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Eden (Secrets of Aurora Book 2)

Page 8

by L. J. Higgins

  “Thanks for your input Tyler.” Brent glared at him. “This is all true, and it appears the Elite's decided to keep this information from the rest of the floating cities.”

  “Looks like it,” I said, staring off into the distance. One of the cities had failed and we didn't know. All this time our meat had been coming from farms on Earth and no one had told us. Instead they lied and said Earth was uninhabitable. What were they so afraid of?

  “Eat your dinner honey. I'm sure this is a lot of information to take in. It's not fun to find out you were lied too.” Lula stroked the back of my hair.

  “Story of my life,” I mumbled but she either didn't hear or ignored it. Picking up my knife and fork I finished my dinner without another word.

  When we were all finished I helped Tyler clear the table and as I returned to the dining room to grab the cutlery I turned to find Brent standing right behind me.

  “I've organised for you to have a meeting with your father tomorrow. Supervised of course.”

  “Thank you,” was all I could manage to say before he walked away.

  I took the cutlery back to Tyler and placed them on the sink, staring blankly at the wall in front of me.

  “You okay?” he asked placing the cutlery in the soapy water.

  “Yeah, I think so.” I picked up the tea towel to dry the washed dishes. I wasn't sure if I was ready for the conversations my dad and I needed to have, and I sure wasn't ready to have it in front of Brent's people.

  Later, as I wriggled under the covers of my bed, my eyes grew heavy but the anticipation of the following day had my mind racing.

  “Night Aurora,” Alice wrapped me in one of her hugs before bouncing across the room to her own bed and climbing in.

  “Night, Alice. Sweet dreams.”

  * * *

  The following day I was awoken early again by Alice, who was excited to get to school. After dressing we ate a quick breakfast before Tyler walked me to the building in the orchard where he helped me sort fruit all day. At lunch time I was able to catch sight of both Domino and Maya and gave them a wave but Tyler warned me not to push it.

  “Don't assume I'm the only one who's reporting to Brent,” he'd said.

  When Samantha rang the final bell to mark the end of the day my body was sore and sorry once again, and Tyler and I made our way home, meeting up with an excited Alice along the way. As we reached the house Lula and Brent greeted us. Lula ushered Alice inside while Brent kept Tyler and me outside to talk.

  “If you're ready Aurora I've organised for you to go visit your father at his place. Tyler and Seth will accompany you. Unfortunately I have some business to attend to, but I'm sure Seth and Tyler will keep a close eye on your conversation.” He gave Tyler a warning glare with his last line.

  “Seth's back?” asked Tyler.

  “He returned from his scout this morning. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear you were concerned for him.”

  “Of course,” replied Tyler.

  “Will Fletcher and Braven be there?” I asked a little too excitedly.

  Brent eyed me before answering. “Yes, but they'll be asked to give you and your father space.”

  I couldn't help the smile spreading across my face.

  Lula appeared irritated by my excitement. “You'll be eating dinner at your father's. Seth's already there waiting.”

  The thought of seeing Fletcher quickened my step as I followed Tyler, hurrying him along the pathway.

  “You need to curb your enthusiasm. You're showing Brent he can hold your friends over you. It's what he does to me with Alice. Aurora, slow down.” I'd taken off in front of him despite having no idea where I was going. ” Tyler reached out and took a hold of my shoulder bringing me to a halt.

  “What?” I snapped.

  “Look, I know you're excited but if you want to get out of here you need to listen.”

  “To you? How do I know you aren't doing your job and trying to get information out of me?” I asked. The thought of being back with my friends made me reassess our friendship. Was trusting Tyler trusting the enemy? What would Fletcher think of my new friend?

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. “Really? A sniff of being back with your friends and you throw all our plans away. You can't do that. Alice and I need out.”

  The hurt in his glare sent a pang of guilt through me. He was right. I couldn't leave him or Alice behind. I was sure Fletcher would understand.

  “Sorry. I'm missing my friends. I'll take it easy okay?”


