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The Royal Heir

Page 3

by Tawny Amaya

“I will have to take your word on that,” he chuckled, the sound sending little pinpoints along my skin. “I don’t plan to be here for that.”

  Oh yeah, he was only here for a short time. “Too bad.”

  He looked at me, and I was surprised to see no ill will in his eyes. Was the prince not as bad as I originally thought? I was enjoying making conversation with him. “Too bad,” he repeated.

  I broke our gaze and looked at the closed doors, rubbing my hands over my arms. I could not be having these attraction feelings for him. He was a prince. “What do you do for fun?” I forced out, drawing my mind to something else.

  “Fun?” he asked, a chuckle in his voice. “You mean I am allowed to have fun?”

  I looked at him, grinning. “And allowed to joke apparently as well.”

  He laughed. “We have celebrations, much like you do, and enjoy some soccer on occasion.”

  I arched a brow. “Soccer? You play soccer?”

  “Not anymore,” he said regret on his face. “There are some things my father draws a line against.”

  “I take it you are an only child.”

  His grin was quick. “You didn’t read that on the internet?”

  I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to flip him off. One could do that to a royal family member, right? “Humor me.”

  “I am an only child,” he answered. “And it would be a sign of weakness to have a broken leg wandering throughout the palace.”

  I thought about the palace that I had found during my research. It was massive and compared to my little apartment; I couldn’t fathom growing up in a place like that. “What would you be if you weren’t a prince?”

  He arched a brow. “No one has ever asked me that before.”

  I shrugged. “I would be on Broadway if I could sing and dance. Everyone has something they would like to do.”

  He thought for a moment. “I would be a businessman, some type of trader I think. I enjoy the business side of things.”

  I frowned. “I told you I would dance on Broadway and you want to crunch numbers for a living? Really?”

  He laughed. “Okay, maybe I would be a professional soccer player on the side. Is that better?”

  “Much better.” I stuck out my hand to him. “I am Carrie by the way.”

  He reached over and grasped my hand lightly, sending a massive shiver throughout my entire body. His hand was warm and firm as he shook mine and I fought not to caress it just a little bit longer. “Erik.”

  “Can I call you by your first name?” I asked, releasing his hand reluctantly.

  He shrugged. “Sure. Why can’t you?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to remind him that he was a prince, but I held back, not wanting to pick a fight with him again. Despite my early reservations, I was enjoying this conversation with him. I could sit here all night and talk to him.

  “Tell me something about you now, Carrie.”

  “You don’t want to hear about me.” My life was nowhere near as exciting as his was.

  “I can’t research you,” he grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. “So, you must tell me.”

  I sighed. “I’m the only child. My parents live in New Jersey, and I don’t see them nowhere near as much as I should.” I was so busy with the hotel that I only saw them on the holidays or unless they came to the city, which was rarely. I couldn’t blame them. They had a nice little farm in the country, and the city had no draw to them whatsoever. “I’ve worked here since I graduated high school.”

  “Really,” Erik said, looking impressed. “I bet you know everything about this hotel then.”

  I held up the red button. “Apparently everything but how to fix the elevator.”

  He smiled at me. “Not everyone can be perfect.”

  I laughed. “This must be your first elevator shut in then.”

  He opened his mouth to answer, but the elevator suddenly jerked to life, moving down as it was supposed to in the first place. “We’re moving,” he remarked, pushing up off the floor. I reluctantly did the same, really wanting to stop the elevator again. I had enjoyed my time in the space with the prince. Surprising, yes, but he was probably the first person in a long while that I had strung together more than a few sentences. Besides, he led such an interesting life, and I was dying to know what it was like to be him.

  The door dinged open, and I blew out a breath as his uncle came into view, surrounded by a ton of security.

  Chapter 8: Erik


  My uncle looked beyond pissed, and I thought about closing the doors to the elevator once more, jamming them so I didn’t have to face his wrath and could carry on this conversation with Carrie. I had enjoyed my time away from what I knew as my life and with her, feeling far calmer than I would have with a midnight run.

