True Calling (Fantasy Book 2)
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What would you do if your fantasies could come true? Garth is shocked to discover the new cook is his mate and was brought to him because of a wish cast by his family. He wants Berk with everything in him and his dragon will kill to have him. That just might happen if another man doesn’t back off. Can Garth keep his mate or will a conniving snot steal him away? Oh hell no!
The Fear Of Butterfly
Haven Ranch The Highlands 1
Cree Storm
A Cree Storm Book
True Calling
Fantasy 2
Copyright © 2020 by Cree Storm
Edited by Ann Attwood
First E-book Publication: May 2020
Cover design by JP Graphic Designs
All cover art and logo copyright © 2020, JP Graphic Designs and Cree Storm
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.
When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.
Paulo Coelho
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Cree Storm Other Books
Please Note
About Cree Storm
“Xolin? Xolin where are you?” Zotol called out wiping at his brow once again. Holy shit it was hot in Corrigan.
“Zotol is that you?” Xolin shouted from somewhere further left.
It took Zotol about another two minutes to find his mate, and when he did, all Zotol could do was blink in surprise. “Xolin, what are you doing?”
“I need to find something I need for a spell, and this was the best I could do.” Xolin muttered as he knelt on the ground with four blue candles surrounding him.
Knowing better than to disturb his mate when the man was in spell-speaking mode, Zotol stood and watched as his mate lifted a goblet, saying, “Let the water show the location of the Western Underground Orchid.” Over and over again.
Zotol shouldn’t have been surprised when a small dark cloud formed about fifty yards ahead of them and started raining, but he was. It seemed to be centered in a small section no larger than a two-foot circumference.
Xolin stood and smiled at Zotol, making him weak in the knees. Damn, his mate had an effect on him like no other. “I found it.”
Following his mate, Zotol asked, “What is it you’re looking for and why are you looking for it and more importantly why the hell are you looking for it in Corrigan Australia at the hottest damn time of the year?”
Not stopping Xolin said, “Remember the website we started for making wishes, dreams and fantasies come true?”
Did he remember? How could he forget that day? It was some of the best sex he had ever had. Well, he and Xolin always had great sex, but this day... well, let’s just say Xolin had been extremely creative and vocal the entire time, and all because he had helped his friend find his mate. Not that Zotol had been going for that at the time. No, he had been trying to do something to take the sadness of one man’s story from his mate’s beautiful lavender eyes. The man had gone through a tough time with his fight with cancer and had finally decided the fight was over. All he wanted to do was swim with the sharks, so Zotol had made that possible. Okay, not exactly how he had intended, but who could have predicted a giant wave knocking the poor guy into the Atlantic Ocean? Not Zotol, that was for damn sure. He had called on his longtime friend to come and save him and he hadn’t disappointed... it just so happened they turned out to be mates.
Xolin had been so taken with what he had done, that Xolin decided they needed to help more people and started a website for people to tell them their dreams, wishes, and fantasies. Zotol was at a complete loss as to what a website was, but from the bliss-filled night of the best sex of his life, he figured it was a great thing and he was completely on board with the entire thing.
“I was reading some of the people’s messages, and holy crap you wouldn’t believe how many asked to win the lottery. I mean, yes, people need money, I get that, but why don’t they understand that money doesn’t always bring happiness? It might make things a bit easier, but what really makes life easier and happier is having that one person to call your own. The one person to share your life with... you know what I mean?”
Zotol reluctantly shook himself out of his thoughts of sex, and tried to focus on what the hell his mate was talking about and then he remembered. “Yes, my love I know exactly what you mean.”
“I’ve never really had to worry about money, so maybe I just don’t understand those struggles the humans talk about, but even with that, I was just existing until you came into my life. I didn’t even realize how little I was living and then you came along, and I found myself able to share my deepest secrets, fears, and joys with you. I could walk a street and see the people and the stores and stuff, but, Zotol, the day I was walking hand and hand with you down that same street, things just seemed... more. Everything was brighter and vibrating with life. I truly felt alive for the first time. I want so many others to know what that’s like. I want them to feel what real love is.” Xolin said, getting back on his knees.
“I love you too, my mate. What are you doing?” Zotol asked, nervously looking around to make sure no one was watching.
“I need a flower for a spell I’m working on. It can only be found here.” Xolin explained as he began to dig in the earth.
Looking around more frantically, Zotol said, “You do realize that you are digging in a Natural Reserve... right?”
Nodding, Xolin replied, “Of course I know that.”
“Xolin, my love, it’s illegal to dig anything up in the Corrigan Natural Reserve.” Zotol warned.
Shrugging, Xolin said, “And I wouldn’t be doing it now if it wasn’t imperative that I have this flower.”
