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Bearly Rescued_A Howls Romance

Page 7

by Everleigh Clark

“Get some rest.” He smiled. “Mind if I leave the door between our rooms ajar in case you need anything? I won’t get false hope, promise.”

  The fact that he would stand guard over her dreams, without anything in return, made her want to cry in relief.

  “Thank you.”

  “Good night, Princess. Call out if you need me.” He lumbered through the door, leaving it open a crack.

  After filling a glass of water at the bathroom sink, she set it on the nightstand and climbed back into bed. The overhead fixture now blazed as bright as noon. Maybe the nightmares would hold off if it was too light.

  As she snuggled into the covers, she listened to the deep breathing of her next-door neighbor. She had to get past all of this junk. Get some answers and fix herself. Only then, when she was normal again, would she even consider getting to know the guy who called her his mate.

  Chapter Six

  Since she’d been too tired yesterday, her mother had met her for a quick breakfast this morning and one final plea to come home “where you belong.” But Izzy had politely declined. She had too much to do here, and she wasn’t ready to go back. Not yet. Maybe never? So, her mother gave her a new phone and credit card. Told her, “I’ll always be there for you when you need me.” Placed a kiss on her cheek and left. Back to the walls, the compound, Izzy’s first prison.

  Caleb and Stone had stopped by long enough to share some good news. Three more shifters had escaped—one from a facility in Texas and two from the prison in Maine. Stone was planning a video conference with them once they were settled in at home and patched up. Maybe between all of their respective inside knowledge, they could take down these bad guys soon. But they needed to hold on for a few days and let everyone decompress. So, they parted ways for the day. The guys went out and did their own manly stuff while Izzy connected with the women at Ida’s house.

  Now she was getting shooed out to look for herbs and berries for Ida’s special healing ointments. Lunch at Ida’s quaint little house had been nice. Huge roast beef sandwiches for the other women, and a special plate for Izzy. Raw carrots, snap beans, red peppers, cheese, crackers, grapes, mango. It had been delicious, and she’d scarfed it down before Jane had even finished her second sandwich. Izzy chuckled. Jane had been a human for most of her life and gotten the little fun surprise a few weeks ago—she was half wolf. A nice surprise, considering Jane had been having difficulty racing around after her wolf-pup son, Liam. Now, Jane was mated to the alpha, Bo, could sprout fur, and four legs, and keep up with the young pup. The unique sweet and spicy scent flowing from Jane made Izzy smile. Jane was gentle and charming, with cheeks that always held a tinge of pink in them.

  Nissa, her brother’s new mate, was also nice. A bit loud, and her sarcasm rode the high end, but it was done with fun and mirth. She could see what Zach loved about her. His mate was a hoot. Funny, witty, sarcastic. Her gorgeous curves made her the perfect mate for Zach.

  Ida seemed to be the matriarch of the small clan. Though Bo was the alpha, the few times she had seen them together, he had always asked for and respected Ida’s opinion. Ida was fearless, strong, amazing. At least forty—maybe fifty, sixty—the older bear appeared no more than a fresh-faced thirty-five years old. Her ample hips and warm smile beckoned Izzy right into her home, and she embraced the warmth. But Ida’s eyes were filled with the kind of experience that came only from a long life filled with pain and hardship. Yet, she took none of her past out on those around her. She was hard, yet soft. Experienced, yet kind. Ida had immediately nicknamed Izzy Bella Button—she gave everyone she liked, silly nicknames. Yeah, they were all really nice. The kind of females she might one day be able to call friends.

  Except for Sam. The bear shifter was about her age, with jet-black hair streaked with purple and pink. A nose ring, tongue ring, black eyeliner, and dark lipstick made her seem even more badass. Sam’s scowl deepened, and her stance became more rigid, every time Izzy entered the room. The scent pouring from her was a mixture of hostility and resentment. Why didn’t the woman like her? Izzy hadn’t done anything to her or her clan.