  “Erik,” my uncle seethed, catching a glimpse of Carrie behind me. “What the bloody hell are you doing?”

  I stood a bit straighter, glaring at him. “I was getting some air and got trapped in the elevator. What the hell did you think had happened?”

  He ignored my pointed question, pointing a finger at Carrie. “This is all your fault.”

  Her eyes widened, and I cursed inwardly. “M-my fault? I didn’t make the elevator stop working.”

  “You want to ruin him,” he growled. “I will have your job.”

  She paled, and I stepped between them, tired of hearing his threats. He had done a great deal of them lately. “You will not do anything to that extent. It’s not her fault.”

  “It is her fault!”

  I stared him down, feeling my own anger start to rear its ugly head. “You will cease talking about firing her. Had it not been for Carrie, I might not be as levelheaded as I am right now.”

  He shut his mouth blessedly, and I cleared my throat. “And I was only looking to go for a run. My detail was well aware of my plans.”

  His eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he looked at me. My answer apparently did not make him any happier, and I found myself not caring. “I thought I made it clear that you were to have your detail no matter where you go in this godforsaken city! This is not Maltan.”

  I stepped closer. “I’m well aware of that.”

  He stared at me for a moment longer before clearing his throat. “Yes well.”

  I didn’t wait for him to finish, turning toward a wide-eyed Carrie. “Thank you,” I said, bowing slightly. She didn’t ask for what, but I knew she could figure it out. Straightening, I turned back to my uncle and the detail. “I’m ready to retire.”

  His expression darkened, but he stepped aside, allowing me to storm down the hall to the stairs. I didn’t care if he followed me or not. Back in the suite, I retreated to my bedroom, stripping off the minimal clothing I had on and climbed in the bed, feeling suddenly weary. Even the horns outside weren’t bothering me anymore. How dare he think he was above me? I wasn’t some kid he was mentoring any longer. I was a grown-ass man, capable of making my own decisions and taking care of myself. Yes, I understood I was a royal family member of Maltan, and there might be that one person looking to make a statement and kill me or something. The chances of that happening were very, very slim, but I couldn’t convince anyone of that, not even in Maltan. That was why I wasn’t playing soccer any longer. I had been too embarrassed to tell Carrie that the other players didn’t treat me fairly, giving me the ball and allowing me to score easily.

  All because I was a prince, their future ruler. I fucking hated it.

  I wanted to be treated like an equal in those cases, much like Carrie had done to my ire. She had ignored the fact that I was a prince, talking to me like I was any other guy in this city. I loved that fact.

  Stretching my arms behind my head, I looked up at the darkened ceiling. Too bad there weren’t more of Carrie at Maltan. Though I had grown up there, life was so vastly different for me compared to my classmates. I had no friends, no one that I was close to that wasn’t family. It was a damn lonely existence.

bsp; And my uncle. I frowned as I thought about him. He had grown a bit crazed lately to keep me in that straight and narrow line. Perhaps when I got back to Maltan, I would have a discussion with my father about him. I believed that it was time that I reassigned Uncle Fredo.

  Closing my eyes, Carrie’s face floated across my thoughts. She truly was something spectacular tonight. Not only did she make me feel comfortable, but she also was engaging in her conversation. What I wouldn’t give to have a few more hours with her. It would make this trip much more bearable.


  The next morning, I walked out of the bedroom, finding my uncle sitting in the living room, papers scattered all around him. “Good morning,” I said as I walked to the small sideboard that was set up, pouring myself a cup of coffee. After a fitful night’s sleep, I needed the entire pot.

  “Good morning Erik,” he said, eyeing my casual clothes. “Will you be ready for later?”

  I took a fortifying sip before I answered him. “Of course. I need to catch up on some work before I make my way.”

  He nodded and stood, clasping his hands behind his back. “Regarding last night.”

