On the Rocks
Page 3
“So where is the mark at?” I didn’t see anybody that would fit the bill. I was still looking for a boy, knowing that he was just old enough to be a man.
“Ahh, here he is now. I think you two have met briefly already?”
I turned around to follow Tony’s words, and I groaned out loud. Why did it have to be this guy?
“Hi, I’m Tommy.” The young man said the words with a grin on his face that could only be described as pure pleasure. He had enjoyed messing with me earlier, and he liked my reaction to him now.
“Here he is, and he is now your concern, Jack. Tommy can be a handful, so you got to keep an eye on him. He will try to slip your detail, but you must be vigilant. Just keep him safe no matter what.”
Tony and the other men walked out of the room, leaving me sitting down and Tommy standing by the door. We looked at each other for several minutes, and I was unsure what to say. Two minutes ago, this guy was offering to sit on my lap. It didn’t sound like it would be that bad of an idea, but knowing who his father was, pulled me from that line of thought quickly. I couldn’t believe my luck. Of course, this would be Nick’s son, the next in line to take over the Corrello family business of all things illegal and dangerous.
“So, I guess we meet again Jack.”
I sighed out loud and shook my head. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Well don’t sound so happy about it. I am not too happy to have to have a babysitter either, especially not an ex-cop. The only good thing I can see is at least Dad hired some eye candy for me to look at while this is all sorted out.”
I hadn’t ever been called eye candy before, and it was another example of the guy’s view of me. I was supposed to be keeping him safe, not enticing him.
“He hired me because he wants to keep you safe, and it seems like you guys have an inside man that is causing all this trouble. I don’t come cheap. Your dad must really care.”
The man scoffed at me, and it was rather obvious that he didn’t agree with my words. They most likely had issues. All men seem to have issues with their fathers and considering his father’s reputation, I would imagine that he wasn’t the nicest man to grow up with. Then add in the fact that he was gay, it wouldn’t take long at all to see that growing up under Nick wouldn’t have been the easiest life. No wonder Tommy turned out the way he did.
“So where are we going? I have always hated this bar, and I want to get out of here. This place has given me the creeps since I was a kid. It was never good when people were pulled into the back room. Back then, they would never come back out.”
His voice was as distant and haunting as I found his eyes. I didn’t know what to think of Tommy, but his earlier comments had me looking at him in a whole new way. I was thinking about him on my lap and calling out to me as I slid him down onto my shaft. The last thought brought a moment of sensitive pleasure to my body, and I shivered to myself. This wasn’t at all what I expected when I first heard about the job. Not at all.
Chapter 6
Jack was turning out to be a fuddy-duddy, and I was already getting bored. It seemed like a waste to have such a man sitting next to me and me not being able to do anything about it. He was uptight and even though I had seen a flash of need and interest in his eyes before, all of that was gone. He was now in some kind of professional mode, and I didn’t like it one bit.
“Where are we going?”
He looked over at me with those clear grey-blue eyes, and I wanted more than anything to kiss the man. He was handsome in an unconventional way. He was different than me, and those hard muscles seemed to literally call to me. It was hard to ignore and when I couldn’t do it anymore, I put my hand on his knee.
Jack looked down at it and moved it with the free hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel. “We are going somewhere to keep you safe. All you need to do is relax and keep your head down until we figure out who is trying to take out your family. This shouldn’t take more than a few days, and then it will all be over.”
I didn’t say anything for a time, but I could still feel the tickle of his hot thigh full of muscles underneath my fingertips. I itched for more. I couldn’t help it when I moved my hand back to his knee. It took a little longer for him to move it this time. I was going to attribute it to the fact that I was growing on him, even though it was most likely because he was turning and needed both hands to drive. I was an optimist though and I was going to choose to believe that I still had a small chance to be with him. I knew the guy was attracted to me. He had given me the once over.
“You are going to have to loosen up if we are going to be working together, Jack. I don’t want to be around some uptight guy. I was just being friendly.”
“We aren’t working together. Your father hired me, not you. So, this is how it is, and I think if you would be a little less hands-on, I would be looser. You don’t have to be that friendly.”
I scoffed. “Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
Jack wouldn’t look at me, and I knew that I was getting to him. Wrong or not, I wanted to reach over and grab something a little higher up. He was hard, had been since we got in the car together, and it was literally calling to me to touch it. Even if the man was resistant, his cock certainly wasn’t. While Jack didn’t want to be friendly, other parts of him were just as eager as I was.
“I don’t like this whole situation. I had to take this job and deal with a little peon like you, so the best thing that you can do is sit back and shut up. This is a job, not some love connection.”
I was going to say more but we were pulling up to a hotel. It was one that I wouldn’t have been caught dead in, and it took my mind away from Jack’s cock for a few moments.
“We are not staying here.”
“We are.”
“My dad allowed this?”
