Righteous Reign
Page 58
Tactical Action Message #IG49-0008
From: Admiral K Brubacher Commander OFSA Inspector General Branch
To: V. Admiral J. Coquinas Commander Draco Fleet
V. Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Boots Fleet
C.C. OESA C&C, Admiral G. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC
Date: January 2, 2259
1) You are ordered and required to redeploy your vessels distributing one Task Force Command along the outer portions of each end of the line; and moving the other into a dense pattern; positioned for six light years from a point one light year from the center of the line, on each side. All intelligence indicates the enemy are attempting an arrow head or wedge attack in the center of the line. Outer enemy forces are not strong enough to do any serious damage; or, to reinforce the center of the enemy line. The center of each half of the line may be left unprotected. The enemy is too weak in this area to be any threat.
2) You are ordered and required to command your outer Task Force to be prepared to act as a reserve force; coming to the middle of the line, if required.
3) You are ordered and required to be ready to redeploy; instead of maintaining the positioning in item one; if the enemy splits its main force into two for a pincer attack, in reaction to our moves. Our sensor advantage gives us the chance to move before the enemy is ready. Redeploy your main forces opposite his strength.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral K. Brubacher
From: Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB
To: V. Admiral J. Coquinas Commander Draco Fleet
V. Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Boots Fleet
Admiral H. Brubacher Theater Commander IGB Command
C.C. OFSA C&C, Quadrant Three Command, Fifth Mobile RAC
Re: Explanation of Battle Tactics
Date: January 2, 2259
Based on the apparent wide distribution of enemy forces along our border, I thought I should explain my orders, to you. All intelligence indicates that; ninety percent of the enemy forces are concentrated in a four light-year center portion of the line along our border. Though, they could be planning a spearhead attack, it appears to be a wedge. This is inconsequential, at this stage; since defense is similar, in both cases.
We will have forty-nine IGB and twenty Draco and Boots war ships including twelve covert vessels and thirteen hundred fifty raptors concentrated along a four light-year stretch, of the border.
IGB is moving a Fleet plus (24 ships) to each of two positions two and a half light years on either side of the center point of this mass; and right on the one hundred light-year border line. This will place us to the sides and slightly behind this mass of vessels, if they attack our line; allowing us a pincer movement for an immediate counter-attack, from their rear.
If, the enemy redeploys to counter our positions, we will move again; moving half the IGB vessels, on each side of center, toward the middle to allow us to hold the mass; while attacking through the middle and splitting outward in two pincer arms to again be able to attack from the rear. Hopefully, they would redeploy again.
The object is to delay the enemy long enough for Fifth Mobile RAC to arrive with their two Theatres; totaling sixteen fleets. Between the IGB moves and your moves, the enemy may feel forced to redeploy, over and over again. Each move takes up more valuable time. If they elect to attack, instead, we will be in the best position to tie them up, until help arrives. Remember that, Theatre Five can support the action with additional Fleets, if necessary.
You are asked to resist as hard and as long as possible to give both IGB forces an opportunity to attack and do as much damage from the enemy rear as possible. Remember, it could take as much as two hours forty-five minutes for us to engage from our staging position. Though not certain, I believe, we have the technological advantage in both sensors and communications. From what I can see, we also possess much heavier craft with superior firepower. That, with an immediate surprise pincer style counter attack from their rear, may make the difference.
The only reserve we will be holding back is the Task Force each of you will have left on the ends of the line; since, this looks like a do or die situation. Use your Raptors wisely. Always hold some of those in reserve; but, deploy the ones you use quickly; if, a battle is apparent. This gives us up to an additional one thousand weapons platforms near the mass of enemy vessels, allowing for reserve. Remember, sudden thirty and forty percent normal space velocity moves, from a twenty percent cruise, work well in close battles. Just make sure you set the acceleration ramp; so, you don't kill everyone on the vessel. I'll see you on the other side. I have every confidence; because, you are the best. Good Luck!
