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Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2)

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by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-649-2

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For everyone who likes a bad boy.

  I want to give a big thank you to the readers, because you guys rock! A thank you to my family for supporting me, for my mother who was the most incredible person on this planet. I also want to thank everyone at Evernight because they are insanely great in all ways.


  Tattooed and Pierced, 2

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  The asshole clocked Alex in the jaw, and immediately a tangy, metallic flavor filled his mouth. He turned his head, spit out the blood, and turned back to Karson. Alex shouldn’t have had so much to drink, and he certainly shouldn’t have hit on the beefy wrestler’s girlfriend, especially when he knew Karson had one hell of a temper, but damn she looked good and had been eye-fucking him the whole night. How could someone expect a guy not to notice a girl wearing clothes so tight he could see her fucking nipples through her shirt, or practically make out the outline of her pussy when she bent over? He was only human for fuck’s sake.

  “You’re a stupid fucking prick, and I’m going to enjoy knocking your ass down.” Alex hadn’t been aiming to fuck her, but shit, a little flirting never hurt … not until right now. Karson rolled his head on his shoulders and cracked his knuckles. Alex may have a good three inches on the wrestler’s six foot frame, but Karson was a thick asshole from four years of college wrestling. Hell, the guy didn’t even have a neck.

  The frat house party was in full swing still, but a horde of people had congregated around them. Their excitement to see more bloodshed was tangible, and the pounding bass of the rap music, and the spectators’ hollers and yells for them to throw another punch, had adrenalin pounding through Alex’s veins. The alcohol became a dim entity inside of him, and he straightened to his full six-foot-three height, rolled his shoulders, and got ready to get dirty. Yeah, he started this shit, but he was about to end it. He would not look like some kind of pussy, not when he could hold his own.

  “Well, come on then.” Karson’s face turned a deep shade of red, not something that looked particularly good with his bright red hair. The burly fucker charged him and started swinging, his anger causing his movements to be sloppy and uncoordinated. Alex may have had a good buzz going on, but he had gotten into enough fights to do this shit in his sleep. A fist came at him, and he blocked it. Bringing his arm back and then forward, he slammed his knuckles into Karson’s jaw. The asshole’s lip split, and blood started a slow trail down his chin. The crowd went wild, and Alex would be lying if he said he wasn’t getting off on it. Their chants for more became a rhythmic movement inside of him, and he went after the wrestler. A right hook to the chin, and then a punch to the gut had Karson doubling over and grunting in pain.

  “You fucker.” Alex grinned when the wrestler stood again and bared his red tinged teeth. “You walk around here like you fucking own the place.”

  He swung, and Alex moved out of the way a millisecond before his fist connected with the side of his head. They did this several more times until the crowd got restless and Alex had enough of this fucking dance. He moved to the right to block Karson’s blow, and then followed up with two hits to his kidneys. Karson went down like a big fucking sack of potatoes, and Alex knew he’d be pissing blood for a week. He groaned and grunted, trying to rise but instead wrapped his arms around his waist and stayed in the fetal position. Karson’s girl came running up to him, dropped to her knees, and started petting his bloody chin. Alex didn’t stay around and watch, and instead spit out another mouthful of blood and spit and pushed his way through the crowd. Several of his fellow teammates slammed him on the back and started giving him a play-by-play of the fight, like he hadn’t been in the thick of it. He just kept moving.

  The frat house was filled to the brim with students from OSU as well as a few of the smaller colleges in Columbus. A girl wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her tits into his side.

  “Alex.” Her whiny, slurred voice and the stench of the buttery nipples she had been downing told him she was drunker than shit, which was an immediate turnoff. Unhooking her arms from him, he gently pushed her away. She pouted her red painted lips and took a step closer to him. He shook his head. “But why? You’ve slept with half the girls here. Am I not hot enough?”

  So what if he liked to fuck? It was a natural desire for humans, but the chicks he slept with had never been drunk. That was where he drew the line. For one thing it shriveled up his dick when they were sloppier than shit, and for another thing he had heard of several guys getting accused of rape during parties like this. He didn’t want to be associated with any of that shit.

  “I’m not into doing it with girls that can’t stand up straight without weaving to the side.” It took her a few seconds to understand what he was saying.

  “I’m not drunk.” She said this at the same time she weaved to the side.

  “Kait.” A little blonde came walking up to the drunk chick, whispered something in her ear, and scowled over at him. He held up his hands, not about to be accused of taking advantage of anyone, and turned to head back into the kitchen.

  The kitchen was packed, and a small line was formed for the keg. He didn’t want any beer, but a shot sounded like it might hit the spot, especially since he had just finished that fight and his blood was still pumping. He probably could have found a sober chick to screw, but a shot of whiskey sounded more appealing at the moment. He really should just go pass out in one of the rooms since he had to be up early for football practice, but fuck it.

