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Sunday Funday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 7)

Page 9

by Annalise Wells

  “Brent, fuck me hard, I'm close,” Bell says.

  Go on girl… fuck, this is more than good…

  I smile as I watch Brent and Bell reaching their glorious moment. Owen rams his cock hard into me, and I feel I won’t take long to get there, either. His hips slap against the soft skin of my ass. His fingers dig deep into my hips as I feel the perfectness of him inside me.

  “Mmm,” I scream. I put my hand over my mouth and pull my head back through the curtain.

  “You hear something?” Brent says.

  “Just the wind, don’t worry about it,” Bell says. “Now fuck me and make me cum, sexy!”

  I push my head back through the curtain. Bell’s writhing body is pushing her closer to her final moment. I feel my stomach filling with sensations that flood from my pussy. Owen’s large cock is driving me to my womanly eruption.

  “Owen! Do it quickly, I'm so close,” I whisper.

  Owen increases his rhythm and I feel his cock driving me closer and closer. Amazing sensations fill my core as I cum while I watch the show inside. A cry of pleasure and satisfaction flows from the other side of the curtain. I watch Bell as she finally gets to her imminent release. Brent gasps as he ejaculates at the same time. He kisses her and then her body slumps onto Brent as she rolls to lay at the side of him.

  I feel Owen’s shaft stiffen as his body finally releases him. The spasms flood his hard cock as he spills his seed over into my satisfied body. My head bows as Owen slides his body from mine. I slip my head back from the curtain and step back onto the balcony. Owen leans against the railing and gasps for breath as he reaches for his jeans.

  We dress quietly. I look through the curtain. It appears Brent and Bell are falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  “I think we’re safe,” I whisper.

  “A couple more minutes,” Owen replies. “Fuck, that was hot!”

  I push my head to the curtain. I hear Brent as he breathes. The lamp has been turned off so I can only just see. But, he's asleep for sure.

  “They’re asleep now,” I whisper. “You go first.”

  I push Owen through the curtain. He steps silently into the dark bedroom and creeps across the floor toward the door. Now, I step inside and follow in his footsteps. I pause as he opens the bedroom door and steps into the hallway.

  I take a step and hear a noise behind me. I look to see Bell’s smiling face staring at me. “Goodnight Janey,” she says.

  “Goodnight, Bell.”

  “Sweet dreams,” calls Brent.

  “Fuck!” says Owen.

  “Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place.”


  “Vodka might not be the answer, but it's worth a shot.”

  I was finally glad we’d made it into Bell’s kitchen and had something to eat. It might have only been sandwiches, but I made my way back to the roof a very contented man. That was despite being found out, by both of them. Oops!

  Sleep had come easy after that. Especially after the quick sexual escapade we had on the balcony while we waited for Brent and Bell to finish their lovemaking.

  “Wake up sleepy,” Janey says as she shakes my arm.

  “I'm awake. I'm just resting my eyes.”

  “Lots to do today, you have to go and see Ingrid, don’t forget.”

  “I know. I have to speak to Bob first and give him the updates from yesterday.”

  “You never told me, you were just complaining about being hungry.”

  “I had one soda all day,” I reply. “Then the stolen sandwiches!”

  “You had the energy to make love to me on the balcony,” Janey says giggling.

  I look around. “Keep it down, you never know who is listening.” I hear the roof door open, and Bell comes walking onto the roof. “Shit, Bell is coming up. I'm not sure how I can look at her without feeling guilty.”

  “Just act normal. She won’t notice.”

  “Morning you two, how was your evening?” Bell asks smiling a very wide smile.

  I stare back at her, and not in a very natural way. “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Last night, did you do anything when you got home?” she asks.

  “No, not really. I just had a shower and then we got ready for bed.”

  “It must be mice then… big mice,” Bell says.

  I turn to Janey and see her smiling broadly. “We had some cold meats and bread in the kitchen, and now it’s all gone,” Bell says. “How mysterious.”

  “I forgot, we came down to get a sandwich. Sorry,” I say.

  “The door was locked. How did you get down?”

  “It must not have been locked until we came back up,” I reply.

  “Ah, that must be it.”

  Bell walks to the edge of the building and stretches her body. I look at Bell. Janey slaps me on the arm. “Looking last night was one thing, but you can stop it now,” she says.

  “I wasn’t looking. I was just wondering if she knew what we did and was teasing me.”

  “Now, how would Bell know you fucked me on their balcony, and then sneaked into their kitchen and made sandwiches, huh?”

  I whisper back to Janey so Bell can’t hear. “I suppose you're right. Maybe I'm just paranoid.”

  “The construction workers did a good job of this fire escape, don’t you think?” Bell asks.

  “Um, I haven’t really noticed,” I reply. I feel myself go red.

  Bell smiles. “It's really quiet when you pull it down, you can hardly hear it.”

  “What do you mean barely hear it?” I ask.

  “The ladder hits the balcony. I'm not sure you can hear it from here, but in the bedroom, it makes a loud noise.”

  “Ooh, I see.” I say. I hear Janey sniggering behind me. I turn. “She knows!” I say.

