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Tell Me No Lies: The Black Orchid, Book 1

Page 22

by Magnolia Smith

  “It is this ass that I want.” He slapped me loudly on my right cheek. It stung and I cried out. But then his finger dove straight inside and I felt nothing but pleasure. He added another finger and began to pump his hand hard and fast inside of me.

  “Your roommate doesn’t have enough meat on her bones for my liking. But you, bella, you are gorgeous and your body,” his voice roughened in my ear, “is so, so dolce. Do not forget this.” His teeth grazed my earlobe.

  I made an inarticulate sound that came deep from within me. Pain, pleasure, it all jumbled together and I wasn’t sure if I should turn around and slap him in the face or beg for more.

  God, his accent was sexy, I didn’t even care what he was saying. But while my nipples were tingling with arousal, I was aware of the dam about to explode between my legs. What was he doing back there?

  “Sorry, bella. Sometimes I get carried away with passione.” He peppered the side of my face with kisses, while one hand lightly teased my breasts as they throbbed with pleasure and pain.

  I tried to respond, but waves of pleasure rocked me so violently, I could barely speak. He slapped my butt again and I arched upward. Ow! And in the same place. There would be a red mark tomorrow, for sure.

  His voice turned into a low growl. “You like this, baby? You like it when I spank you?”

  I could feel wetness running down my thighs. He had to ask? I moaned in response.

  He removed his fingers and replaced them with something much longer and thicker. I inhaled sharply and felt his hand cover my mouth and nose. He gripped my face as he rode me relentlessly, plunging in so deep, I screamed in protest, only to have the next thrust slow and gentle.

  When he finally came on my back, my legs trembled. I was out of breath and I’d come three times. Hard.

  I collapsed onto my stomach. Totally spent.

  Oh my God. He can cook too.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Breakfast was made when I rolled out of bed. Today was my day off, and the only reason I was getting up was because I could smell espresso and something vanilla-ish pervading the house.

  I stood before Gian-Carlo’s floor-length mirror and gazed at my nude reflection. He made me feel beautiful even with that extra fifteen pounds I couldn’t motivate myself to lose.

  I slowly pivoted, watching my reflection, looking at what he saw last night. He liked me. He loved my body, he told me so over and over again. I felt pretty and sexy and desirable.

  Last night was wild. I looked around the bedroom. I remembered clothes being indiscriminately tossed, but now my clothes were neatly folded on a chair and my heels were placed on the floor. He thought of everything. How could I have ever thought Jax was the one?

  I walked across the room and stopped to touch my backside. Just as I thought, I was sore and still a little pink. I could feel him inside…I was sore there too. Every step I took, I was reminded of last night.

  Gian-Carlo had a bit of the dominant in him, not that I minded. I’d never been with a guy who treated me so roughly in the bed, but I liked it and was ready for more.

  I slipped into my clothes, picked up my shoes and padded down the hall. Gian-Carlo, wearing a t-shirt and silk boxer shorts, was standing at the stove and turned on my approach.

  “Bella, you’re awake.” He touched my breast through the soft fabric of my dress and my nipple immediately perked up. “No bra today?” His eyes sparkled and he lifted up my hem. “No panties either?”

  I could feel my face warming. “I couldn’t find them.”

  “How delightful.” He gestured toward a room to his left. “In the washing machine. You can get them later.” He handed me a plate. “Breakfast is served.”

  I planted a soft kiss on his lips and took the plate of crepes filled with strawberries. Eyes wide, I tasted the fresh cream atop the strawberries. It was heavenly, simply heavenly. I was supposed to be cutting my carbs, but…

  “You’re fattening me up, aren’t you?”

  He grabbed my butt cheek, squeezed and growled. “Perhaps a bit, yes.” Grinning, he took his own plate and joined me at his kitchen table that was decorated with a bouquet of flowers in a simple crystal vase. I took a bite of the crepes and gazed at the flowers. They were crimson…sunflowers.

  “They’re beautiful, Gian-Carlo. Where did you find red sunflowers? I didn’t even know they existed.”

