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Falcone Strike

Page 13

by Christopher Nuttall

  “I’m not sure,” William said. “The general intelligence briefings suggested that we have better sensors, but there aren’t many other advantages.”

  “That will change,” Davidson predicted. “We simply have a much larger base of trained personnel to draw on, people who may produce the next great invention. They may have determined on war because another ten years of solid advancement would render us invincible, at least to them.”

  William gave a trademark shrug. “Are any of the crew worth keeping?”

  “The captain and a couple of his officers were a little better educated than the rest,” Davidson said. “I’ve taken the liberty of separating them from the others, so we can draw intelligence from them without contamination. The others would be in deep shit if they actually had to fend for a living.”

  “Good,” William said. “Do you have a manifest?”

  “Here,” Davidson confirmed. “Weapons, mainly; I think they were meant to be mated with the janissaries as soon as they reached their destination. I’ve taken a few samples for study, but it doesn’t look as though they’ve produced anything new.”

  “That’s something, at least,” William said. “Can we use them?”

  “Not yet,” Davidson said. “But we will see.”

  William nodded. “I’ll check out the rest of the ship, then get back to Lightning,” he said flatly. “The captain will be calling a meeting at 1800; you’re expected to attend.”

  “Of course,” Davidson said. “It will be my honor.”

  * * * * *

  “If the data is to be believed,” Lieutenant (Intelligence) Sandra Byzantium said, “this convoy was en route to Cadiz. They were meant to make a stop here, as predicted, so the courier boat could confirm that it was still safe to proceed. If they were told to wait, they would fall back to here”—she tapped a location on the star chart—“and await orders. This star system—it’s called Aswan—is apparently a forward deployment base.”

  “Probably where they massed one of their attack fleets,” the XO muttered.

  “Probably,” Kat agreed. It wasn’t much, but at least they were starting to put together a map of enemy space. “Do we know much about it?”

  “Very little,” Sandra admitted. “The UN Survey Service swept through the system in 2270, but they found very little beyond a couple of Mars-class worlds and a single gas giant. There was never any attempt to settle the system, according to the records. I think there were too many Earth-class worlds in the nearby region.”

  “So no local population,” Kat mused. “Could the Mars-class worlds have been terraformed?”

  “Probably, but someone would have had to make the investment,” Sandra said. “There’s no record that anyone actually did until the Theocracy absorbed Aswan within its borders.”

  She paused, then continued. “I have also identified a handful of smaller worlds,” she said. “This one”—she tapped a point on the display— “is apparently a penal world. The Theocracy has been sending people there for daring to disagree with its policies rather than simply killing them outright. There’s no explanation in the files, but according to the prisoners the world is borderline habitable and the Theocracy is hoping the prisoners will make it more habitable or die trying. One of the freighters we were forced to destroy was a prison ship, according to the prisoners; it dumped its passengers there, then joined the convoy into occupied space.”

  “To take more prisoners,” Davidson said. He gave Kat a sharp look. “Captain, they could be dumping POWs there.”

  Kat nodded slowly. “So we should try to rescue them, if possible,” she said. “How long would it take us to get to the penal world?”

  “Five days, assuming we fly a straight-line course,” Sandra said.

  “Which we can’t, because we may need to evade enemy ships,” Kat said. She looked down at her hands for a long moment. Cold logic suggested she would be better hitting a major world, but she couldn’t leave POWs in enemy hands. “What sort of defenses does it have?”

  “Unknown,” Sandra said. “There’s almost no tactical data stored in the captured datacores at all.”

  “They do have a mania about security,” Davidson agreed. “Even a maggot with a couple of weeks at boot camp would know more than the enemy spacers.”

  “Then we’ll have to sneak into the system and find out,” Kat said. “Do we have any update on how long it will be before they realize they’ve lost a freighter convoy?”

  “The courier boat was meant to head directly to Aswan, once it passed on its message,” Sandra said. “I’d assume no more than five days, perhaps less. They would have been expected to fly like the clappers.”

  “Of course,” Kat said. There would be some leeway—even the Theocracy had to understand that keeping schedules on an interstellar scale wasn’t easy—but how much? Better to assume the worst. “We’ll leave here as soon as reasonably possible.”

  She looked at Davidson. “Which leaves us with a dilemma,” she added. “What do we do with the prisoners?”

  “Transfer them to the janissary ships, then send them all back home,” Davidson said. He ticked off points on his fingers as he spoke. “We can’t keep them asleep indefinitely, not with the gas their masters use; we can’t butcher them; and we can’t abandon them in deep space . . .”

  “We could abandon them on the penal world,” the XO suggested. “At least they’d have a chance to survive. Sending them back to Admiral Christian’s forward base runs the risk of having them intercepted in transit.”

  Kat considered it briefly, then frowned. “Can we hope to extract any useful information from them?”

  “Probably not,” Davidson said. “Most of them are utterly ignorant of anything we might consider useful, and the janissaries, at least, are outright dangerous. Better to wash our hands of them as quickly as possible.”

  “Then we drop them on the penal world,” Kat decided. “As for the remaining ships, we’ll move them to the first RV and hold them there. They might come in handy.”