  Janey nods. “Of course, Bell knows,” Janey says.

  “And you carried on as if she didn’t,” I say.

  “You guys are too cute,” says Bell.

  I smile. “We had the curtains blocking us, though,” I say.

  Janey laughs. “The moonlight, she would have seen our shadows against the curtains.”

  My shoulders droop as I sigh. “So, we were totally busted then!”

  Bell faces back toward us. “No need for any embarrassment, you have a cock like a baby’s arm. Even Brent was impressed!”

  Charming… that makes me even more embarrassed.

  “Is this how bike chicks always talk?” I ask.

  “This is nothing, if we’d been at the clubhouse, the curtains would have been wide open,” Bell says.

  “We won’t do it again. I promise.”

  Bell starts laughing. “I'm not sure about Brent, but I don’t mind.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” I reply, shocked.

  “We're friends, why keep secrets? Bell says.

  I look at both women. “Enough chit-chat, I have to speak to Bob.”

  “He's up and around. I’ve seen Britney hobbling around the courtyard.”

  “Can we use your door? The girls’ door is still locked.”

  “You don’t need to ask, just use it if it's open,” Bell says.

  “Hmm,” I mumble as I walk to the door.

  I open the door to Bob's office. He looks up from his screen. I hand him the two action cameras we’d used for filming.

  “Mine isn’t so good, but Tina’s is. She got close to the precinct when the councilors were there,” I explain.

  “Did you have the sound on?” Bob asks.

  “I'm not sure. We didn’t have much time to check the settings.”

  “At least you managed to patch into the right cable for the cameras,” Bob says. “Now we can see what they’re up to until we’re ready.”

  “I have some news on that front. I'm not sure if it's good, or if it's bad.”

  He raises a brow. “Spill the beans buddy, tell us.”

  “Every Sunday at eight, they have a power outage for one hour. I think they’re movin
g the cash,” I explain.

  “So, my calculations for the haul are way off?”

  “It appears so. I have to go and see Ingrid later, we need their help in tailing the armored trucks. We'll have to do it in waypoints.”

  “I estimate four or five vehicles with fifteen to twenty million for a full haul,” Bob says.

  “To be safe, I think we still have to allow for that. They might have dummy vehicles with nothing in them.”

  “It doesn’t make any difference, really. If we tail one or two, we can tail five just as easy doing it your way,” Bob says.

  “How long before you can view that video?”

  Bob hits the button on the keyboard and spins his chair to face me. “Right now.”

  We stand looking at the screen. It's from Tina’s camera, and she is walking toward the precinct. The two guards approach her.

  “What are you doing here?” guard one asks.

  “Telephone problem. My partner has just been speaking to the store owner.” The view from Tina’s camera shows me walking back down the street.

  “Fuck, she thinks quickly on her feet,” I say to Bob.

  “This black ops people have to,” Bob says.

  We both watch the screen again. “That’s an expensive SUV parked there, you confiscated a drug dealer’s vehicle?” Tina asks.

  “Nothing so exciting, that’s the boss,” guard two says. Guard one knocks his hand against guard two’s arm.

  I look at Bob. “I don’t think he should have said that,” I say.

  We watch as the door to the SUV opens. Only one guy steps from the vehicle.

  “That’s the one who is really feminine,” Bob says. “We’ve acknowledged him as being in charge because the others all seem to follow what he says.”

  “Now we know they do something with the cash, we should consider that maybe, the other three councilors don’t know,” Janey says.

  I look at her. “You mean, they’re stealing? And he is stealing from them?”

  Janey sighs. “Look at the whole situation, they’re corrupt, they move the cash. If they use separate vehicles, who is to say one isn’t diverted away from the others, and he skims from the top.” Britney nods in agreement.

  “We still have a couple of days to monitor and see what happens before Sunday. And once we get there, we can actually know what they do, then we just have a week to wait,” I say.

  “It's all a coincidence,” Janey says.

  “What do you mean?” Bob asks.

  “Our final confrontation with the cash will be then. And the club is supposed to be opening then. Oh, my, what else will fall on next weekend?” she says laughing.

  “Who knows? Maybe, The Kingmaker’s daughter will walk through the door with an arm full of guns, and take us all out.”

  “Even I wouldn’t come up with anything as stupid as that,” Bob says plainly.

  “I was just going to the extreme. Maybe by then, I will have found out who has taken my sister from the hospital.”

  “Thanks, Owen. You’ve just reminded me,” Janey says. “Can you check an orphanage in Philadelphia?” Janey asks Bob.

  “I can have a look, but they’ve never really been the most technical of places, so I'm not promising anything,” Bob says. “What am I looking for?”

  “Children who were admitted after being found in a hotel,” Janey adds.

  “Okay. Leave it with me.” Bob continues typing. He never seems to stop. Sometimes, I wonder what on earth he’s doing.

  Susan comes walking down the stairs. “Is anyone going out this morning?’ she asks.

  “Yeah, I'm going to see the Russian, why?” I ask.

  “I have a terrible headache. I think it's those pills. Any chance of taking me to the doctor on the way?”

  “Of course, no problem. We’ll go there first, and then you can keep me company with the Russian.”

