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Shattered by Love

Page 8

by C. A. Harms

  I felt a tug on my pant leg and looked down into a set of the biggest brown eyes I had ever seen--brown eyes that grabbed onto my heart and squeezed so tightly. His mother slowly released me and I knelt down before him.

  I swallowed hard, trying to control my rapid heart rate. This moment felt almost surreal. “Hey little man, you remember me?”

  Tommy’s head bobbed up and down, just barely enough to notice, and I smiled. Standing in this room looking at Tommy, I never would have known he had suffered through anything. He looked completely untouched, unscarred. I had allowed myself to imagine the worst. I had let myself believe that, because I paused, he would have to go through life with struggles that could have been avoided.

  Dropping to my knees and bringing myself to eye level, I brushed my fingers over his cheek. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I whispered, my voice slightly cracking through the words. “You’re really okay?”

  Tommy looked back at his father, and then returned his gaze to me. “Daddy says that I have battle scars. They show how tough I am.” He was definitely tough; the little man was an inspiration.

  When I raised my eyebrow in question, he pulled over the neckline of his light blue t-shirt, revealing the scar on his shoulder and upper back. My eyes instantly filled with tears. My hands began to tremble and I closed my eyes tightly.

  “You’re like a super hero,” Tommy said. “You saved me.” It was no longer possible for me to hold back. I reached out and pulled him close to my chest as my body shook against his.

  I had held inside of me so much guilt and regret over that day. Having Tommy standing right here before me made me realize just what I had accomplished. The last image I had of him was heartbreaking. He lay in that hospital bed bandaged and breathing through a tube. I hadn’t allowed myself to accept that I had given these people back their son. It was because of me that they were able to tuck him in at night.

  I released Tommy after a moment, fearing I would scare him. I just couldn’t control the overwhelming desire to hug him. Feeling as if the weight of the world had now been lifted, I smiled.

  Turning back to look over my shoulder, I found Bree with tears sliding over her cheeks. With her trembling lower lip and reddened nose, she looked gorgeous.

  No longer feeling empty and angered, I stood. Reaching out, I pulled her body against mine. I cradled her head against my chest, leaning forward and moving my lips toward her ear. Without even the slightest hesitation, I whispered, “I love you, Angel. Thank you for this.”

  Her body shook, and she fisted my shirt tightly as I continued to hold her.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I had to have imagined it. I had been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to hear those words. I wanted so badly for Max to feel for me what I had felt for him, for so long. I pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes, my tears continuing to fall. He appeared so much more at ease, relaxed.

  “Say it again,” I whispered. A smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, he brought his lips to mine gently, feathering a sweet gentle kiss against my lips before repeating his words softly.

  “Aubree, I love you. Thank you for doing this for me.”

  This was the confirmation I needed, spoken so clearly. His eyes were boring into me so deeply, as if willing me to understand the depth of his feelings. I could never in my lifetime get tired of hearing those words.

  “I love you, too, Max.”


  Over the next hour, I watched as Max interacted with Tommy. They talked about super heroes and firefighters. They laughed along with his parents, as Tommy told stories about the things he loved.

  Max’s chuckle filled the room and gave me such a warm feeling. I loved to hear his laugh. He listened to Tommy’s every word, reacting with such enthusiasm. It was such a beautiful sight.

  Just before closing, Tommy and his parents said their goodbyes. Tommy’s father, Alan, exchanged numbers with Max, with a promise to stay in touch.

  When they exited the room, Max spun around to face me. Reaching out, he took my face into his hands and pulled me close. His mouth covered mine, brushing his tongue over my lower lip. I gave in and rolled my tongue along his. Breaking apart, he rested his forehead against mine, breathing deeply with his eyes tightly shut.

  “Come home with me?”

  All the times Max and I spent together were never at his place. He had never offered, and I just had never asked. It became routine that we would go back to my place. Most of the time it was his midnight booty call, and then he would be gone by morning.

  Having him ask me this now made my stomach flutter, and my pulse raced with anticipation. As the warm feelings rushed through me, I agreed by nodding my head. Teetering on the wall of indecision had finally ended. I could feel the change between us, and I was mentally throwing my hands in the air, dancing around like a teenager. For once, I let go of the hesitation.

  He walked me to my car, and I followed him back to his place. He shared a three-bedroom apartment with his brother, Tanner. They had moved in together just after Max turned eighteen. They had been living the bachelor life ever since.

  Having me here meant something. It was a strange feeling, surrounded by the life he lived—a life that he had made sure I was only a small part of, a life that I had never been allowed to share. Max had always kept me at arms length. This was a huge stepping stone in our relationship. For some, it might seem like such a small gesture, but for us it was so much more than a simple invitation.

  The moment we stepped into his bedroom, I scanned the room, taking it all in. He had a huge king-sized bed that took up most of the room, covered in gray and black bedding. The furniture was all black and sleek, completely masculine.

  A photo tucked along the edge of his mirror on top of his dresser caught my attention. Taking a step closer, I stared at it in confusion. My throat felt scratchy and tight. I turned to face him, moving my hand out next to me, pointing in the direction of the photo. “Where? How?”

