no time, the cool leather tapping against her bottom. “You will not fight with someone.” He cracked the belt against her bottom so hard she shouted in both pain and surprise. “Remember, no screaming or screeching.”

  “Y-yes, Daddy.” Madison wasn’t sure how she’d comply with that order, but she knew that she’d better learn — and quickly.

  “You do not use your hands as weapons!” The next five lashes bit into the underside of her ass, and she pressed her face to the bedspread, muffling her scream, her teeth gripping the material. She tried to flip onto her side, but the large, hard hand planted at the center of her back pinned her in place with ridiculous ease.

  The restraint calmed her in an odd way. It didn’t lessen the pain, but she didn’t feel a need to snatch the implement out of his hand or to flip over either. She liked his touch, liked him controlling her body and movements. It kept her from panicking.

  “The next time someone is hurting you — verbally, emotionally, or physically — what will you do, Madison Anne?”

  She hated when he used her middle name, and yet at the same time there was a comfort in it. It’s what Daddies did, wasn’t it? They said their little girl’s middle name when they were upset or angry. At least that’s how she fantasized about it. She couldn’t help but notice it was also what Cade did with Brittney.

  “Are you having trouble answering, little girl? I can help, if you are.” His hand lightly patted her sore bottom.

  Madison swiped at her eyes. “No, Daddy, I can answer. N-next time I’ll tell you.”

  “And just to be sure, you’re going to be wearing some stripes and welts for the next couple days to remind you every time you sit down. Give me your hands, Madison.” Her sex clenched. She wondered once again why her body reacted to her punishment in such a way. Cade held her hands tightly, while his leg braced both of hers against the side of the bed.

  Nothing had prepared her for the onslaught of pain he unleashed upon her ass. She quickly lost track of how many licks he’d laid across her flesh, and she buried her face into the mattress, crying and sobbing so hard her throat became raw. Just when she thought that the pain might never end, he finally stopped.

  Sunni couldn’t remember that last time — if ever — she’d cried that hard, or hurt so badly.

  She was dimly aware of the sound of Cade putting his belt back on. Then she groaned as he caressed her scorched skin, lightly stroking her cheeks, his fingertips tracing what must have been livid welts, running in straight horizontal lines of agony across her butto
cks. “Oh, baby. Will you keep any secrets from Daddy, or get into a fight ever again?”

  “No, D-daddy. It hurts.”

  “I know, sweet pea. But we have one more thing to do.”

  Her eyes flew wide as she looked back at him. “N-no. N-no, Daddy.”

  He narrowed his gaze at her. “Little girls don’t tell their Daddy no, Madison.” He cleared his throat, his voice husky, whispering, “I want you on your knees again. This time you’re going to suck my cock.”

  Come again?

  “B-but, my butt hurts, and I—” Sunni looked over her shoulder at him, as he began unfurling his belt again.

  “I know your butt hurts. I’m the one who made it that way. But obviously I didn’t do it hard enough if I have to explain why you should be on your knees already.” He let the long length dangle from his hand, the tip brushing the floor.

  Nobody had to ask Madison twice to get her sore ass up and onto the floor. “I’m doing it, I’m doing it. See?”

  “Usually I have a rule: If it has to come off, it’s getting used. Next time, I won’t relent. Keep it in mind, girlie.” He tossed it onto the bed, and Sunni scrambled up to him, not chancing anything that might be viewed as disobedience.

  The burn and pain in her ass made it hard to concentrate, but when she unzipped his pants, tugging them over his hips, and pushing down the boxers, she freed his cock. Her sex gushed, clenching, as she took Cade’s balls into her hand and she gently squeezed. She lazily licked up the length of him, inhaling his musky male scent, stopping when she reached the end of his cock. Smiling up at him, she flicked his cock with the tip of her tongue in fast, light strokes, working her way back down to his balls, slowly sucking them into her mouth, cupping his ass with both hands.

  Her heart burst with pride when he hissed through his teeth. Madison pushed his length into her mouth, and she relaxed her throat to accommodate him, squeezing and pulling on his ass, pushing him deeper into her.


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