  Whatever. She gave a firm glare back to the goth chick, making sure she knew she wasn’t going to dip her head or eyes to her. Bear or not, aggressive or not. And heck, even though she had heard the chick was a killer with a long sword and katana—and Izzy had pretty much been raised like a porcelain doll in a freaking ivory tower—she’d give Sam a run for her money. Izzy did not take kindly to people trying to do stupid power plays on her. Especially other females. Whoa, was that the old Princess Isabella talking, or the new prison-hardened Izzy? She needed to let this yucky, dark stuff go. It didn’t bless her or anyone else to let the past control her.

  She turned her back to the glowering woman and picked up her basket then followed Nissa into the woods. Humming and singing always relaxed her, so she broke into a quiet song. Ida had asked them to get some special herbs and flowers for a batch of healing ointments and medicines she was making for the prisoners they’d rescue. Stone and Caleb were already mounting a small contingency to get them out. They’d lost the advantage of Caleb undercover, but Caleb said it was worth it. Izzy had made a damn good appeal about the worthiness of every shifter life. She wasn’t sure how soon they were planning on going. Maybe a week or two. Whenever it was, Izzy would make sure she was a part of it. Bossman was going down.

  Izzy listened to Sam clomping through the woods behind her. Jane fell in next to her and chattered a mile a minute, her eyes full of happy light. “What are you humming? It’s pretty. Kinda dark, but pretty.”

  Izzy’d been trying to figure it out for the last few minutes. It was so familiar. Hauntingly beautiful. The canon between the violin and cello then two more violins… She continued humming for a few more seconds. Eep! “I remember that song. The head of I stayed…” She swallowed. “He had a real love for classical music.” She plastered a smile on her face and forced a line from the first Disney movie she could think of. She’d gone from Borodin’s “Nocturne” to Cruella Deville. “Great. Now, I’m singing about a lady who hates puppies. Guess I’m still a little fried.”

  Jane laughed. “It’s my son’s favorite movie. He loves when they all get dirty to hide their spots. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. It’s going to take some time to get the creep out of my head. Let’s chat a bit so I don’t keep singing.”

  “What’s it like being a wolf? I haven’t met many wolves yet. Except for your brother and my grandfather and his friend. But it was only for a little bit, and he didn’t talk much.”

  Izzy smiled as the younger woman chattered on while they walked. “What do you want to know?”

  “Does it hurt to shift? My first time hurt after I shifted back. I’ve only done it once more this week but was holding off for a few days to see if the ache would wear off.”

  “It will get easier once you get the hang of it. Don’t fight it. Open yourself to it and let it come easily, like a welcome transition to a new phase of life. The more you fight it, the harder it is, and yes, there will be a bit of pain. Especially once the adrenaline wears off and you’ve shifted back to human.”

  Jane nodded speculatively. “That makes sense. My son, Liam—he’ll be six next month—he seems to have an easier time of it. He can go back and forth without a care in the world. I caught him in the bathtub yesterday, in wolf form instead of little boy. Man, bubbles and water flew everywhere. And the whole place smelled like wet dog. Oh, no offense.”

  Everyone laughed at the visual. Even, the grumpy Sam.

  “Kids are more fearless because they don’t have our experiences, don’t know what to be afraid of yet. So, they jump in full force. My parents’ compound has a special school just for our shifter kids, so they can embrace both sides any time they want. You’re welcome to come check it out and let him play with the other pups.”

  “Right.” Sam lifted one pierced eyebrow. “Let’s go on a road trip and get more shifters captured.”

sp; “Sam, stop it.” Nissa paused, rolling her eyes. “Just because you’re getting close to your mating heat doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch.”

  “Do you have a problem with me, bear?” Izzy asked Sam calmly, though the anger was building in her. Weird, she had always been such a levelheaded pacifist. Maybe prison life didn’t agree with us, her wolf said sarcastically.

  “How do you know they’re not going to follow you here and kill my family or my best friends? We are now in danger of being kidnapped, tortured, and killed. Used for whatever fucking purposes those bastards have for us.”

  The air went out of Izzy in a whoosh. “I, I didn’t think of that, and I had no idea…”

  “It’s not her fault,” Jane placated. “From what we heard, Izzy was just as hurt and messed up as the rest of those poor shifters. It’s my honor to bring all of them here so we can help them.”

  “It’s not my fault humans decided to use us like guinea pigs!” Izzy yelled. Her wolf had been itching for a fight all day, and it looked like she might finally get one.