  “Alex, my man.” Kash Lennon slapped him on the back and held up the bottle of Crown. He lifted his eyebrows, and Alex grinned and tilted his head in a nod of acknowledgment. He had known Kash for the last four years, ever since he had started his freshman year at OSU. They’d hit it off right away when they shared an economics class together. Kash may be quiet and keep to himself, but people did tend to stay away from him, what with the fucker being nearly six and a half feet tall, covered in ink, and having his lower lip pierced. He looked like one badass motherfucker, but was loyal as hell, and Alex was honored to call him a friend.

  “Fuck, dude, you look like you got your ass handed to you.” Kash poured them each a shot. They tipped the glasses back in unison, and Alex hissed as the liquor stung his split lip. He gestured for Kash to pour another round.

  “Yeah, well you should see the other guy.”

  Kash chuckled, and then they repeated tossing the shots down and pouring a third. Alex felt the alcohol start to burn its way through his veins, and the buzz that had faded during the fight started to take hold once more. The fight with Karson had dimmed the high he felt, and now he was anxious to get right back there, minus hitting on chicks with boyfriends.

  “Don’t you have practice at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow?” Kash leaned against the counter and crossed his big fucking arms over his chest. Alex swore the guy go
t bigger every time he saw him.

  “Yeah, but it isn’t like I haven’t practiced hung-over before.” They both chuckled, but then their eyes were riveted to a hot blonde that walked past them. Alex zeroed in on her ass, and watched the almost hypnotic sway of her hips, and the jiggle of that juicy body part. He wasn’t so much of an ass man, but fuck she had a big, round one that he itched to get his fingers around. The high heels she wore plumped out her ass even more. He was also a tit kind of guy, and that girl had that going on, too.

  “Damn, dude, she is smokin’.”

  “You gonna hit that tonight?” Alex asked when he noticed Kash staring at the blonde who had now parked herself right beside the keg. Her pants were so damn tight there was no way she was wearing panties. Panties. Another fetish Alex had, and not one he was not ashamed of.

  “Nah, dude. I fucked this chick last night and still am walking funny.” Alex looked over at Kash and lifted a brow. “Dude, she rode me so fucking hard I thought my dick would snap in half.” Alex busted out laughing. “You think I’m lying, but I’m not.”

  Oh Alex didn’t doubt it, but it was still funny as hell.

  “You always get the wild ones.”

  Kash shrugged, but the corner of his mouth kicked up. He looked back at the blonde, who was now bent over. Her ass was popped way out, and Alex pictured himself doing all kinds of things to her in that position.

  “Nah, man, they seem to find me. Although I’m not complaining,” said Kash.

  “I wouldn’t think so.” Alex rolled his head on his shoulders back and forth. “Maybe I should just head home. If I show up late again Coach will have my ass.”

  Coach Marx was one hell of an instructor, but Alex knew his patience was wearing thin where he was concerned, and including a few of the other players, too. Alex was grateful for his spot on the team, but he did like to party, and when he did it he tended to do it pretty fucking hard.

  “Yeah, I mean I’d hate to see you sitting on the bench during a game.” Kash grinned over at him. “You need a ride or you walking?’

  “I’ll just walk.” They clapped each other on the back, and he headed out and started walking toward the two-story house he shared with three other guys. He had met Jordyn, Racer, and Klein back when he was a freshman, and they all lived on the same floor in the dorms. It wasn’t until the beginning of this year that they all decided to rent a house off campus. It was a hell of a lot cheaper than the dorms, especially with four guys rooming together, and he didn’t have to follow the University’s rules.

  The whiskey started really kicking in he stumbled over his feet. He should have cut himself off, because he knew damn well it was going to be one hell of a morning. The small house he rented came into view, and he took the steps of the front porch two at a time, which was a bad idea since he tripped over the last one and nearly fell on his face. After righting himself he pushed the door open. It had to be going on midnight, yet the lower half of the house’s lights were on, and when he rounded the entryway and walked into the living room he saw why. Racer sat on the couch, and a pretty little brunette was positioned on the floor on the other side of the coffee table. Books and papers were strewn across the table in front of them, and she was currently rubbing her eyes.

  “Adam, you know this stuff. It’s late, we are both exhausted, and I don’t think any more information is going to stick in your brain.” She looked up, and Alex was struck by the intensity of her blue eyes. Adam “Racer” McNamara was on his fifth year at OSU because he couldn’t decide what he wanted to be when he grew up. He had a shit load of credits, but they were so random and spread out that Alex didn’t even think he had one degree under his belt. Why anyone would want to hang around and dish out tuition was beyond him, but then again as he looked at the gorgeous brunette he could see the appeal.

  “All right, it is late. You sure you’re not too tired to drive? I can take you home if you want.”

  She stood, and so did Racer. It was funny as hell watching his roommate become all flustered over some chick, but Alex didn’t deny she was hot as fuck. She wore a pair of cutoff shorts, and her long legs were the color of peaches and cream. Her t-shirt wasn’t tight enough that he could see a whole lot, and although that was a little disappointing, he also liked the fact she wasn’t like half the girls around campus that seemed to be in competition for “who can wear the tightest shirt”.