  I waved my hand in the air before he could even answer. “It’s fine. All I request is some lax detail for the remainder of the trip.”

  He looked none too happy about the request, but the short nod told me he would at least attempt to do so. “I am going out for an engagement. I trust you can stay out of the elevator for the time being?”

  I grinned, hiding it behind the coffee cup. “I think I can do that.”

  He nodded once more, and I watched as he exited the suite, drawing in a breath as the door shut. Well, at least he wasn’t stepping up security or sending us all home.

  Chapter 9: Carrie

  “Yes Mrs. Hanston, the elevator is perfectly fine to use. We had it inspected this morning. I understand your concerns, but it is working just fine now. Thank you.”

  I hung up the phone, running a hand over my face in frustration and lack of sleep. This morning, the entire hotel was abuzz about the elevator and that the VIP guest had gotten stuck on it with an unnamed woman. Of course, a handful knew it was me, which made me want to crawl into a hole and hide out for a while. Everyone had questions about the prince, but I wasn’t giving out any information. He had been polite, charming even and had saved my job. I wasn’t going to breathe a word to anyone what had happened in the elevator.

  “Oh my god Carrie. Is it true? Is that why you were so late coming in this morning?”

  I looked up to see Jeanie standing at the desk; her bag slung over her shoulder. She had been asleep when I got in at two this morning, and I had fallen straight to sleep, even calling in for two hours so I could get some additional shut eye. We hadn’t seen each other this morning, Jeanie normally coming in right before lunch, which was when the bar opened. “Not you too.”

  “So, it is true!” she squealed, her eyes bright with excitement. “So, how was he? Was he fabulous? Did you find out how much he’s worth? What kind of questions did you ask him?”

  “Jeanie, please,” I sighed, grabbing a stack of papers and straightening them. “He’s just a man.”

  “Just a man?” she asked, her eyes widening. “He’s a prince, Carrie! That’s huge.”

  I thought back to last night. No, he was more of just a guy than a prince once I had him calmed down. What I didn’t like was that my dreams had been filled with that sexy smile of his and those eyes, gah I could get lost in those eyes. Shaking out of my thoughts, I looked up at my best friend. “He’s just a man, Jeanie, just a man.”

  She blew out a breath, giving me a look that meant she was not going to drop this topic anytime soon. “Fine. Keep your secrets. We both know you will spill them over wine later anyway.”

  I rolled my eyes as she flounced away, knowing she was probably right. I couldn’t hold my words when I drank wine. Why did it have to be me in that elevator? Now I was thinking of the prince in an entirely different light, calling him by his first name. That was so not what I wanted to happen.

  “Get out of my way! What are you pulling in that suitcase anyway?”

  I looked up to see Erik’s uncle striding through the lobby angrily, yelling at an innocent couple that just happened to get in his way. Behind him followed two of his detail team and they did happen to at least look apologetic to the couple as they passed. Darn. Had I missed Erik striding through? Despite my concerns about him filling my thoughts all night while I slept, I had been looking forward to seeing him this morning. To apologize. I had been quite rude to him, and now that we had that one instance in the elevator, I felt like I had seen a different side of him, one that was a bit more tolerable.

  Not only that, our elevator had trapped him. That was enough to deserve an apology.

  Putting down the papers, I walked back to my office and grabbed the basket I had put together this morning before coming to work, a way of apology that I was going to give him. It was filled with all the touristy New York stuff, but I thought that it would be something he could take back.

  If his uncle didn’t trash It first.

  I walked out of the office and rode the newly maintained elevator to the fifth floor, glad to see that some of the detail was gone from the floor. Good. I would leave it in his bedroom real quick, and there would be no questions asked.

  I slid my key into the door and walked into the suite, glad to see that they hadn’t trashed it. I would have the maid service come clean it now that they were gone and hopefully it would smooth over any remaining ill feelings toward the hotel. And to me. I needed for the rest of their stay to be uneventful.