  “I saw the flower when I was out,” he smiled at me. “I knew then that I must have it.” He took a wolfish bite of crepe. “I thought I must possess such rare beauty, if only for a moment.” He set his fork down and sipped his milk. “Because it will die, of course. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it, does it?”

  “Of course not.” I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. “It’s so rare to find a man that can appreciate the simple beauties in life.”

  He curled his fingers around my own. “Life is fleeting. That in and of itself is beautiful.”

  We ate in silence for the rest of the meal, simply enjoying each other’s company and gazing at the red sunflowers.

  After a leisurely day with Gian-Carlo, I’d finally returned home. He had a restaurant to run after all. And as much as I wanted to stay curled up naked in his bed, just waiting for him to come home for round two of the most amazing sex I’d ever had in my life, I didn’t want to appear too needy.

  I’d been home for about an hour, had taken a shower, changed clothes—this time wearing both panties and a bra, and was relaxing on the couch when the doorbell rang.

  I rose slowly, wondering if it was Kael. I didn’t like being alone with him. So if it was him I was going to pretend like I wasn’t here. Who cared if he could see my Beamer in the driveway?

  I peered through the peephole and saw a gorgeous young man with a Botticelli face. I mean lush pink lips, crazy startling-blue eyes and long blond hair twisted into sexy dreads pulled high into an I Dream of Jeannie-kinda ponytail. Whatever the hell he was selling, I was probably buying.

  He wiggled his dark eyebrows and smiled, as if he knew I was watching.

  I opened the door a crack. “Can I help you?”

  “Probably. I’m looking for Rain.”

  My heart thudded to the floor. Why was it always her? I was not jealous. I really, really was not. I mean, I loved her. She was sweet, beautiful and we’d been best friends since college, but once, just once, I wish the good-looking guy would want me first.

  And then I stopped. Gian-Carlo. He wants me. He’s the perfect example of a man who is interested in me, extra weight and all. I have no reason to feel any type of way about Rain. I’ve got my own man now, and one who doesn’t seem to have commitment issues.

  I opened the door wider. “Rain lives here, but she’s not in right now. Are you a friend?”

  His grin widened. “I know her from The Coffee Grind.”

  I swing the door open then, noting his fitted black t-shirt, slouchy jeans and scuffed leather boots. “She lives at that place. You must be best buds by now.”

  “Right?” he laughs. “She left an earring behind. Thought she might need it.”

  He handed me a small diamond stud, and I couldn’t help but notice the black-and-white tattoos swirling up and down his arms. Was he artistic, a bad boy or both? He probably rode a motorcycle too.

  What was it with Rain and her choice in men anyway? She seemed so sweet and innocent, but…first Kael and now this guy? However, I would have to go with artistic on this one. The tattoos and muscular build said badass, but I didn’t get a threatening vibe from him. I got cool and probably lots of fun.

  But that earring, though. I’d never seen it before, though that didn’t mean it wasn’t Rain’s. Maybe Kael gave it to her as a “please forgive me” gift.

  “Thanks, uh—what’s your name?”

  “Asa.” A dimple appearing on his right cheek. Very charming. Handsome, thoug
htful…he might be perfect for Rain. Just what she needed to forget about a lying murderer.

  If she and Asa hit it off, Kael would leave just as quickly as he appeared, and I would never have to discuss anything remotely related to him again. Win win for everyone.

  I took a step backwards. “Rain’s a great girl if you haven’t noticed.” I tossed him a smile over my shoulder as I motioned for him to follow me.

  “Oh, I’ve noticed.”

  So he was interested. That much was obvious. Getting rid of Kael might be easier than I thought.

  * * * * *

  Two hours later, Rain arrived home. I heard her come in, throw her keys on the hall table and head toward the kitchen. I was in the middle of making a fresh pot of coffee, and Asa was sitting at the kitchen table finishing up some cold fried chicken and potato salad Rain had made the day before.