  When we arrived at my father's dwelling Seth was waiting at the front door. “About time. Thought you two ran off to get married or something.”

  “Great to have you back,” replied Tyler.

  Cocking my eyebrow, I stepped past Seth to the door and knocked.

  “I missed you guys too.” Seth grinned.

  The door swung open and Fletcher stood in the doorway with a smile wide across his face. He pulled me into a tight squeeze and I returned the gesture.

  “This should be interesting,” said Seth as he stepped past us followed by Tyler.

  “How are you? Are you okay?” Fletcher pulled back looking me over.

  “I'm fine. How are you? What job have they got you doing?” I asked.

  “We're all good here. I've been helping your dad with some of his work.”

  “And I've been helping the builders.” Braven appeared behind Fletcher and I ran to give him a tight squeeze too. “Couldn't let these babies go to waste.” He flexed his muscles and I shook my head.

  “You sure get around,” laughed Seth earning himself five glares.

  “That's my daughter you're talking about Seth,” said my father, making me gulp.

  “Yes sir, no offense intended.” Seth stepped back towards the wall dropping his gaze.

  “When you're done with these two I'd love to have a talk,” said Dad.

  “She's all yours. We'll be in our room if you need us.” Braven looked to Dad who gave him a sharp nod.

  “Here Rora, sit down.” Dad gestured for me to sit at his small dining table and I did as he asked.

  Seth stood near the doorway by the wall and Tyler made himself comfortable on a small couch.

  Dad and I sat staring at each other for a moment, my emotions wavering between anger, hurt and happiness. My limbs tingled with anticipation of what he had to tell me. I wasn't sure I wanted to know the truth as to why he'd abandoned mum and me. The thought made my throat clench tight and I gritted my teeth to stop tears from flowing.

  Dad rubbed at the back of his neck and shifted in his seat. “I don't know where to start.”

  Heat spread through my limbs and I clenched my fists. “How about where you pretended to be dead? Or how you didn't try to get back to mum and me? Did you know Elysium was on Earth? Why didn't you go there? They deliver meat to Utopia, you could've snuck back to us. You could've taken us with you.” Tears streamed over my cheeks as all my questions came pouring out. He couldn't answer them all, some of the answers were too sensitive to answer with Seth in the room. But this he could give me.

  He rose from his chair and came around to me pulling me up into a hug. I nuzzled my face into his chest my body shuddering as I cried harder. “Sweetheart I'm so sorry. I was trying to keep you both safe, I swear it on my life. I asked too much of Alber, and put you both through so much. The thought I wasn't there for Jennifer's last breath tears me apart inside. But having you here with me, safe and sound. I can't describe how overjoyed it makes me.”

  As my sobbing turned to sniffs I took a deep breath and pulled away from my dad taking my seat back at the table. “Why was I on Utopia when I wasn't your daughter? How did you get me up there?”

  “Jennifer was supposed to have told you by now. We'd promised ourselves fifteen was old enough to know, and it would've given us time to prepare. But I imagine thinking I was dead made it hard for her to tell you the truth. She found it hard to get close to you. Jennifer and I met your birth parents o
n Earth. We met them in the hospital you were born in. Their names were Rebecca and George.”

  Rebecca and George. For some reason I felt like their names should sound similar but they didn't. They came with no emotion at all. A grunt from Seth caught my attention briefly and Dad's eyes shot towards him.

  “You okay Seth?” Dad asked.

  “Yes sir.” Seth's voice wobbled.

  Dad turned back to me. “We'd met them a few times in our birthing class. Your birth mum was due a week before Jen.”

  “Mum was pregnant?”

  Dad's expression grew solemn. “Yes. But we lost our baby girl during birth. It was a hard time for both your mother and me. No-one can explain the feeling of losing a child. Jen wasn't the same. Hours after we suffered our loss Rebecca came to tell us she had given birth to you. That's when the waves came. They'd already wiped out most of the coastline by the time we were told and we received the call we had to evacuate to Utopia. Your birth mother was frantic and begged us to take you with us. Jennifer refused, the loss of our own baby girl too raw, but one look at your beautiful face and I couldn't leave you behind.”