  “Aye, Captain,” the XO said. “We could probably use the transport ships to spring POWs from the penal world.”

  “Yep,” Kat agreed. She took a breath. “I’ll want to see a breakdown of everything we know about enemy space, now that we’ve captured some data.”

  “Of course, Captain,” Sandra said. “I’m preparing a complete download now.”

  “Good,” Kat said. “Dismissed.”

  She waited for the lieutenant to leave, then looked at the two men. “Our first strike was a complete success,” she said. “But where do we need to improve?”

  “We were quite lucky,” the XO said. “Not just in our choice of targets, but in the escorts they attached to their convoy. We might not get so lucky the second time.”

  “There were some glitches with the boarding parties, which will be extensively detailed in my report,” Davidson said darkly. Kat knew he’d want a chance to fix the problems before anyone else get involved. “At least we know where to concentrate, now that we’ve got a real success under our belts.”

  Kat nodded. “Detach one of the patrol boats and send it to Aswan,” she ordered. “I don’t expect any heroics, but I want some good passive sensor sweeps of the system. If it is a forward base for the enemy, I want to know if we can hit it or if it’s too strong for anything smaller than a superdreadnought squadron.”

  “Aye, Captain,” the XO said.

  “Once that ship is underway, take the rest of the squadron and our prizes into hyperspace and set course for the first waypoint,” she added. “Once there, we can set course for the penal world. If we run into something bigger than us . . . well, at least they won’t be able to recover those freighters.”

  The XO saluted cheerfully. “We’ll be costing them more and more freighters as we continue the attacks,” he said as he rose to his feet. “If nothing else, they’ll need to pull ships back from the front line to chase us.”

  “That’s the plan,” Kat said. “
Let me know once we have an ETA to the first waypoint.”

  She ran her hand through her hair as the XO headed to the hatch and stepped through it into the corridor beyond.

  “It could have been a great deal worse,” she said softly. There weren’t many people she would confide her doubts to, but Davidson was definitely one of them. “We could have run into something much bigger than us.”

  “Of course,” Davidson said. He didn’t seem inclined to worry about it. “But you would have broken contact, if you’d been detected at all.”

  He took a long breath. “The interrogations didn’t reveal much useful information,” he added, “but some background data was quite worrying. Our captured prisoners told us about the propaganda the Theocracy is putting out. Apparently, the Commonwealth not only started the war; it’s butchering prisoners on sight and sacrificing them to the devil.”

  “They clearly didn’t believe it,” Kat observed. The Commonwealth hadn’t had much opportunity to take prisoners, but mistreating anyone taken into custody was strictly forbidden. “Or they would never have surrendered.”

  “They took a chance, after we proved ourselves willing to shoot anyone who tried to escape,” Davidson said. “Kat, I’ve got intelligence teams working with the prisoners, trying to put together a picture of enemy society. It isn’t very reassuring. You know we thought things were bad on Cadiz? It’s far worse on worlds that have been part of the Theocracy for decades. Much of the population accepts, like sheep, that what they’ve been told is true, that there’s no point in actually thinking for themselves . . .”

  “We knew that,” Kat pointed out.

  “It’s a nightmare,” Davidson said. “You know, as well as I do, just how modern technology can be used for population control. Everything they tell us makes it clear that the Theocracy keeps its population under very tight control indeed. Men are given a very basic education, mostly centered around religion, then pushed into jobs or the military; women are kept at home, then married off to have the next generation of babies. Their population density is unbelievable.”

  “Perhaps we shouldn’t believe it,” Kat said. “They could be lying.”

  “We have them under constant monitoring,” Davidson assured her. “Even a heavily augmented operative would have problems lying successfully—and these men do not have any augmentations. No implanted weapons or senses, no booster caches; they don’t even have basic neural links or any other form of implant. I don’t think they’re trying to lie to us.

  “The commander of the first freighter to surrender is the seventh of fifteen boys; apparently, he has five sisters he rarely saw before they were married off. His oldest brother has seven children; his second-oldest brother has nine. These aren’t members of the aristocracy, I think; they’re common citizens.”

  Kat frowned. She was the youngest of ten children, but large families weren’t normal on Tyre, at least outside the aristocracy. Raising children cost money, after all, and not everyone was wealthy enough to give ten children a reasonable upbringing. She vaguely recalled, from history texts, that large families had once been the norm, when the planet was being settled, but that hadn’t lasted more than a few decades. If the Theocracy had started with a couple of thousand settlers, and each of them had had five children and each of their children had five children more . . .

  She ran through the math in her head, then cursed. “No wonder they started to expand,” she said. In the days before spaceflight, large families had been a defense against disease and deprivation, but modern medicine ensured that all children grew to adulthood. “They needed more living space.”

  “So it would seem,” Davidson said. “They take the concept of having dozens of children quite literally.”

  He sighed. “And that explains, I think, their high level of social control,” he added. “They don’t dare relax their system for fear of an explosion. If their population started to question their leaders, all hell would break loose.”

