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Righteous Reign

Page 39

by MacDonald, Thomas J

  "What personal reasons could you have? I ask her. She paused. There was a long silence that seemed like hours in the tension that had risen above the table.

  "I will say this once. If you don't like what I say, tell me straight out. It will never be mentioned again; and, it will not affect our professional relationship. I am too selfish to screw up my career.' Again, there was a long silence. 'I... er... well... I... oh hell, I'll just say it. I think I am heavily attracted to you. In fact, I would say that, I've fallen for you." Silent tears left her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

  I knew I had been attracted to her the moment I saw her. As we interacted I had been drawn to her more and more; but, buried it all under my work. After all she is an Admiral; and, she is my boss. "Well, that is a surprise. I have been keeping myself under such tight control, almost since we met. You don't come on to your boss - especially if your boss is a senior Admiral. I can honestly tell you, that I am falling for you too, Helena." There! I said it. I finally admitted it – to her – to me! The cat is out of the bag.

  "Professionally, I need you to drive to take a Task Force, quickly. Rear Admiral Chan is not up to the job. I would send him to the Headquarters pool. He would make a great COS for someone. But Task Force One is very weak. We have no leadership at the Command and none in the Loki Group. Either I do all the thinking for this Task Force; or, we are crippled. Believe me, my objectivity is not clouded on this issue. Any Fleet Commander would want you for a Flag position.' She is calm and logical, now. 'It was the plan from the beginning; before, I met you. The personal part came after that. I found us so kindred. I found you decisive, intelligent, smart, forceful and very confident. That is appealing in such a handsome package. It wasn't hard for attraction to turn into more."

  "I have an idea.' I said and paused for her to slow down a bit. "I feel the same way; but, I am really uncomfortable with the Flag Officer - Officer thing. Let's try to keep it professional, for just a while. When I have a star, we can make it more. When I have two, we can take it further still. When I have three, I will ask you to marry me." He said as she broke into gushing tears.

  "Do you really mean that?" She asks haltingly between the convulsions of her sobs.

  "Yes, I mean it - all.' I said as I rose; leaned over the table; cupped her chin in my right hand; and, kissed her gently, but firmly, on the lips. She responded warmly. There was a real connection. I broke the contact. 'I need it to be like that, though. Can you live with that agreement?" I asked.

  "Yes, you'll have a star in a month or two. It will seem forever; but, I can live with it." She responded through sobs, again.


  I am still in shock as I stand below the stage in the amphitheater of the Valhalla. I did not expect to be here, at this time; but, a full level eleven Admiral has to do the honors when promoting someone to level eight. When I received the offer, I thought it was an error. The offer came from Admiral Nichols instead of from Vice Admiral Leeds.


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Theatre Nine Command

  To: Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Loki

  C.C. Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth Command, Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  Re: Offer of Promotion and Re-assignment

  Date: March 3, 2256

  Captain Brubacher,

  It is my pleasure to advise you that you have been nominated and approved for promotion to Flag Level. A nomination has also been made to have you reassigned to a Flag Level Command. Both these nominations were made by Vice Admiral Helena Leeds who is happy to have you take a position that has been very difficult for her to fill competently.

  You have displayed excellent character, motivation and intelligence in all the assignments the OESA has given you to date. You served with distinction in several positions within Boots Fleet until being reassigned as master of an autonomous frigate the ESS Shenzhen. After a year in command of the Shenzhen with several taxing tactical situations under your belt, you were asked to take the assignment of Commander of the ESS Loki Carrier Class Vessel. You took a new vehicle and turned it and its crew into a working unit; while under the added pressure of attending War College classes. In that light, I must mention that, you have graduated the fellowship program with highest honors; achieving an overall average of ninety-seven point five percent. In all, you have been an impressive member of our team.

  In light of the above, you have been nominated to be elevated to the Rear Admiral (Level 8) rank. This nomination was made by Vice Admiral Leeds and was recommend by me. On passing it to Fifth Mobile, it was recommended by Admiral Bryant after conferencing with your Commander and me. The Council approved it unanimously and it received final approval of the Secretary of Defense.