  He was already on his second helping. But him being so tall with all those muscles, well, I wasn’t mad at him, a boy has to eat.

  I looked up when Rain entered the room. With her black spandex pants, hot pink sports bra and iPod strapped to her arm, it was clear she’d just come from a run. Probably not the best time for company, but still, I was hoping she’d be pleased to see her friend.

  She saw him and froze in mid-step. She didn’t look thrilled. Maybe it was just the surprise?

  Asa stood, wiped his mouth and hands on a linen napkin I’d given him. His eyes were on the Spandex and how it was clinging moistly to her skin.

  She looked gorgeous, like she should be on a cover of one of those women’s health magazines. The ones that offer ten tips for losing weight fast. The ones that lie about how easy it is to get in shape. I should know, I had subscriptions to all of them.

  “Rain, your friend stopped by.”

  She turned to look at him, waves of something—anger, surprise, fear—emanating off her. I looked at him. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  “Asa, what are you doing here? How did you even know where to find me?”

  Oh, hell. I cleared my throat. “You left an earring at The Coffee Grind,” I volunteered. “He was just being helpful.”

  Scowling, she turned to look at him. “What earring?”

  “Charlotte was just telling me about your blog. Several thousand hits a day and just starting out? That’s impressive.”

  She favored me with a foul expression while I slid lower into my seat.

  His cheeks colored and he pulled a small gift-wrapped package out of his denim pocket. “I wanted to give you a gift. Make up for all the times I’ve pissed you off.” He thrust the box wrapped in purple velvet at her. “It’s a peace offering.”

  Rain looked at me. “You’re in on this?”

  “No, he told me, I mean—”

  “Sorry, Charlotte. I lied to you. But it was a white lie, right?” He grinned at me and his dimple appeared. “As you know, your roommate is kind of stubborn. I was afraid she wouldn’t hear me out if I approached her at the coffeehouse.”

  “Sorry, Rain. I didn’t know.”

  She looked at me and rolled her eyes. “It’s fine.” She turned to Asa. “This is sweet, but I can’t accept a gift from you.” She eyed him silently for a moment. “We’re good though,” she finally forced out. “If that’s your concern.”

  “Please, just open it. I had it made for you.”

  “Really?” Her forehead creased as she stared at the beautifully wrapped box.

  I held my breath. Please just open it. Forgive him and don’t be mad at me for letting him in.

  He nodded and winked at me when she finally took it and unwrapped the gift.

  She held up a delicate gold chain with a tiny gold-and-white gold seashell hanging from it. Her lips formed a slight smile and I exhaled.

  “It’s pretty.” She looked at him. “Maybe a little too much? This is fourteen karat gold.”

  He shrugged. “My sister knows a guy.” He laughed. “It’s from St. Martin. Gold seashell jewelry is pretty common there. It’s delicate, elegant.” He cleared his throat. “I thought it would be perfect for you.”

  Eyes wide, I looked from him to her. This guy had it bad for her. Could she see that? Why the hell was she wasting time on Kael when she had this guy waiting on her to give him a chance?

  She arched one eyebrow as her eyes searched his face. Probably determining if he was sincere or not. Seemed genuine to me.

  Maybe she just needed some encouragement. “Rain, oh my God, seriously, just take it. Is that not the sweetest—”

  She stopped me with a pointed look. “My roommate knows,” she began before looking at Asa, “that I’m seeing someone.”

  He snorted. “Yeah, Square Jaws.”

  “Kael,” she corrected him. “Are there strings attached to this gift?”

  He chuckled. “You mean like, do I expect you to sleep with me or something?”

  She put her hands on her hips and opened her mouth, but he raised his hands up in mock surrender.

  “I’m just playing with you, Rain. Sometimes you are way too serious, do you know that?”

  Her shoulders dropped an inch and her face softened.

  “I want you to stop looking angry every time you see me at the coffeehouse.”

  “That’s it? That’s all this gift means?”

  He nodded. “Like I said, it’s a peace offering. No more, no less.”

  “Alright,” she said hastily.

