Righteous Reign
Page 26
"Rear Admiral Stevens reporting, sir" He was at attention in front of the desk.
"Welcome, Tom. Take a seat and relax.' Bryant responded. 'Seems like you’re a bit early, though."
"Yeah George, just a little. I wanted a minute with you." He replied.
"The others will be here in a minute; but, I wanted to talk to you about our recommendation. The plan we like has been sold to the rest of us by Stephen. I don't mean that as any kind of insult. Point by point he ran us through comparisons with the others. He presented sixty-four variations of all the plans in computer simulations. I just want you to know that, our choice is not a cop out. We really are sold on the plan. Everyone'll be here; but, Stephen's going to do most of the talking; if, you’re okay with that. I have to tell you that, he has one of the finest tactical minds, I've ever seen." Tom finished.
"Tom, you don't have to prepare me. I already know which plan they like. I could tell by the way they were presented. Don't worry. I will make the choice in the end. It could be one of the four or another one I've dreamed up. But, you're right about Nichols. I could see his imprint all over these. He's going to be a real winner, at this game. Anyway, this meeting will be relaxed. Grab a drink from the bar and just wave everyone else in as the get here." Bryant said with a smile.
Ten minutes later, everyone was seated on the two couches and four chairs with Bryant at his desk. Each had a drink in their hand.
"Well folks, today is the day of decision. I have all the plans; and, I know you're recommending plan one. And, I know you have reservations; because, you believe, I'll think you took the easy way out. But... I don't. It's still the best idea. I noticed the changes to the plan. I think I like them; but, can someone take me through them?" He looked into all the stunned faces; as, silence prevailed for several minutes.
"Well?" He prompted.
"Sorry, sir. We're all a little stunned that you know our recommendation. May I ask, how?" Nichols spoke up.
"It's the way they're written. Everyone does the same thing. They build a bunch of plans; but, they write up the one they like the best just a little better than the others. I mean it's written to sell it. The others just present the facts. Plan one is a presentation. The others are monotone monologues in style. And, you think I will think you took the easy way out; because, it's based on my initial idea. I don't; because, you've added a lot to it. I think you made it better; but, you have to take me through the changes." George finished.
Stephen Nichols took George through the entire plan four times in the next hour and a half. Each time, he brought up a different simulation accounting for major differences in enemy response. During each play-back he changed parameters several times; incorporating minor variations caused by enemy reactions. He took the time to slow or stop action on several occasions during each play-back to show George why his original plan needed the changes. In all; though they really only ran the four simulations, it was like running a dozen.
"Approved, as is!" George snapped.
"What do you mean, sir?" Pal asked.
"I mean I like it. It's approved just like it is. I have to call and make arrangements with a couple of Theatre Commands; and, our people are pretty whacked from the trip. All the time dilation from the last jump has really disoriented everyone. So, I will say we execute at seven hundred hours the day after tomorrow. You need to issue all your orders. A couple of maneuvers in this plan require some pretty fancy flying; so, I would think you would all want to program parts of them. This is great work people. It was something to see you all pull together like you did. Let's see if this time next week, we can be sitting here having a drink in celebration of having thrown an aggressor out of our Empire. Can I buy you all lunch?" He said with a smile.
Everyone acknowledged that lunch together would be a great idea.
"Okay, I'll meet you in the Flag Officers mess in half an hour. Finish your drinks and leave when it's convenient. I have some work that will not wait." He said as he turned back to the system to dictate some memos.
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0021
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Admiral Zelená Tráva Theatre One Commander, Admiral Inang'aa Mkali Theatre Two Commander
C.C. OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command
February 26, 2249
Please detach the following Fleets from your commands for three days. duty with us. Though they will face some action, they will be used in a mostly diversionary maneuver, by us. I will release them back to you as soon as possible. They will be asked to move into action from their current locations based on timing within our counter- attack plan. Fleets to Release Eridani - currently at Beta Eridani / Pisces - currently at Gamma Ceti.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Thank you.