  Vice Admiral Leeds also nominated you for the Assignment of Commander Task Force 1 within the Phoenix Fleet. Again the nomination was recommended and approved at all levels. We are seeking a response from you by no later than twelve hundred hours, Thursday March 13, 2256. If you respond positively the ceremony, along with all others that ripple from this move, will take place in the amphitheater of the ESS Valhalla at thirteen hundred hours Thursday March 20, 2256. Following the elevation ceremony, a small gathering will attend a cocktail party. A dinner will be held in your honor in the ballroom of the Valhalla at eighteen hundred hours on March 20, 2056. You may invite up to five hundred to the elevation ceremony and up to one hundred to the dinner. The cocktail party is a closed affair. If you advise us positively, please include the number of guests you will invite to each affair.

  Deepest Regards

  Admiral Stephen Nichols

  It had taken me a few days to get my thoughts and all the personal details together. I responded with the following message.


  From: Captain Kurt Brubacher Commander ESS Loki

  To: Admiral Stephen Nichols Commander Theatre Nine Command

  C.C. Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth Command, Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet

  Re: Offer of Promotion and Re-assignment

  Date: March 7, 2256

  Admiral Nichols,

  It has taken me so long to respond to your offer because I was utterly dumfounded by it. While I had thought an elevation and reassignment was in the cards, for me, I did not expect to be elevated two levels in both rank and assignment. The generosity of the offer; and, the confidence you have shown in me is overwhelming.

  I am pleased to accept your offer to elevate me to the rank of Rear Admiral and Assign me the command of Phoenix Fleet's Task Force One Command.

  In the days since receiving the offer, I have accessed all of Phoenix Fleet's personnel records; and can see Vice Admiral Leeds's dilemma. I find no one that, I feel I can recommend for the position of Loki Group Commander. While there are those who could occupy the position and even manage the Group fairly well, there are none that possess all the combined skills that make a good tactical commander as well as a strong administrator. I would be doing a disservice to Phoenix Fleet, Theatre Nine Command, Mobile Fifth RAC and the OESA, if, I recommended someone from my available pool of candidates. Since I do not have access to Theatre Nine, Fifth Mobile RAC, or HQ files, I was unable to dig further to find a suitable candidate. I believe that, my first responsibility to Task Force 1, will be to find the right person; once, I have access to all the files. I would like to recommend elevation of Commander Elasima, currently Executive Officer of the Loki, to the position of its Captain. In the six months under my command, he has proven himself worthy of the job. All other positions arising from that promotion should follow his recommendations. He will make a fine Captain.

  As far as guests go, Admirals Bryant, Vice Admiral Leeds, Commodore Hurst, you, and Admiral Stevens are essentially my family. I would hope all of the above can attend my promotion; which is a testament to their patience and skills. In addition to
those, I would like to invite the entire Senior Officer Staff of both the Loki and the Shenzhen to this affair. That only totals around twenty-two; but, they are the people I would like to attend both the ceremony and the dinner.

  I would like to thank you again for the kind offer; and for, your tutoring and coaching throughout my career. I will look forward to seeing you when I report to Admiral Bryant's office aboard the Valhalla on October 20, 2055.

  Captain Kurt Brubacher

  I called in Elasima and showed him the offer and my response. He congratulated me and gushed at his own pending promotion; effusively thanking me for the recommendation. I explained that, I only made the recommendation; because, he deserved it. Ten hours after sending the e-mail response to Admiral Nichols, I received the following.


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: All Fleet Commanders Theatre Nine

  C.C. Admiral George Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC, Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson OESA C&C

  Re: Reassignment of Rear Admiral Lee Chang Commander Task Force 1 Phoenix Fleet

  Date: March 7, 2256


  I am pleased to make the following announcement on behalf of the OESA.

  Admiral Lee Chang Commander Task Force 1 in the Phoenix Fleet is reassigned as Commandant OESA Academy Rigil.

  There is no more important role than that of getting our young entry level people off to a good start. Their education and training is paramount to our success and serves as the foundation for millions of successful careers. Admiral Chang has served the OESA with distinction for over twenty years. We thank him for his past service and wish him success in his new Command. An announcement pertaining to his replacement is forthcoming.

  Good Luck Admiral Chang!

  Admiral Stephen Nichols.

  Twelve hours after that one, the following message was received.