  Sam laughed, one of those maniacal cackles, making her hair stand on end. “Fine. Point conceded. Prove to me you’re not going to get us all killed or hurt Caleb. Or is that too hard for a royal wolf princess?”

  Izzy’s wolf rose to the front, ready to unleash her fury on this bear. Sam’s eyes glinted with the incoming change to her bear as well. The energy crackled around them, harsh, dark, a raging inferno seconds away from taking them into brawl city.

  “Stop it!” Jane growled and got right into Sam’s face, her wolf showing in her eyes. “You said to fight for what I believe in. You said to stick up for myself. You also got me into those classes with your aunt so I could gain some confidence. You keep calling yourself a warrior, but you’re not acting very warriory right now. You’re acting like a bully—or my son when he has a tantrum because he didn’t get dessert.”

  “Yeah, come on, ladies. The guys do this alpha-power crap all the time. Do we really have to go there now?” Nissa said, rolling her eyes. “Like, seriously. You don’t have dicks. How are you going to compare size? For the record, Sam, I think Izzy’s got you in the boob department.”

  They both turned to Nissa, who was grinning and groping her own generous breasts.

  Izzy released a long, slow breath and let go of the change, claws and fangs receding. Sam did the same, and they both watched their crazy friend who was doing a silent cha-cha with the neighbors. They burst out laughing.

  “All right. No more size comparison.” Sam chuckled. “Sorry, Izzy. I’m not usually this bitchy. Do you get this way before your mating heat?

  “Female canine.” Izzy shrugged with a smile. “Beyotch is my other name. I’m worse when I’m craving chocolate.”

  “Everyone okay, now?” Nissa asked.

  “Yeah.” Sam picked up her basket. “Sorry. It’s mostly trust issues. No offense.”

  “None taken. At least I know where I stand,” Izzy said. “Let’s go find those berries.” She scanned the trail. “What color were they again?”

  “Red and green, I think,” Jane answered, as she hopped over a small log.

  “Great.” Izzy followed them down the trail. “For the record, we’re both wolf shifters. You know what they say about canines being color blind.” Another round of hoots and laughter surrounded them as they started back on their mission.


  Caleb breathed in the scents of fresh-baked bread and stew as he entered Ida’s house. He’d had a good day—considering he’d pretty much hidden out from his mate. Yeah, his mate, dammit. Izzy was the female for him. Her wolf and human side called to him in a way he’d never experienced before. And his bear chuffed in approval every time she was near. Her melodic laughter came from the kitchen, and the low rumbling started in his chest again. Shit. He needed to get it together before he did something stupid like throw her over his shoulder, march right out of the house and back to his place and claim her. All night. Forever, his bear chuffed in agreement. No. He willed away the thought of being mated to the gorgeous wolf. Caleb wasn’t worthy of her—hell, he wasn’t worthy of anyone’s love. Another round of laughter brought him back to reality as the door thumped open and the rest of the males tromped in.

  Zach, his sister’s mate, followed by Stone then Bo. Great. The place felt tiny with all the large males prowling the area. He’d helped out all day where he could, but still he’d hung back from the guys’ conversations. Caleb didn’t want to know what last year’s heat wave had done. He didn’t care the river had grown and was flourishing for another ten miles. He didn’t want to know how the frost had almost killed their favorite oak tree—the one he and Bo had built their tree house in when they were kids—but Zach and Bo had saved it. Okay, he wanted to know, but he didn’t. That kind of conversation and memory rekindling only fostered intimacy. And he did not need to be going all, “Bro, let’s be friends,” with any of these males. Especially his brother. Bo had grown up and filled out, too. But where Caleb was beefy brawn, Bo was strong, filled out, and muscular. Caleb topped his younger brother by three inches and outweighed him by at least thirty pounds. Yet Bo wore the mantle of alpha with proud integrity. Caleb never thought he’d see the day when his softhearted little brother would take up the family duty. But he had. The power emanated from the younger male even without him trying to wield it. Which meant the Goddess deemed him worthy. Bo was a worthy male. He had never run away from his responsibilities, let his parents die, or almost kill his younger cousin because of the fucking rage. Caleb wasn’t going there. Let it go, his bear rumbled soothingly.