  Kat shuddered, remembering stories of Earth’s last days. The UN had been a poor master; too large to be effective, too powerful to be trusted. No wonder that so many people had fled Earth . . . and no wonder that the colonies had fought desperately to avoid being occupied by the UN. In the end, they’d seen no alternative other than the complete destruction of humanity’s homeworld. Billions had died in one day, leaving Earth a scorched wasteland of destruction. And now . . .

  “If we lose the war, it will mean the end of everything we hold dear,” Davidson warned quietly. “But if we win, we will have a horrific mess to clean up.”

  “I know,” Kat said.

  She shook her head slowly. “Go see to your people,” she ordered. Part of her wanted him to hold her, but she knew her duty. “I need to sit down and think.”

  Davidson nodded, rose to his feet, and left the compartment. Kat sighed, then felt the gentle tremor as Lightning slipped back into hyperspace. Defeat was unthinkable; defeat meant the end of everything. But victory . . . ? How did one solve a problem like an overpopulated planet? Would it settle down, once the Theocracy was crushed, or would the issue fester for uncounted generations? Not that it matters, she thought grimly. She could just imagine some of the solutions that would be put forward, ranging from sensible programs to outright genocide. What would the Commonwealth be prepared to do after a long and bitter war? How many laws would fall by the wayside as hatred grew stronger, overriding decency? She shook her head, tiredly. We have to win the war, she told herself firmly. There will be time to decide what to do with the consequences of victory after we win.


  Despite herself, Kat considered the problem of just what to do with a victory for five days while the small flotilla made its way to the penal world. Her father had told her, more than once, that idealism wasn’t something a corporate head could allow himself, but she’d always had more idealism than she cared to admit. The thought of imposing her will on an entire population was fundamentally wrong—it was what the Theocracy did—yet was there any choice? It was no comparison, but she couldn’t help wondering if the Theocrats felt the same way. By the time the squadron reached the penal system and slipped out of hyperspace at the edge of the system limits, she had reluctantly decided that the issue would have to be left until after the war.

  “I’m not picking up any signals from deeper within the system,” Linda informed her. “The entire system appears to be as dark and silent as the grave.”

  “No trace of any starships either,” Roach added. The tactical officer scowled down at his display. “There are a handful of rocky worlds and little else; no gas giant, nothing to sustain a modern industrial base.”

  “No wonder they turned it into a penal colony,” the XO commented. “The system isn’t worth the effort of establishing a proper settlement.”

  Kat nodded. The Commonwealth used the same principle, although she preferred to believe that most of the prisoners trapped on isolated worlds were guilty of much more than merely seeking freedom of religion. If they survived and prospered, she’d been told, their children would one day be admitted back into the Commonwealth; if they died, or killed each other, it was no skin off the Commonwealth’s collective nose. Everything she’d seen about penal colonies suggested, quite strongly, that shooting the prisoners outright would be kinder.

  “Cloak us, then set course for the penal colony,” she ordered, leaning back in her command chair. There was no need to skip through hyperspace, not when the system appeared to be deserted. She had plenty of time to assess the target before deciding how best to assault the world. “ETA?”

  “Seven hours, Captain,” Weiberg said.

  “It is unlikely they’ve detected us, unless they set up a network of sensor platforms,” Roach added. “We were careful to scale our vortex down as much as possible.”

  “True,” Kat agreed. It was unlikely the Theocracy would waste resources on establishing an early-warning network, not in a system it deemed worthless. Even the Co
mmonwealth only set up such networks in wealthy systems and production nodes. “Helm, take us towards the planet, best possible speed.”

  She forced herself to relax as the seconds slowly ticked away. It was just possible that the enemy naval base at Aswan knew, already, that they’d lost a convoy to raiders. What would they do? Kat knew she wouldn’t send a fleet to defend a penal world—and even if they did, it was unlikely one could arrive in time—but the Theocracy might have other ideas. Even so, they wouldn’t have dumped prisoners they regarded as supremely dangerous, would they? The Commonwealth executed prisoners who were just too dangerous to be allowed to roam free, even on a penal colony. Or maybe the Theocracy would just see it as a poke in the eye, one that could not be allowed to go unanswered.

  “Captain,” the XO said. “Observer MacDonald is requesting permission to enter the bridge.”

  Kat hesitated, but she couldn’t think of any reasonable grounds for refusal. At least Rose MacDonald was smart enough to ask before entering the bridge, unlike some of the other politicians she’d had to handle. If only she’d been in command of Thunderous, when they’d played host to a small group of committee members. Her family name might have allowed her to keep them in line instead of having them prowling around the ship poking their noses into everything. They’d been lucky, from what she’d seen, that one of them hadn’t accidentally walked out an airlock.

  “Granted,” she said finally.

  Kat looked up as the observer entered, then returned her gaze to the display and brought up the latest analysis from the intelligence staff. They hadn’t been able to fill in too many details, but they did have several new tidbits drawn from the prisoners. Five worlds within fifty light years had large local populations, some of whom were probably restive. But the Theocracy would have made damn sure to keep control of the high orbitals. As long as they were in a position to rain down KEWs from high overhead, no revolt could hope to take and hold ground.


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