  My poor birth mother, she gave me up to save me.

  Dad's eyes were red and wet with tears, much like my own. “The hardest part was leaving the other baby behind. But I didn't know how to explain having both a girl and a boy when they knew we were having one child.”

  “A boy?” I asked, wiping at my sticky face with my forearm.

  “Your brother. You had a twin brother.”

  My throat clenched tight and my stomach twisted at his words. A brother, I'd had a twin brother. Where my parents' names hadn't stirred any emotions the revelation of my twin tore me up inside. Could you mourn the loss of someone you didn't know existed until a moment ago?

  “When the Utopian Guard exiled me from Utopia I tried to get word to your mother. I tried to tell her it was time for you to know the truth. Maybe then you could've been safe.” He ran his hand through his thick brown hair before sobbing into his hands.

  I should've gone to him, but instead I sat motionless on my chair. My mind and body were numb making it hard to process what he'd told me. It all made so much sense. Why my mother had been so distant. She was mourning the daughter she didn't get to know and to her I was a poor substitute. If it hadn't been for the compassion of my father I would've perished along with the rest of the Earthlings during the end of the world. I glanced slowly around the room, first to Tyler who had tears in his eyes, then to Seth who stared at his feet. These people had survived, maybe my birth family had too.

  “Do you know they're really dead?” I asked my dad.

  “Not one hundred percent. But it was horrific what the waves did, as was the destruction of the fires. If they did survive somehow I wouldn't know where to begin trying to find them sweetheart.”

  He was right. And in that moment the glimmer of hope I may someday meet my birth family, my twin brother, disappeared. I was angry at my parents for keeping the truth from me. But I also understood why. My mother had suffered two incredibly great losses and didn't know how to explain such a tale to a twelve-year-old girl. If the Utopian Guard hadn't discovered the truth then mum would've told me on my birthday, sitting at the table eating cake. Finally, I knew what she was trying to say before Officer Banks ordered his men to murder her.

  We sat in silence for a moment longer before I drew in a deep breath. “I'm so sorry you lost your baby. But I'm so happy you saved me.”

  Each of us stood and embraced again before he pulled away beaming. “I'm so proud of you, you know. You've had so much thrown at you and you're still standing with your head high. Your stubbornness can drive me crazy sometimes, and it seems to have grown worse as you've gotten older, but I also love you for it.”

  “Can we come out yet?” Braven's whiny voice sounded from a doorway behind Dad.

  “Sure, I'll get dinner on while you three catch up.” Dad gave me one last squeeze before disappearing into the kitchen.

  I made my way over to sit beside Tyler, resting my head in my hands resting in my lap. He rubbed my back. “You okay? That was heavy.”

  “I'll be fine.” I gave him the best smile I could muster.

  “Hands off,” Fletcher's voice boomed through the house.

  Tyler lifted his hands in the air. “Sorry mate, I was making sure she was okay.”

  “Yeah, because you're so concerned for her wellbeing,” bit Fletcher.

  “Fletch, stop it. Tyler's my friend,” I said.

  “You're friends with him? The guy who's your guard?” he asked.

  “Not to mention he was one of the people who helped pour that potion down our throats. Next you'll be telling us you're dating that creep,” Braven threw his hand up towards Seth who scowled in reply.

  “Stop it. Tyler's been good to me. Sit down,” I said.

  Conceding, Fletcher sat down across from me and Braven joined him.

  “I'll leave you to it.” Tyler stood and made his way to stand beside Seth.

  Seth and Tyler had a heated quiet discussion, but I wasn't in the mood to ask what it was about.

  “You heard everything?” I asked Braven and Fletcher.

  They both glanced at each other and then their feet before looking back at me. “Sorry Rora, we were concerned.”

  “It's okay. At least I don't have to relay it all to you.”

