Sunday Funday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 7)
Page 11
“This is one of the nicest kitchens I have ever seen.”
“Yeah. It was designed so no oil or fat can get down the sides of the surface, and it's all constructed as a single unit,” I explain.
“My friend Dave whose firm does kitchen cleaning would be pissed if he saw this, his firm would be out of a job,” he says laughing.
“I'm not so sure, we’ll still need someone like that, just not as often.”
“Now the gaming,” he says.
We walk from the restaurant and bypass the reception by walking through the bar area. He looks at everything. All the detail and all the artwork as well. He really enjoys his job, it seems.
“I see what you’ve done. The bar connects the three areas.”
“It seemed logical. We didn’t want guests to have to walk back to the reception every single time.”
We walk into the gaming side and all the dealers are busy practicing their skills and getting familiar with their surroundings. Karen is busy walking around and checking on their performance and Brent is spinning the roulette wheel with Mike.
We walk over to them and I introduce the chief to Mike. “Mike, this is the building chief. He needed to visit before he can give us his permit,” I say.
“That’s okay. Everything is passed the code standards,” Mike says proudly.
“I love these playing cards and the three-dimensional look on the walls and ceiling,” the chief says.
“It was hard work, it was like one huge puzzle going together. But next door is the main attraction,” Mike says.
We leave Mike to help Brent. “All this seems fine in here. Now you can take me to the main part of your establishment.” The chief smiles.
I smile proudly. “Follow me.”
We walk back through the bar area and approach the giant doors to the club. “Jesus, I feel minute looking up at these doors.” He looks at the ceiling and then to the floor.
“That is the impression you’re supposed to have. ‘Wonderland,’ as in, Alice in Wonderland.”
“I can see it. It's like a real mind trick.”
I pull open the large doors and he steps into the club. We walk by the club bar and stand to look toward the stage.
“I like it. I like it a lot.”
“Have a seat. You haven’t seen nothing yet.”
I lead the chief to the tables close to the stage. We sit and I wave to the waiter to bring us a soda or a juice.
“Cally, are there any girls who can put on a routine for the chief?” I ask.
“Yeah. Just the Egyptian, but without the oil.”
“Now you can have a full idea.” I smile and he gets comfortable in his lounge chair.
The chief leans on the table as the lights dim. The back of the stage gets lit from the projectors and a large desert scene makes you feel like you're there. The girls walk from the sides of the stage. The music builds and the lasers begin to flash over our heads. Images flash on the walls and I see the chief trying to grab one.
He looks at me and laughs. “They look almost real.” He turns back to the girls who strip each other naked and begin to caress each other’s bodies.
“They should be using baby oil now, so they really shine in the light,” I explain.
He keeps his eyes on the stage. “This is hot enough, you have some really sexy girls, but they seem different to Vegas girls.”
“They’re from a biker’s club. Well, the main ones are. They have kicked some attitude into the other girls,” I say.
“It shows, and it's so much better for it. In truth, a lot of girls just seem, well, I think ‘plastic’ is the word I’m after.”
“I get what you mean.”
I signal to Cally to halt the show. “I was enjoying that,” he says.
“Hang on. I just want to show you this,” I say.
The music fades and the chief looks curiously toward the giant Mad Hatter. “Is he moving?”
I begin laughing as the Mad Hatter leans forward and takes off his hat. He waves it over where the audience will be sitting. The chief looks up in amazement.
“I get the feeling he has more moves up his sleeve.”
“Unlimited, he has random movements, and after a while we’ll have speech incorporated against his movements. Same with the Alice.”
The chief reaches into his bag and pulls out the permit and hands it to me. “I can’t fault the place. It's better constructed than our government offices.”
“It wasn’t cheap though.”
“Long term investment, a place like this is always going to be different, and you won’t have to change anything, probably ever.” He smiles. “As long as you keep everything clean, it will always look like new. And I just love that Mad Hatter.”
“I better get you a cab back to your office?”
“You can get me a cab back to my house. I have to tell the wife about this.”
“Word of mouth is always the best form of advertising,” I say, now holding the blessed permit tightly in my hand.
“You will have no worries about word of mouth with this place.”
“We have worked hard for all of this, it's just your four bosses who could have put a stop to this.”
“If I hear anything in the next week, I'll try and let you know. It would be a travesty to put a stop on this place.”
I give him my kindest smile. “We appreciate that, and you never know, you might just get a free ticket for the club.”
“I'm not looking forward to it, I'm counting on it,” he says laughing.
“Do you want me to show you out?”
“I'm fine, I might take in the scenery on the way out.”
I hold my hand up with the permit. “And thanks for this.”
He smiles. “It was my pleasure.”
I quickly walk to Bob’s office and Mikey is busy putting all the permits into a folder for safekeeping.
“How did he find it?” asks Mikey.
I shake my head. “He just walked out.”
“Stop him, he has the permit,” Mikey says standing up from his chair.
“I said he walked out. I didn’t say he didn’t give me this first,” I say pulling the permit from behind my back.
“Mikey, I think you deserve a bonus,” Bob says.