  From: Admiral Stephen Nichols Theatre Nine Commander

  To: All Theatre Nine Fleet Commanders, all personnel Phoenix Fleet

  C.C. Admiral George Bryant Mobile Fifth RAC Commander

  Re: Phoenix Fleet Task Force One Commander

  Date: March 8, 2256


  I am pleased to announce that, effective March 20, 2256 Captain Kurt Brubacher will be elevated to the level of Rear Admiral (8) and assigned as Commander Task Force 1 Phoenix Fleet. Though a twostep elevation is unusual, Kurt has earned it with his stellar performance record. After more than eight years in various assignments within Boots Fleet, Lt. Commander Brubacher was elevated to Commander and assigned as the Captain of the ESS Shenzhen. Four months into that assignment, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. After a year aboard Shenzhen, he was assigned the ESS Loki; which, he ran for six months before his current nomination. Captain Brubacher was responsible for authoring the two extensive manuals we now use to proof new vessels acquired by Fleets. He was decorated for stopping a rebellion at Rho Corona Borealis. Captain Brubacher has a PHD in aerospace Engineering graduating from the War College with the highest marks of any graduate finishing the General Officer Fellowship Program. We are sure that, Rear Admiral Brubacher will display the same tactical, management and personnel skills in his new position as he showed us in previous ones.

  Congratulations Captain Brubacher and our very best wishes.

  Admiral Stephen Nichols.

  So, now I am standing at the side steps that grace the right side of the stage in the Amphitheatre; waiting with El for our promotions. I am not surprised to see the Emperor on the stage. It seems like, he is always at the Valhalla.

  After fifteen minutes of warm-ups and welcome speeches, I am called to the podium. Admiral Bryant does the first presentation.

  "OESA Command Order number 215903-9568 - To all citizens within the limits of the Orion Empire; comprising all space within a region extending in a spheroid one hundred light years from the Sol system in all directions; and, encompassing all star-systems, anomalies, energy, matter, life forms and representative governments and citizens within that region; and to all conducting business of any fashion with the Empire; let it be known that, on Friday, March 14, 2256, the Council and the Secretary of Defense of the Orion Empire, in white paper OESA 215903-75622 paragraph three; did approve the nomination of the C&C of the OESA and its Mobile Fifth RAC Commander with the recommendations of the Theatre Nine and Phoenix Fleet Commanders to elevate a member of the service to a Flag Staff rank; requiring entry of the candidate's name on the Role of Senior Officers. By order of the C&C and Mobile Fifth RAC Commander as prescribed by OESA regulations and protocol; Kurt Brubacher is upgraded to the level of Rear Admiral with all the rights and privileges prescribed in the aforementioned regulations and protocol; and that, any and all serving, engaged or employed within Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher's commands; present or future; and, any and all conducting business with; or, having present or future interest in the Orion Empire, shall pay respect, obedience and loyalty to the rank he possesses as prescribed by the law of the Empire. Let it be known that Kurt Brubacher was elevated to the grade of Rear Admiral, his name added to the Role of Senior Officers; and that, this order was signed and sealed; all in the presence of witnesses and the Emperor's delegate, on Thursday March 20, 2056; at Mobile Fifth RAC Headquarters. Signed, Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C, Fleet Admiral Brian Dickinson C&C, Admiral George Bryant, Mobile Fifth RAC Commander.'

  Admiral Nichols came forward. He pinned the two stars flanking the number eight on my right collar point; while, Admiral Bryant pinned them on my left one. Nichols handed me my new lanyard and braids. Bryant handed me the warrant. They stepped back and saluted. I returned the salute. We all turned to the crowd of nearly five thousand.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher." Bryant said as the crowd rose to their feet.

  "Rah" was the call from the synchronized five thousand voices.

  The crowd broke into a loud roar and applause as the press slinked forward flashes firing in succession temporarily blinding me. They must have taken a hundred and fifty pictures.

  "Okay let's settle down. We have a lot more to go." Bryant called out with both hands raised, palms out. He stepped back and Vice Admiral Leeds came forward. I couldn't help but noting how beautiful she was in her dress uniform. I couldn't help but think of how much I wanted her. It took restraint to wait this long.