  Walking to one of the bedrooms, I hoped I was picking out the right one and not leaving this in his uncle’s room instead. I could just hear him now, accusing me of bribery or break in, whichever carried the stiffer punishment. Oh, why was I kidding myself? He would have me fired regardless.

  The room was empty, and I quickly walked over to the bedside table, setting the basket there. Perfect. Erik would see it as soon as he entered.

  “Is this turn down service early?”

  I whirled around, my heart hammering in my chest as I took in Erik in the bathroom doorway. Oh, dear god, he was only wearing a towel, one that was barely hanging on by a thread to his slim hips. My eyes traveled over his broad shoulders, sculpted chest and abs until they were focused on that white scrap hiding the rest of him. My mouth went dry as I thought about what was behind that towel, my eyes snapping back to his face a second later. “I, um, I thought you were already gone.”

  He chuckled, and I felt my knees wobble slightly as he walked into the bedroom, not bothering to hold the towel into place. “As you can see I am not gone yet. What is of question is why you are here, Carrie?”

  Chapter 10: Erik

  I was shocked as hell to see Carrie standing by my bed, my first thought being how easy it would be to have her fall onto it, stripping her modest black dress from her body and having my way with her while she moaned in my ear. She had been in every thought and dream since I walked out of that elevator this morning and I was already looking forward to seeing her at some point today.

  I just hadn’t imagined it would be like this.

  She pointed to a basket on my bedside table. “I, um, I brought this to apologize for the elevator. It’s not much, but I thought it would be a good way to, um, remember New York.”

  I gave the basket a cursory glance before my eyes were back on her. “Thanks. That is very thoughtful of you. My father will be glad I brought him back something.”

  She flushed, and I nearly chuckled aloud. She was right embarrassed, and I could care less. I wasn’t ashamed of my body or having a beautiful woman ogle it the way she had just seconds ago. “Well, I guess I better leave you so you can, so you can put clothes on.”

  I made a great show of adjusting the towel, watching as her eyes widened. Did she want to see what was behind the towel? I might be so inclined to show her if I knew she woul
dn’t go screaming out of the suite. “Thank you for the basket, Carrie.”

  “Y-your welcome,” she said, finding the apparent strength to move, now adverting her eyes as she fled out of the room. I waited until the main door shut loudly before I let out a laugh, removing the towel and reaching for my trousers on the bed, shoving my legs in them and painfully buttoning them over my aching cock. I hadn’t felt this way, reacted this way, to a woman in quite a while, but the more I interacted with Carrie, the more I wanted from her. She was a distraction, a beautiful one at that.

  Grabbing my dress shirt, I shrugged it on, working on the buttons. I shouldn’t be focused on her. I had come here for a reason, and today, that reason is starting. I was representing my future title, my future crown. I would be smart to remember that.

  However, Carrie wasn’t far from my thoughts. Looking over at the basket, I smiled. That was a test of her character, to feel bad about what happened to give me something like this. Sure, it was filled with the cheesy touristy things, such as the I heart NYC shirts and key chains, but she had thought enough to do it, and I wasn’t lying when I had said that about my father. He wanted me to bring something back from the city. Now he had an entire basket full of shit to go through. He was going to be ecstatic.

  I quickly finished dressing, strapping on my watch and looking at the time. Any moment my security detail would be here to escort me to the UN. My uncle had made it clear I would not go anywhere else but from the suite to the car, flanked by no less than two guards. Afterward, they would escort me to the restaurant he had chosen for dinner. I much preferred to come back to the hotel and attempt to get myself stuck in the elevator again.

  With a sigh, I adjusted the cuffs of my suit coat as I walked out of the bedroom, just in time to see the detail coming through the door. “You ready your highness?” one of them asked.

  I nodded, and they stepped aside, allowing me to exit the room before shutting the door behind me. I paused briefly as I looked at the elevator, pointing to the stairs instead. “I would prefer the stairs today.”


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