“If I remember rightly… I have one coming now!” Mikey replies.
“Hang on their sunshine,” I say with a giggle.
Mikey frowns. “What?”
“Isn’t it opening day when you qualify for your bonus?” I ask.
“Who cares, it's going to happen now, anyway.”
“I think it is, Mikey. And we only have one person to thank,” I say looking at the star of the show, metaphorically speaking.
Mikey smiles “Who… me?”
I look at him jokingly. “Of course not. It's Bob.”
“Yep, I rock!” adds Bob. He grins a wide smile as Mikey rolls his eyes.
“I am awesome too,” adds Mikey.
“Just keep telling yourself that and it will happen, eventually,” adds Bob. He laughs a hysterical laugh.
We all love Bob, he is really cool. It’s like magic how we all seem to think he’s so awesome. It’s like he has this magnetic attraction potion, or something. We all simply love him. It’s weird.
“Don’t steal, lie or cheat. Governments hate competition.”
“Being a little strange is just the side effect of being awesome.”
Susan steps from the car and pushes open the gate to the courtyard. I drive inside and park in the shade. I step from the car and stretch my shoulders. I see Janey inside Bob’s office with Mikey waving a piece of paper in the air.
Must be good news for Mikey...
“You should lay down for a while before doing anything,” I say to Susan.
“You might be right. I'm not sure how these new pills will affect me, so I want my body to be clear of the old ones.”
I push the door open to Bob’s office. Janey turns to us as
we step inside the cool air. “Hey, you two, how did you get on? Janey asks.
“Not bad, quite a strange day in a way, but the end result is what we wanted,” I say.
“How was the doctor?”
“He’s taken me off the old meds and given me just one, and told me to use nicotine patches,” Susan says.
“Good to hear. Now you won’t be doing anything freaky,” Janey says.
“If anyone was weird, it was the doctor. He thought Owen and I were brother and sister,” Susan says.
“Really? That’s one hilarious doctor,” Janey says laughing.
“The main thing is, my headaches should stop now. But I'm going for a quick rest.”
“No rush, the girls are stopping for a couple of hours for a break anyway.”
Susan walks up the stairs as I turn back to Janey. “How was the trip to Ingrid?” she asks.
“Same as last time really, although she said, ‘back so soon’ and I got the impression she wasn’t talking to me,” I say.
“She has never seen Susan before has she?”
“Not from here, unless somehow, she bumped into her while she was on one of her mind trips, and then Susan wouldn’t remember.”
“How about the other thing, the job.”
“She's fine. Eight million we have to pay her back, and she is cool with supplying all the guys and the vehicles next weekend,” I explain.
“Eight million payback. That could be one truck on its own if it had been a full haul,” Janey says.
“Apart from that, we had a couple of vodkas, and Ingrid gave Susan a Russian name. Alyona, or something like that. She said it means the light of my life. A torch or beacon.”
Mikey lifts his head and looks at me if he was going to say something. He shakes his head and lowers it back to the folder he is dealing with.
“Did you get them all?” I ask.
“Hell yeah. Mikey is so cool with all of this crap, he knows how to handle all the guys and the woman in charge of the hookers. She's bad news,” Janey says.
“Now, now. All women have a beautiful side.” I say sarcastically.
“I suppose, she is just not my type,” Janey says.
“How about you, Bob?”
“To be honest, that precinct is so boring. It’s like they have nothing to do. Maybe there is no crime there because everyone has money or a small business. It's like they have no thieves there.”
I begin laughing. “Not yet, anyway.”
Bob gives an evil grin and rubs his hands together. “They won’t be expecting us, anyway, that’s for sure.”
“Don’t let that make us think it will be easy, these guys are ex-military, so they’re there for a reason,” Janey says.
“Yeah, it might not just be a walk in the park,” I add.
“That’s why Tina and Ty have gone over to the hotel to see if there is any sort of diversion that might appear natural when we’re there,” Bob says.
I sit and think on the couch. “The more I think about it, the best would be to just let them get out of the area, and take them while they’re away from each other.”
“All well and good saying that,” Bob comments. “What about if they go to a place that is more secure than the precinct?”
“We'll soon find out, then we can put all the pieces together before they move again,” I say. “Where is Britney, anyway?”
“She's testing her ankle, she can walk a little better today.”
“Good to hear. She should be fine by the time we open,” I reply.
“Did you look into the orphanages in Philly?” Janey asks Bob.
“I have started. Slow going, it would be quicker visiting them and going through their records there. Don’t forget, I'm looking at how many years ago?”
“If you can’t find anything, you can’t find anything. If you can, it would be nice to know,” Janey says.
“I'll keep doing it in between my other things, I have quite a bit to do in the next week, but I’m getting through it,” Bob says.
“I'm going upstairs for a while. You coming, Janey?” I ask.
“Yeah. I'm sick of these shoes and this skirt,” Janey says giving a weird movement as the skirt puckers the wrong way.
We head up to the roof and walk to our room. I pull my shirt off and slump on the couch. “Some days are so surreal, it makes you want to stop and take a step back,” I say.