“Your dad doesn’t want to know where you are in case someone tries to find out.”
“What does that mean?”
He sighed and huffed a little. Jack looked at me like I was a young child, and he needed to explain something that was beyond my knowledge.
“Because if someone captures your dad or one of his guys, they could be asked under duress, and facts could come out.”
My mind went from one scenario to the next. I still didn’t want to stay here, and I told Jack so, but he was far from sympathetic to my plight. He was treating me like I was being spoiled and was just making trouble for him.
“This is where we are staying for the time being. We will figure this out soon enough, and then you will be back to your old life and whatever it was that you were doing before.”
His judgment was clear, and I felt my face getting red. This guy doesn’t even know me, and he was already acting like the guys that worked for my dad.
“Fine, whatever I have to do. It isn’t necessary, but if this is what my dad wants.”
I got out of the car and took in my surroundings. The place was small and run down. The pool looked like it hadn’t been cleaned or filled since last year, and that was a shame as it was nice this time of year. No one would ever look here to find me, not if they knew me. They would know that I would never be caught dead in a place like this. Maybe Jack was on to something. He was smart after all. Too bad he didn’t know the truth about it. I wasn’t worried about any of this happening. I just wasn’t. I was going to be safe from all the bloodshed. I just knew it, but I wouldn’t be able to get him to understand it, so I wasn’t even going to try. I was just going to have to play along a little longer.
The hotel was about as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I felt the need to drink very heavily. Here I was thinking about how much fun I could have with my new babysitter, but it was becoming clear that he was too uptight to do what I wanted. Maybe I was just going to have to wait it out. It wasn’t going to be that long, right?
“So how long am I supposed to stay here?”
I was looking around the room that didn’t have much more than a couple of beds
and a sink/toilet combo. I had been in jail cells that were better appointed than this.
“It has what we need. It is getting late. I have some food being delivered, and I am going to go take a shower. If the guy comes before I get out, just hand him some money and get the food. I am starving.”
“Sure, no problem.”
He looked at me as if he didn’t trust me. I shrugged and asked him where I was supposed to go.
“Just stay here, Tommy. It is for your own good. You have to realize that.”
I nodded enough to make him think that I was listening to him, but I wasn’t. I was already thinking about how I was going to get out of this and where I was going to go. There was no way that I was going to be able to just stay here and do nothing for the next week or two. It was going to take more than a little threat on my life to keep me stuck in this room for too long, especially when I was so damn horny.
Once I heard the shower turn on, I got my phone out and called to see where the parties were for the night. I had a lot to do, but I was side-tracked by the guy at the door with the food. Jack ordered pizza, and I stayed for a couple of slices. I was still there when he got out.
“Good. Will you hand me a slice?”
I looked up, and my eyes were full of hard chest and dripping wet flesh. The hairs on his chest were curly and blonde like the hair on his head. He was a genuine good ol’ boy and though I didn’t see many guys like him in my world, Jack was definitely my type. It was either that or I had a new type.
My eyes followed him over to his bag, and I watched him dry off some more as he took a bite of the pizza. The man was solid and hard, everything that I was looking for, and not just the temperament that I wanted. I needed a guy that was more laid back and ready to get down instead of playing games. While Jack was smoking hot, he was also repressed.
“Are you really going to tell me that you don’t feel anything for me when I look at you like this?”
He looked down, and I could tell that he knew what I was talking about. My attention was making him harder, as were my words from earlier. Why did he have to keep telling himself that this was not right? I know that he had some sort of honor code, and I was the mark, not his boyfriend, but I didn’t see the problem blurring a few lines. I wanted Jack, and I would do just about anything to feel him against me.
“I am not going to say anything else about this, Tommy. I have told you before, nothing can come from this. I work for your father to keep you safe; that’s it and that is all it is going to be.”
I nodded my head, but I decided to move towards him and see if he felt the same way when I was close to him. I wanted him to feel the draw that I felt so well. I wanted him badly, and I had a feeling that he had more experience than I did with the pleasures between two men.
Jack was the type that most likely didn’t even realize that they were gay until much later in life. He probably denied it for years, and then when he could deny it no more, he most likely kept his sexuality to himself. It was a hard road, but I knew many older men his age that had to keep it under wraps a lot longer than I ever had to. I was far more focused on having fun and living life. While it wasn’t always accepted, I didn’t have to worry about it like many did twenty or even ten years ago. I never came out to my father, but most of the people in my life know how I am. I only turn it off and pretend when Dad is around. I learned a long time ago that I had to keep that part of me to myself when Nick Corrello is in the vicinity.
Though the man worked for my dad, Jack wasn’t like the other men that I was around all of the time. He wasn’t short-tempered and quick to start something or even worse, tell my father about what I was doing. I didn’t trust anyone that worked for my dad, but Jack was just different. I don’t know if it was because he was a cop or not, but I did know that I wanted Jack to see me as more than just Nick’s son.