Admiral Brubacher
We land at the staging point on December 2, at twenty-three hundred fifty hours; and, jump right out. I prepare the redeployment orders; so, I can send them, quickly; but, do not log them; in case, I don't have to release them. We are in position by two hundred hours, as promised. Sensors are deployed within minutes. There is a five-hour delay in what we see; but, the enemy should have around a one-day delay in their data; if, they seek as much range as us.
Some of their fleet is far enough from our border to be out of sensor reach; but, a large portion is viewable within about half an hour. We are still getting information from the observatories. The enemy hasn't destroyed them, yet; but, that'll happen just before an attack. It gives us a real advantage; because it comes in at nearly ten thousand times the speed of light via the new technology George designed; so, it's only five hours behind, too; but, it is already there; so, we aren't staring at blank screens for five hours.
We watch and wait. A day later, the screen shows the enemy is redeploying to our pincer points; as, we hoped. We begin the moves; splitting our two arms and moving half of each toward the center. They won't see this for a day. A day and a half later, we see them on the move again, from the pincer points; back to the center. I order our people to restore the pincers.
One thing Helena and I notice is that though, we make all our repositioning jumps at forty percent light-speed, the enemy makes theirs at fifteen percent. I am beginning to believe their ships are incapable of jumping faster because of structural weakness.
On January 6, 2259, the enemy is creeping toward the border; in an attempt to shorten their attack time, without appearing to be making a hostile move. I calculate, it will take twenty-nine hours for them to get within half a light-year of the border employing fifteen percent jumps. We hold fast. This move still fits within the plan. In the middle of all this, my system chimes.
From: Flt. Adm. W.O. Stephenson OFSA C&C
Flt. Adm. G. Tonaka OFSA C&C
To: Adm. K Brubacher Commander OFSA Inspector General Branch
Re: Year End 2257 Budgets 2258
Date: January 3, 2259
Thank you for your report "Year 2258" which also included the period from June 1, 2257 to December 31, 2257. Your staff is to be commended. The reports were extremely accurate and thorough. We also appreciate the insights in your letter summarizing the period and the report.
Though we are sure the last eighteen months has been stressful, you have done a remarkable job. Our long term plan for IGB assumes fairly continuous fast growth to meet objectives. You will note in the attachments that your capital and expense budgets for the year 2259 are approved. We noticed you projected the need for four additional carrier groups in this period and have our shipyards working to fill those needs; though they will need your order to deliver. This will bring your "fire power" to the equivalent of four complete Fleets and your personnel to the vicinity of one hundred ninety thousand by the end of this fiscal year.
Continue the good works. Our regards,
Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson
bsp; Fleet Admiral G. Tonaka
"I will.' I thought. 'I will."
At six hundred hours on January 7, sensors pick up two hundred sixty exit apertures opening between my two Fleets and to our rear. Just like the ancient John Wayne westerns, I've seen; the cavalry has come to the rescue, in the nick of time. George asks if there is anything he can do. I relinquish command to him and his superior force. He advises he will deploy sixty vessels to each pincer point and hold sixty in the middle. He also advises he has eighty more vessels two light years back. He orders us two light-years back of the line; and, orders Boots and Draco back to the outsides. We are all to be held in reserve. No one died, yet. All my chess moves saved those two overwhelmed fleets.
I watch as he deploys about forty percent of his raptor fighters; making more than fourteen hundred additional craft visible at any one time. He also orders three subs spotted throughout the front to momentarily uncloak; then, go dark again. I understand the ploy. Now the enemy will know there are cloaked ships; but, won’t know how many.
I will not see this battle. I'm like a sports fan. I love this man's tactical and wider strategic skills. I would love to see it; and, cheer him on. I'd feel the same if it was Stephen Nichols. They are the maestros of space warfare. Aside from the messages I monitor, I won't know the details of what happens here for quite a while. It's nearly a year until, I get to audit Fifth Mobile RAC, again; and, get to read all the logs and communiqués in detail. I have to wait until then to tell that story.
“There is never a right time for anything. There is just a time. You throw a dart at a calendar to pick a date; and, you do it on that day.” Emperor Edward III in Righteous Reign by T. MacDonald