  Max closed the distance between us, watching my eyes with such intensity. Placing a hand on my hip, he brought our bodies closer together, kissing my forehead gently. Resting his lips along my temple, he whispered softly. “I took that picture over a year ago. You had fallen asleep after one of the nights I showed up at your place.” I felt him take in a breath before continuing. “You looked so at peace, so beautiful, with your hair fanned out around you and your hand rested just under your cheek. It’s one of my favorites.”

  I pushed back against his chest gently. “One of your favorites?”

  “Yes, I have others.”

  I stared up at him with an expression I was sure let him know I was at a loss for words. He had rendered me speechless. Max was not the guy to take photos while a girl slept next to him. He was not the guy that then printed them out and placed them along his mirror, a place that could not go unnoticed daily.

  His eyes not once leaving mine, he lowered his lips to me, kissing me softly.

  We stood staring at one another silently. I wasn’t sure just how much time had passed. It was as if I was seeing him for the first time--his gorgeous, almost hypnotizing eyes and the full, completely kissable lips that felt amazing pressed against mine. I felt weak in the knees and fought to hold myself upright. This man had just shifted the air around me with one small gesture, something I never thought could happen in a million years. The bad ass Maxwell Parks has a soft sweet side—a side that he rarely allowed anyone to see--yet here we were, sharing this moment.

  “Bree, do you have any idea what you’ve done for me tonight?” He spoke softly, looking deeply into my eyes.

  A small smile pulling at my lips, I said, “I think I have an idea.”

  “Angel, you have lifted from me such a burden. I have lived the last couple of months with such hate, such anger inside me. I spent every day blaming myself for stalling that day. I let my mind think the worst of the situation. I envisioned a small child with life-changing injuries,
ones that I held myself responsible for.” Max reached out and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

  “Thank you so much for finding them, for helping me.” He lowered his lips to mine, kissing me as my lips trembled against his. “I was such a fool for not realizing what I have always had in you. You deserve a man, Bree, one that will treat you right.” He slouched a little lower, bringing his eyes level with mine. “Baby, if you’ll let me…if you’ll give me another chance, I wanna be that man for you. I need to take care of you and love you.”

  My heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. I was just about to speak when he rocked my world with three words--three words that I was still trying to get used to, coming from him.

  “I love you.” He rested his head against mine and closed his eyes. “Let me love you, Bree.”

  I could only shake my head as the tears fell slowly down my cheeks. I was completely riveted, and I knew I would be a blubbering mess if I attempted words at this moment. So instead of speaking, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in tighter, bringing our mouths together.

  It took no time at all for our kisses to become more. Our bodies knew each other well; we have always been good at knowing what the other needed. Sex was always good between us.

  Heat pooled low in my core as he backed me up against the dresser, pinning me with his hips. I could feel his hardness resting against my stomach and I whimpered.

  “I want you, Bree. I’ve missed us. I need you to tell me this is okay. I wanna hear that you want me too, that I can keep going.”

  “Yes,” I panted as I pulled him in tighter. “I want you, too…please.”

  Needing no further indication, he gripped the back of my thighs and lifted me up. Turning my body toward the bed, he slowly lowered me, bringing his body to rest over mine. The hungry, dominating man I knew so well had been released.

  Pressing his erection against my needy center, I moaned against his lips. Rocking his hips against me, he asked, “You like that, Angel?”

  “Yes,” I groaned.

  Max was not a gentle lover. He was aggressive and dominant. He loved control, and I loved giving it to him. One thing about us was always true: sex was explosive.

  I felt his teeth scrape along my collarbone as he bit gently, before tracing his tongue over the light ache. His hands busied themselves working the button loose on my jeans. Once he had them unfastened, his mouth lowered to my abdomen, lifting my shirt up to expose more skin. The feel of his tongue tracing along my lower stomach and across to my hip was intoxicating.

  I was so turned on with the feel of his mouth working me over. My body ached against his as his hand began to slide up under my shirt. He kneaded my breasts, pinching my nipples and gently pulling. The combination of his hands on my tits and his tongue along my stomach wasn’t enough. I needed more of Max. I wanted to feel his body against mine…with nothing between us.

  “Max,” I groaned, lifting my hips against him. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  “More. I want more.”

  He smiled a triumphant smile as he lifted his body from mine, just slightly, making enough room between us that he could lift my shirt up and over my hand. I grasped for his and began lifting it in a needy rush. Taking no time to pause, he began pulling my pants and panties down in one movement. I made a quick discard of my bra as I watched Max remove his own pants.

  I took in his glorious body kneeling before me. He was by far the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His body was flawless and alluring, from his built shoulders to his rock-hard chest and abs. I shifted my gaze, taking in the path to the pleasure valley that rested at the bottom of the perfect V. I swallowed hard; he was perfection and he loved me.

  He held the small package containing a condom up to his mouth. Tearing the edge, he took it out and began rolling it down his fully erect cock. My insides twitched with anticipation. My body quivered and ached, I wanted to feel him.