As I got closer to him, he got nervous, and I could see his body tighten up like he was being zapped with electricity. It was clear to me that Jack wanted it, but I couldn’t understand why he was fighting it so much. There was certainly a pull from me to him, and as he stood there dripping in the towel, all I could think about was showing him what it was that we both needed. This stay didn’t have to be a terrible thing. We could make the best of it, and I was perfectly willing to do so if I could just get him on board.
He took a couple of steps back as I got closer, and I had to stop myself from chuckling. I knew what was on his mind, and I knew that it had nothing to do with my size. He was twice the size of me, but he was backing up like I was over six feet tall.
Jack was tall, several inches taller than me, and he had me by about fifty pounds. There was no way that he was nervous about that. He was nervous about what I would do to him. Did he know how well I would take care of his every need?
I stopped right in front of him, and his cock jerked enough that I could see it move underneath the towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes were hot when they went back up to his green ones. We now both knew now how much he was fighting it.
“This is not going to happen, Tommy.” His voice was a little higher pitched than it should have been and that fact, in and of itself, was enough to make me smile.
“Your cock is hard.”
Jack looked down and groaned as he saw how hard he was. He had felt it, I am sure he had, but the realization that he was swinging seemed to bother him, and I waited for him to try to cover it. By the looks of it, one hand wasn’t going to be able to do the job. It was aching to come out from behind its bindings, and I would have stood there all day if I thought that there was a chance it would actually happen.
I watched the expression change on his face, It was at that moment that I knew he had decided to just go with it and stop trying to deny that he was as turned on by me as I was by him. I saw it as a submission, and it made me hot to think about it.
“My dick is an idiot. Always has been and that doesn’t mean anything.”
“Why don’t you give in to it and give us what we both want? It would make the time here go a whole lot faster, and I am getting hard as hell looking at you.”
“We can’t, Tommy, and we are not going to. You are going to have to keep those thoughts to yourself and give me a little space.”
I did as he asked about the space bit, but keeping my mouth shut was proving to be more than I could handle. Namely, I didn’t want to. “You are just a whole lot better looking without your clothes on, and I thought I should say something. It was a compliment. I didn’t mean any harm.”
I heard him groan, and I knew that he didn’t want to hear it. “See, comments like that aren’t going to help this situation. It is already awkward enough without all of that.”
“Like I said before in the car, you are going to have to loosen up a little bit, Jack. There is nothing that is going to stop me from talking shit. You are hot, and I can tell that you aren’t really that against what I am suggesting.”
“Really? How do you know that?”
“Besides the constant hard-on since we met?”
His face got as red as his back was from the hot water. I knew then that I had him, so it was time to push it a little bit more. “I know when a man wants to fuck me, Jack, and you are dying to as much as I am dying to bend over and let you take me.”
His expression almost made me regret saying such a thing. I knew he wanted me, it was rather obvious, but I had learned a long time ago that there were some men that were more receptive to their baser desires, and some that were not. Jack was not one of those men tuned into what he truly wanted.
“See, this is not going to work if you are going to say shit like that.”
“What. The truth?”
“You know what I mean, Tommy. Go take a cold shower and cool off a little bit. There is nowhere to go, and I am not going to have sex with you. It’s just that simple.”
I tried not to pout, but I could feel my lips wanting to do that v
ery thing. Why was I so upset? It wasn’t like this was the first time that I had been turned down. I got told no once and a while, if I just went out and someone was looking for a muscular guy, but I was pretty good at reading people. I was pretty sure that I was reading Jack right. He was the one that was resisting what was right in front of him.
“It is your loss, Jack.”
“I am sure it is, Tommy. I am sure it is.”
His cock was standing hard, and I wanted to do nothing more than grab it. It had been calling to me since we had gotten here, and this was no better. What the hell was this guy doing to me?
“You are right. This probably isn’t the right time to do this. I mean, we are alone and don’t have anything to do. Are you sure you want to close this door? We may be here for a while, Jack, and I have never believed in denying myself.”
There was a heat that jumped into his eyes, leapt actually, and I knew then that everything that I had thought was true was true. He wanted to bend me over this counter right now and plow into me. By the looks of the hard knot that I had seen several times since we met, it would be worth my time.
“Go take a cold shower, Tommy. I am going to go get some ice and see if there is any coffee left in the office. I will be right back.”
He went back into the bathroom to get dressed and when he got out, the hard lump was gone. I missed it almost immediately. “I will be back in a minute. Don’t do anything stupid, Tommy. This isn’t going to be for long. We are going to figure this all out, and I am going to keep you safe until then. If we had met on different terms, maybe something would have happened, but not like this. I work for your dad and I know how he is; everyone does. Getting involved with Nick Corrello’s son is the last thing that I should be doing. It is suicide.”