  “How are you?” asked Braven.

  I shrugged.

  “It's going to be okay you know. We'll work it all out.” Fletcher reached across and I took a hold of his hands.

  “Do you two want me to leave you alone?” Braven wriggled his eyebrows at us.

  I dropped Fletcher's hands and shook my head. “You had a chance to talk to Vega?”

  “We're here for you right now.” He glared at me.

  Nope, he hadn't.

  Seth and Tyler now faced each other and they continued to argue. I took the diversion as a chance to discuss our escape. “What's the plan? You know we still need to get back to the hole.”

  “We're working on it but don't hold your breath. You aren't the only one being watched. And they're not letting us have much time together,” said Fletcher.

  “What about the, you know what?” Braven asked leaning closer. Fletcher and I leaned in too.

  “I think my new friend is the key there. I know you don't know him or his situation, but I do. You need to trust me on this,” I pleaded.

  They looked at each other before turning back to me. I could tell they weren't so sure.

  “What are you all talking about?” Seth asked walking towards us shooting Tyler a quick glare.

  “We were wondering how you managed to pry yourself out of Brent's ass?” Braven rose to his feet to tower over him.

  Seth lunged at him but Tyler held him back.

  “Aurora, control your friends please.” Tyler released Seth and he shook himself off.

  “If you can control them be my guest. I gave up weeks ago,” I replied.

  “Dinner's ready. You're more than welcome to join us if you want Tyler and Seth.” Dad called from the kitchen.

  The boys all exchanged glares before turning to my father.

  “That would be great thanks Ben,” replied Tyler.

  Seth gave Tyler a stony expression. “I'll be keeping my post thank you.”

  “As you wish.” Dad placed a large platter of fish pieces and a bowl of salad on the table as we all pulled out chairs and sat around it.

  It was a relief to not have to say prayers before we ate. We all dug in without hesitation. Across the table I watched Dad tip his head back as he laughed. It was amazing to have him back, and to begin getting answers.

  “Fletcher keeps telling me you two are friends but Braven thinks otherwise.” Dad pointed between Fletcher and me with his fork.

  My cheeks flushed hot. “Dad. Oh my goodness, leave Fletch alone. Yes, we're friends okay. Now eat your dinner.”

  “Defensive isn't she?” asked Br

  “Why don't you worry about your own love life and leave Fletch and me alone.” I bit back.

  “Yeah, stop deflecting,” added Fletcher.

  “And who's your love interest? Are you and Vega still together?” Dad asked.

  “No, they can't get their crap together,” I replied. Braven flung a piece of lettuce in my direction.

  “You two were good together. I'm sure you'll work it out,” said Dad.

  “This food is delicious Benjamin. Who knew you could cook.” Braven filled his mouth with fish.

  “Deflecting,” Fletcher and I said in unison.

  Tyler sat with a look of content spread across his face throughout the entire dinner. He barely spoke a word but it was the happiest and relaxed I'd seen him. We could trust him to help us. The only thing that would've made the night better was having the others with us and not having Seth glaring at our every movement.

  Once we'd eaten and laughed till our belly's hurt, I hugged Fletcher, Braven and Dad good bye and let Tyler lead me outside.

  “I'm okay walking her home Seth.” Tyler held his arm out at an angle for me to hold.

  I placed my hand on the crook of his elbow and gave him a smile.

  “Whatever,” growled Seth before leaving us alone.

  “Your friends are awesome. You have no idea how lucky you are.”

  “They're a crazy bunch. But I love them.” I knew exactly how lucky I was.

  Chapter Eleven

  After three weeks my shoulder was fully healed and I could join the ladies picking fruit in the orchard and filling the wooden crates. It was a relief to be out in the heat of the sun, my skin shining with sweat and the cool glasses of water with fresh lemon the young girls brought around quenching my thirst. I'd had to endure three more sermons from Brent, but knowing my friends were sitting in the same room helped me keep my head straight and continue working towards gaining Brent's trust until we could escape.


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