“What do you mean?” Janey asks.
“I don’t know. Maybe it's the way Ingrid speaks English. But when you listen to her, it's like she knows you, or that’s what it felt like today.”
“She knows you?”
“Not me so much today, but Susan. It was as if they had history, or she was trying to hint at things. It was weird,” I say.
“Come on, that can’t be it. Ingrid is as polite as hell, but she sounds like that Terminator dude when she speaks.”
I begin laughing. “You're so right. I’ll be back,” I say in a sort of strong, European accent.
“You suck at impressions.”
“You started it office girl,” I say pulling at Janey’s skirt.
“Don’t you like the sophisticated me?” she asks. She lifts her head up like a snob would do.
“I like the sophisticated you when your clothes are on the floor,” I say with a grin.
Janey stands and wiggles her ass in my face. “You do realize, these office girls can have just as much fun as biker chicks.”
“You better show me then. And make sure you dance real slow,” I say, resting back on the comfortable couch.
Janey slips from her shoes and lets her hair down from her bun. She flicks it forward and back over her shoulders. I see her seductive gaze as she pulls her blouse from the waist of her skirt. Her hips wiggle as she pops open the buttons of her blouse, one by one. She looks into my eyes as she slips her blouse from her shoulders, and she bites her lip and throws the blouse toward me.
I catch her blouse and smell her sweet perfume. “Aah, so sexy,” I mumble.
I see her breasts pushing against the silky fabric of her bra. Janey looks down and takes hold of the side zipper on her tight-fitting skirt. Her fingers pull it down. Her hips wriggle, and she pulls her skirt to the floor. Her feet step free from her skirt and she lays it on the couch next to me.
“Crease that skirt and you're dead! It's a bitch to press.”
Janey does a curtsy and turns her ass toward me. “Is that it? Just bra and panties?” I ask.
“What more do you want?” she asks playfully.
“I was thinking of having all of you.”
“Greedy boy, aren’t you.”
“Not greedy, just a little hungry,” I say licking my lips to tease her.
Janey stops and walks back to stand in front of me. She fumbles with the front clasp of her bra. It drops to the floor as she leans forward. She stands with her hands covering her breasts.
“Is that any better?” she asks.
“Your hands are in the way so I can see less than before,” I reply. I give her my sexiest bedroom eyes.
“And my panties, what about them?”
I smile broadly. “They can come off as well.”
Janey puts one arm across the front of her breasts. She reaches down and pulls at her panties with her free hand. Her panties finally fall to the floor as she puts her hand over her pussy.
“Now, that’s out-and-out teasing if I’ve ever seen it,” I say.
“I'm not the one who is overdressed now.” She raises a brow.
I stand from the couch and wriggle my hips. I unbuckle my belt and undo the button on my jeans. My thumbs slide inside and I slip everything to the floor.
“Oh, big boy, you're hiding nothing,” Janey says playfully.
I kick my pants to the side of the room and hold my hand out to Janey. “Shower now, or shower later?” I ask.
Janey slaps her pussy. “Shower in a while, you were saying you were a little hungry. Plus, it’s Sunday fun day!”
“It’s Monday,” I say, trying to edit her words.
“Nope, I get to choose. It’s definitely Sunday fun day!”
“Okay, I can live with that!”
“Good boy!” she says, now biting her bottom lip.
“Being a little strange is just the side effect of being awesome.”
“Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they’re open.”
I pull the doors closed on the roof building and make sure the small curtains cover the windows. Although we’re pretty secluded up here, we do have the odd girl visiting for a sneaky cigarette.
Owen grabs my arm and spins me. He takes me in his embrace and pushes his lips firmly against mine.
“Ooh, you are dominant this afternoon.”
“Just as I always am,” he replies as he walks me backward to the couch.
My arms slide through his hands as he lowers me. I feel the coolness of the light leather against the cheeks of my ass and my back.
“Mmm, not like that, something a little different,” he says.
Owen spins my legs over the arm of the couch. My legs hang down toward the floor. I look up and see the mound of my pussy ready and waiting.
Damn, my pussy is really on view.
I lift my leg and drape it over the rear of the couch. Owen smiles as he begins to step forward and crouch. I rest my head back on the couch and close my eyes. I touch my swollen breasts and fumble with my nipples. I feel my thighs pushed wide by Owen’s hands as his soft lips kiss the milky white flesh of my inner thigh.
“Ooh, that feels nice,” I murmur.
Owen puts his thumbs firmly on the lips of my pussy and spreads me, taking me all in with his eyes. The tip of his tongue brushes over the soft, smooth skin of my inner lips.
“Mmm,” I squeal as his tongue moves closer to my clitoris.
I feel the throbbing and aching of my nub as he begins to tease me. His tongue tenderly enters into the moistness of my arousal. I give a shivering inhale as sensations flood from my clitoris and ignite my core. His tongue pushes firmly against my bud again, and then slips into my hot, sweet pleasure.
“Aah, Jesus fucking Christ! Owen, Owen,” I coo.