“What’s so important about the flower, and don’t they normally grow above ground?” Zotol asked in confusion.
“Normally, yes, but the flower I need is extremely rare. Its name is the Western Underground Orchid.” Xolin explained.
Sighing and trying not to get frustrated with his mate, Zotol said, “I realize we are working in your Druid self, right now, and as the son of Merlin, you aren’t used to explaining things, just doing them, but for this lowly ole Jinn, can you please explain why you need this plant and what it has to do with the Fantasy website?”
Gently, Xolin continued to dig as he explained, “Like I said, I was reading the messages sent to us on Fantasy and I came across this one that called out to me on such a deep level. I can’t explain it, Zotol. I just had to answer the call.”
“Okay, love, but if you’re caught digging in the Natural Reserve, you’re going to get arrested and won’t be able to help anyone.” Zotol stated firmly.
“I won’t get caught. I cast an invisibility spell. Besides, this wish is worth the risk.” Xolin quit dig
ging long enough to pull his phone out, and after wiping the mud on his clothes, he did something and handed it to Zotol. “Read this.”
Zotol took the phone, hoping he didn’t have to do any of that swiping stuff his mate had done, and let out a long breath of relief when all he saw was a long message for him to read.
Dear Fantasy,
First let me start by saying that this isn’t a wish for ourselves. It’s for a great man named Garth Vanburon.
“Why does that name sound familiar to me?” Zotol asked to no one in particular, then continued to read.
Garth has done so much for so many and never asks for anything in return, but we really wanted to do something for him for a change. I know I’m rambling, but let me explain. There are seven of us living in our home. Besides Garth, there is myself, Bo, along with my mate Trevor. There is also, Linus and his mate Nolan, then there is Chance and his mate Micah. Since we’re on the paranormal internet, I feel safe in saying we are all shifters.
“We have a paranormal internet?” Zotol asked in surprise.
Xolin laughed as he dug, “Of course we do, my love. We’ve had it since the internet came about.”
“I had no idea.” Zotol said.
“Big surprise there.” Xolin said with a teasing tone.
“But I thought you wanted to help everyone. This internet is very limited isn’t it?” Zotol asked.
Rolling his eyes, Xolin replied, “That’s why I also have a Fantasy website on the human internet as well.”
Giving a nod, Zotol went back to his reading.
Garth has brought us all together. He rescued each and every one of us from fates worse than death. Many of us were living on the streets doing things we are not really proud of and some were in situations where abuse was the norm. I won’t go into our sob stories, but suffice it to say, Garth not only saved our lives, but created lives for us that none of us would have thought possible. He brought us to his home and called it ours. He has fed and clothed each and every one of us and he has never asked for anything in return. Now I know you’re wondering how we have our fated mates and we were all saved, but Garth is a special kind of shifter and he just seems to know where a mate can be found, and with our recovery, he introduced us to the loves of our lives. The thing is, he can’t do the same for himself and we want to do something to help him. We are a family and we love each other as family does, but we want Garth to have that something more... that something wonderful... that something special that the rest of us have with our own fated mates. Please, Fantasy, if you could make our wish come true, we are asking that you bring Garth his fated mate so he can know that all powerful and glorious love that we have because of him.
Thank you for your time,
“Wow.” Zotol murmured.
Xolin sniffled, as he slowly started to bring something from deep in the ground. “I know right? How could we not help? I figured I could find the mate with a spell my father taught me many years ago. Normally I wouldn’t do this, but I think we need to. I feel a push that this wish must be granted. So, I’ll do the spell and you can bring the two together somehow.”
Nodding, Zotol replied, “You do your mumbo jumbo spell and then I’ll have a name to discover who he is and how I can make that happen, because I’m with you. This wish needs to be granted. Besides, I really think I know this Garth, but it’s from so long ago I can’t be sure.”
“Tell me about the man you think it is.” Xolin requested as he carefully dug deeper.
“If it’s the guy I remember, he was really a great guy. A dragon shifter if I’m not mistaken. He helped me out when I was in a bind and allowed me to bunk at his place for a bit. Never asked for a thing, and come to think of it, he was the guy that told me to go to Carmarthen and I would find what I was looking for there. He was right.” Zotol said looking at his mate lovingly. “That’s where I found you.”
“It sounds like it has to be the same guy, Zotol. According to Bo, Garth can find mates and he directed you to me. No wonder I feel so compelled to make this wish come true.” Xolin said as he started tugging on something.
“Well then, we need that flower. I have a debt to try and repay. Not that there’s any price in this world or any other that can be repaid for bringing you into my life.” Zotol rasped.
Smiling wide, Xolin lifted the flower he had been searching for. “I’ve got it.”