  His gaze fell to her neck and collarbone. “Do you want me to put the necklace on you?”

  “So I can explain to my boyfriend how another man bought me a gift?” She laughed. “No, thanks.”

  My stomach flip-flopped. It was official then? He was her boyfriend?

  Something cold and slimy snaked down my spine and I couldn’t help but shudder.

  Asa watched me for a moment before returning to Rain. “Does that mean you’re not going to wear it?”

  “No, Asa,” she said in a firm tone. “It’s going to sit in my jewelry box. I’m accepting it, isn’t that enough?”

  “I just wanted to see it on you.” He licked his lips slowly. “Just once.” He reached for the necklace. “May I? And then you can take it off and never put it back on.”

  Rain’s cheeks flushed pink and she looked at me askance. I nodded quickly, though I was still reeling from Rain and Kael’s new relationship status. They were in a relationship?

  I forced my lips into a smile and tried to look encouraging. “Why not?”

  “Okay.” She turned around and lifted up her ponytail.

  He stood behind her, probably closer than necessary, and clasped the necklace around her neck.

  She turned back around, letting her mass of curls fall heavily to her shoulders. “Satisfied?”

  His eyes were on the necklace, a smile hovering on his lips. “It’s beautiful.” His voice lowered. “You’re beautiful.”

  She stiffened. “I told you, I’m seeing someone, Asa.”

  He lowered his voice, but I could still hear him. “And I told you to leave him alone. He’s not right for you. He’ll only end up hurting you.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. “Why won’t you listen to me?”

  “Because you’re just some guy from the coffeehouse, Asa. You know nothing about me, Kael or our relationship.”

  Well, this was certainly interesting. Someone else who obviously disliked Kael as much as I did. I wondered what Asa had against him.

  He opened his mouth to speak, looked at me and then snapped it shut. He brought her wrist to his mouth and kissed it. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you? I would never hurt you.”

  She stepped away from him, rubbing her wrist. “I’m fine.” Rain fumbled with the clasp of her necklace, finally jerking it off. “I appreciate the sentiment behind the gift, Asa. However, I want you to leave. Don’t come b
ack. I did not invite you into my home.”

  “Your roommate did. Right, Charlie?”

  I stood. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse between Rain and me. “I made a mistake, Rain. He led me to believe he was your friend. I’m sorry.”

  Kind of. He was still handsome. Still smart. Still interesting. And he obviously had a crush on her. Eventually, he might be able to get Rain’s mind off Kael. Then my involvement in their relationship would never have to come to light.

  “Can I take you out sometime?” he asked on his way to the door. “I know I keep making things worse, but I want to make them better. No strings. Just a free lunch.”

  Wow. This guy wouldn’t stop. Good for him though, and maybe good for me.

  She stopped, eyeing him suspiciously. “Why do you want to take me out?”

  Eyes wide, he gestured at her face and body. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re beautiful. What red-blooded man wouldn’t want to take you to lunch, to dinner, to his bed?” He laughed then. “Sorry, didn’t mean to say that last part out loud.”

  “Right.” She smiled and placed her hand on the doorknob. “Thanks for coming by, Asa. Don’t come here again.”

  He bowed his head in an act of submission. “Charlotte, it was nice meeting you. I hope I didn’t cause any trouble between you guys.”

  My roommate shot daggers with her eyes my way but said nothing.

  “Rain, I’ll see you at The Coffee Grind.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Not if I see you first.” She slammed the door in his face.

  Well, damn.

  * * * * *

  After a long shower, Rain returned to the kitchen in a t-shirt, yoga pants and bare feet. Her hair was still wet and twisted into an up knot.

  She gave me a hard look. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  She looked tired as she plucked a banana from our bamboo fruit bowl and began peeling.

  “I’m really sorry, Rain.” I sat down at the table with her. “He said he knew you from the coffeehouse.”

  She took a bite of her banana and chewed for a moment. “I do know him, but he’s like a fly. Keeps coming back no matter how much I shoo him away.”


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