  A sturdy clap on his shoulder had him turning around quickly, ready to face his enemy.

  “Bro, chill.” Bo held his hands up in a relaxed stance. “I’m not trying to fight you.” He laughed. “Besides, you always bested me in our brawls.”

  The tension crept out of his shoulders, but the ache lingered. Caleb released his fists and forced a smile for his younger brother, his alpha. “Sorry, I’m still a bit off.”

  The grin left Bo’s face, and worry etched his features. “Are you okay? We still haven’t had a chance to really catch up.”

  “I’m fine,” he lied through his teeth, but he wanted to ease his brother’s concerns. “I have a lot to process, and I’m a bit hungry. You know me. Hangry bear.”

  Ida laughed and shoved a plate into his hands. “We all remember the hangry bear, cub. Shut up for a second and eat this.” Mirth filled her deep-brown eyes.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He inhaled the delicious roast beef sandwich and took a few deep breaths. Yeah, a guy could get used to this. An aunt who could cook up a mean lunch, every kind of sandwich you wanted. Always leftovers. Family who loved— He stormed over to the trash can to throw away the napkin and placed his plate in the sink as he listened to the chatter around him. Everyone was having fun, at peace, their love and acceptance of each other pouring from them. They all belonged together as a happy little clan. The females joked and laughed at the antics of Jane’s son as he proudly shifted back and forth in front of them. The males drank beer and talked about who-knows-what football team was about to make the playoffs.

  Yeah, he didn’t fit in here. They were being nice to him because he had once lived here with them. But if they really knew what he had done, how he was to blame for all they had been through, they would take a bite out of him and throw him out the door. Warn him to never come back. He did not deserve to be in this house, surrounded by these amazing shifters. Even the tiger was making himself at home. Stone had integrated himself quite easily into their little bear clan, deciding to make Bear Paw River his temporary work site until they shut down the Kentucky facility and rescued the shifter prisoners. They still had plenty more work to do, but they were taking it one step at a time.

  Stone laughed at something Izzy said. One of those smooth laughs that sounded completely catlike and almost sexual and purry.

  A low growl emanated from Caleb’s chest. Stone was making
himself a little too welcome, sniffing around his mate. But you’re not going to accept her anyway, his bear responded.

  We can’t mate her. We’re not worthy, remember?

  Yeah, well, Stone is a fine and worthy male. He’s an alpha from his own pack, he’s strong, intelligent, brave…his bear reasoned. And the females can’t take their eyes off him.


  Oh yeah, even our mate—especially our mate. She seems to think he’s the next Chris Evans.

  Dude from Push or Captain America?

  Definitely, Captain America. His bear beamed. Everyone loves Cap.

  Not helping, he growled.

  Why don’t we go for a run, let them work out their stuff? Maybe they’ll be mated by the time we get back. Do you think their kids will be superhero tigers or royal wolves?

  “Mine!” Caleb roared before surging into the kitchen and baring his fangs at the pretty-boy tiger who was about to lose an eye. Or an arm. Or his dick, if he showed any more fucking interest in his female!

  All talking ceased, and everyone gaped. Stone lazily grinned at him like a fricking cat who’d pissed in his shoes. “Did you have something to add to our conversation, bear? We would love to know your current take on whether technology simplifies life or makes it harder.”

  “Both, depending on what you do with it. And I’m about two seconds away from shoving your tech up your ass if you don’t get away from my female”

  Izzy’s eyes sparkled, and arousal poured from her as he turned from the asshole trying to steal his mate. Then her mouth twisted, and she frowned up at him. “Seriously? Are we doing the cave-bear, hit-the-chick-over-the-head thing now, or did you want to take me out and buy me a drink first?”

  Okay, her mouth conveyed anger, but her body was saying a whole hell of a lot of “come fuck me, big boy.” Which was he supposed to listen to? He turned to Bo, confused.

  “Why don’t you and Izzy take a walk or go into town and grab something to eat?” Bo smiled knowingly and positioned himself between Izzy and Stone, taking the edge off the anger threatening to drive him into crazy-killer-grizzly territory.


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