Quickly, Zotol opened a portal to their home and they both rushed inside. Going to Xolin’s spell room, Zotol noticed a pot boiling along with a foggy green smoke billowing out. Xolin handed the flower to Zotol, “Hold this for me and when I nod, drop it into the pot.”
“Okay.” Zotol replied.
“A penny that has soaked in rosemary oil, a pinch of caraway seed, elder, and a few strands of vetiver. I’m going to start the chant, and when I’m ready I’ll give you the signal.” Xolin said.
Nodding, Zotol replied, “I’m ready to drop the flower.”
“Not before my nod, Zotol. I would hate for this to go wrong and you become impotent or something.” Xolin stated firmly.
Zotol used his other hand to cup his family jewels.
Xolin laughed, “I’m only kidding, you big lug. I would never do anything to jeopardize that glorious tool of yours.”
Rolling his eyes, Zotol said, “That’s not something to joke about.”
“Quit being a stick in the mud and let me do my work.” Xolin said with a laugh.
Xolin added a couple of other things and then started to recite, “Bound and binding, binding bound, See the sight, hear the sound. What soul mate was lost, now is found. Bound and binding, binding bound.”
Zotol watched as Xolin added something else, saying once again, “Bound and binding, binding bound, See the sight, hear the sound. What soul mate was lost, now is found. Bound and binding, binding bound.”
The second Xolin nodded, Zotol dropped the flower in the pot. Xolin repeating the words once more. “Bound and binding, binding bound, See the sight, hear the sound. What soul mate was lost, now is found. Bound and binding, binding bound.”
The smoke began to change colors. First it was a bright green, then yellow and then blue, before it disappeared altogether. Xolin looked down and started to do a dance. “There he is! There he is!”
Zotol didn’t like spells, but he had to see what his mate was seeing. Looking into the liquid beneath, Zotol was impressed. There was a young man of no more than twenty-five. He had long sandy-blond hair tied in a ponytail of sorts and couldn’t weigh more than one thirty soaking wet.
“He’s cute.” Xolin whispered.
Zotol looked at his mate with a raised brow.
Xolin laughed, “I’m married not buried, or in our case I’m mated. I can still look at the product, I just can’t purchase.”
“You are on the computer way too much.” Zotol muttered, then asked, “It looks like he’s some kind of baker or something, and yes, he is cute, but that still doesn’t tell me who he is.”
“His name is Berk Carlos and he just graduated from culinary school and took some classes in pastry. He wants to be a personal chef one day.” Xolin said in an almost a monotone voice.
“How did you get that from this picture of him?” Zotol asked.
Xolin blinked, saying, “I’m a druid, lover. You see his form, but I get the entire picture. The spell talks to me.”
“Well I guess we have our man... or Garth’s man. I know what I need to do, and it won’t take me long. One mate, coming up... or at least coming if all goes as planned.” Zotol said, wiggling his brows.
Xolin stepped away from the pot and got close to Zotol, and in his sexy voice said, “How about you go do your thing and while you’re gone, I’ll go take a nice bath and when you get back we can have some happy time?”
“Happy time?” Zotol asked with a laugh.
“Oh yes, my lover, because I plan on making you very happy.” Xolin said, still using that tone.
Swallowing hard, Zotol
brushed his mate’s hair from his eyes, “You already do, lover. You already do.”
Berk stepped out of the Uber and looked at the large home in front of him. Wow, so this is what a mansion looks like up close and personal, Berk thought to himself. He had been a bit worried that he was being impetuous, but then again, it wasn’t every day that someone considered hiring a chef fresh out of culinary school. Then again, a place being so isolated most likely had a hard time finding help, let alone keeping it. A man could get lonely... well, mostly me. Good thing Berk wasn’t most men.
Berk’s parents had been late-in-life parents. In truth, Berk was an oopsie... or as his mom always called him an unexpected surprise. He had loved his mom and dad very much. They had all been really close. Maybe because there was no other family on either side of his parents, so it really was just them, or maybe it was because they were just great parents that were easy to love. Berk didn’t know and honestly, he didn’t care. When they had been killed in a freak car accident when going to buy their soon-to-be eight-year-old boy a birthday present, Berk found that he needed to draw on those memories as he was shuffled from one foster home to another.
Foster’s life hadn’t been great, but he at least was one of the lucky ones. He hadn’t been beaten, starved or abused in any way. However, he hadn’t known true affection and caring either. There was no such thing as making friends in the system, because you never knew when you would be shuffled out of one place into another.
Shaking his head, Berk knew he wasn’t being fair. Berk had been one of the lucky ones. That shuffling life had only lasted three years. All of that shit stopped when he met one set of his last foster parents. They had been his saving grace. Two people Berk would always believe his own parents had brought to him from the heavens. Norton and Marla Carlson. What a great couple. Berk had always prayed for a family and they had become the closest to family he could get.