  She grabbed her bags and turned back to Racer. Alex should really leave, but for some reason he was standing here like some kind of weirdo, and checking out some girl that he didn’t even know. He could blame it on being drunk, because he was certainly getting there, and she was starting to become slightly blurry, but in reality he just liked looking at her, and not in just a sexual way. Yeah, she had a killer body with some hot fucking curves, and he liked the fact she wasn’t stick thin. She actually looked like a woman, and not some anorexic teenager, a look which seemed to be growing in popularity with a lot of the girls that hung around him. There was some pretty filthy things flowing through his mind concerning this brunette, but it wasn’t just that. He watched the way she lifted her long hair off her shoulder, and was transfixed by the way her throat arched delicately. He also liked the sight of her collarbones, which he could just barely make out through the V-neck of her shirt.

  Dude, get a fucking grip. You have to be pretty fucking drunk to be thinking up sappy shit like that.

  “Maybe you can come over again tomorrow?” Alex would have laughed at the hopeful tone in Racer’s voice, but he was too focused on the girl.

  She adjusted her bag on her shoulder. “I actually have to tutor someone tomorrow, and after that I have plans, but I can give you a call once I get a look at my schedule and see when I have an opening. It’ll probably be next week, though.”

  Ah, so that was how an asshole had a girl as hot as her over this late. She was tutoring his ass. She waved goodbye and started heading toward the front door, but her eyes were on the ground and not on where she was going. Alex could have easily moved out of the way, but then he wouldn’t have had an excuse to introduce himself, or to feel her body mold to his. Yeah, he was a shady bastard like that. She ran right into him, and he didn’t bother hiding his smirk. Grabbing hold of her upper arms, he steadied her and inhaled deeply.

  Well fuck, she smelled like something sweet and citrusy. His damn cock hardened instantly, and he willed the asshole to go limp. What kind of introduction would it be if his erection was stabbing right between them? He’d look like some kind of prick, no pun intended.

  “God, I am so sorry.” She glanced up at him, and the fogginess of the alcohol in his system dimmed enough that she was crystal clear right in front of him. Her eyes were huge, but in a good fucking way. She had this almost innocent expression on her face, and that only made his pulse beat faster, right at the tip of his cock. Her eyes were also bluer than anything he had ever seen, and reminded him of the Caribbean. God, had he resorted to this shit where he was comparing her body parts to places in the world? He was acting like a damn fool.

  “Totally my fault.” His voice was deep and gravelly, and he cleared it. Fuck, he probably sounded like some kind pervert. She wiggled out of his grasp, and he cursed himself. There was also no doubt he smelled like a brewery and liquor store combined into one. She smiled and went to walk away, so he spoke quickly. “I’m Alex Sheppard.”

  He held his hand out, and she looked down at it. He felt like a damn high school teenager all tongue tied and shit. He was just going to drop his hand to his side because who in the hell shook hands at midnight, or if they weren’t going to an interview? Before he could drop his hand because he was feeling pretty douchy right now she reached out and took his hand in hers.

  “Mary Trellis.” She inhaled deeply, and Alex couldn’t help but glance down. The cut of her shirt and the fact he was about a foot taller than what he assumed her to be five-foot-three frame, gave him the vantage point of seeing the slight swells of her breasts. And holy hell were
they some awesome fucking tits. Big and round, and he knew they were natural. He could tell by the natural slope of them. His dick jerked behind his fly. “Yeah, I think I’ve heard your name around campus a few times.” She smiled brightly, all straight white teeth and a little dimple on her right cheek. She also had a blush starting along her slender throat and rising quickly to her cheeks. He found the sight hot as hell.

  Damn, he could only imagine the raunchy shit she had heard about him. “Big time quarterback, right?” He breathed a sigh of relief that she was referring to football and not because she heard that he banged one of the cheerleaders in the North stairwell. And then as she waited for him to respond, he felt his damn cheeks heat. Holy hell, she had made him blush by just staring at him.

  You’re such a fucking pussy, dude. Alex let go of her hand and took a step back. He didn’t like how she made him feel: off balanced, juvenile, and horny as hell. A moment of awkward silence passed before she lifted her hand in a wave.

  “All right then. I’ll see you around.” She turned and waved at Racer, who was leaning against the banister, and by the smile on the fucker’s face Racer had seen his reaction to Mary.

  “Here, let me walk you to your car.”

  “It’s really okay. I’m just parked right out front.” He was already opening the front door and gesturing for her to go out first.

  “There are a lot of drunk assholes out there tonight, well, most nights really.”

  She smiled up at him, shrugged her shoulders, and headed outside. Alex was pretty good at reading people, and he didn’t miss the way her hands slightly shook as she dug in her purse for her keys. When she found them she unlocked her doors with a click of a button. A beep sounded, and lights flared to life. Alex trailed behind her, his eyes trained on her ass, one that was the perfect size for his hands. The cheeks of her bottom shook with every step she took, and there was no way he could stop the erection that grew harder with each passing second. He didn’t even bother trying. She made her way to a sporty little BMW sitting at the curb. He whistled low.


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