Admiral G.T. Bryant
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0021b
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Vice Admiral Kura Neko Commander Eridani Fleet
February 26, 2249
Fleet Commander Neko,
You will have, or will receive orders from your Theatre Command to detach from the Theatre. You are attached to the Fifth Mobile RAC, until further notice. We have attached an encrypted guideline regarding a new communication system we are using. Two-way communication is available as the initiator is moving at five times the standard delivery speed. Please configure and engage this system, immediately. This is a far more secure communications system that cannot be tapped. It eliminates the need to constantly launch communications drones. This technological advancement has also been applied to our sensor system. That bulletin will be attached and encrypted, too. In the meantime, you are already in position for the required maneuver; so, please, do not move. Please configure your fleet in a defensive posture, in the meantime. This message will take three days to reach you. We will contact you in four days; using the new system. We welcome your participation in this endeavor.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
George T. Bryant Commanding Fifth Mobile Command
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0021c
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Vice Admiral Arian Bicell Commander Pisces Fleet
February 26, 2249
Fleet Commander Bicell,
You will have, or will receive orders from your Theatre Command to detach from the Theatre. You are attached to the Fifth Mobile Command, until further notice. We have attached an encrypted guideline regarding a new communication system we are using. Two-way communication is available as the initiator is moving at five times the standard delivery speed. Please configure and engage this system, immediately. This is a far more secure communications system that cannot be tapped. It eliminates the need to constantly launch communications drones. This technological advancement has also been applied to our sensor system. That bulletin will be attached and encrypted, too. In the meantime, you are already in position for the required maneuver; so, please, do not move. Please configure your fleet in a defensive posture, in the meantime. This message will take three days to reach you. We will contact you in four days; using the new system. We welcome your participation in this endeavor.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
George T. Bryant Commanding Fifth Mobile Command
George applied the current standard encryption as he saved each file. When he put the folders together including the messages and each bulletin he encrypted at that level, too. Then
, he forwarded each entire package to their respective fleets, via the old drone system. Boots would move to three hours at twelve-degrees declination and Draco would jump to five hours by minus twelve-degrees declination in the morning. They would keep communications open throughout the maneuver. Once in position, they would send new orders to the other two Fleets. He spent the next two hours accessing records on the Fleet, Task and Group Commander of both Fleets he had just enlisted. When he left to go to their quarters to meet Marie as she came home, he was quite confident in the new additions.
When they walked into the Flag Officers mess hall, George and Marie spotted all the others, and their significant others, seated at three tables grouped together. No one was eating, yet. But, they were enjoying a beverage and light conversation.
"Afternoon everyone. I have one piece of business news to give you; then, we stay away from it for the rest of the evening. Eridani and Pisces Fleets will be conducting the diversions. They don't know the details, yet. They are already in position; so, I asked them to hold. I sent them all the plans for the communications and sensor system upgrades; and, ordered them to adopt them. We will contact them in four days and send them the maneuvers they need to make and their objectives." George stopped and was about to say no more business; when, he was interrupted.
"What upgrades, George?" Marie asked.
"Oh...I guess I didn't tell you about..." He was cut off.
"You really don't like taking credit for things, do you?' Stevens howled; then continued. 'The man comes up with the idea for the biggest technological advance the OESA has seen in a couple of centuries; and, he doesn't even tell his wife...not to mention that she is a Headquarters’ Commander.
Marie, your husband came up with a way to speed up communications. And it works. I can get a message from someone ten light years away in one fifth the time it took before. And, I can get that message while I'm moving. And, the message is more secure. It’s much harder to tap into. We've used it successfully and we adapted the idea to the sensor system. We can monitor our outer perimeter with much less lag time." Tom finished.
"Is that true, George. You invented it?" Marie asked.
"Not alone! It was an idea I had; but, I needed all kinds of help to make it work. It was a team effort." George sounded defensive.
"Yes but, was it your idea, in the first place?" Marie asked.
"Yes, Marie; it was." He answered.
"And, you didn't even tell me. I never met a person with so little ego; but, this takes the cake. I know you don't like to brag; but, you can at least tell me about things like this!" She howled.
"Okay snookums in the future I will brag to you about the things I do.' He said in a squeaky nasally voice as he feigned the hen-pecked husband. Everyone broke into laughter. 'Seriously Marie, I would have told you if I'd remembered. Things have been a little hectic, you know. I have had a lot on my mind, lately. One hundred fifty thousand people are looking to me to lead them against an enemy who wants to tear each and every person in the Empire apart." He was cut short, again.
"What do you mean a hundred and fifty thousand?" She was cut off as she wailed again.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that, too.' He was cut off again as the entire table roared with laughter. 'Two more Fleets are attached to Mobile Fifth, now.' He looked over at the Boots people. 'See, I told you all at the wedding reception to watch me for bruises. She's a pretty tough cookie." The uproar got even louder. Draco people nudged Boots ones looking for information on the wedding reception.
The evening went very well, after that. Everyone stayed on the light side. There was a lot of ribbing and mini-roasting.
There were slight differences in the trajectories of the two Fleets; so, Draco jumped out first. Boots left half an hour after. Boots would jump forty-four light years to where its maneuver would begin and Draco forty-five. Both would be running at forty percent. That meant considerable time dilation when they exited. But, it also meant they would not be so disoriented from a long jump. Both Fleets would be able to continue with the maneuver. They would slow to twenty percent only to exit their apertures; then accelerate to thirty in regular space, with the option of forty, to make their moves. Part of the plan, was for Draco make two very short stops in route. This would be where Columbia would contact them; since only the initiator could keep their end of the communications link moving. At that time, Columbia would initiate contact via the new system. Draco would resume when it received. Because of that, Columbia would actually reach the start point, first. They would stop and run full long range sensors to see if they could pick up the other two Fleets as they ran their maneuver. Timing all this took a lot of math work and transmission times were exceedingly hard to calculate; because, the two stop points were required by Draco; and, Boots would keep moving as Columbia transmitted directional vectors. It was all complicated by time dilation which would have cashed out when Draco stopped; but, would still be growing in the Boots Fleet.