  Opening my legs a little wider, I looked up to meet his lustful gaze. Max reached out, running the tip of his finger through my wetness, and my legs quivered.

  “You are so fucking wet, baby.” He inserted a finger inside of me, pumping a few times before withdrawing. Bringing his drenched finger to his lips, he slipped it inside his mouth and groaned. “So sweet, too.”

  I think I whimpered as I watched him suck on his finger. It was so damn hot.

  As he lowered his body over mine, I felt his cock nudge my opening and I bit my lower lip. The need was so strong. “Right now I just wanna be inside you, but I will eat your pussy, not now, but soon.”

  Before I could speak, Max thrust his hips and entered me. I gasped as I took in the abrupt fullness. It had been months since I had been with him, and I needed a few moments to adjust to his intrusion.

  “You feel tight baby. Am I hurting you?”

  I shook my head. “No, it feels good.”

  His hips began to rock in a steady motion. “So good,” he growled against my neck. He took my lips in a forceful kiss, while speeding up his motions. His cock drove into me with such force that my body bounced off of his with each drive.

  Max lowered his hand between us and began to rub my clit in a circular motion. “I need you to come, Angel. I can’t come without you. I need to feel you.” His tongue stroking mine, he sucked on my lower lip. “Come baby, let me feel your pussy squeeze me.” I was building quickly toward release, my body tensing and shivering.

  “There you go; let it go, Angel.”

  My toes curled and my body shook against his. Max rose up just enough to place his arms on each side of my head as he began pumping his hips fast and hard. His body tensed against me as he threw his head back, growling out a deep moan.

  “Fuck, baby. Oh, yeah.” His body shook against mine. One of the sexiest things I had ever seen was Max in an orgasmic state.

  He rested his head in the crook of my neck, breathing heavily. We both took time to regain control and slow our racing hearts.

  After a few minutes had passed, he raised his head and looked down at me. “I love you, Bree. I’m pretty sure I have for a long time. I was just too big of an ass to face it. I’m done with the games, I’m done with the bullshit. I want us.”

  “I love you, too,” I whispered. “I want this so bad. I always have.

  “Thank fuck,” he chuckled. Feathering my lips with the softest kiss, he said, “I don’t deserve it, Angel. I know I’ve hurt you and I’m sorry. No more, I won’t be that same guy with you. I can’t promise you I won’t screw up, because I will. I just promise that I’ll do everything I can not to hurt you.”

  “I know it won’t be easy. Nothing with us ever is, Max. I just know that I don’t want to be without you. We just have to make sure that this time we do it right.”

  We curled together as he pulled me back against his chest. “Good night, baby,” he whispered, just before we both drifted off into a peaceful, much needed slumber.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “She did what?” Tanner looked up at me from the couch, as I gathered my gear. I was running late and had only twenty minutes to get my shit and get across town.

  It was hard to leave Bree this morning. She looked so damn sexy sprawled out against my sheets. Waking her up with some morning sex seemed like a good way to start my day. Now here I was running behind. I wanted to follow her home, but she knew it would only make it impossible for me to get to the station on time.

  “She found the little boy from the fire, Tommy. His family came to meet me last night.”

  “Tell me you didn’t grow a fuckin’ vagina like Mason and Carson. Please tell me I still have one brother that knows the value of his freedom.” The guy honestly looked worried as he waited for me to answer him. Poor dude had no idea what he was missing out on. I never once believed Carson when he used to say I would one day wake up. I thought the guy was nuts, but now I could only smile about it all.

  After I had my boots on, I grabbed my keys and
threw my bag over my shoulder. “T, there is nothing wrong with having one girl. After all this time and all the shit I put her through, she is still willing to give me a shot. Bree did something for me that changed my world. I love her, man.” I paused, allowing the shocked expression to stretch out over his face. “If that makes me a pussy, then fuck it. I’m gonna make it work this time; no screw-ups on my part.”

  I left Tanner sitting on the couch with a stunned look. He felt like the world had just ended, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I, the ultimate playboy, had finally fallen in love.


  I left the station at three, heading across town for my doctor’s appointment. It was finally time to get this damn cast off. The thing had been hell, and I was more than ready to have my mobility back. Last night with Bree was a challenge. So many times I had to compromise my position, because I was fighting against the awkwardness.

  The moment I stepped out from the doctor’s office and walked across the parking lot toward my truck, I felt free. I could start back on active duty. The chief insisted on giving me a couple of easy days, but there was no way I wasn’t going out on the first call that came through. I was finished with the desk and paperwork shit. I felt like a caged animal, and if I wasn’t allowed out to roam, I was going to snap. That shit wouldn’t be pretty, and no one needed that. I spent way too many shifts doing grunt work. I wasn’t cut out for that shit.

  After today I would no longer work short shifts. I wanted back in, full throttle.


  “So are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” I sat on the couch across from Riley. I stared directly at her, and she kept trying to avoid eye contact. That was a sure sign that she was hiding something. “Spill it. You know I already know something’s up. There is no reason to keep hiding it.”


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