  Susan giggles. “I hope she has some vodka, I love vodka!”

  “That woman has everything!” I say laughing.

  Janey holds my arm. “Owen, DEAR, I thought I had everything.”

  I don’t like the look on Janey’s face right now. I say, “You do, I was referring to her bar.”

  “Good answer,” adds Bob belly laughing.

  “Shit, I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” I ask her.

  “No, what made you think that?” asks Janey. Bob’s laughter fills the room and I feel like hiding in a lockable cupboard.

  “He’s already in trouble for spying on Brent and Bell,” adds Britney smiling a wide smile.

  Bob falls to the floor with tears streaming down his face. I really feel extremely awkward, right now.

  I look at him. “Fuck you, Bob!”

  Bob catches his breath. “Why? Are you gonna watch?” The whole room roars with laughter, except me. I’m already out the door.

  “Vodka might not be the answer, but it's worth a shot.”


  “Blackmail is more efficient than bribery.”

  I stand at the front of the club with Mikey and watch Owen and Susan drive off toward the doctor. I would have gone with them, but we’re not sure how Ingrid the Russian would react if too many people showed up on her doorstep.

  Just keeping it to the minimum until we get to know her a little better. That includes how her men will fit into the whole operation. Bell had asked me to go with Mikey to the government offices and chase up our applications for the club. We’d expected a visit from some of them at least. Mikey had paid them a surprise visit and given them the folders with all the corruption information, but we’d heard nothing.

  I climb into the passenger seat of Mikey’s car. I had been warned about his choice of seventies, porn star cologne. In truth, I was quite surprised he had finally managed to bring himself into the now. Even his sense of dress had improved.

  “You're looking sharp this morning?” I say.

  Mikey smiles. “I went shopping with Brooke after she helped me win another boat load of cash.” He laughs.

  “You look good for it,” I say smiling.

  “I had to do something, once all this is over, I'm out of a job again,” he says.

  “Mikey, don’t look at it like that, the world is your oyster. You can always open a business like what you're doing now for us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on Mikey! All this government running around you have been doing, you're the man on the inside, we would have been lost without your insight.”

  “You mean, I could do this sort of thing for other people?”

  “Sure. How many businesses, not just casino’s, have no idea what paperwork and permits they need to operate?” I say. “You know it and can do it without even thinking about it.”

  “Well, I do enjoy it, and I do find it easy. And I have a lot of contacts now.”

  “There you go, get a nice office and be a corporate intermediary,” I say giggling.

  “I might just do that. At least there will be no shortage of takers, the city is still booming.”

  Mikey’s car pulls up to the government offices. He grabs hold of his briefcase and puts it onto his lap. “Is there any chance of bumping into the councilors here?” I ask.

  “Nah, they don’t lower themselves to come to this building, they’re in another office building. It's like they have distanced themselves just in case any shit like this happens.”

  We get out of the car. I feel slightly awkward walking in shoes and a skirt, compared to jeans and a t-shirt. There never was much call to wear it when I was in Drake’s clubhouse.

  “Do I look okay?

  “You look hot, well I don’t mean hot. I mean, um, you look powerful, one of those female power dressers,” Mikey says.

  “Okay Mikey, I get your point.”

  We enter the building and head toward the reception. “Can I help you, Sir?” the receptionist asks.

  Mikey uses his business voice. “We’ve come to check on some building permits that are due or currently
being issued.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  “Not a scheduled appointment. But I know where I have to go. And I'm sure the officers will be more than happy to see me.”

  “We don’t normally just let people walk up to the off…” the receptionist starts to say.

  “Sonia, it's okay. I'll take the gentleman upstairs,” a voice says from behind us. We turn and see the fire chief (who was sent running from the club) standing there. We walk with the chief toward the elevator. The doors open and we step inside.

  He pushes the button for the seventh floor and then turns to Mikey. “You lot have really stirred up some shit.”

  “We have to be prepared. We know what is going on in these offices, and we’re not going to be pushed around,” Mikey says.

  “I'm happy to say, I'm glad I came to see you at your club. I wasn’t really involved with what is happening, but I was close to becoming a little too involved. I just want to keep out of it,” the chief says.

  “What is your name, anyway?” I ask.

  “Dan, Dan Trainor. Head of fire installations.”

  “So, there are none of your staff involved with this?” I ask. I use my business-like voice.

  “After my visit, I checked. One girl was assisting with their operation, so she has gone,” he replies. “Just don’t ask me to help. I want an honest, clean department.”

  “That’s fine, as long as you have our permit, we’re finished with you,” Mikey says.

  I nod. “If you like, you can visit the club when we open and see what all the fuss is about,” I say. I give him a casual wink.

  “I'll have to ask the wife,” Dan replies.

  “Bring her along, it's suitable for couples, it's not all for men,” I say.

  “I might do that once the heat has died down.”

  The elevator stops at the seventh, and we step out. “Come with me, and I'll give you your first permit, it might help when you visit the others to see you’ve been issued one already.”

  “We’re not expecting too much confrontation, or not from these offices,” Mikey says.

  “I'm not surprised. Whoever put that file together really knows their stuff.”


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