At three hundred thirty on Friday March 2, 2249, Columbia opened one communications channel from the vortex to Pisces and another to Eridani at three hundred fifty hours. This also took considerable effort to compute; since, Bryant wanted the message to get to the two Fleets at the same time; but, at the promised time, after they had configured their systems.
The first message read:
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0022
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Vice Admiral Arian Bicell Commander Pisces Fleet
March 3, 2249
Fleet Commander Bicell,
You are requested and required to move your Fleet to the following coordinates. RA 4hr: 0min: 0s / Dec +12Degrees Displacement 85LY - perspective is Earth You must be there in twenty-two hours. Velocity 40 is authorized. You will be conducting a diversionary action; so, the object is to draw attention from the actual point of attack. Once at above location, reduce speed to exit vortex. Split your force in two and travel negative Z axis at real space velocity 40 until contact is well established. Engage enemy long enough for them to believe yours is a real attack. Continue on Z axis; until you make contact with Eridani Fleet. Turn west along ecliptic towards RA 3hrs: 0min: 0s engaging enemy along the way, until you have left the battle field. Find a safe spot and stand down. Report results to Mobile Fifth Command.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
George T. Bryant Commanding Fifth Mobile Command
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0023
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command
To: Vice Admiral Kura Neko Commander Eridani Fleet
March 3, 2249
Fleet Commander Neko,
You are requested and required to move your Fleet to the following coordinates. RA 4hr: 0min: 0s / Dec -12Degrees Displacement 85LY perspective is Earth You must be there in twenty-two hours. Velocity 40 is authorized. You will be conducting a diversionary action; so, the object is to draw attention from the actual point of our counter-attack. Once at above location, reduce speed to exit vortex. Split your force in two and travel positive Z axis at real space velocity 40 until contact is well established. Intensely engage enemy long enough for them to believe yours is a real attack. Continue on Z axis; until you make contact with Pisces Fleet. Turn east along ecliptic towards RA 5hrs: 0min: 0s engaging enemy along the way, until you have left the battle field. Find a safe spot and stand down. Report results to Mobile Fifth Command.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
George T. Bryant Commanding Fifth Mobile Command
Tactical Action Message #FM49-0024
From: Admiral George T. Bryant Fi
fth Mobile Command
To: Admiral Zelená Tráva Theatre One Commander, Admiral Inang'aa Mkali Theatre Two
Date: March 3, 2249
C.C: OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command
A major action will commence in a cube shaped area along our outer border between RA 3:0:0 and RA 5:0:0 between declinations -10 and +10 degrees and from 90 to 100 light years from Sol system; but, possibly extending out to 105 light years, against our enemy at eight hundred hours March 5, 2249.
You are requested and required to have all Fleets already engaged in action begin heavy attacks and bombardment in their areas by seven hundred hours. At that time, two diversionary attacks will begin, too. The enemy appears to be incapable of dealing with speeds higher than thirty percent in normal space; so, faster velocity approaches are recommended. Normal Space Speeds to forty percent is authorized for distances less than half a light year, at a time. By eleven hundred hours all forces should return to the duty status they were at before the bombardment began.
Our objectives are
1) Cripple supply lines
2)Decimate enemy reserve force where they are the heaviest, at the widest part of the wedge they have created.
3) Destroy as many front line vessels as possible.
All attacking forces should reserve substantial firepower. Attacking forces should maximize firepower by deploying a substantial portion of fighter craft to start the attack.
Further, you are requested and required to establish a temporary supply depot at BD+22 583 Co-ordinates Ra 03 52 05.598 Dec+22 40 17.87 - 87.6 Ly from Sol. We will be expending substantial resources for a period estimated to be around two weeks from the dates above. By March 10, 2249 it is projected we will need to resupply.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Thank you.
Admiral George Bryant
As they negotiated the vortex they were receiving constant intelligence and positional updates. It was important to have accurate and timely information; if, the planned maneuvers were to have any effect. Each of the two Fifth Fleets would begin a run at their specified point; travelling at high speed; exiting a jump at a known enemy stronghold and engaging them; jumping to the next known location and engaging the ships there and so on along the entire swath. It would involve a series of half to one day jumps and battles with small contingents all along that front. If they weren't stopped, Bryant estimated it would take two weeks to cross the expanse; projecting enemy losses at close to four hundred vessels and Fifth losses in the range of twenty percent. But, if they succeeded, they would effectively cut a fire break through the forest of enemy vessels.