  'OESA Command Order number 215903-9569 - To all citizens within the boundaries of the Orion Empire; comprising all space within a region extending in a spheroid one hundred light years from the Sol system in all directions; and, encompassing all star-systems, anomalies, energy, matter, life forms and representative governments and citizens within the region; and to all conducting business of any fashion with the Empire; let it be known that, on Friday, March 14, 2256, the Council and the Secretary of Defense of the Orion Empire, in white paper OESA 215903-75622 paragraph four; did approve the nomination of the C&C of the OESA and its Mobile Fifth RAC Commander, on the recommendation of the Commander Theatre Nine and the Commander Phoenix Fleet to assign Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher to the position of Commander Task Force 1 Phoenix Fleet. By order of the C&C and Mobile Fifth RAC Commander as prescribed by OESA regulations and protocol; that, on this day, Kurt Brubacher is assigned as Commander of Task Force 1 Phoenix Fleet, a position outlined and described in the aforementioned regulations and protocol; and that, any and all serving within Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher's Command; present or future; and, any and all conducting business with; or, having present or future interest in the Orion Empire, shall pay respect, obedience and loyalty to the rank and position he possesses as prescribed by the law of the Empire. Let it be known that, Rear Admiral Brubacher is responsible for all personnel, hardware and assets belonging to; and / or assigned to Task Force 1 Phoenix Fleet; and, is, responsible for the peace keeping and security of the space as assigned by the Commander Mobil Fifth RAC through the Commander Theatre Nine and
the Commander Phoenix Fleet, as defined and described in the article twenty-four section three - b of the OESA regulations and protocol ; and that, this order was signed and sealed; all in the presence of witnesses and the Emperor Edward III's representatives on Thursday March 20, 2256; at Mobile Fifth RAC Command. Signed, Fleet Admiral William Stephenson C&C, Fleet Admiral Brian Dickinson C&C, Admiral George Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC.'

  With that, Leeds handed me the Phoenix Task Force 1 patches and its Commander's Pennant; then stepped back with her hand outstretched. 'Congratulations, Rear Admiral Brubacher."

  Nichols stepped back into line. Helena came forward beside me, took my hand and raised it in the air.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Rear Admiral Kurt Brubacher the Commander of Phoenix Fleet Task Force 1." She called out. Everyone stood again.

  "Rah." was chorused by a little weaker chorus, this time; but, the cheers were louder and much more prolonged. The camera flashes poured down on me, again. As it all died, I was about to leave the stage when a voice interrupted me.

  "Not yet, Admiral. There's still more.' Admiral Bryant's voice called out from behind.

  'Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to present Edward III Emperor of the Orion Empire." He added.

  "I only remember a few people who have come to my attention like Kurt Brubacher. They are all in this room, right now. There's Admirals Bryant, Williamson, Dickinson, Tonaka, Stephenson and Nichols. Now, there's a couple of new ones on the way up. Admiral Stevens, Vice Admiral Leeds and Rear Admiral Brubacher are the latest additions to this list. I have personally signed the warrant for awards for both of them, before. These are all wonderful people who give their all and risk their lives for the Empire, each and every day. Usually, I am called to speak of heroism or bravery. These people have all shown that. But every once in a while someone comes along to contribute something else important to the Empire. I can think of George Bryant coming up with the idea for the communications system we use in space, today. He sped up the travel time of a message by five times; and, made it possible to receive it while in FTL flight. That's a pretty fair engineering feat for a tactical genius commanding thousands of people. Then there was Admiral Nichols who found a way to do patrols that improved efficiency by fifty percent; at a time when, we were struggling to meet our obligations in the Empire. The complex ballet dance is still known as the Nichols Patrol Maneuver years after he devised it. And, all the Fleets use it in their patrols. Now, Rear Admiral Brubacher comes along. We have been receiving and doing shakedowns on vessels since the formation of the service. Everyone did a pretty good job. Few have died over nearly two centuries because a ship was faulty, when it went into service. But it was all hit and miss; and everyone did it differently. That is until Kurt Brubacher wrote a manual for Testing and Shakedown of New Carriers and another for Non-Carrier class vessels that standardized the process and ensured we check, stress and certify each and every sub-system of these vessels before putting them on active duty. And, he provided reports for a Carrier that are now the standard for what the result should be and how they should be presented. His report on the ESS Loki is five hundred ninety-seven pages and he issued four hundred and twelve certifications of the vessel and its systems. The testing was exhausting for the participating team; but, ensures we have taken every measure possible to come as close to guaranteeing the safety of a new vessel as is mathematically possible. We were all so impressed that the manuals, report and certifications are now referenced in the OESA Rules and Regulations. It is presently the standard way all vessels are proofed for active duty. Some time ago, it became apparent that these creative contributors deserve some kind of recognition. So, we created an OESA award known as the OESA Award of Excellence. It is presented to a member of the service for a major non-combat related contribution. Those types of contributions usually improve safety, efficiency or average vessel lifetime; so, they are evaluated and a substantial financial award is attached to the warrant. These people do these things to improve the service; not for reward. I would bet that, most people in this room did not know this honor existed. It has only been bestowed twice before. But, now we would like to present it to a deserving person.


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